van-essa5168d ago (Edited 5168d ago )

The game looks really good and it's a day one purchase for sure, but I wish the animations and voice acting were done by Naughty Dog or Pixar, that would have made it simply perfect.

AnttiApina5168d ago

I don't have a 360, but it seems that I have to borrow one for this game!

I could see every single pop culture reference, even the cop cuffee drop (The Usual Suspect).

Bloody amazing! Never seen a developer doing so much TV and Movie related references (except MGS games).

StanLee5168d ago (Edited 5168d ago )

Mind blowing is an understatement. Remedy and Microsoft may have just hit a home run. If you weren't sold on Alan Wake before, you certainly will be now.

presto7175168d ago

I couldn't see anything ground breaking or revolutionary. Or maybe it will be better at launch.

Godmars2905168d ago (Edited 5168d ago )

They do look good, but more terrain deformations/animations would be more impressive.

It was offering groundbreaking when it was on PC.

TROLL EATER5168d ago

ALAN wake seems to define a modern triple A game


Damn, that is very impressive. Looks like a must own for 360 owners...

5168d ago
Eamon5168d ago (Edited 5168d ago )

The cinematics, lighting, mood and soundtrack look really groundbreaking here.

The graphics have obviously been dumbed down a lot since the last few trailers. I guess that's due to the fact they've cancelled the PC development.

I'm just hoping the actual gameplay itself will be up to Remedy's high standards.

BTW, the voice acting in Uncharted 2 were done by real actors/actresses. Not Naughty Dog lol.

StanLee5168d ago (Edited 5168d ago )

You're ridiculous, the graphic could not have been dumbed down because the PC version was never far along in development to ever be shown save for early development prototypes! What kind of stupid comment is that?!


What I'm saying is think before you talk! How could it have been dumbed down? There was no PC version so what was shown earlier is of the same XBox 360 build. If you're saying the earlier direct feed screens and trailers were a better quality than this youtube video, that's different!

Eamon5168d ago (Edited 5168d ago )

woah, chill down StanLee.

It's just my observation here. I'm comparing what I saw in the trailer to some early screenshots and trailers.
And just to let you know, when developers "develop" games, they use PCs. So, for example, the character model of Alan Wake and some characters have looked better in early trailers such as having more polygons. Regardless of what you feel, this is my real opinion here.

So relax a bit.
I'm sorry for insulting your mothe-I mean game.

gaffyh5168d ago

I wouldn't say mind-blowing just yet (because we don't know whether those cutscenes are pre-rendered), but it definitely looks awesome.

Also this look super expensive, the guy mentions that they have licensed music and mixed it with specifically made music, and graphically this is easily the best looking 360 game (ME2 comes close though) I've ever seen (much much better than Splinter Cell or Halo. Fact).

Been waiting for this game for a long time, hope it delivers, it definitely looks like it's going to.

5168d ago
Jaces5168d ago

Hell yes!

I cannot wait! I love how they are focusing on more than just the combat. Deep and intriguing story, characters, environment and how it reacts, the lighting effects, and the soundtrack. Remedy, rock my world please. :D

kneon5168d ago

The cut scenes look good, but they didn't show enough of the game play to have a solid opinion on that.

But the narrative sucked, it didn't do anything to get me interested in this game. I'm sure it's a better game than what was presented in this video.

005168d ago

okay at first I was unsure of Alan Wake because of its genre, but after seeing this I will have to play it.

Eamon5168d ago (Edited 5168d ago )

@ StanLee, you said think before you talk. I'm actually typing which therefore makes "reading" my views one of the easiest ways of misunderstanding someone. I am not trying to bash Alan Wake at all. In fact, I'm looking forward to it.

If what you're saying is true (about all the early builds and screenshots were from 360), then I was never aware of that. But regardless of whether or not it was on PC, I am very certain that the graphics have been dumbed down. But hell! Graphics don't make a game. Gameplay does.

@ van-essa, wtf?

Christopher5168d ago

Looks good, but not mind blowing.

The game looks like a good, taught thriller and I'm interested in that. I can't say it's a top-notch story, but it looks like one so far. The gameplay is what bothers me the most, though. I'm just not on board with the concept yet and some things bother me (no death from setting off a propane tank right next to you; only slight damage from getting hit by a large object; etc.). I'll be waiting for the reviews and will hopefully add another game to my 360 library when this releases.

Boody-Bandit5168d ago (Edited 5168d ago )

the more I see of it the more I am leaning towards a first day purchase. It looks like one of those games that should be played in a dark room, home alone, with the sound cranked. Good thing I have a man cave.

Red_Orange_Juice5168d ago (Edited 5168d ago )

was it ever before mentioned that there is a book he's written and he's not aware of it? because that was the part of spoilers

AnttiApina5168d ago

@Above, it has been know for since the game was annouced that the writings come true. The spoilers were fake.

EVILDEAD3605168d ago

Up until now Alan just reminded me of Silent Hill 2..which I was always a huge fan of.

But, I hadn't really seen what Remedy was agonizing over all these years..but WOW again..this trailer changed my mind entirely..

I loved the Heavy Rain QTE experience..but i'm a old school Resident Evil and Silent Hill Survival horror type guy..I love to actually play through the intense sections of games..and even though the character models arent the greatest seen in a video game..the Triple A quality of what Remedy is trying to pull off shines through

This one might be a sleeper (Alan pun inteneded)


Strikepackage Bravo5168d ago

here, looks like the gameplay actually looks better than the cut scenes!?!?!

Varodor5168d ago

long awaited post of Varodor will set new bar in fanboyism))

lowcarb5168d ago

Alan Wake doesn't need to be like any other game just itself ! Right now from this footage the world of Wake leaves all other similar games in the dirt. This is just another reason to own a 360 and put an end to the myth of 360 being a lesser console. Some of those areas looked almost real and seem to have an immersion feeling unseen before in gaming. 2010 is the year of 360 folks so quit hating haters lol.

forcefullpower5168d ago

The trailers look good and give me an incentive to get the game. My concern at the moment is not the gameplay or story as i think it will be good. It weather they are going to try and charge me £40 for a 1/4 of the game.

Has anyone heard if this is the full game with additional episodes or is this going to be split up into 4 parts?

Like they did with Siren

FragMnTagM5168d ago (Edited 5168d ago )

when they see something absolutely amazing that they cannot play due to console preference. Seriously, there is nothing to hate on here, this game looks like a complete and perfect package and I expect no less from such a talented developer.

I got goosebumps watching that. This is day one purchase for me. A note on the graphics, watch the HD version on youtube. If you don't think the graphics are good, well that is due to you only owning a certain console.

But what can I say, haters are always going to hate, they don't know any better.

5168d ago
lowcarb5168d ago

Alan Wake is still open world but only during the day from what I read somewhere. You can try and write Stan Lee off as non credible but your comment is no different because none of us know the whole truth yet. One thing that's for certain is that Wake actually looks better in some ways then it use to. Maybe you should think before calling people out next time hey?

ProjectVulcan5168d ago (Edited 5168d ago )

For whatever reason im still not totally sold. Its not one of those games that grabs my attention and smacks my face around and says SEE! SEE! Im triple A! looks like a slow burning thriller. Like a good book or a slow paced movie which doesnt necessarily leap out the screen and blow your head off but pulls you in slowly. Lets hope this is true of alan wake.

IaMs125168d ago

Wow this has just sold me on the game, i am very excited for Alan Wake now

Kleptic5168d ago

Only thing I find disappointing is that its rated T?...Remedy was always awesome at over the top violence...I thought this would be that way too...

everything else looks awesome imo...

Inside_out5168d ago

Well, there you have it....If after that clip your not a fan of this game, you never will be...PERIOD....

Kudo's to Remedy for bringing in some outside help for the facial stuff...1:49 and 3:32 are outstanding....nothing I've scene even comes close...The way the old guy moves and speaks, all the tremors and such, just incredible and the girl/lady crying at the end was as artistic as I've scene this gen....INCREDIBLE....So many different environments with such attention to detail...this game is art....

Always thought this game was gonna be epic IF they could tie the story to the game play...AMAZING trailer....maybe too amazing....I hope they leave some stuff to our imagination...alot of spoilers in that clip....Narrator was for the non gamer types in the

Haters will hate...plain and simple...this game will have a big impact...M$ delivers again...this game must of cost a fortune...May seems so far away....

Greywulf5168d ago (Edited 5168d ago )

I'm sorry. Im glad Remedy is making another game, but usually you don't find a narrator/PR guy telling you the game is amazing.. and have it repeated here.

Thats astonishing.

Redempteur5168d ago

good for those waiting for the game .
i must admit the game looks good.

The presentation in the trailer really want me to play it ..and i despise "explanations trailers " like that one .. i don't need explanations all the way during a trailer ... just show me some parts of the game without spoiling too much ..

anyway's a nice game dunno about the thriller part of the game ( hard to tell ) but at least it seems to live up to the time it took to be done

JokesOnYou5168d ago

This game is looking, story and gameplay if you're a gamer you got to love what Remedy has put together= Alan Wake.


Sunny_D5168d ago

I liked it! The narrator really did give it a nice movie feel. It also felt like a Stephen King movie which I love. Maybe his book The Shining was an inspiration for the writer's block.

InfectedDK5168d ago

Good graphics..
But a bit booring too imo..
With some exciting history related things too though..
Could become a good game for the box..
I think it'll score between 8 - 9,5 out of 10 in most reviews..
But the box needs some good games..
I'll just stick with GoW III for now.. Heavy Rain later..

LinuxGuru5168d ago

Why was my previous comment deleted? It was relevant and regarding another user's comment.

Alan Wake WAS in fact dumbed down for the 360. Original footage was the PC version running on Intel Quad Core with 4GB of RAM.

I'm just stating fact. There's no way a game originally shown on a high-end dev PC will fit into an Xbox 360 with 1 less processor with way less cache and half the video memory and 1/8th the total system memory, looking as good as the devs originally had planned.

I can guarantee corners have been cut, and aspects of the game HAVE been changed.

IdleLeeSiuLung5168d ago

I'm wondering if this will be the next Bioshock 1 in terms of storytelling and mood. I decided to pre-order this game in advance of the review and even got 25% off the game at Gamestop (I almost never buy anything there). Total after s&h + tax was $65 for the Limited/Collector's Edition.

Bioshock 2 wasn't as good as the first and the storyline was poorly done. Glad I'm trading it back in to

Therealspy035168d ago

Someone please explain to me why the ps3 guys have this compulsion to go into articles about games completely unrelated to their system and then bring up games that have nothing to do with the article. i don't care, at all, that you're about to play heavy rain, or that you are currently playing heavy rain.

it's completely off topic and isn't interesting.

and look at all the disagrees the first few comments have just for saying the game looks great...which it does. obviously there is a certain group of people determined to shut down any opinion about the quality of the graphics in a game that is exclusive to the 360. maybe because this game dispels the false belief that only ps3 can do this level of quality. some people are so ridiculous.

nnotdead5168d ago

i agree but the same thing happens i PS3 and Wii storys so...

cayal5168d ago

Looks really good, definitely a Silent Hill style atmosphere, and as a big Silent Hill fan, that can't be a bad thing.

AAACE55168d ago

Before I saw this new vid, I didn't give a s*** about Alan Wake! I don't know what did it, but it has my full attention now! I thought because it has been in development for so long it would turn out kinda bad like Too Human. But it's clear that Remedy has been putting in good work on this one.

kneon5167d ago


Don't go pointing fingers at just the PS3 fanboys, there are such morons on all sides.

I don't have an XBox yet but I read many of the XBox related news articles. I want to see what's happening as I'm waiting for a reason to buy an Xbox. It's not a cost issue, I've spent more than the cost of an elite in the past 6 weeks just on games, it's just that I have no reason to buy one yet.

So far no XBox exclusive game has compelled me to buy one. The few games that seemed interesting I bought for PC, and even those were not that amazing. Someday there will be a game that will make me want an XBox. It may be that Alan Wake could be it, but this video isn't doing it for me. There was no wow factor at all. I'll have to wait and see some real game play for more than 2 seconds or try it first.

Noble Spartan5167d ago


Damn this game looks amazing. Epic ! Need to play this. PS3 owners I advise you to get hold of this also. You know its too good to be true.

Noble Spartan5167d ago

Remedy has surpassed the graphical bar! Damn the graphics are amazing.

Surpassed movie like storytelling in games.

huzzaahh5167d ago (Edited 5167d ago )

@ Therealspy03

You do realize that the trailer is all pre-rendered right? So, in other words, there is really nothing too special about the graphics in this game. It looks good, but it doesn't look as good as you seem to think.

+ Show (44) more repliesLast reply 5167d ago
qface645168d ago

the word mind blowing has been thrown around so much lately it literally means nothing to me

Mike134nl5168d ago

mind-blowing - intensely affecting the mind or emotions

LastDance5168d ago

so he has writers block and goes to quiet town to remedy this...Pages of a book he cant remember writing are coming to life...if the ending is a IT'S ALL IN HIS HEAD type, I would be very dissapointed.

weazel5168d ago (Edited 5168d ago )

Yup. Hyperbole much?
"The kind of cinematic atmosphere only seen on tv and in the movies". Ahhhh,see in my mind, games have had the better of both of these medium (on the whole) for a while, and these fluff pieces just tend to annoy me.
Still, it looks pretty interesting, and seems to be the type of game that I really go for, but mind-blowing? Statements like that are why everyone seems to have a sh*tfit if a game 'only' receives a 9.5 instead of a 10. Lets go back to the days of "It looks really good", and let people enjoy the games for what they are, instead of being told how/what they should think.

ndibu5168d ago

No, no that's a Sony exclusive. Those kinda fits and death threats are reserved for when a sony exclusive is rated lower than 9.6

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5168d ago
ArcFatalix5168d ago

Alan Wake is phenomenal be happy for 360 owners. not everyone is a fanboy.

I might support the ps3, but this game totally is fcking GOTY material.

mesh15168d ago

CONFIRMED best looking console game this generation! not to mention its not a cprridor shooter like most ps3 exclusives ! this is what happens when u take 5 years with 50 man power to build a engine specialy for the360! or i forgot killzone 2/ucnarted 1and 2 their endine took 4+years to make with a man powe rof 200 cant fool adults only sonyfanboy kids

Montrealien5168d ago

I enjoyed Alone in the Dark, and Alan Wake looks great.

what`s your point? Oh that right, you don`t have one because you live in IIIIImmmmaaaagggination land!

lh_swe5168d ago (Edited 5168d ago )

1. Alan wake is not Alone in the Dark one is a good game and the other is phenomenal. But you'd die before admitting Alan Wake being a great game wouldn't you Hellsvacancy?

2. Best graphics this gen confirmed by whom? you mesh?

3. And by what standards have you judged the graphics of GoW III, Uncharted 1&2, Killzone 2 etc? None perhaps because you don't own a PS3 and all you are spewing is fanboy BS! Now shut the f*** up! Go to bed, sleep it off and perhaps take a second or two to think about what comes out of your mouth.

Hellsvacancy5168d ago (Edited 5168d ago )

Dont u bloody well tell me wot i like/dislike coz u aint gotta clue man, im a hard mofo 2 please, Alan Wake doesnt look like anyhin, its gonna b a game youll complete in 8hours and not hav much reason 2 play it again after, would b a rental 4-me (even if it was on the PS3) same goes for God Of War 3, soon as complete it ill probably trade it in

Games i intend on buyin go as follows, Read Dead 2, Mafia 2, Fallout: Vegas, Rage, Last Guardian and GT5 (oh add FF-Versus aswell, if it ever cums out)

EVERY thin-else will b a rental

lh_swe5167d ago

I'm sorry all I heard was I am a fanboy and wont play 360 exclusives because I am an annoying little fanboy.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5167d ago
Sci Fi Superfly5168d ago

The game looks promising so the soundtrack as well

Can't wait for it !!!

5168d ago Replies(5)
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Gamer buys 4,000 copies of Alan Wake, none of them work

Alan Wake, from Max Payne and Control creator Remedy, is a horror classic, prompting one player to buy 4,000 copies that don’t even work.

Read Full Story >>
roadkillers46d ago

Kind of a goody story...

On a serious note, that is why I try activating gift cards asap. It's happened to me where the store didnt scan it right where the card was unusuable. Happened at Wally World.

gigoran846d ago

wait, that place is real? national lampoon wasn't kidding?

Tacoboto45d ago

I just bought two of the MonsterVerse Godzilla movies on 4K - both had digital copies expiring in 2023. Both were actually expired.

I'd be surprised but it's WB, of course they'd actually expire them

Knightofelemia46d ago

Usually most of those redemption card have an expiry date on them. If they expired all buyer did was buy recycled paper. And some of those codes are country locked to certain countries. I buy a card from the States I can't use it in Canada.

Chocoburger46d ago

Dumb and silly story. She wasted her money for no reason.

Is it really that hard to go to Steam or GOG. She spent $240, when its currently 70% off on GOG, and only costs $4.49.

Gee, I wonder, should I spend $240 on eBay, or $4.49 on GOG? 🙄

Rynxie45d ago

Most likely she wanted to resell a few or most of them. However, it was a too good to be true situation.

45d ago
Profchaos45d ago

So in short she paid $240.00 assuming usd for a bunch on unactivated game codes.

I still don't understand why I guess cause there's not a physical version and she wanted something for a collection or art project.

Rynxie45d ago

No, most likely to resell. However, she ended up getting screwed.

Asplundh45d ago

This is Alan Wake 1, it had physical copies.

Show all comments (19)

Previously On... Alan Wake

Alan Wake 2 continues the writer's story, 13 years later.


A thermos is upending the Alan Wake community

Remedy has Alan Wake merch on sale, including a pretty blue thermos. Unfortunately, things haven’t gone according to plan, and many players who want a thermos find themselves without one, though it does appear that Remedy is attempting to fix things. Nevertheless, it has resulted in a lot of upset, illustrating just how much the thermos means to Alan Wake fans.

Read Full Story >>