DrRobotnik5177d ago

It look likes Super Metroid on steroids.

Gago5177d ago

you can tell team ninja worked on this

Omega Archetype5177d ago

It looks incredible! Can't wait!

Even though it looks amazing, I'm trying to not get my hopes up cause you never know it may not be consistent in it's quality. I hope that doesn't happen, but that's why I'm taming my excitement.

Luckily for us Metroid fans, it's only a few months away.

Army_of_Darkness5177d ago

This game looks awesome!!! dammit! why did it have to be on the wii :(
now I gotta settle with quantrum theory...

presto7175177d ago (Edited 5177d ago )

After seeing this trailer I'm like

"Can I request an overnight delivery to..."

Gue15177d ago (Edited 5177d ago )

Super Metroid it's way too awesome for the gamers of today and too good to be compared to this action based game. Steroids my ass, this game not gonna reach the perfection of Super Metroid.

I'm not saying that the game will not be good but that I don't believe any new Nintendo game will be as awesome as their older counterparts. No Zelda game will be as awesome as Ocarina of Time or Link to the Past, no Mario game will be as awesome as Mario Bros 3 or Mario 64, no Metroid game will be as awesome as Super Metroid.

Smash Bros Wii was awesome because the concept from the first game was intact. It was the same game but with new characters and better graphics but Prime 3 was a disappointment and the same with Galaxy. I don't like this new ultra kiddy and super easy Mario.

AWBrawler5177d ago

I'm guessing it has something to do with Gunpei Yakoi creating it during his time with Nintendo, and it being first party

Danteh5177d ago

I'm really likin the super fast gameplay, if Zelda Wii also turns to be a masterpiece, maybe Nintendo can redeem themselves this gen :)

menoyou5177d ago

looks great but the wii controller will feel like crap when playing this game.

NOOBKILLA5177d ago

Woooow!!!! There is now officially a Wii game that will make me tell my daughters, "No, daddy is playing the Wii today!!" Holy Crap that was hot!

Gen0ne5177d ago

I kinda had my lip stuck out about the control scheme ( I really wanted nunchuck support ) but after seeing the game in motion, I am officially impressed.

The wait... oh God, the wait.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 5177d ago
tunaks15177d ago

this looks so dam awesome
graphics are stunning, and this year is really looking awesome for the Wii

AngryFork5177d ago

Graphics are stunning? Have you seen a PS3/360 game? This game looks like crap visually.

Unless you mean stunning by Wii standards then nevermind. I personally think NSMBWii and Galaxy look way better than this, and by way I mean a landslide.

presto7175177d ago

Imagine this in full HD. Damn!! Gameplay looks awesome though.

RedPawn5177d ago

Can't the game just be fun, and for an old IP. Hell I was skeptical, but $Hit it does look fun.

I will add this to the list of Pre-Orders.

rawrockkillz5177d ago

WOW!! This game looks amazing!

Sigh5177d ago

looks really good. It's like a mixture of old school Metroid + Metroid Prime, just damn awesome. Plus I like the controls, holding the wiimote sideways, i enjoyed playing NSMB that way :D

EvilTwin5177d ago

I just had an epic hypegasm. Anyone have a smoke?

Jesus H. Christ. Speechless. I'm sorry for ever doubting you, Sakamoto-san. But next time, don't release this while I'm at work. Everyone is wondering why I'm a slack jawed fool.

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bunt-custardly503d ago

Nioh games definitely up there at the top alongside Ninja Gaiden BLK.

LoveSpuds503d ago

There is a decent fan base for the Nioh games, but still think they are criminally overlooked and under appreciated.

I just bought the PS5 collection to replay them again with all their DLC, a sweet collection for my games shelf for sure.

deleted503d ago

Yea, those gardens haven't been plowed in over 10 years now though. Imagine if they cultivated it, let it grow again.

Starman69503d ago

Amazing what ya can do with a samurai sword lol 🤣

tehpees3503d ago

The honourable mention though.

TheSenorCheese503d ago

originally it wasn't going to be included because of their take on Samus' character. But the gameplay's actually not bad.

Vits502d ago

Honestly, I don't know if we can even blame them for that take. Nintendo's Sakamoto was credited as the writer and from what we learned later with the Retro Studios interviews for the Prime series, Nintendo apparently never saw Samus as this stoic badass that most of the west imagined her as. Going as far as describing her as "motherly".

shinoff2183503d ago

Ninja Gaiden was dope but I don't really care for alot of their games.

503d ago
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Reggie originally thought Metroid: Other M would be a "killer moment" for the series

Former Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime reflects on Metroid: Other M and his initial high hopes for the game.

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NecrumOddBoy749d ago

Well it almost killed Metroid so…

PhillyDillyDee748d ago

Yeah we all loved how you took a stoic badass and turned her into a whiny shrew. All those writers should be sacked.

Terry_B748d ago

Sometimes, I doubt that Reggie was that great for Nintendo after all.

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2D Metroid Retrospective: Bring on the Remakes

VGChartz's Paul Broussard: "The early-mid 2000s saw something of a golden age for Metroid games. After an eight year hiatus, Metroid burst back onto the scene in dramatic fashion. Largely buoyed by the critical and financial success of Metroid Prime (at least, relative to other Metroid releases), Metroid saw a whopping six new titles between 2002 and 2007, as well as one rather bizarre pinball spin-off that wound up being much better than it had any right to be. Metroid had never been this popular before."

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Highrevz967d ago

Never though the day would come where I say this but I’d be fine with having every 2D Metroid remade the way Dread plays.


I just want them all in the Switch.