
New Alan Wake clip 'Harvester of Sorrow'

The new clip of Alan Wake

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GR8 15204d ago

WOW! this game graphics are really up there with UC2 and GOW3, the lighting looks amazing. Can't wait for this Blockbuster game!!!

tronz5204d ago (Edited 5204d ago )


"To be clear, none of the existing Xbox 360 games even compares to it, and even on PS3, which have more real exclusive titles, it's hard to find an equivalent. Killzone 2, Uncharted 2, Crysis, these are the few games which can compete with it. Whether it's the real-time projected shadows produced by the essential flashlight (those were obviously missing in Condemned 1 & 2), the total absence of aliasing (720p 4x FSAA), the breathtaking realistic lighting effects, the huge size of certain levels, SSAO, the atmospheric effects, the humongous size of some moving objects, the vegetation which interacts with characters and wind,"

THIS link below has all the videos I could find.

RealityCheck5204d ago

Somebody called?

Seriously, it looks really good. As many have pointed out the lighting which is an important factor in this game looks very well made.

As far as comparisons with UC2 and GOW3, what is the point? People that aren't limiting themselves to one console get to enjoy all those great games.

tronz5204d ago

If you're going to disagree write the real reason. You say why compare these games only because you can't say that those games look better than Alan Wake. If they looked better, then it would be ok to list PS3 games right?

JasonPC360PS3Wii5203d ago

Alan Wake and Metro 2033 are currently unmatched on console.

FangBlade I think you're wearing these

The real killer5202d ago (Edited 5202d ago )

Are you out of you freaking mind?

Uncharted 2 don't use dark or fog to cover the graphics.
I can't see the graphics probably by the way it's so dark and full of fog and also the visual is not to compare with Uncharted 2.

Uncharted has far more detail in more field of depth.
You cannot compare with Uncharted 2 and my god even you compare with GOW3, you are deluding.

Come on, i agree the game will ve very good but compared with PS3 exclusive is just stupid, just like Jason also 360 fanatic supporter who agree all of his 360 lover mate's aka Bungie with him full of accounts to disagree people like me.

Shaman5202d ago

You are mistaking real dynamic lightning coupled with volumetric fog with "hiding" games looks.16.3 embargo on new shoots will be lift,and you will see daytime pictures...

Do you see how dumb sounds if i say that UC2 uses depth of field so it can hide draw distance and details?Yes it sounds dumb because its not true,that game aims for cartonish and colorful art style and Alan Wake is psychological thriller and it needs for atmosphere.

tronz5202d ago (Edited 5202d ago )

Holy cow PS3 fans just took a bubble from GR8 1 for saying that in the last 10 minutes. All the previewers daring to praise the graphics by comparing all say the same thing. This is not going to be a happy place when the reviewers start mentioning the graphics in their reviews.

WhittO5202d ago

Yes this game looks great and seems to have a good quality build to it.

But there is no need to talk down about U2 or K2 etc, each are great (personally I think U2 has the greatest all around visuals of what we have seen so far).

Cold 20005202d ago Show
tronz5202d ago Show
Danteh5202d ago (Edited 5202d ago )

I said it before, the graphix look great and the lightning too, but Uncharted 2 and especially God of War II are light years ahead of it. If you can't see it, you are delusional http://www.gametrailers.com... ---> No comments :D

Props to Alan Wake though, lookin' fine

TheBand1t5202d ago Show
van-essa5202d ago (Edited 5202d ago )

How did a simple Alan Wake footage turn into this "my e-penis is bigger than yours" debate?

The game looks awesome btw.

AllroundGamer5202d ago (Edited 5202d ago )

@GR8 1 you probably didn't see any UC2 or GOW3 footage (and definitely never played those games)...

and why are people so hyped about this game?? all i see is the same gameplay in the darkness, repeating the same moves with the flare, or killing the enemies with flashlight + handgun. Except that, there are only some scripted events taking place... if this are the only gameplay elements in the game, than it is pretty weak... but i guess this game will be played mostly because of the atmosphere.

btw. lol at the disagrees, fanboys are getting angry because i stated some facts :D

PoSTedUP5202d ago (Edited 5202d ago )

and this looks like an awesome game. not for me though. ill be waiting for metr02o33 and socom4, in the mean time... THE Gods r calliNg ME!

TheBand1t5202d ago Show
xTruthx5202d ago

Looking forward to this game, looks fun.

Raf1k15202d ago

They've made excellent use of the lighting in this game. Really makes it look great though I don't really see the use of so much bullet-time. I wonder if the bullet-time is controllable.

beans5202d ago (Edited 5202d ago )

There's no point in arguing over graphics! Alan Wake looks absolutely amazing and to be honest on a whole different level. That vegetation and lighting is what you call sexy!

edit AngryTypingGuy: Yes there a sad bunch and to be honest a bunch I never take serious. Both consoles are great and regardless of how much hate they spit out it will never prove anything.

"Looks like the 360 has some power under the hood that is yet to be seen." http://channel9.msdn.com/sh...

You sir are correct!

IdleLeeSiuLung5202d ago

That clip is enough to make me want to buy this game!

The sound effects were amazing. I'm so stoked about this game. If the reviews come in top notch, I'm buying the Collector's Edition!!!

AngryTypingGuy5202d ago

Don't bother beans, there's no reasoning with the kids on this board, and they indeed are kids. They never want to acknowledge anything remotely good from MS. Their feeble minds are incapable of accepting the fact that both consoles have their pros and cons. They think that Sony LOVES them, and in turn they have this scary allegiance to Sony, a CORPORATION that, just like MS, would take your last dime if they could. They'll realize that one day when they grow up.

"This technical mastery leaves us deploring Microsoft's choice not to favor more real exclusive titles for its console, as it shows how powerful the Xbox 360 is and how poor multiplatforms engines can be." -- Looks like the 360 has some power under the hood that is yet to be seen.

5202d ago
beans5202d ago (Edited 5202d ago )

The only ones waiting are the ones stuck in 3rd year after year! Also good things come to those who wait, heck PS3 fanboys waited years for KZ2 and even longer for an online still years behind live!

edit: I almost forgot sales and demand were no longer of any importance this generation. The sad thing nothing this good looking will probably ever grace the PS3. :)

Chubear5202d ago

Wait, the combine harvester is a boss battle?... am I the only that finds that kinda odd? .. a combine harvester? really?

TOO PAWNED5202d ago

It looks good, but no way near Uncharted 2, GOw3 and KZ2, that's a fact. you can lie yourself but whatever....
Besides we don't even know if this vid is running on 360 or on high end PC. We saw what MS was ready to do with FF13 screens. I call it PC version, either way Uncharted 2, KZ2 and especially GOW3 DESTROY it

TOO PAWNED5202d ago (Edited 5202d ago )


Yeah Reach and especially Fable 3 show how much "power" there is under the 360 "hood".
Lol 360 fans go nuts when they see one decent vid, that might even be running on PC

Immortal3215202d ago

I am the solution.

Alan wake looks good but no comparison of uncharted2.(I can't believe he included GoW3) that was very fanboy of him to include GoW3, you can be delusional all you want! alan wake can't compare to U2 and GoW3.

all alan wake show is dynamic lighting, in U2 and GoW3 they have the dynamic lighting and dynamic environment.

Want me to tell you what else I see with my keen eye?

Godmars2905202d ago

What gets me, and I'm being honest for what that terms worth given my fanboy status, is how the harvester is handled as boss battle. Instead of simply running over the everyman hero thrown into paranormal circumstances, it simply hits him doing some damage then backs up to have another go while hordes of shadow men take their whacks at him. If anything, this should be an environmental puzzle. With weaving and dodging out of the harvester's patch, getting killed instantly on a direct hit or just taking damage for being clipped, while maneuvering the shadow men into its path. Getting "the boss" to run under a spot light Wake's manages to turn on, or into a grain halo or fuel tank to trigger a massive explosion.

Just saying.

5202d ago
elpresador5202d ago

....my god everything, even drake and chole's hair and the area around their eyes and EVERY BUILDING was jaggy as hell.

Greywulf5202d ago (Edited 5202d ago )

Remember when everyone pretended "buh buh gears2 will .." then it fell flat on its face? Same with ODST, same with Mass Effect 2... well same with all unreal engine 360 titles. Point is this, the media doesn't dare compare any former 360 title to any PS3 title for good reason, its quite obvious that nothing is close. You can pretend that you see something no one else does.. but thats you.

So now everyone is huddling around alan wake. Guys, its lighting dark areas. Try adding scale and 1000 things going on at once, and stream load it. Then you can talk.

I'm just glad the media & everyone else can finally agree that nothing on the 360 available today comes close to any PS3 offerings. Invest your hope in Alan Wake, because everything else has been trampled, and it only took 6 years to make...

Alan Wake looks good. I'll leave it at that, but we wont be seeing any HD comparisons as with UC2/Killzone2 & all 360 releases after Gears of war 1. The media went silent.

Lord Vader5202d ago

I think GOW III, UC2, Gears2, KZ2, ME2, & Alan Wake all obviously have great graphixs = personally, I'm more sold on the story & gameplay.

But on topic, Alan Wake & possibly Metro are looking really good for the 360 & I cant wait to play them along with GOW III!

N4BmpS5202d ago (Edited 5202d ago )

@ 1.33 Jaggy? you sure bout that? I think you were purposely looking for a flaw and made one in your mind, at least that's how it sounds to me. I'm just putting that out there don't take to much offense.

Now my other statement Uh you guys can stop comparing these two games now Uncharted 2 came through like a hurricane and basically blew away the competition, Alan Wake isn't even out yet, I also want to say you never know how this game will go over with critics. I also want throw this in the mix and say you guys go from comparing Alan Wake to U2 then to Heavy Rain and then back U2? I don't get that get over it, give Uncharted it's credit and move on there are other games that are attempting to take over U2 on the PS3, soooooo yeah. Thanx for reading.

Oh damn I forgot my original comment, That harvestor thing didn't look very friendly. Become it's friend.

Microsoft Xbox 3605202d ago

95% of that clip was black. Nice way to hide bad textures and low poly models.

Udidntlistenpunk5202d ago

Second of all, thats not the harvestor of sorrow. Thats more like Harvestor of FAIL.

Did anyone, other than fanboys who are delusional, actually got hyped by that?

nveenio5202d ago

...Alan Wake actually looks pretty interesting. The only thing I'm worried about is the story. I see that it's going to be very atmospheric, but it also seems very repetitive. Of course, like on Silent Hill, repetitive can be done right...it's just not easy.

As far as graphics go, Alan Wake will in no way technically top God of War 3...there's just no way. The whole game of Alan Wake fits on the back of Gaia...how can you compare? It doesn't make sense. And the Kratos model looks 1000x better (well, that could be a little exaggerated...I'm a fanboy, remember) than Alan. Even when it comes to atmosphere and setting, GOW has Alan pummeled into submission. It's just the truth. I mean, think about it... The Intel Core i7 is the best processor on the market right now... Its best iteration has about 55 Gigaflops of theoretical processing power. The PS3 has 4x that amount. How could the 360 ever possibly compare? Honestly. Tell me. Numbers don't lie. We can quote devs all day long, but numbers don't lie.

On the plus side, Alan Wake really does seem to raise the bar on the 360 way above the other titles. I think it will be pretty slick for 360 owners. When the 360 gains 5 must-have titles, I'll probably buy one.

Swiftfox5202d ago (Edited 5202d ago )

Thank you for bringing the gameplay up. I've traversed many Alan Wake postings and had yet to find anyone that was willing to bring up the gameplay and discuss that rather than a pointless argument. +Bubbles to you, Sir.

The question on graphics is pointless because there is plenty evidence to show if they are good enough or bad enough for a person to draw their own conclusion.

The question should be, "How is the gameplay?" and I agree from what I have seen from the E3 Demo, many bad design choices I feel are being made.

AllroundGamer5202d ago

thx and bubbles back to ya ;) I never commented on a Alan Wake article before, cause i saw all the xbox fanboys trying to attack anyone, who had another opinion on the game. (they are looking at Alan Wake as somekind of saviour...) But this is getting ridiculous, all the videos i saw were with the same gameplay and we can only hope, that they didn't show everything, cause it would be a really shallow game with the same gameplay formula...

sid4gamerfreak5202d ago

The game looks really good.This is shaping up to be one of the best games for the 360 this year.

Swiftfox5202d ago

What bothers me is the methodology about the game.

The creators of the game have stated that they wanted a tail of thrills and suspense but from what I have seen the mechanics of gameplay are contradicting that. They are building the gameplay more toward an action adventure and the atmosphere and story in the realm of suspense and thrills. This combination as far as I am concerned, can't work.

deafwing5202d ago

but this reminds me of luigis mansion :p ... jk ... looks good. If you own both systems, it's an obvious purchase.

MazzingerZ5202d ago

Can't see a crap, it's all dark!!...how can people even dare to name the "detailed vegetation" LOL

WengYong5202d ago

This game is looking good, however how long has it been in production now? It damn well better look good and play good also. Dont let me down Remedy, Im wanting this game to be awesome!!

DatNJDom815202d ago (Edited 5202d ago )

Sh!t looks like dark sector. except that its darker. and by darker I mean you cant see sh!t. I also didnt know that you CANT fall when a big @ss tractor thing hit you with its spinning blades. AMAZING PHYSICS!

Noc5202d ago

but what's with the Metro 2033 love? Was there some preview vid I missed out on or something? I'm genuinely curious

I've seen some screenshots, and a gameplay trailer recently, but honestly, nothing that was that impressive enough...to make me sit up and take notice...the character designs looked standard post-apocalyptic, the monster designs looked typical hybrid mutant monster thingie and (I thought) the animation wasn't super-ultra fluid *although* the lighting was pretty good (but then again we've all seen lighting and shadows...)

So why are ppl all hyped up about a game that is visually just average by today's standards and doesn't have the reputation and quality of an established and proven developer? (oh the other reason I am wondering what's getting people excited is that you've got BF:BC2, Bioshock 2 and Halo: Reach all out this year - but nothing about Metro suggests it's more/less impressive, so why all the love?)

Anyways, moving on, Alan Wake on the other hand is made by Remedy, the crazy motherf*ckers who brought us Max Payne and Max Payne 2. You can guarantee that this game will have a ridiculous (in a good way) story that keeps unfolding as you play the game. I don't have a 360 (have access to one when I want to play 90% of the time), but this would be my reason for actually buying one so I can get up and play whenever. Oh that and being able to receive MSN msgs while playing...if anyone can figure that out on the PS3 feel free to share :)

EvilBlackCat5202d ago (Edited 5202d ago )

Alright people

Ps3 loyalists hate this game and we know that already

so lets make this simple

on the next article/news here about Alan Wake just dont bother to leave a comment because we all know you guys hate alan wake and your opinion about the game.

We all know that no matter what any game that its not a ps3 exclusive just suck and dont compete graphically with ps3 exclusives.

so dont worry because we already know it.

Why you guys keep bashing Xbox360 gameS?


likedamaster5202d ago

It's not enough for the PS3 fanboys to get a perfect GI review, they have to troll our articles too.

I'll take me some Alan Wake and some Crackdown 2 too.

FamilyGuy5202d ago

Is Alan made of stone or something? Maybe the whole game actually is fought in a dream world as opposed to simply being at night.

We've seen other vids where a piece of a silo smacks him and he brushes it of and we've seen his attacker hack at his shoulders with an axe but this was kinda ridiculous. He really stood up to a tracker and took little to no damage. I just don't get it.

Other than that, another video showing off the beautiful lighting effect of this game.

AngryTypingGuy5201d ago (Edited 5201d ago )

@Too Pawned - Alan Wake, ME2, Splinter Cell: Conviction, and even Halo: Reach are all new 360 games coming out that have amazing looking graphics.

@lokiroo - I got here too late to read what you wrote since it was deleted by a mod, but I can tell by looking at some of your other posts that it was full of idiocy anyway.

+ Show (49) more repliesLast reply 5201d ago
Cold 20005202d ago (Edited 5202d ago )

Wow 8 disagrees for saying the game looks good ?lol

Sony Fanb0ys GTFO !

edit @below: Its disagrees because the people on the other side of the fence are twitching with envy.

damnightmare5202d ago

It's disagrees because no one likes you lol

Raf1k15202d ago

I think you'll find there are more people that dislike you than there are envious of the way Alan Wake looks lol.

It looks great but it's not like PS3 fans haven't seen better on their console of choice.

beans5202d ago

"It's disagrees because no one likes you lol"

The only reason they dislike you is because you don't agree with them plain and simple.

Sayai jin5202d ago

I do not understand what mentioning a PS3 exclusive has to do with this article. I do not understand when it a PS3 article and someone mentions a 360 game either. This "fantasy" war people are fighting on this site is just plan silly.

N4BmpS5202d ago

Stupidity brings about more stupidity. I hate it when anyone does that in articles and otherwise.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5202d ago
Dark3605204d ago

Fcking AWESOME...

...Sorry DROIDS Better Luck Next Time...LOL

Chubear5202d ago (Edited 5202d ago )

Yes, the PS3 fanbase are so jealous of Alan Hill in the Dark 2: Flash light sim adventures (Farmers Edition) :/

... you 360fans are on another planet when it comes to reality. XD

... YOU FIGHT A COMBINE HARVESTER AS A BOSS??!?!... WITH A FREAKIN' FLASH LIGHT?!.. AND 360 FANS ARE HYPED FOR THIS?!?! ... A FREAKIN' COMBINE HARVESTER?!?! ... HA!!!!!! holy crap the 360base are THE DUMBEST lol. This is your uber gameplay? lolz

No wonder MS and various developers keep shafting you over with gimped product over gimped product. You guys are easy pickings lol

godofwar3335202d ago

vs KZ2, uc2 or even GOW3

better luck next time bots

alan in the hilll aka alan in the dark

lol this crap challenges ps3 games??


The Killer5202d ago (Edited 5202d ago )

no wonder they are happy with pleasebugsme AKA 360!!

if any bots got any b@lls "not that they have anyway" come and show me just 1 game that can beat uncharted 1 and lets see the comparisons pixel by pixel!!

now am sure i will get a lot of disagrees and with no one who got b@lls who will show me a 360 game that yet to beat uncharted 1!!


DROP IT ALREADY!! THERE WILL BE NEVER A GAME THAT COME CLOSE TO UNCHARTED 1!! just enjoy ur games and zip it!! to compare it to AAA ps3 exclusive will make the 360 compared game look like 1 generation old!! so whats the point? Alan Wake does look good but thats it!! compare it to ps3 and it will look like ps2 game like this one:



it is silent hill 3

A change in the wind5202d ago

To be fair, the game has an amazing atmosphere and gorgeous lighting. And since I`m just being fair, Alan Wake doesn`t even come close to touching God of War 3, U2, HR or KZ2 in the graphics department. And since I`m just being fair, this is the only great looking 360 exclusive game coming up for 2010, everything else is trash. Halo: Rehash, Fable 3, Crackdown, Eyetoy 2. Alan Wake better be amazing, otherwise you bots are in for a very mediocre year.

tronz5202d ago (Edited 5202d ago )

Didn't win the crowd Thebandit, you are starting to lose it.


"During this opening scene is also immediately clear that Alan Wake graphics point to a breathtaking experience will be. Especially Alan with the ferry to cross a river in Bright Falls to come, we know what Remendy developer has in store for us. The surrounding mountains are shrouded in fact a light mist, and the gray vapor above the cold water is instantly gives you the feeling that sometimes more Bright Falls mystery could bring Wake than previously thought."

bennyace5202d ago

Do any of you play games because they're actually GOOD. Or you just count pixels?

How old are you people? It's unbelievable. No one talks about how good or bad a games is beside how it looks. Anyways, all your ''good looking games'' never make any top ten games of all time charts.

dustgavin5202d ago

Actually, PS3 games are busy winning Game of the Year awards while also looking much better than 360 games.

Go cry to Master Chief. Maybe he will fly to your house with a box of tissues.

commodore645202d ago

@ chubear

Jesus, dude, take a valium!

With respect to other bosses in Alan Wake, I think they are gonna unleash a 'giant enemy crab' on us before too long.

oh wait.
That's only on ps3.

PS3. It only does Giant Enemy Crabs

Convas5202d ago

Don't forget to flip it over and attack it's weak point for MASSIVE DAMAGE!

Also, don't forget to use Benki, as you'll need his real time weapon change mechanics to turn the tide of battle against the GIANT ENEMY CRAB!

Udidntlistenpunk5202d ago (Edited 5202d ago )

So they desperately try to convince us how Alan shiat is looking "real good" and that the 360 can hang with the PS3.

Who the hell are you kidding bots, Alan shiat looks like SHIAT. The shiatbox60 isnt even 1/10th of the power of the PS3. Thats a FACT.

Who the hell can get excited about some shiatty footage that we just saw? Lmao ONLY IF YOU HAVE NO GAMES. Bots, you have no games. Alan shiat looks like crap.

Alan shiat is so dumb, its not even gonna move 300k copies. Thats how pathetic that game is. Why the fk are you pretending that Alan wake can hang out with Kratos. Everyone will be playing Kratos in 2 weeks. Nobody is giving a fk about Alan crap, bots. NO-BO-DY.

Damn Alan wake is so dumb. It tries to be like Resident Evil, only Resident Evil 5 looks TEN TIMES BETTER LOOKING than Alan Wake. It tries to be like silent Hill. Only, Silent Hill is TWENTY TIMES more scary than Alan Wake. It tries to be like Luigi's mansion, only Luigi's mansion is FIFTEEN times more fun to play.

I mean lmao, youre shining your flashlight and killing a harvestor. Haha take that you dumb xbots. Have fun playing something that retarded.

Hey folks, remember "Steroid" Chris with his bulking triceps in Resident Evil 5? His gigantic forearms, the attention to his shaved beard, the textures on his suit? Alan shiat looks like a PS2 game by comparison. How can these idiots claim that Alan wake "looks real good" when it absolutely horrid. There is absolutely no comparison. You can type in Resident Evil 5 in Google pics and the first pictures they show is TEN TIMES BETTER LOOKING than the very best shot of Alan last gen graphics wake.

kevinx10005202d ago


better than opening a door in heavy rain :p

dustgavin5202d ago

Yea because no other game has ever made you open a door, right?

On the other hand...how may other games have you fighting John Deere equipment? Only on 360!

Udidntlistenpunk5202d ago

I nearly fell off my chair from laughing so hard.

Its good to be a PS3 owners. I almost feel sorry for bots.

The Maxx5201d ago

"On the other hand...how may other games have you fighting John Deere equipment? Only on 360!"

- So you admit, Alan Wake is more innovative than Heavy Rain.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 5201d ago
Godmars2905204d ago

Know this is a boss battle and they shouldn't show everything, but it feels a little odd that the footage is all broken up. There should have been a solid 5-10 seconds.

dangert125204d ago (Edited 5204d ago )


EDIT: DAM I GOTTA WATCH THAT AGAIN...LOL disagree as much as you like your opinion is irelivent to me =)

The Stuttttterer5204d ago

But i can also sp sp sp spell
Now can you dig that SUCKA

dangert125204d ago

or what ever get a life i'm not here for internet beef or childish activity

Model5203d ago

^^^^^ yeah ? typing all in caps is childish as hell

NeutralGamer5202d ago

If you could spell you would know that you should have written:

"But I can also sp sp sp spell"

Capital I, my friend...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5202d ago
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Gamer buys 4,000 copies of Alan Wake, none of them work

Alan Wake, from Max Payne and Control creator Remedy, is a horror classic, prompting one player to buy 4,000 copies that don’t even work.

Read Full Story >>
roadkillers48d ago

Kind of a goody story...

On a serious note, that is why I try activating gift cards asap. It's happened to me where the store didnt scan it right where the card was unusuable. Happened at Wally World.

gigoran848d ago

wait, that place is real? national lampoon wasn't kidding?

Tacoboto47d ago

I just bought two of the MonsterVerse Godzilla movies on 4K - both had digital copies expiring in 2023. Both were actually expired.

I'd be surprised but it's WB, of course they'd actually expire them

Knightofelemia48d ago

Usually most of those redemption card have an expiry date on them. If they expired all buyer did was buy recycled paper. And some of those codes are country locked to certain countries. I buy a card from the States I can't use it in Canada.

Chocoburger48d ago

Dumb and silly story. She wasted her money for no reason.

Is it really that hard to go to Steam or GOG. She spent $240, when its currently 70% off on GOG, and only costs $4.49.

Gee, I wonder, should I spend $240 on eBay, or $4.49 on GOG? 🙄

Rynxie48d ago

Most likely she wanted to resell a few or most of them. However, it was a too good to be true situation.

48d ago
Profchaos48d ago

So in short she paid $240.00 assuming usd for a bunch on unactivated game codes.

I still don't understand why I guess cause there's not a physical version and she wanted something for a collection or art project.

Rynxie48d ago

No, most likely to resell. However, she ended up getting screwed.

Asplundh48d ago

This is Alan Wake 1, it had physical copies.

Show all comments (19)

Previously On... Alan Wake

Alan Wake 2 continues the writer's story, 13 years later.


A thermos is upending the Alan Wake community

Remedy has Alan Wake merch on sale, including a pretty blue thermos. Unfortunately, things haven’t gone according to plan, and many players who want a thermos find themselves without one, though it does appear that Remedy is attempting to fix things. Nevertheless, it has resulted in a lot of upset, illustrating just how much the thermos means to Alan Wake fans.

Read Full Story >>