
God of War III Blood & Metal Video

Posted by Chris Brown // Roadrunner Records

"We are pleased to announce today the release of the God of War III Blood & Metal EP. To kick things off, head over to the Roadrunner Records' music section and check out the music video for Trivium's 'Shattering The Skies Above.'"

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The Dark Knight5204d ago

i got it yesterday, and i think Trivium is actually the best song on it lol

thereapersson5204d ago

Or does anyone think of Mastodon when they read "Blood and Metal"?

Kerrby5204d ago

I do thereapersson.

Anyway, Trivium are sh*te. Horrible metalcore band.

thereapersson5204d ago

I'd rather a band like Amon Amarth or someone else write a song about the game. I'm sure there would be no short supply of epic lyrical content...

Anyway, bubbles-up for a fellow metal head! :)

The Dark Knight5204d ago

Pantera would have been perfect...sign

Kerrby5203d ago

+1 to Amon Amarth.

Imagine the epic lyrics about mythology (that ties in with GoW) they could've done.

While we're at it, add in a peaceful song by Ensiferum and something epic from Wintersun (although, it probably would've taken them 6 years to write the damn song).

thornh5203d ago

ah, Wintersun, where have you gone Jari? I think he just faded away into the forests of Finland and is never to be heard from again.... i wish he had stayed with Ensiferum...

Amon Amarth, my favorite band. Johan is quite possibly the only person who would give Kratos a fair fight...

My favorite song on the ep is probably Raw Dog (Dream Theater) followed by Opeth's song. I was hoping for less Watershed and more Blackwater Park from Opeth but hey, can't complain.

Hails! to all my fellow metal heads.

bjornbear5203d ago

"Blood and Metal" --->hoped something more like Job for a Cowboy -_-

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5203d ago
tdogchristy905205d ago


I liked the guitar solos and the over all metal that goes really well with GOW but the scremo i'm not much of a fan of. Give me something that I can understand the lyrics to.

emk20045205d ago

disturbed indestructible would of been a much better choice. trivium is very average.

young juice5204d ago

all nightmare long would be a better choice, but yeah none of that screamo

thereapersson5204d ago

Lol, they are in no way epic metal. I'm not even sure I'd put Trivium in here, but it looks like they love God of War, so at least they're passionate about it.

Zydake5203d ago

Disturbed would be terrible.

E745203d ago

especially the song "Perfect Insanity" or "Forsaken", those would be absolutely perfect.

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Fishy Fingers5204d ago

Not a huge metal fan, like the music, like the parts when they sing but struggle with all the screaming.

MajesticBeast5204d ago

This isnt Kratos worthy he would rip their heads off for this crap.

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God of War Needs to Redefine Kratos' Purpose Clearly and Quickly

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Nacho_Z4d ago

I'm pretty sure it'd be a major mistake having Atreus as the main character in the next GoW. Seems to me like at best people tolerate him and his gameplay sections.

Ideally the story for the next game would be that Atreus has gone missing in Egypt, Kratos gets mad about it, picks up Mimir and goes on a god killing rampage.

Mad_Matt4d ago

If that is an option for the dev team then they need to make it a clean slate. No Atreus, No Mimir. That's what happened when he changed pantheons before. Lets Kratos be in that world. But it will be a difficult task to complete. Kratos and his past demons are getting a bit redundant as far as story telling goes.

Nacho_Z4d ago

Yeah there's not a lot of meat left on the bone story wise. Personally I'd happily accept any goofy reason they could come up with for why Kratos is in Egypt chopping off heads. I'm personally not that bothered about the finer points of the storytelling, although they do it well.

The_Hooligan3d ago

I would still like to have Mimir in the next game. They (devs) can justify it by saying that Mimir wants to gain knowledge about other realms/pantheons. Also, personally I think Alastair Duncan did a great job as Mimir and would love to see the continuation of the small banters Kratos and Mimir had in the past games.

goldwyncq3d ago

The point of Ragnarok's ending is to show that Atreus is his own man now. Having Daddy Kratos save him in Egypt after getting himself into trouble would just undo his entire character development.

Nacho_Z3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

The point was more to do with getting Atreus out of the way rather than him being saved. Let's say he's off on his own adventures then and invent another reason for Kratos to be in Egypt.

Could be that Kratos thinks he's been captured or killed as motivation but at the close of the game it turns out Atreus has been up to his own shady shenanigans.

Lionsguard4d ago

They need to bring back the "God of War" in God of War. I was expecting to unleash hell and fury in Asgard against Thor that they really talked up in the first game but all we got was brooding middle aged dad drunk in a beer hall. Ragnarok was still "good" but I left that game expecting a lot more.

InUrFoxHole4d ago

Tried Rag... just couldn't get into it. Felt like more of the same. I would welcome a Kratos only game again.


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