
5 Wii Games To Dominate E3

Despite its vast lead in the so-called console war, Nintendo is often ignored by core gamers because a perceived lack of 'hardcore' games. Not this year. The big N is battling Sony and Microsoft to win back the gamers, and here's how.

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Nugan5213d ago

I wouldn't expect to see Sin & Punishment 2 at E3, since it will (hopefully) be released in North America before then. The same might be true of Super Mario Galaxy 2.

Certainly Zelda Wii will be displayed prominently at E3 though.

Commander TK5212d ago

I highly doubt that any of these games will do anything for the hardcore gamers. Also, isn't Galaxy 2 suppossed to come out b4 E3?

EvilTwin5213d ago

First three, sure.

The last two...I can understand why they were listed, but there could very well be quite a few more heavy hitters. Last Story? Xenoblade? Retro's secret project? Pikmin 3? The long-rumored Kid Icarus?

Gr815213d ago

First three are no brainers but the last two could be reserved for something unknown..like say Retro's Project? and another Classic Nintendo IP or maybe third parties might want to get in the action finally?

DMason5213d ago

Im sorry but the Wii has already lost the gamers. There is no regaining ground on "core" gamers.

toaster5213d ago

@ DMason

"Im sorry but the Wii has already lost the gamers." Really? I'm a gamer. I have lots of gaming friends. We have Wiis. We play Zelda, Mario, Metroid, all that good stuff. Every other week we get together and take a break from TF2, CSS, L4D2, and have major 32 man SSB:Brawl competitions. And these are guys that play for clans and in comps. These are the heavy gamers. So Nintendo has lost it's "core" gamer huh?

I think not.

ZoidsRaven5213d ago

The only people Nintendo has lost since the N64/GameCube days, are the graphics hounds, hype machines and blood lusting teens who don't mean much to gaming anyway.

Most of these "toony" and "kiddy" games that are on the Wii that all of the "cores" just have to hate, had similar games like that on Nintendo's previous consoles. The only difference is that they are using motion controls, which people seem not to care about now that it's going to the HD twins. 7_7

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Bobbykotickrulesz5213d ago

"Wii Games To Dominate"

I laughed.

In sales maybe. But nothing else.

Sigh5213d ago

But if they made a surprise announcement like say Starfox wii... omg... It's too bad there aren't any points that lead to this. *Sighs*

jalen2475213d ago

Super Mario Galaxy 2, Metriod: Other M, and Zelda Wii will make a huge impact this year.

Nintendo won't be taking 3rd place this E3.

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Barlos83d ago (Edited 83d ago )

My top 3 are Mario 3, Mario World and Mario 64. Mario Odyssey is also excellent, and I enjoyed Sunshine but didn't care for the Galaxy series.


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H9118d ago

Honestly I really changed my mind on Fi with the remaster because they didn't make her interrupt your gameplay every 5 seconds, that drastically changed my views on her

Inverno117d ago

Technically she's in ToTK but obviously can't take any other form than the sword she was made into. Also the companion feature has been done plenty of times in Zelda, I don't think it'll add anything new. If anything should be brought back it should be the Minish.


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