
Xbox 360's Answer to Heavy Rain

Heavy Rain has been receiving some high review scores from many gaming sites and blogs. Sony's 2010 momentum has been quite good thus far, and some of the best things about the PS3's recent releases have been the great exclusives.

But let's not forget about the Xbox 360, the 360 has some great 2010 exclusives out coming this year.

Wrathman5217d ago

dressing up my avatar on XBL is a better answer

Chupa-Chupa5217d ago

I want to really agree with you, but until these games comes out for the 360 we really won't know. Well maybe we will know for Deadly Premonition.lol

It will be hard for the 360 to match the PS3's releases this year. They did good with Mass Effect 2, but ever since the rumor of it coming to PS3, I see it different.

-Alpha5217d ago (Edited 5217d ago )

Not sure if the Xbox even wants or needs it. It's not like a mass hysteria has spread to Xbox fans that are DYING to play Heavy Rain.

Don't get me wrong, HR is unique but to try and force other games to be like it is not fair for other games.

If you want HR buy a PS3.

Natsu X FairyTail5217d ago (Edited 5217d ago )

Why the hell is deadly premonition up there? that game is a normal horror game that's about it.And I dont see why Alan Wake would be an answer to Sony's Heavy rain if the game as been in adevelopement since 2006. MAG isnt what it was hyped up to be because the game Isnt AAA it got a metascore of 7.8 and WKC isnt what people might call great rpg because the metascore is at 6 something.

Simon_Brezhnev5217d ago (Edited 5217d ago )

Not sure why people still comparing the two

we won5217d ago (Edited 5217d ago )

I certainly hope MSFT doesn't try to Answer Heavy Rain in any way. A lot of these PS3 games will flop in sales and scores.

ActionBastard5217d ago

Crab, Crab Crab. Here we are again. You, as wishy washy a Charlie Brown, think there is anything in that post that could truly be an "answer" to Heavy Rain? Touting ME2 is a reflex, it's all you can muster.

5217d ago
LtSkittles5217d ago

@Green, and you know how much it sold already?

Didn't think so, GTFO.

NewZealander5217d ago

Deadly Premonition looks terrible, i hope its just an arcade game because i would never pay retail price for a game that looks like that, alan wake looks amazing, and thank god i wont have to shake the controller to play it.

Saaking5217d ago

LMAO, I think it's been proven that the 360 is far behind the PS3 in terms of graphical potential. There's just no competition.

Dead_Cell5217d ago

I could have sworn you mentioned to me "I'm sure MAG is a great game" a few days ago. How we soon slide into old habits once we're baited.

RememberThe3575217d ago

Alan Wake and Heavy Rain are not similar types of games. The game play is completely different from what we've seen and the story's are completely different.

Both Heavy Rain and Alan Wake look amazing but neither of them are answers to any other game.

maniacmayhem5217d ago

Natsu you do realize that a game being triple A has nothing to do with the score it receives from reviewers.

D4RkNIKON5217d ago

"actually I'm buying HR day one but your dbag post deserves a dbag response" - GiantEnemyCrab

I always knew crab had it in him to be a dbag. He pretends to be above it all and then resorts to *well they started it* mentality. He is just a kid, just hope he will grow up some day.

HighDefinition5217d ago (Edited 5217d ago )

I love how one sentence can get everyone so wound up.

IMO, MSFT would never do a game like Heavy Rain they don`t really try to make games like that (which is why I prefer Sony)......and Alan Wake is nothing like Heavy Rain. Alan Wake will be a great game but it`s nothing like Heavy Rain.

Anyway, relax people it`s just gaming.

Answer to a Answer to a Answer to a Answer.

It`s all just to get your mind spinning.

Death24945217d ago

Microsoft doesn't have any real first party studios. Sony games are better because people weren't lazy about trying to crack open pandora's box. Microsoft had people rely heavily on the Unreal Engine 3 which was good at first but is now causing the system to look a little dated.

JTX5217d ago

The game hasn't even been released in the U.S. yet...plus it got wwwaaayyy more good reviews than bad. How old are you anyways? You can't be older than 13 to not understand the most simple things like this...frankly i'm not sure how you even make it through the day.

Dead_Cell5217d ago

If somebody else had thrown a fanboy comment into the equation I'm sure it would have been flamed to high heaven, like a random user?
But if a regluar to the site does it they're bulletproof.

Fanboyism is fanboyism and I'll call it as I see it, get off my nuts.

ThanatosDMC5217d ago (Edited 5217d ago )

The one game im really looking forward to that's gonna pwn Heavy Rain and anything graphically is The Last Guardian. It looks completely different compared to all the upcoming games we've seen coming to the PS3 so far which is saying a lot.

JokesOnYou5217d ago (Edited 5217d ago )

JokesOnYou - 7 days 7 hours ago

Ignore0.1 - @ thief...
Heavy Rain imo is a interactive movie, thats great but I don't see any incentive on micro's part to run out and make that type of game just so they can watch it flop, the "gameplay" is niche and doesn't appeal to many gamers like myself, its the same reason why you're not going to see a ton of Banjo games(I like Banjo)or Viva Pinata's, Blue Dragon type games on the 360, BECAUSE THEY DON'T SELL= THE MAJORITY OF THE FANBASE COULD CARE LESS, don't get me wrong having the variety that the 360 does have is nice because that means the 360 has some very good games that are not shooters which opens the platform up to all types of gamers who may prefer shooters but like a bit of everything too(like me) but a Heavy Rain-type game on the 360 at this point would be the biggest flop in gaming history, I own a ps3 and still not getting HR....which obviously has nothing to do with HR's quality and everything to do with my gaming preferences. Either way its apples & organges comparison in regards to ME2, I know you're just spewing your fanboy rhetoric as usual but at least be creative.


360 audiene preference goes something about like this 1st and foremost= shooters(same as ps3 but more so for 360), then action games, then sandbox games, then wrpg's, then platformers, then racing games, then xbl old school games, then fighting games......then a distant last would be jrpg's and imo interactive movies like HR wouldn't even be noticed on 360. I'm all for different experiences but just being different doesn't make something attractive to me.

CWMR5217d ago

-So far the PS3 hasn't brought anything that exceptional. Heavy Rain is about the best the PS3 is getting so far and even that is not to the same level as Mass Effect 2.

The rest of the year the PS3 has God of War 3 (that looks awesome), but other than that none of the confirmed PS3 games really look that good to me. The Last Guardian will be good, but who knows if that will even come out this year.

In my opinion the 360's lineup is a lot better this year than the PS3's lineup. Alan Wake alone will likely be a better game than Heavy Rain. That's my prediction at least. Then you have all the other big games hitting on the 360 this year. Splinter Cell Conviction, Fable 3, Halo Reach. I bet even Metro 2033 will do better than White Knight Chronicles and MAG.-

Greywulf5217d ago (Edited 5217d ago )

the 360 & PC's answer to heavy rain?/Mag?

lol @ the unreal engine.

You guys are lost. Quantic dream made this type of game before. It was even on the Xbox... theres no way of not getting the type of game it is, or the risk involved that wasn't there for IP.

snp5217d ago (Edited 5217d ago )

I've gotta say, i haven't seen anything equivalent to HR anywhere else recently or upcoming (be it on Xbox or PC). But every system has it's own games, so who really cares. If you want HR, buy a PS3, if you want something else... buy whatever that requires.

Just seems to be an excuse for either side to talk about how much better, in their eyes of course, their favoured system's lineup is this year. I mean, duh, of course you prefer the lineup on your favourite system - it's your favourite system.

Personally at this point, Alan Wake and Natal have me curious on the 360 side (and God of War3/The Last Guardian and Heavy Rain on the PS3 side). But even Alan Wake/HR comparisons are trolling. They look nothing alike; the actual gameplay sections of Alan Wake look more like an Uncharted type approach (albeit with, by the looks of it, more of an exploration than action orientated bent). HR is it's own thing (and will attract it's own audience - i'm part of that audience, but it's not going to be for everyone).

Pistolero5217d ago

Why the hell does the 360 even need an answer to Heavy Rain?....the game is pretty good, but there are lots of pretty good games on the 360 that have no direct answer on the ps3.

chaosatom5217d ago

Mods don't even care what people write anymore.

beardpapa5217d ago

The 360 doesn't needs its own HR. It already has amazing exclusives.

5217d ago
SaberEdge5217d ago

I agree with a couple people above me that Heavy Rain is a great game, but the 360 also has its own great games. If you want all the good games you need to own both consoles. I can't get God of War 3 or Heavy Rain on my 360 and I can't get Alan Wake or Halo Reach on my PS3. That is why I own them both.

DevastationEve5217d ago

That's okay, from what I've seen so far Heavy Rain is more for the kind of guy who needs his bathroom-pampering and eyelash painting fix.

You know, those PS3 fanboys.

YogiBear5217d ago

...and Alan Wake is for 360 fanboys that want to play the adult equivalent of Luigi's Mansion. Heavy Rain will do just fine, working on second playthrough at the time of this post.

AngryTypingGuy5216d ago

Heavy Rain from what I've read is a very unique game, the first of it's kind. MS should just let it be. If they want to create something with the Heavy Rain feel, it needs to be different enough where it won't feel like an imitation.

Besides, their exclusives schedule this year, unlike last year, is pretty good. They don't need to copy the game, as someone above me said. In fact the highest rated exclusive so far this year is Mass Effect 2, which has a 96 on Metacritic (the same score that Uncharted 2 has), so it's definitely a GOTY contender.

Karum5216d ago

You realise the game hasn't even been released yet right?


the 360 does not need an answer...

it has it's own list of great games to enjoy. Just like the ps3 does not need an answer to Alen Wake or Mass Effect, it has it's own great games.

I own a ps3 and have zero interest in Heavy Rain.

DaTruth5216d ago

I'm not getting Heavy Rain, so I don't know why 360 owners would need it. It's just not one of those titles you stare across at and get jealous!

sikbeta5216d ago

The Only Game I can see as "the Answer" to HR is AW cuz is not just a shooter like the others...

Gamers FTW!!!

Dark Collosis5216d ago

I have a PS3 and i have zero interest in this game. I may rent it like i do all my other blue ray movies. BUT God of War 3 has my interest....

otherZinc5216d ago

and its going to sell like a pos. That video of Alan Wake shows a much better game than every video & demo we've played of Heavy Rain.

SONY has gotten off to a terrible start with MAG's terrible sales compared to Mass Effect 2.

You guys need to stop comparing PS3 titles & its inflated scores to 360 games that play fantastically & produce great sales numbers. Just say the game is something I'd like to try & stop overrating every PS3 exclusive you see!

Aquanox5216d ago

Heavy Rain is more of an answer to Alan Wake since the Xbox title has been in development longer.

Unfortunately, Heavy Rain didn't reach Triple A status and I suspect, judging by recent gameplay and the amount of polish, that Alan Wake will.

Lightsaber5216d ago

There answer is "hahahahaha" this game is a HUGE Flop and the creators of is trying everything to get anyone at all to buy it. From adding cheap nudey, bregging everyone that he pass by one the street to saying he's the only one making creative game to just plain whining and throwing a fit like a lil 2 year old.

5216d ago
kunit22c5216d ago

don't get it.. its been proven that the PS3 has better graphics and it's games can have more content, so PS3 exclusives will have better graphics and more content, so it only seems obvious that they will be better. Also on a side note, I don't see why the 360 has ANY 3rd party exclusives.. I just don't see it, when you could be making it on a system that allows more content and better graphics. The only excuse I can see is laziness. I really do want to see some more 3rd party PS3 exclusives before this gen is over.(even though I don't see that coming too soon)But.. its just that I was playing Bioshock 2 and I kept thinking, there could be more content in this game and the graphics could be better.. but the reason for this is because it was also on the 360. So 3rd parties should start making more PS3 exclusives, or stop worrying so much about equality and just let the PS3 version be better, I mean 360 owners already have it worse and have to pay to play the games online that we get to play free, so it already unbalanced, so just make it more unbalanced, its their fault for choosing the system.

bloop5216d ago

Seriously kunit22c, better graphics and more content doesn't necessarily mean it's better.

GiantEnemyCrab5216d ago

Action: That wasn't even a serious response.. The fact is there doesn't need to be an answer to HR. I am interested in the game and will be buying it but I don't want a bunch of games that use the QTE mechanic like HR.

ME2 is all I could muster? ME2 is the RPG this gen and would choose ME over HR any day of the week.

If anything 360's answer is Ninja Blade lol.. QTE hell.

creatchee5216d ago

The 360 really doesn't need an answer to Heavy Rain. No matter how great or innovative the game ends up being, there's no way that it's going to become a huge seller that would make Microsoft feel the need to make their own version of it.

I can't wait to play it, but I have no delusions that it's going to sell like Halo, MW, Uncharted, or even Killzone. Microsoft simply doesn't make or sponsor games just because they are innovative or artistic - they want money and a bigger market share. It's great business for them, as they don't have the first-party support that Sony does, so they have to go with games that are more bankable. However, a certain percentage of Microsoft's consumers lose out - the ones who want "different" types of games that aren't either sequels or derivative-type experiences. That's not to say that there aren't unique games on the 360, but there just seems to be more on the PS3 side at this point in time...

Cernunnos5216d ago

"So here you are to start the comments off with a fanboy post"

Which you continued.

y0haN5216d ago

Playing a movie on the DVD player

lelo2play5216d ago (Edited 5216d ago )

Her is another question. Does the PS3 have a answer for Alan Wake?

now... seriously, i will be playing both, Heavy Rain and Alan Wake, in spite i did not like the demo from HR. I'll eventually play the full game. Buddy of mine is getting it, and lend it to me ;)

Does the Xbox 360 need Heavy Rain?
Does the PS3 need Alan Wake?

I don't care. Just release the games.

GiantEnemyCrab5213d ago

Oh Action and your still the close minded Sony toolbox.

Glad to see you had no come back to what I listed at all. All I have to compare to ME2 is the HR demo and I think it's obvious what is the better game.

So I stand by what I said and what was censored and that was the 360 doesn't need an answer to this game, it has better. HR is one of those quarky type of games I would actually spend money on once in a generation.

+ Show (48) more repliesLast reply 5213d ago
Dance5217d ago

Heavy Rain might be getting some positive reviews but it is a system seller or will it even sell?

RememberThe3575217d ago

And frankly I don't care if it's a system seller because I already own the system. I want the game to be as ground breaking and interesting as they claim it is, and from the reviews I've read that looks to be the case.

YogiBear5217d ago

I don't know about system seller but... it's damn good. Trust me.

MaximusPrime5216d ago

Playing with sales again? No games to play? I see.

PS3 fans are more interested in quality not quantity. A system seller would be nice, thou

zeeshan5216d ago

Regardless, if it sells great or doesn't and if it sells systems or doesn't, the point is that you have GOT to appreciate SONY for actually having balls and pushing this game in the mainstream video gaming. This game was always a risk, a risk only people with balls can take. PERIOD

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5216d ago
nogolis5217d ago (Edited 5217d ago )

This is so lame... It's like having a birthday and your siblings getting pissed about you getting gifts and $#*T for it. It's like the mom has to come over and comfort the other sibling who didn't have a birthday that "their turn is coming too" ... Shut the F*CK up. There is no turn. Xbox 360 sucks monkey F*CK and that's that. There is no "good" exclusive too. There is nothing. There is so not nothing coming to the xbox 360 that they don't even have a birthday this year. In fact, if they did have a birthday they still wouldn't get anything for it. And in the event they did it'd be tube socks... With red and yellow stripes on them.

Ps3 has a really good exclusive BUT.... let us make the xbox 360 owners feel better by drumming up lame games as good ones. Hell, I hear Sneak King 2 is on the way. That game is going to be revolutionary and make every Ps3 owner envious.


W831SOLIDSNAKE5217d ago (Edited 5217d ago )

That's just to show that Sony inovates and M$ Imitates!!

Bots "Heavy Rain Gameplay sux"

MS " We have a game that is like Heavy Rain"

Bots " YES! See Droids our game is better"

SONY " Told Ya"

stupid F-ing BOTS

blitz06235217d ago

Wow Heavy Rain compared to those 2 games? And they're the 'answer' to Heavy Rain? Idiocy

Anorexorcist5217d ago (Edited 5217d ago )


Now they're all looking for some kind of a response (or revolution) against Heavy Rain and all its goodness.

I still stick to my guns when I say that the xbox 360 fanboy crowd are THE most delusional, idiotic, self-contradicting fanboy base in history.

CWMR5217d ago (Edited 5217d ago )

-You guys are f*cking pathetic. The PS3 has had sh#t for games so far and the only good looking PS3 game on the horizon is God of War 3 and you guys still want to talk sh*t. Talk about delusion. PS3 fanboys are the very definition of delusion.

BTW, this article wasn't written by an Xbox fanboy. It sounds like it was written by a neutral gamer that leans towards the PS3. Why the hell does he think the 360 needs an answer to Heavy Rain? The game isn't getting amazing reviews and I doubt it will sell amazingly well. The 360 has its own super strong lineup and it has nothing to do with Heavy Rain. You guys act like because some guy wrote an article that all 360 fans agree with it. Well, I don't think most 360 fans agree with it.-

Anorexorcist5217d ago

Calm down or you'll sh*t in your pants.

Karooo5217d ago

CMWR are you fcking stupid? game isnt getting amazing reviews wtf You are the one who is delusional here PS3 got sht till now are you crazy???

go back into your cave silly bot, 360 hasnt had an exclsuive game till now and alan wake will come in may till then 360 = empty.

lh_swe5217d ago

1. I could list all the great games on the PS3 if you want but that won't change a thing becuase you wouldn't let yourself enjoy the games I list nor have you probably played any of them, I doubt you even own a PS3 or have ever tried more than a handful of PS3 titles nor will you, why? I'll tell you why, it's not because the games suck nor that you even dislike the PS3's games, it's because your blinded attitude won't let you reason in another way, this may be because you'll be going back on your own invested emotions that you have placed in a machine no less.

2. Who spouts more conspiracy than the deluded mad-man? I'll let you ponder on that one.

3. Heavy Rain is getting mostly 9's and I don't think you'd bash Crackdown nor Fable 2, Mass Effect, Left 4 Dead etc despite getting similar reviews albeit from different sources but nontheless a similar range.

4. The 360 does indeed have a strong line-up but so does the PS3 and the games have yet to be rated so we'll see which'll have the best year but I'd reserve my opinion in the event of the unlikely.

Pistolero5217d ago

I don't think some of you understand what 360 owners are saying....we aren't saying Heavy Rain is crap....we are just saying that why are people acting like it is so amazing that the 360 has to have an answer to it?
.....and as far as WKC and MAG...I'm sure some of you can get some enjoyment from them but don't act like they are amazing games....you guys didn't give the 360 that kind of treatment when it had pretty good games like Ninja Blade and Halo Wars.....so why are 360 owners going to turn around and pretend WKC and MAG are amazing games even though they got even lower scores than those games?
...face it the ps3 hasn't had that good of a year thus far....so why are you ps3 fans acting so arrogant?

xTruthx5217d ago (Edited 5217d ago )

People have to realize, 360's fan base is 90% full of kids. That's y we see a lot of multi accounts and a lot of bad mouth's and bad grammar too when we see them talking about the ps3.


Ninja Blade was fun but not for buying, rent material and halo wars.... i mean seriously, I dint like end war(not my cup of tea off course lol) y would i try halo wars and you can see almost no 1 played it, well at least in my buddy list only 2 did to see the story. I really dk how mag got bad reviews because if you play the game its fun, same can be said with wkc, its not a 9 but it isn't a 7 aether ( in rating I mean). It should be a solid 8. Ninja blade was ok, but like I said not buying material. At least MAG is online and different from typical fps's, there you really need to work like a team(like in every fps but you know most never do). If you really cant communicate you'll lose.

"face it the ps3 hasn't had that good of a year thus far"

I disagree there, like you can too but if you played MAG and WKC you would know those games deserved better reviews. Its been barely 2 months since 2010 and ps3 has had 2 exclusives and in a few days heavy rain. For now I think the PS3 is doing good. 360 will do good too, it has plenty of fun games which ill have to buy on 360 cus i dk wth happened to my comp. I say this will be the best year of gaming in a long time if you on at least 2 consoles which are the ps3 and 360 and even more if you have a PC cus that's getting good games this year too.

Every console has there delusional people and fanboys, no matter the console. That's y I get mad but don't say anything so I dont have to argue with those people here in n4g, cus some only focuses on ps fan boys only but leaves the 360 fan boys on the side like if they never do anything.

SaberEdge5217d ago


But don't you see? Many 360 fans would say that Ninja Blade and Halo Wars also deserved higher scores. I personally loved Halo Wars and thought Ninja Blade was a fun romp.

The fact remains that Ninja Blade and Halo Wars have a 68 and 82 respectively, at the same time White Knight Chronicles and MAG have a 65 and 77 respectively. So, don't you see the hypocrisy? PS3 fans called those 360 games "flops" and now they are trying to act like White Knight Chronicles and MAG are great games. When the truth is that the aforementioned 360 games actually scored higher than the later PS3 games. That is pure hypocrisy.

Anyway, I agree that it is a great year to be a gamer and that there are great games on both consoles. I just wish some of you would be more fair towards the 360. Give credit where credit is due.

JasonPC360PS3Wii5216d ago

Alan Wake s actual game, Heavy Rain is just like a movie that lets you use the controller buttons to pause, rewind, and play using QTE.

Dark Collosis5216d ago

I agree completely with you. Who the hell realy wants to buy this game? Its a $60.00 interactive MOVIE. I will rent this like i do all my other Blue Ray movies for my PS3. There are TWO games i want for my PS3 this year GoW3 and GT5. And i still have yet to play others from privious years that i still must play (lair/MGS4/UC2/RE1). So i have plenty to do on my PS3...

FFXI1015216d ago (Edited 5216d ago )

And you are not pathetic? I've seen arrogant 360 fanboys too(just look into your mirror). All they see are 360, Halo, MW/MW2, Forza, Fable and nothing else, and NA is the only world they know everything or everyone outside else of NA dosen't matter to them.

They bash PS3 games whether they get good review or not, either the sales number is not good enough to them or the game is nothing compare to Halo and/or Gears. You want PS3 fans stop bashing what 360 has to offer why don't you start doing it yourself and maybe they'll stop too.

Anon73495216d ago

-Crackdown was one of the best 360 exclusives.

-Halo Wars was the best thing that came from halo since Halo:CE

-WKC is underrated, it the equivalent to the PS3's version of Lost Odyssey one of the greatest JRPGs this gen. WKC is better than FF13 from my experience with both of them since FF13 is just story based and pretty much a long anime with gameplay scenes which I couldn't enjoy because of moonspeak.

-I played the Heavy Rain Demo excepting QTE: THE GAME and got greeted by one of the best video game(?) experience ever. No movie or video game has ever been on this level. It's an experience of it's own kind and deserves to be played by everyone. It's worth buying a PS3 for.

-The PS3 probably has the best line-up this year but that's coming from me, a PC gamer and as a PC gamer I play games like Mass Effect 2 on the PC of course which makes the 360 line-up look weaker. Although if I look at it from a console only perspective(Retard/13 year old perspective) the line-ups are fairly even with maybe a slight advantage in the PS3's favor.

-2011-12 is where the PS3 truly shines with games like Zone Of Ender 3, Killzone 3, Infamous 2, GT6, Uncharted 3, Sly Cooper, FF versus and many others.

-Ninja Blade was made by FROM Software so I'm possibly a little biased here since.... I #$%@ing love FROM. They're easily one of my favorite developers because of games like 3D Dot Games Heroes, Demon's Souls, King's Field and THE ARMORED CORE SERIES. So I won't bother talking about this. Although I actually liked Ninja Bladed I still agree it's the kinda game you don't pay a lot for or a rental.

-MAG is a game that reviewers can't review until about a month or so of playing it. I can't take anyone who reviews this game seriously. This game is a seriously amazing FPS that I almost want to say it's worth getting a PS3 for. This game is out standing and I usually have impossibly high standards when it comes to FPS games and if it can't compete with some of my favorite FPS games like Team Fortress 2, Quake, Unreal Tournament 3, Counter Strike, ect I pretty much call it crap.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 5216d ago
BubbleSystemSuck5217d ago (Edited 5217d ago )

But... 2010 is gonna be the BEST YEAR on 360 history.. the BEST
Or.. the DEFINITIVE YEAR... like FOrza 3
PS:where is forza? where is turn10?

Natsu X FairyTail5217d ago

well forza is at 2Million+ sales right now ( about as much as a Standard PS3 exclusive) and has a AAA status at this point.

What's your point?

RememberThe3575217d ago

That's what everyone said about Killzone 2. Fanboys need to get their instruments checked cuz their tune keeps changing.

Grown Folks Talk5216d ago

2 million for Killzone in 8 months. Every PS3 exclusive is the greatest thing since sliced bread according to many members of this site, yet after all of the talk, they don't seem to buy the games. Just like to come here & praise everything. Neither Sony nor Microsoft need to answer anything. If it's a game you want badly enough, you'll either get the system it's on or find a way to play it. I loved SotC & have never owned a PS2.

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Gamer buys 4,000 copies of Alan Wake, none of them work

Alan Wake, from Max Payne and Control creator Remedy, is a horror classic, prompting one player to buy 4,000 copies that don’t even work.

Read Full Story >>
roadkillers46d ago

Kind of a goody story...

On a serious note, that is why I try activating gift cards asap. It's happened to me where the store didnt scan it right where the card was unusuable. Happened at Wally World.

gigoran846d ago

wait, that place is real? national lampoon wasn't kidding?

Tacoboto45d ago

I just bought two of the MonsterVerse Godzilla movies on 4K - both had digital copies expiring in 2023. Both were actually expired.

I'd be surprised but it's WB, of course they'd actually expire them

Knightofelemia46d ago

Usually most of those redemption card have an expiry date on them. If they expired all buyer did was buy recycled paper. And some of those codes are country locked to certain countries. I buy a card from the States I can't use it in Canada.

Chocoburger46d ago

Dumb and silly story. She wasted her money for no reason.

Is it really that hard to go to Steam or GOG. She spent $240, when its currently 70% off on GOG, and only costs $4.49.

Gee, I wonder, should I spend $240 on eBay, or $4.49 on GOG? 🙄

Rynxie46d ago

Most likely she wanted to resell a few or most of them. However, it was a too good to be true situation.

46d ago
Profchaos46d ago

So in short she paid $240.00 assuming usd for a bunch on unactivated game codes.

I still don't understand why I guess cause there's not a physical version and she wanted something for a collection or art project.

Rynxie46d ago

No, most likely to resell. However, she ended up getting screwed.

Asplundh46d ago

This is Alan Wake 1, it had physical copies.

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Previously On... Alan Wake

Alan Wake 2 continues the writer's story, 13 years later.


A thermos is upending the Alan Wake community

Remedy has Alan Wake merch on sale, including a pretty blue thermos. Unfortunately, things haven’t gone according to plan, and many players who want a thermos find themselves without one, though it does appear that Remedy is attempting to fix things. Nevertheless, it has resulted in a lot of upset, illustrating just how much the thermos means to Alan Wake fans.

Read Full Story >>