
New Alan Wake Screenshots are full of win

We always keep an watchful eye to get the hottest and most awesome content for our dear readers to devour on. And what could be better than 8 brand new screenshots of Microsoft's much sought after upcoming exclusive Alan Wake. The screenshots look amazing and that's putting it mildly! The more we are getting to see of this game, the more we are beginning to fall in love with it. As for you, here are the images, do let us know, what do you think of them on the comments section below.

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SeriousHashBrown5220d ago

very nice, wish this was still on PC

Geralt5220d ago


I was actually thinking of buying a 360 a while ago - not for this game, but for some of the exclusives.

Certainly not now.

villevalorox5220d ago

looks great! really want to play the, the falling trees in the woods is what sold me on it lol. looks great!

Masta_fro5220d ago (Edited 5220d ago )

im amazed at the detail in some of the screen grabs, but something still doesnt convince me...

I dont think these are completely in-game, and why do the only ones that look more or less like in-game images are so dang blurry?

bullshots? maybe not, but im reserving judgement till i see some actual footage...still looks great though...congrats xbox playas

edit: haha...this is what some dude posted on the source page, made me rofl...

"looks gay and boring. kratos would rip this fool to shreds."

menoyou5220d ago

Looks good for a 360 game but compared to other stuff this gen, it's no big deal. Definitely would've loved to play this on highest settings on my PC instead.

starvinbull5220d ago

Certainly the best graphics on the 360 I have seen. I hope it isn't an action game I quite like the idea of it being an investigation with suspense and plot twists.

MGSR THE HD VERSION5220d ago (Edited 5220d ago )

look at that, not a single console game has that realistic lighting.

more and more, and more i keep on thinking about this whole ff13 persecution as bullsh!t, 360 gimps ff13 yet alan wake is way more of a technical showcase? the whole "oh 360 isn't capable of doing this kind of graphics without blu-ray" is so 2006.

.........i mean, can people stop with the fvcking patronizing of the format as the only solution for anything?

as for ps3 gamers i just expect them to be lost for words and disagree as usual, cause it's too late to prove how superior ff13 is going to be using blu-ray and all cause it's soon gonna be old news in 2 months......just like heavy rain is going to be too.

D4RkNIKON5220d ago

Are we talking about the kind of win where the game doesn't have Any CG cutscenes?

lelo2play5220d ago

I don't know if those are bullshots or not, but they sure look great.

It's looking better and better every day.

Syronicus5220d ago (Edited 5220d ago )

I feel sorry for the guy who lost his feet in this pic... And where are all the shadows that should be cast with that glaring burst of light going off behind the guy with no feet? Is that because those folks are ghosts or something and light passes right through them?

Shepherd 2145220d ago

The tip of that enemy's feet are facing towards the camera and Alan. Since his body is also facing towards Alan, it would make sense that his feet are too. What, do you think his feet should be out to the side like he is skateboarding or something? Look at the pic for longer than 3 seconds and maybe you will see what im talking about.

Nice try pal. Try again. I'll be going back to bed now.

xTruthx5220d ago

MGSR THE HD VERSION I wouldnt get so hyped about this pics and let me explain y. I remember looking at Gears 2 pics b4 the game had released and they looked really amazing, then when i got the game.. they looked good but not like the pics they where showing at first, forza did that 2 me too, we both should wait b4 saying anything

Syronicus5220d ago

When I picture myself swinging a bat, my back foot is my support and strong foot so it is facing outward and not towards the object I am swinging at. In the case of this picture, it is obvious he has no feet especially when you consider how he is swinging that shovel. Maybe his feet are clipped into the terrain?

ProjectVulcan5220d ago (Edited 5220d ago )

Its look pretty good, but then it damn well better be the best looking console game this gen, its only had over 5 years. Uncharted 2 was done in 18 months!

The only thing left to determine is performance. All the (early)gameplay vids i have seen of this have massive slowdown at some points, and have unbelieveable screen tearing. If these things has been polished out for the final version, then remedy have a winner visually. Im pretty sure that remedy have spent time polishing the engine to iron out any potential performance issues, and activated vsync.

No @ raf1k1 lol i certainly do not mean the bullet time effect when alan whips out a flare....i mean frame drops elsewhere. Its not i didnt expect bullet time in a remedy game- Max payne series is one of my all time faves. Everyone disagreeing with my post obviously feels remedy WONT have a winner if the game is polished. Okaaaayyy.....lol

Raf1k15220d ago

Massive slowdown? I thought it was some sort of "bullet time" effect.

Anyway the lighting is pretty impressive in this game but the game makes use of a few light sources on screen really well to get it looking as nice as it does. When it comes to additional light sources like the ones you'd expect from an exploding flare (which look really nice BTW) it doesn't really have any.

Some people might say how could it not have a light source when it's clearly very bright but there's a difference between making something look like it's glowing and giving it it's own light source which would then add to resource consumption as there would be more to render.

Correct me if I'm wrong as my experience with computer animation is limited.

Space_cancer5220d ago

This looks like luigi´s mansion.


vhero5220d ago

Jamie and his magic torch surely is shaping up well eh? Certainly not a system seller as it looks no better than say Alone in the dark 4 as its a VERY similar game. Since alone in the dark only sold 0.41m worldwide i'm worried that dropping PC support was a big mistake..


also looking at silent hill homecoming at 0.35m


games of this genre definitely DONT sell well on the 360 nor any of the current gen consoles... You cannot compare it to resident evil of course because its a completely different type of game plus resident evil has a massive following. Also resident evil 5 has sold more on PS3.....

I expect poor sales of this game which is a shame as it looks good but this is definitely not the system for this genre as the past proves.

likedamaster5220d ago

Apparently, the geniuses over at Remedy have created another masterpiece(creators of Max Payne 1&2).

It's obvious they have taken a lot of time to make this game nothing less than perfect. I wasn't interested in this title at first but now am getting more and more excited.

Anyone that enjoyed both Max Paynes should not just look at its exclusivity but consider who is developing this awesome looking game.

Support the Devs... of great games.

Shepherd 2145220d ago

That guy is not Barry Bonds, he isnt going to be swinging like a baseball player with his feet pointed toward the side at the home plate. His feet are not clipped into the ground, thats just the way your trying to twist it. Just look at it, im willing to be that the jeans he is wearing are not bell-bottoms, the bottom of his legs are fat because those are his feet covered in darkness, so you cant really tell, and they are pointed towards Alan. A person clipping into the ground like that would be a huge bug, ive never even seen that happen in the worst of games.

beans5220d ago (Edited 5220d ago )

For me those shots have the best graphics and lighting I have ever seen on console. I'm thinking Metro 2033 is going to give it a run for the money but love the fact that a developer has really taken his time on a 360 title.

DMason5220d ago

No one ever takes you seriously because you're the worst of the worst when it comes to fanboys. If this game was on the PS3, it would be the next best thing and you'd be saying it rivals Uncharted 2 in graphics.

By the way, Resident Evil 5 only sold 60k more on the PS3, which is small potatoes dude.


This game definitely has a chance to move systems and sell well. MS is going to promote the crap out of this game.

specialguest5220d ago

I've been praising the lighting effects of this game for a while now. Nice textures and polygons are what people initially judge graphics on, but excellent lighting takes it to another level. I hope the next Silent Hill game takes some queue from Alan Wake graphically.

Greywulf5220d ago

Seriously.. a flashlight in the dark is spectacular? bloom? entire frame blur(not object motion blur)?

Compared to say.. i dont know.. current graphical king titles like.. well you know them. How is alan wakes lighting better?

Outside of just saying so...?

I honestly doubt 1/2 of you even know what lighting is. Alan Wake looks great, but the lighting isn't all that amazing compared to uhm... well..

beans5220d ago

I'm not a developer so I honestly could careless what there doing to make the game lighting and atmosphere look so believable. I'm not knocking any other games but being a gamer for 30 something years nothing I've seen yet on console looks as good as this. Why this is turning into a console battle is beyond me. Alan Wake deserves some props and if your to prideful to admit it then Shut up and get out of 360 threads.

AntoineDcoolette5220d ago

Those screen shots make me think of Silent Hill without the rust and blood

Christopher5220d ago

What you're talking about is called particle effects, and Alan Wake does use them well. This is kind of what Alone In The Dark should have looked like, but instead they used glows and low-res particle effects instead, that and some crappy controls/gameplay mechanics.

My interest in the game is seeing more of the possible creatures you'll encounter in the game. I'm hoping they wow us with some truly interesting and inventive monsters to combat as the game progresses.

BWS19825220d ago (Edited 5220d ago )

buying this. I love Remedy, and although I'm disappointed after the PC version termination, I think highly enough of them. I think these *should* be in game, because of the blur effects, you don't see blur effects during CGI too often, and the setting just looks like something a dev would lend control to the player for, and one of the shots has a reticle. The views are almost all the same, over the shoulder at the same angle, too.

Seriously, I haven't been disappointed by a product from Remedy yet.

Even if these aren't in game, Max Payne 1 & 2 had some of the most immersive storytelling and refined gameplay ever. I have high hopes.

iforgotmylogin5220d ago

it feels nice. imnot even a 360 fan. but those ss's made me feel an emotion. kind of reminds me of the first time when i saw re4 on the gc. beautiful shots.

FamilyGuy5220d ago

I don't like how they're trying to make everything dynamic by simply burring everything around the player whenever it's dark and he pulls his flashlight out/aims it at an enemy.

Strange thing is, that blurry lighting effect is the same thing that attracts me to this game (graphics whore). I just don't like that something that looks so good might be done in an overkill sort of way. I really like it but I don't want too much of it.

Anyway, (for me) textures and lighting effects in this game give it the biggest wow factor I've seen from a 360 since the first Gears of War commercials came out.

Timesplitter145220d ago (Edited 5220d ago )

Can't wait to get this game, but what exactly is "full of win" (please stop saying that) with these screenshots?

Looks like normal screenshots to me

FOXDIE5220d ago

I want this game for the PS3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! PLEASE (or PC pleaseeeeeeeeeee)

5219d ago
Greywulf5219d ago (Edited 5219d ago )

But i doubt you can point out what you've never before seen in Alan Wake footage/screens that you haven't seen anywhere before. Calling alan wake the best looking thing you've seen is seriously hard to believe if you're into gaming.Especially considering the absolute nothing anyone has seen over 5 years. 30 years of gaming, and you can't even graze an example of why alan wake is the most amazing thing you've ever seen. Lots of "OH MY GOD AMAZING LIGHTING" yet.. can't point out how its different from anything else. Alan Wake is a good looking title. But whats the amazing lighting compared to? Nothing.. or the old unreal engine?

a flashlight in the dark... isn't exactly breaking the mold. Neither is blooming light.

Alan Wake is the one game everyone makes emtpy claims about. And when its called out.. the excuse about it being semi-sandbox surfaces.

Game definitely looks great. But I've seen Crysis, Uncharted, Killzone2, Gran Turismo, etc... I haven't even seen Wake change a facial expression.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.. clearly.. but saying its the best means it can be compared.

beans5219d ago (Edited 5219d ago )

Dude, for the life of me just Shut up already! Gamers don't care to point out what does what! Remedy has done a fine job bringing this setting to life, lighting and all. You can bring up as many games you want on whatever system but right now Alan Wake for me has the best visuals ever on a console in my OPINION. I'm sure it will be topped but for now just stop lying to your self forcing your opinion down our throats. Get passed the 360 hate and you might start to see what were seeing.

SaberEdge5219d ago

I used to live in the Pacific Northwest and spent a lot of time in Oregon and Washington and I can tell you they absolutely nailed the look of the region. The graphics are stunningly beautiful. It has excellent dynamic lighting and shadows. The shadow maps seem to be of a very high quality, like in this shot http://www.gamersmint.com/w... for example.

Also, there are some very nice uses of atmospheric and particle effects and some nice sort of diffuse lighting like in this shot http://www.gamersmint.com/w... Texture resolution also seems to be of a high quality. The game also seems to be using some kind of per-object motion blur. Notice in this shot http://www.gamersmint.com/w... how everything is sharp and in focus except the character moving towards Alan Wake which is blurred.

All in all it is one of the most graphically impressive games that I have seen.

thewhoopimen5219d ago

Shots were taken on a PC at 2560x1440 ... full of bull.


+ Show (34) more repliesLast reply 5219d ago
we won5220d ago (Edited 5220d ago )

I was looking at the 7th pic and the textures are earth shattering freaky amazing. The Forest/Trees/Plants are scary looking they're so detailed. And some people said the devs were trying to hide the game in the dark(BIG LOL). The lighting and detail in this game is unheard of. None of that is painted inor static, it's all dynamic, you run into a bush/play/small-tree and it has real time physics.



That could be a door even though the devs did say years ago there will be things you can make(light traps) and other death puzzles etc.

Here is an example of what I was talking about when it comes physics in this older build of the game.

LOL that PS3 fanboy cyborg disagreed with me.

KingKionic 5220d ago

In this pic , what type of light/weapon is used here ?


cyborg5220d ago

Hey, Alan seems to be carrying a shotgun and is carrying a normal torch. The bright light seems to be coming from the outside due to some strange event which we will get to know about when we play the game. But from the looks of it, the source of the light might turn out to be a rather unpleasant one!

KingKionic 5220d ago

Ah...i didn't notice the torch or the shotgun . I wonder what the light is . It`s coming away from them ..werid .

So whos the guy with alan wake ?

cyborg5220d ago

I have no idea, who that guy is but it seems he's a frnd of Alan rather than a foe, he seems to be approaching that mysterious light aswell, hopefully to die and warn Alan in advance! XD

Xtremist5220d ago (Edited 5220d ago )

It is probably something like a light"bomb" or a light trap that you will use to take out several enemies (people taken by the dark force) at once.

Xi5220d ago

i was thinking flashbang.

Raf1k15220d ago

There are other characters Alan meets in the game who help him out. Like the guy with Christmas lights wrapped around him. It could be one of them.

Gobot5219d ago

Anybody notice the man running with his penis out?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5219d ago
Mo0eY5220d ago

Does poor wittle Awan need his fwash light? Dawwwwww.

Overmars5220d ago

Nice one. Had me lol.....

@ 1.1 - Didn't you call yourself 'DiffusionE'? What happened to the 'E'?

-MD-5220d ago

Sony Soldier lol it never gets old.

Gimped Hardware5220d ago

It's a fact that all the droids were all over this game proclaiming it to be amazing but they were all getting the superior PC version........

Then, when the PC version gets canned they all turn tails and claim this game isn't good anymore.

PS3 fans = tragic,sorrowful morons
360 fans = happy to be playing the best games ever

I supposes there is always GOW3, GT5 and Agent later this year,wait for it, wait.....for.....it........... ............hahahahehehehahahah ehehehehahaha.................. ....oh dear.........hehehehahahahahah ehehe

JasonPC360PS3Wii5220d ago

Does poor wittle droid need a game

Shane Kim5220d ago

Murderdolls, I was in your home country 2 days ago. You eat sprinkles on bread for breakfast. HAHAHAHHA!

-MD-5220d ago

Is that like a poptart joke? I didn't get it.

AngryTypingGuy5219d ago

Mooey: "Does poor wittle Awan need his fwash light? Dawwwwww. "

Diffusion: "@Mooey LMAO Nice one."

Overmars: "1.2 - lol
Nice one. Had me lol..... "

Uh, really? Welcome to Retard Convention 2010, ladies and gentleman.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5219d ago
Ronster3165220d ago

I wish they were making Max Payne 3.

Rockstar will just screw it up.

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Gamer buys 4,000 copies of Alan Wake, none of them work

Alan Wake, from Max Payne and Control creator Remedy, is a horror classic, prompting one player to buy 4,000 copies that don’t even work.

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roadkillers48d ago

Kind of a goody story...

On a serious note, that is why I try activating gift cards asap. It's happened to me where the store didnt scan it right where the card was unusuable. Happened at Wally World.

gigoran848d ago

wait, that place is real? national lampoon wasn't kidding?

Tacoboto47d ago

I just bought two of the MonsterVerse Godzilla movies on 4K - both had digital copies expiring in 2023. Both were actually expired.

I'd be surprised but it's WB, of course they'd actually expire them

Knightofelemia48d ago

Usually most of those redemption card have an expiry date on them. If they expired all buyer did was buy recycled paper. And some of those codes are country locked to certain countries. I buy a card from the States I can't use it in Canada.

Chocoburger48d ago

Dumb and silly story. She wasted her money for no reason.

Is it really that hard to go to Steam or GOG. She spent $240, when its currently 70% off on GOG, and only costs $4.49.

Gee, I wonder, should I spend $240 on eBay, or $4.49 on GOG? 🙄

Rynxie48d ago

Most likely she wanted to resell a few or most of them. However, it was a too good to be true situation.

48d ago
Profchaos48d ago

So in short she paid $240.00 assuming usd for a bunch on unactivated game codes.

I still don't understand why I guess cause there's not a physical version and she wanted something for a collection or art project.

Rynxie48d ago

No, most likely to resell. However, she ended up getting screwed.

Asplundh48d ago

This is Alan Wake 1, it had physical copies.

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Previously On... Alan Wake

Alan Wake 2 continues the writer's story, 13 years later.


A thermos is upending the Alan Wake community

Remedy has Alan Wake merch on sale, including a pretty blue thermos. Unfortunately, things haven’t gone according to plan, and many players who want a thermos find themselves without one, though it does appear that Remedy is attempting to fix things. Nevertheless, it has resulted in a lot of upset, illustrating just how much the thermos means to Alan Wake fans.

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