
Sony pulls plug on OLED TV in Japan

TOKYO (Reuters) - Sony Corp has pulled the plug in Japan on sales of a next-generation flat TV due to sluggish demand, a setback for a product the company had trumpeted as a sign of its revival as an innovator.

Sony said it had stopped production of ultra-thin TVs using organic light-emitting diode (OLED) technology for Japan, just a little over 2 years since it launched its first set. It plans to keep selling the TVs in overseas markets, a spokesman said.

OLED displays use organic, or carbon-containing compounds that emit light when electricity is applied. They produce crisp images and do not need backlighting, making them slimmer and more energy-efficient than LCDs, the most popular type of flat TV.

socomnick5219d ago

Nobody wanted OLED.

There is better tech out there more promising tech.

And where is my SED tvs :(

alphakennybody5219d ago

don't feed the troll ppl. nothing to see here

Maddens Raiders5219d ago (Edited 5219d ago )

...sure nick, I presume you think it's called guido tech, because that comment makes about as much sense as sitting through an episode of Jersey Shore (on purpose).


SNE just got a little too far ahead of the curve on this one. This technology is ahead of it's time and people (the masses) are still ingesting and most are "just now" starting to embrace full on blu-ray and LED / LCD flat panels for their outdated dens and all the great things hi-tech digital companies have to offer for the a/v consumer in all of us.

Hell, my mom still has a DVD/VCR combo in her room. OLED TV to her would be the equivalent of Betsy Ross owning Captain Kirk's phaser. In time, people will gravitate toward this offering perhaps when all of the "wow" factor from the current tech begins to become a bit more pedestrian.

gaffyh5219d ago

It's just too expensive really, I would love an OLED TV, they look amazing, and they use very little power, but they are too expensive for the masses yet. Sony needs to hold it back for a couple of years until they are financially viable.

5219d ago
mushroomwig5219d ago


Yeah, pull the plug on something that is now earning Sony a profit...great idea genius.

Sorry to take off your fanboy goggles but the Playstation 3 isn't a failure, where have you been for the past year?

XXXCouture5219d ago Show
5219d ago
SL1M DADDY5219d ago

Yeah, that's why they are continuing to sell them over seas.

GayStation35219d ago Show
Pennywise5219d ago

First off "Gaystation"... Just for your name alone you should be banned to the open zone.

/on topic - OLED was way too expensive. They have a beautiful picture, but at what price. Sony needs to concentrate on more affordable options.

AND I stick to it - FIST PUMP!

sikbeta5219d ago

OLED TV will be AWESOME, let see, in a Couple of years, Why? cuz at that time it'll AFFORDABLE, OLED TVs are Hell of EXPENSIVE NOW, that give you a hint PALS

kwyjibo5219d ago

OLED is the f*cking future - it has so much potential. The screens are gorgeous, thin, flexible and low power.

And yet Sony are pulling back on this line, and concentrating on bullsh*t technologies that no one wants such as 3D TVs. Never before, has such a worthless technology been foist upon us by so many manufacturers.

For the last year, we've all been told how we should all want 3D TVs so we can watch the Weather while wearing colour destroying polarising lenses. Well, we don't.

Sony will rue this decision, when the Koreans end up owning the OLED market just as they wrapped up the LCD one.

tda-danny5219d ago

Saying no one wants an OLED TV is just ignorant.

But I guess if the shoe fits...

van-essa5219d ago

Stealing someone else's avatar is just plain lame.

Oner5219d ago (Edited 5219d ago )

^^^ ROFL is right! So far tda-danny wins because his account is the oldest @ 552 days meanwhile the one who originally b!@#%ed (van-essa) account is only 7 days old! LoL! What a way to own yourself!

Crimsonite5219d ago

some people act so childish

beardpapa5219d ago

Saying nobody wants OLED is like saying nobody cares for amoled phones or how people back in the day didn't give a damn about hdtv sets and convinced themselves that sdtv was good enough.


The hard cold truth is that for 90+% of the public OLED are overpriced flat slim TVs while LCD and Plasma (maybe LED) FullHD panels are good enough.

A surer bet is the high performance version of those techs for 3D will be the next to dominate market. I would bet 120Hz, FullHD, 3D capable LCDs will be the biggest sellers for some time.

OLED like tech will have it market when we start to pocket our TVs around, most people don't even use Cellphone TVs. When this time comes, OLED maybe do a come back (it works greatly for small devices since it's thin and it also work pretty good for outdoor) or maybe another tech, more efficient (less $$$) take the crowd.

One thing is for sure, we can say that nothing more will ever be invented without a competitor aiming for the same market and a war to define the prevalent format. A lot of formats will get lost between the hurricane, OLED was just another one in this flat slim TVs war.

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 5219d ago
Projekt7tuning5219d ago

Its a shame this might not be a technology that goes anywhere. I've only seen a few in person, but they looked outstanding. The first one I got to see was at Best Buy. It was only a 10in or so, but the cool thing was that as soon as I walked into the store I could see the thing from the front door all the way to the Magnolia room. It was pretty damn far away yet it was so bright and colorful. When I actually walked to it to check it out I almost fell over at the price. I think it was $6,999, and it was not even HD. It was very beautiful though. I was just picturing in my mind playing games on it in a 50in version.

Neoraf5219d ago

If you want to own OLED screen at an affordable price, go buy the ZUNE HD.
Simply stunning piece of tech!
I use OLED everyday and it's awesome.

anh_duong5219d ago

oled is too expensive maybe when a cheaper method to construct oled comes a long led will suffice

xtreampro_REVENGE5219d ago

Development on HD TV's started in the 80's and it wasn't available to the public until 2005 (I think) so that's about 25 years of research but the OLED technology is already here and has been shown to the public so I think it just needs a bit of more research, say about another 3 to 4 years before it's available publicly in a 42/50" range.

I suspect that by then our HD 3D TV's will literally be a piece of really thin black tinted glass that when touched on the edge displays a super shard or 'ultra HD' image while the bezel of the screen is still see-through, or maybe the image will cover the edge of the lass as well. in 15 years time our current TV's will be ancient.

Projekt7tuning5219d ago

@ 4
I'm not quite sure when HDTV's first became available @ retail. I kind of would like to know that myself, But it was way before 2005. I bought my first HDTV (monitor) in 2000. It was a swx 53in Hitachi ultravison. It was a bigger than hell projection tv. I worked for circuit city at the time. I think it was $5,999 retail, but they had a huge mark up on them so I got it at cost for almost half. In 2005 I got my first LCD, it was a 32in Sharp Aquos. It was so hard to sell that Hitachi, I just ended up giving it to my sister so I could replace it with a plasma. Even in 2005 A good 32in LCD was uber expensive compared to now. Today I could buy a better tv that's a 42 1080p for half of what I paid for that first Sharp. It dose still look very good, and works great for my guest room.

i_am_interested5219d ago

"Sony said it would end sales of OLED TV in Japan when inventory runs out. It plans to continue putting money into research and development and production for North America, Europe and other overseas markets."


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