
IGN MAG Review

IGN Says: MAG Does a lot of things right - it's a solid shooter, and has shown that having a large number of players doesn't have to choke up the gameplay. Unfortunately, it didn't show that more players means more fun. Bugs, imbalances, and a lack of content for the price make what could have been an excellent game just decent

LordMarius5234d ago (Edited 5234d ago )

"MAG Does a lot of things right - it's a solid shooter, and has shown that having a large number of players doesn't have to choke up the gameplay. Unfortunately, it didn't show that more players means more fun. Bugs, imbalances, and a lack of content for the price make what could have been an excellent game just decent."

Better luck next time Zipper

5234d ago
Jamegohanssj55234d ago (Edited 5234d ago )

Not sure if you all know this or not, but IGN actually changed the score from a 6.5 to a 7.0. Fishy.



-Alpha5234d ago (Edited 5234d ago )

Many fanboys kept insisting that more players= better game and kept trying to spit on lower-numbered games which was very stupid of them. I take pleasure in laughing at them now.

Anyways, whether that statement applies to MAG or not is a mixed bag since the opinion is so split.

I expected higher from IGN and considering that I did believe the game would open up with more time spent with it. Regardless, it's still a good score and in no way should this be looked down upon-- MAG was never hyped to be AAA and the A-AA scores it's receiving sits fine with me and the general attitude people had before MAG came out. If I'm not mistaken, the game did not receive K2 or UC2 hype. But I hear a stampede of angry PS3 fans so I'm going to go microwave my popcorn...

A PS3 exclusive receiving under AAA is bound to be turned into a bad thing... despite the fact that not every PS3 game needs to be hyped AAA and despite the fact that MAG wasn't hyped AAA itself except by a few fanboys who think that every PS3 game has to be AAA in order for it to be a good game. It's those guys that are going to be most upset with this score.


I think it's entirely subjective. I have just as much fun with a 5 on 5 game of Halo or Uncharted 2, a 6 on 6 game of COD, a 12 on 12 game of Bad Company, etc. But in no way should people arrogantly claim that more players= more fun than less player.

People were really bashing smaller player games despite the fact that large war games and smaller games are two entirely different designed games requiring different mechanics of play.

I'm not saying 128 players on one screen isn't fun, but I don't think it's fair to say that it's objectively better or more fun than playing a game of Free For All in a smaller-numbered game.

The thing people kept saying is that MAG was going to set new standards. I think it set a new standard but it's not something that every FPS needs to hit. Again, more players doesn't mean better game. It's not like BFBC2 coming out next month is going to be inferior because it has less players-- you simply have to understand that that's how the game is built.

I generally like smaller games because it's more personal and you develop a relationship with the enemy players, but I wouldn't say that larger games are therefore inferior because it doesn't do the same. Larger games simply have different standards and achieve different experiences.

Cyrax_875234d ago

After watching that video of the 128 SVERS's stampeding, it looks ALOT more fun.

only on playstaychun5234d ago

Zipper are trying to simulate a real battlefield. I doubt you can do that with MW2 6v6 running and gunning. I dont think size is the issue here. The issue seems to be that there is a lot of love or hate for this game.

deadreckoning6665234d ago (Edited 5234d ago )

Great Score...if ur a gamer. If ur a PS3 fanboy...not so good.

Edit: Only a PS3 fanboy would be offended by my comment so I take it u guys are here already =D

callahan095234d ago (Edited 5234d ago )

Completely disagree with this review. The game is brilliant. Phenomenal level/map design (and shipped with 15 maps, all of which are absolutely huge)... great upgrade system... unique, complex and fun tactical objectives in each different game mode... cool leadership and experience point system... interesting backstory and implications of the shadow war (requires going to MAG.com, but it still counts)... solid controls... good graphics and sound.

There's really nothing about this game that I would change.

I'm completely baffled at what game some of these critics were playing. How could you put time into this game and not being having a blast and find yourself utterly addicted to it? There are so many unique and impressive things that this game introduces to the online gaming arena that have never existed before. And these critics just don't seem to appreciate it. I'm totally lost. MAG is a solid 9 in my opinion, but these low-ball reviews aren't going to prevent me from continuing to be addicted to this awesome game.

Edit: I'd like to add a bit more. They gave it only a 6.5 for lasting appeal? They say that good players will reach level 60 in a week or two? Today marks a week, and every match that I've been in the highest ranked player was about level 35 or so. I checked their profiles and it says they have like 30 hours or more into the game.

This same site just gave Mass Effect 2 a 10 for Lasting Appeal! That's a great game, but a 10 for lasting appeal? It's about 30 hours long. Come on, a 10 for that, but only a 6.5 for MAG? They're obviously way off target with their estimate of how long it takes to get to level 60.

The best players, the squad-leaders, in all the matches I played this afternoon, they were in the high 20's to low 30's, and had around 30 hours of game time. Are you seeing where I'm going with this? They say that casual players will give up well before they ever get to level 60? Well, I'm a more casual player with this game, I mean the top-scorers always score about 500 points a round, but I'm not a hardcore player like them, I score about 100 points per round, and I have only put about 7 hours into the game in the week that it's been out versus the 25 to 30 hours put in by the more hardcore players. BUT, I'm still enjoying the hell out of the game.

That 6.5 for lasting appeal is an absolute joke of a score. It deserves MUCH higher.

And I'd also like to complain about the 6.5 for graphics. It's actually a really pretty game. There's so much detail in the maps! I even just noticed today that tropical birds fly around in the central American maps for Raven. The textures are sharp and the lighting is really impressive. I think it's a gorgeous game, and considering that it's an online game with 256 players makes it all the more impressive.

Seriously, what game are they playing? Not the same game I'm playing, that's for sure. Because they low-balled the hell out of this game's score from my perspective.

Digitaldude5234d ago

Maybe its not technically excellent, but its a fun game.

SniperJDC5234d ago

This game will most likely be a rental for me...what about you guys?

SOAD5234d ago

Actually, the game is a technical marvel.

128 players on screen with no lag was demonstrated in another thread, and thus, I must conclude that Zipper's netcoding is the most impressive I have seen.

I don't think there are many games that can handle that kind of player presence, even Battlefield 2 on PC has problems.

IGN must be judging this game from a different standpoint, probably just so they can find something negative about the game and lower the score.

I feel IGN has some biases, depending the on the particular reviewer.

While I'm sorry to say that I won't be getting MAG anytime soon (because I have to get GOW collection and Demon's Souls), I will say that this game deserves to be purchased by most FPS fans. This game shows Infinity Ward how it's done.

GreenRingOfLife5234d ago

Its good to see IGN waiting a few days to play the game since its online only and the true way to experience it is with 256 players. Now ppl can't argue that they didnt have enough time to review it. but it stinks it only got a 7/10 o well its a definite rent

Dragun6195234d ago (Edited 5234d ago )

SVER ftw!

Sver- 128 players stampede

Anyways MAG has great potential to be a good online franchise, and does well to deliver what it promises to do, and that is delivering a 256 online tactical FPS which involves with working with your team in order to win. So far I been enjoying it and I say its worth $60 but it would have fared way better especially in reviews if it was just $40.

goflyakite5234d ago

Oh how some websites make there double standards so obvious.

Let me ask everyone a question, which game that received a 9.5 from this very same website does this quote remind you of, "Bugs, imbalances, and a lack of content for the price"?


Saaking5234d ago

Good review imo. This game always seems to be overshadowed by other PS3 exclusives, but it's good to see it getting nice scores. From the way people talk about it, I'm really tempted to buy it. Hopefully soon.

CWMR5234d ago

-"Zipper are trying to simulate a real battlefield."

Emulating real life is not what games are necessarily about. There are lots of ways games could try to be more like real life that would only make for worse games. Oftentimes when developers try to make things more "realistic" they only hurt the gameplay and the overall experience.

My favorite online game on the PS3 by far is Uncharted 2 and that is only 5 vs 5. It's not about numbers of players, it is about how fun it is.-

Eamon5234d ago

It's good to see that people have ignored the troll named Bungie.

I think you will have to be a fan of the genre to be really into MAG. I haven't tried it so I don't know if having one person control a squad of real gamers will work out since there are immature gamers out there.

Anyway, plenty of other games worth getting this year. =/

ShadowRyuX5234d ago

It is $60 for a multiplayer only game which is pretty much a first on PS3 I believe and it also offered no bundle with a mic. On top of that the variety of weapons and skills and such seemed a little shallow, at least from the beta. I can kind of understand the lack of skills, but I was actually quite angered by the lack of guns and armor for each faction.

lokiroo4205234d ago (Edited 5234d ago )


lol, priceless! 'nuff said.

UnSelf5234d ago

u give Prince of Persia a 9+ but this a 7? IGN has truly lost its way.

im done wit reviews everywhere

Bnet3435234d ago

7/10 is a solid score for MAG. After watching that 128 player video, I'll be looking out for it when it goes cheap. One thing that worries me is how long will the servers be up?

callahan095234d ago

Why do I have so many disagrees on my above comment? I think my points are all well-reasoned. Not one of the subsequent comments is addressed at anything I said, so why all the disagrees if nobody has anything to say to refute my comments?

Bigpappy5234d ago

7 is not that bad for an online only FPS. You guys say that FPS are a 360 thing, yet an online only FPS gets a decent score, from a reputable site,and you think it is not high enough. It is becoming more clear that you guys care more about the review score than your own personal judgement of the game. They gave the open beta so everyone with a PS3 got a chance to try the game if they even had a hint of interest. What I am saying is: in the end, if people like it, they would buy it (Good review or not).

Aquanox5234d ago

I hope those guys always waiting for IGN's now just get over thefact that MAG just isn't triple A.

BaSeBaLlKiD7215234d ago (Edited 5234d ago )

Look at Resistance Fall of Man and Warhawk, the servers are still up and running strong.

5234d ago
callahan095234d ago (Edited 5234d ago )

Look, a 6.5 for lasting appeal is a joke.

They gave Darksiders a 7.5 for lasting appeal! That's a 15 hour game with no multiplayer and pretty much no reason for replay value!

Lasting appeal is a rating that's supposed to imply how long you'll be playing this game if you buy it. Are they seriously going to tell us that this game isn't even going to provide a week's worth of entertainment spread over 15 hours? Because that's what they said Darksiders provides, and they gave it a higher lasting appeal mark than this game.

For god's sakes they JUST gave the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics video game a 7.3! There is no way that's a better game than MAG. There's no way it deserved a higher score in graphics and lasting appeal, especially, except somehow it got higher scores in both categories. Seriously. Compare the graphics in the two games. MAG not only looks better, but it looks better while being a 256-player online FPS. You can't honestly think that IGN is being fair, here.

Let's see, they gave No More Heroes 2 a 9.0 for lasting appeal, while in the same breath calling it a 12 hour long game. A 6.5 for MAG's lasting appeal?

I could go on, but what's the point, really?

raztad5234d ago

hehehehee Awesome review. /s

I'm off for some Domination! RAVEN is finally getting on its own, almost blew SVER out of the water few minutes ago.

All MAG haters can have fun playing with reviews.

A Cupcake for Gabe5234d ago

Well if MW2 didn't come out, MAG would of gotten a higher score. I think most shooters will suffer from here on out cause every website can't help but to love MW2 and use it as standard for the rest. The odd thing is, MW2 is a broken pile of crap and MAG isn't.

I don't get it. Maybe I just like innovation.

Chubear5234d ago

Keep playing reviews haters while the PS3 base are enjoying an experience no other console has ever seen virtually lag free. Now go munch on some grass and pray to the almighty metacritic. :D

One year from now, some of the haters will go buy MAG and go "OMG, I can't believe I listened to the reviews when I could have been enjoying this a long time ago" Yeah, have fun hating fellas lol

Lifendz5234d ago

Almost hit agree on your comment. Then I caught your name. Keep it up though.

Not a bad score for MAG. After they patch it a few times and address some minor concerns it sounds like it could be great.

sikbeta5234d ago (Edited 5234d ago )

lol @ THIS:

"about damn time for the IGN review"

Excuse me WHAT? IS a Review made by GOD or something?

delusion-guy has not limits lol

Anyway, WHO FVCKING CARES If The Game Is Not a 10/10 When everyone is ENJOYING The Game

MAG is Awesome and a Review can't change that, WHO in Hell said that a Very Fvcking Awesome and Enjoyable Game needs a 10/10

If you buy MAG, you'll not regret the Purchase

Peace Out

Blackfrican5234d ago

Games without single players get blasted by reviewers. Shadowrun shared a similar fate on Xbox360 and was extremely fun to play.

Chubear5234d ago (Edited 5234d ago )

IGN actually rated MAG a 6.6 but then recently changed it to 7.. what happened? a typo? an initial error of some sort? no, they accessed the crap they were about to get and adjusted the rating. Why? cause it all doesn't matter. They just manipulate the young gaming community cause they know they can.

So it was a 6.5 before and then 5minutes later it's become a 7, wow, magic.

Doesn't matter if it's given a 10 or a 2, if you actually listen to review gaming sites cause you think they are "professional" gamers then you're a dumb assed sheep. No other way to put it. You drink acid if you were told it tastes good and enough people do it too.

ScoobyDrew5234d ago

hey, i thought this was a pretty fair review, if anything though MAG just needs some fine tuning to make this more fun... until then it'll be bad company 2 'ery day

STK0265234d ago

I have the game, and I can't understand how anyone could rate it lower than 7 or higher than 8 out of ten. Let me explain myself, the shooting works, but is nothing spectacular, the graphics are nice and clean, obviously MAG doesn't look like Uncharted 2, but it has huge environments, a somewhat good draw distance (despite the pop-ins and the shadows when sniping) and up to 256 players. The lack of maps really hurts the game, they'Re mostly well designed, although it does seem like they are not perfectly balanced. The game would really need another set of maps, preferably free of charge, unless Zipper wants to fragment the user base, like in WarHawk.

I still don't exactly understand why we can'T create atleast 3 accounts, inn order to have a character for each faction, having 2 PSN accounts, I could create myself two characters, but I just don't understand why I can'T simply create more characters. It feels like Zipper didn't want us to fully experience the 3 factions, which is a shame, since all three have different weapons. Some could say that Zipper wanted the player to feel connected with their faction in the shadow war, but all three of them are so shallow and only have a small background, it's actually hard to care about your faction (atleast I'm having trouble with it).

Another thing about MAG, it feels like this game was meant to be released 3-4 years ago. Small details, like seeing your hands when going down a ladder, better player animation (I'm referring to your hands, not the enemy or ally), etc. Like I said, small details, but things I expect from my FPS these years.

In the end, I'm really enjoying MAG, and can'T see why someone would rate it under 7 out of ten, considering just how fun the game can be, but I also can't understand how one would rate it higher than 8, seeing this game is flawed and suffers from a lack of content. All in all, in my opinion, MAG is a great game that despite its somewhat generic look can provide a unique experience at best, and feel like a poor man's battlefield at worst.

Red Panda5234d ago (Edited 5234d ago )

Good game, nothing more, nothing else matters. End statement!

ArmrdChaos5234d ago

Quick on the edit...better. Appreciated.

ThanatosDMC5234d ago

Most if his reviews are about complaints. If that was him in the video, you can tell how much he sucks. He lobbed a nade at his own teammate at a foot's distance.

I got better at it in a couple of hours and dying is not so bad when you have teammates to resuscitate you. But then again my KTD is almost becoming more and more 2:1.

Grenades arent actually overpowered. You can survive a blast but probably die if you're closer to the epicenter of the explosion. It's the poison gas grenades he should talk about. Those things could slaughter a whole squad hunkering down to protect an objective in a pretty wide space. Spam healing isnt strong enough to outlast two gas nades.

I'm surprised he didnt complain about how underpowered RPGs were vs APCs or HumVs.

Rampant5233d ago

Didn't they review Lost Odyssey like a few years ago?

mopground5233d ago

ahh reading your comments always reminds me of how hopeless the human race is

Jamegohanssj55233d ago

I haven't purchased MAG yet, but I probably won't until I complete my backlog. The most recent game I have is Demon Souls.


The Happy Baby5233d ago

because the game is "decent" and a 7 is a "decent" score. 6.5 is kinda lame. 8 is good. 9 is great. 10 is awesome.

Hoggy19835233d ago

Quick question, why would IGN lie? Secondly, its just an opinion, as are all the reviews. If you think its great then thats just as valuable opinion here on N4G. However, the consensus seems to be its a 7-8/10 which is still pretty good.

What Im excited about is who will take this concept on and add in all the trimmings to make it 10/10 whether that be Mag 2, Killzone 3 etc or a new IP.

nycredude5233d ago (Edited 5233d ago )

For all you clowns who haven't and have no intentions of ever playing the game yet continue to be in all the review threads commenting and preaching like reviews are gospel, please just get the fcvk out of here. No one cares. The only reason why people don't have fun in this game is it is hard and does not cater to the cod fans. You CAN't run and gun and frag faces and tea bag on your own. This is different breed of online shooters, and requires patience, fortitude, and skills, something I am sad to say most gamers, especially spoiled reviewers lack in spades this gen.

It isn't for everyone and thus will be hated on and loved equally, but make no mistake this is a more than solid experience for the gamers looking for something new and challenging and an experience unlike anything out at the moment.

Once again if you don't like the game fine but come on with the hate already. Personally I have put more hours in and have had infinitely more fun with this game than I have COD MW1 and MW2 put together just in this weekend alone. And that is considering I played COD 4 MW 1 and 2 sp twice and some mp.

Also wtf is up with all these reviews complaining about bugs and glitches and scoring this game low on graphics. IMO, considering all the chaos in domination and the player counter and a smooth framerate and lag free I think this trumps COD. How come they gave cod MW 9.5 in graphics and never mention the bugs, glitches, lag, etc.

Bottom line is those hating on MAG are all COD fans. Just read the reviews and you know it. They downplay Mag's player count, making excuses for low player count (COD), talk about minor bugs a (COD gets a pass), say it isn't fun (Too hard for them, COD is easy).

I bet if the next cod comes out with 100 player count it will be trumpeted as the next best thing to hit fps and is innovative beyond compare and it rapes every fps ever made in the whole universe and beyond!

y0haN5233d ago

Who played the beta and didn't see it coming? People expect Zipper to deliver.. they should have just done SOCOM Confrontation.

Hoggy19835233d ago (Edited 5233d ago )

What are the game modes like on this? Do they have non respawning types? I know that if you die earlier it could get boring waiting for the next game or leaving however it would add some great realism to the battlefield. With regards to this, the idea of a "defend the fort" mission is really appealing (in my mind at least)

For example- 100 players defend a fortress. 156 players try to get in and take control. No respawning.

Proxy5233d ago

This game goes up .2 points for every hour you play.

otherZinc5233d ago

This game sucks & not 1 reviewer wants to give this $9.99, PS1 looking, 1 dimensional game a friggin 2 out of 10!

+ Show (46) more repliesLast reply 5233d ago
only on playstaychun5234d ago

6.5 Graphics
It runs 256 players smoothly, but at the cost of graphical detail. Texture pop-up at middle range.

How can they give this 6.5? Didnt they just give a 9.5 to MW2 which barely looks better than MAG and hasnt got 256 players and doesnt even run smoothly??

6.5 Lasting Appeal
You can feasibly reach the level cap within a week or two, though more casual players will likely quit in frustration before then.

Im sorry but I think many ppl who actually enjoy games like MAG will keep returning to the game for as long as they reach lvl 60 for all the PMCs, like I will.

Dissapointed with a 7 because this game doesnt deserve it. Think it is easily an 8 and after 1-2 yrs this game will be a blast.

7.5 Gameplay
Solid shooting mechanics and interesting maps are hampered by bugs and too many hazards on larger game modes.

Sorry what bugs? You sure they arent review MW2?

-Alpha5234d ago (Edited 5234d ago )

Probably technical bugs-- I don't think MW2 had any major MP bugs that were noticeable on the surface-- remember that this is a MP only game so it's going to be more criticized than MW2's MP.

Are you talking about hacks and glitches? Again, MW2's MP was touched lightly by reviewers. I guarantee you that if anybody spent time with MW2's MP extensively they would sh*t all over it.


It really is. But MW2 was judged on co-op, MP, and story. It lead to easier reviews. MAG is a MP only game so all the focus is on the MP so reviewers end up spending more time on the game and becoming a little harsher.

Unicron5234d ago

Which is unfortunate, as MW2 has proven to be one of the most glitchy online experiences ever.

only on playstaychun5234d ago (Edited 5234d ago )

Well I have played MAG for about 5hrs, I am level 17 with SVER, and I am pretty sure that the game isnt "hampered" by bugs. Very little to no lag and game runs rly smoothly. Cant say that the hit detection and animations are great, which they arent, but they do the job.

On the other hand I have actually just played MW2 today and MAG easily runs much more smoothly than MW2. Eventually MAG might have some problems with keeping the same performace but Zipper have really put out a solid online game.

frostypants5234d ago (Edited 5234d ago )

MW2's single player was arguably it's WEAKEST aspect. It was short and it was cheesy. On that alone, it was an 8 at best. I disagree that reviewers of MW2 were focusing on the single player...if they were, the scores they gave it are indefensible. Nobody bought it for the campaign, and it would have sold just as well without it. Half of the people on my friends list haven't even completed the campaign portion. Some haven't started it at all.

simplyRealistic185234d ago (Edited 5234d ago )

this is what it so hypercritical of ign, i pretty sure mw2 i had more bug then mag, but yet it get overlook because it was a high profile game, they gave gears 2 over a 9 when their multiplayer were unbearable

ThanatosDMC5234d ago

MAG has bugs??? I havent noticed them. I've been playing for more than a total of eight hours at least.

The Happy Baby5233d ago (Edited 5233d ago )

Jesus, ive never heard so much whiny comparisons to another game.
MW2, MW2, BOO f*ckin HOO.

According to IGN: MAG is "decent". Get over it. This doesnt mean IGN's opinion is better than your own, so if you like the game, play it and enjoy it---but dont cry about it or make envious comparisons to other games.

nycredude5233d ago


What story?


Glitchfest and lagfest, and with inferior player count.


Fun but nothing special.

9.6!!!! woohoo


What story? Online only.


Smooth as silk, very little problems and no lag, 256 player count with crazy amounts of stuff going on , all while looking every bit as good if not better than cod.


FUN! The entire game is a coop experience.


+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5233d ago
-Alpha5234d ago (Edited 5234d ago )

"That isn't my complaint. My complaint is that, due to their dominance, players are deleting their Raven and Valor characters and joining the winning team. As a result, most matches are S.V.E.R versus Raven, and S.V.E.R versus Valor. Rarely is it ever Raven versus Valor. This means that S.V.E.R – who were already winning most of their matches – was now also playing many more matches than either of the other PMCs, and as a result, their victories were compounding."

That was my concern too-- being able to freely switch teams, but again, MAG will live or die by the community.

People are also going to chase the trophies. Perhaps Zipper can address this, but surely there are at the very least 128 players on any given PMC.

MAG has a tally system, correct? It shows which PMC is leading the most wars?

This is probably getting people to switch. Maybe Zipper can make it so that the system factors in # of games player, # of total players on PMCS, etc. (unless it already does that).

"Bugs, imbalances, and a lack of content for the price make what could have been an excellent game just decent"

Bugs can be fixed, imbalances are definitely an issue. I heard that maps are different according to PMCs so its really crucial to have balanced maps. Though, it does add to the character of PMCs.

As for lack of content: if MAG was at $40 it would have been of great value. I do question the full price for the game simply because it lacked a story.

However I personally dont find value in even the best of SP games if they are short-- I rarely buy new SP games unless they are well over 25+ hours.

It seems more fitting that a MP-only game be worth more than a SP game just because it's more open ended.

But as IGN said, it seems that you can max out a level in 2 weeks-- which is probably another cause of so many people switching PMCs. I've always said MAG will be defined by the community so maybe after everybody has their trophies and whatnot they can settle in. However this has also been my concern because maybe people will be done with the game by then, which would lead me to resist purchasing the game in the future rather than buying it now on impulse.

I actually expected bugs to be a significant problem. There's only so much Zipper can cover with such a huge project and small problems are bound to seep through and become apparent.

Ultimately the review seems fine to me: you can't call it biased or early and in the end a review just outlines a player's experience.

Taking into consideration that this is MP only I expected a harsh review but even a 7/10 is not bad. Remember that MAG really didn't get AAA hype to begin with so you cant claim that it "failed" to meet hype. If it's one thing that gets the fans raging it's the fact that 360 fans will easy say that this game failed because it got a 7/10, but people really need to take a step back and realize that a 7/10 doesnt make a game atrocious.

@VileandVicious below

I havent played the beta. Do you have the full game? Maybe there are more bugs in it than in the beta. I was on the MAG forums and that's what one of the threads brought up. But bugs can mostly be fixed or patched-- again, this hurts MAG only because it's a MP game so the review can't make excuses for the game.

jmare5234d ago (Edited 5234d ago )

you can reach level 60 in 2 weeks and have any semblance of a life. In the time I played the beta the highest I got was Level 18 and that was the closed beta. I think it would take a reasonable person about a month to a month and a half to reach the level cap. But that is what veteran mode is for.

EDIT: I understand that, but from my experience it was nowhere near as easy to level up as the review makes it seem. I suppose that if you play it non-stop it could be done, but some of us have lives.

-Alpha5234d ago (Edited 5234d ago )

I assume he only leveled up one PMC.

But MP games are always open ended and the carrot-on-a-stick method shouldn't be used to judge longevity of MP games.

I forgot about Vet mode too.

Edit: Actually I think that's exactly what he did lol. Play non-stop.

Either that or he just simply made a calculation based on the time he has already spent on the game.

frostypants5234d ago (Edited 5234d ago )

Heh. Do your fingers have blisters after that post?

Anyways, yeah, one way to solve the imbalance is to either handicap the bigger team or reward more experience to players on the smaller/losing country. I'm assuming they aren't doing this already, of course. There's an online PC combat sim called Aces High 3 that works this way...if one side has too big an advantage, they lose access to certain planes. Works well.

Pennywise5234d ago

Alpha, I am so sick of your long winded comments about MAG. Actually, Iam sick of your constant stealth trolling of all ps3 titles.

You don't own MAG, so why don't you quit talking about it. At least anything I lend my opinion to, I speak from experience...

Ichiryoka5234d ago (Edited 5234d ago )

Man...I have not commented in such a long time but you said exactly what I was thinking.

Thank you!

iceman065234d ago

Is not so much with the score. In fact, I don't put so much into review scores to begin with...unless they are unanimously below standards (like HAZE for example). My issue is with the fact that it seems like the reviewer was just frustrated at being on the losing side too many times.
Balance can be an issue. It IS an issue right now. But, that is because of the evolving nature of the game. Many of the BETA players realized that SVER had an innate advantage. So, they went with that. There are MANY new players that are still grappling with the idea of why each objective is important. They are pretty much lost on the battlefield and just fight what comes.
Seeing the same map will happen. However, it won't be the same team that is attacking or defending. This, in essence, changes the way that the battle is played out. Strategies that didn't work previously might actually be fruitful...or vice versa. In that respect, it's like chess...same board....same pieces...different opponent...NEW GAME.
As for the leveling. Unless you play the game relentlessly (7-8 hrs a day), I don't see anyone getting to level 60 in a week. I was in 3 BETA phases and leveled up to 40 (which was the cap at the time), but just barely made it each time. Those phases were roughly a month. I was playing 3-4 hrs. at a time and I would say that I am an average gamer (200-300xp per round where the high was usually 500-600).
As you said, that is one person's experience...this has been mine. MAG is a fun and different experience. It's not for everybody. If you like a more strategic approach to shooters...it's probably worth your time. If you are more into twitch style run and gun, you can play it and probably have fun. But, you will be surprised to find out at the end of a round that you are NOT at the top of the leaderboard.

-Alpha5234d ago (Edited 5234d ago )

Whine all you want about me "stealth trolling". I don't have the same opinion as you, cry some more because I really don't care simply because you make accusations without proof. It's very typical of people like you to simply label me a troll instead of actually ponying up to make an actual relevant response. The only troll is you, since you really don't say anything intellectual in response. What an amazingly easy world it is to just call people trolls and label them as fanboys instead of having a decent response.

I criticize the PS3, yet I also praise it. of course, you're never around when I do simply because it contradicts your assumption. And I think you know the saying about assumptions.

If you don't like what I said, then tell me what you didn't like and at least have the guts to make a counter response. Sick of me "Stealth trolling"? There's an ignore button. Use it.

Morbid Bulldozer5234d ago

Pennywise is sick of trolling? Are you deleting your multiple accounts then?

nycredude5233d ago


Serious are you going to buy this. If not just stop wasting your time. If you are not sure a word of advice do NOT listen to these reviews just rent it or buy it and play it. It's better and more fun than these reviews make it seem.

I played for about 20 hours and I am at level 24. If you are good you will level up faster. When you reach level 60 you can change factions and then start all over again. you get a trophie for reaching level 60 for each pmc. This is to motivate people to rotate to other PMCs!

People just stop putting so much stock in all the media's reviews. Remember these are the same people who gave GTA4 10s and drools at the mention of COD! If online shooters are your thing this is worth the try! It's Counterstrike + Socom + steroids!

Stop dissecting it and just play it. that is what we do right? PLAY THE GAMES!

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5233d ago
LordMarius5234d ago

Blah you can have this one bots
MAG = flop....there

Bungie5234d ago

yeah, It Only Does Everything

FLOPs included

LtSkittles5234d ago

what happened "this is a great score," did that upset you too like people accusing you of multiple accounts?

blitz06235234d ago

Bugs, imbalances... Sounds more like MW2 to me.

deadreckoning6665234d ago

Wow Marius thats sad. Ur saying that M.A.G is a flop because a couple critics u don't even know gave it a 7/10. BAAHHHH BAHHHHH!! *eats grass* lol.

5234d ago
LordMarius5234d ago

hey the Beta was so uninspiring that I have to give IGN and every other site the benefit of the doubt

ZombieRollz5234d ago

PS3 has two flops, Haze and MAG. How many does the 360 have? At least 30.

happy_gilmore5234d ago

are we talking about mw2?
bugs: there's a new one every week
imbalances: a-kim-bo
lack of content: 4 hours SP

kingdavid5234d ago

I wouldnt count MAG as a complete bomb like haze. Itd be more than playable id imagine.

Trebius5234d ago

7 is a flop? 8 is a flop? you're all poor excuse for gamers.

II-Reaper-II5234d ago

Unbalanced?!Why ?,because S.V.E.R actually comunicates and uses teamwork to their advantage ,therefore kicking ass right now and taking contracts.I've lost a lot of respect for Ign a long time ago even before this review.

4point7BillionLoss5234d ago (Edited 5234d ago )

no one is surprized

Lifendz5233d ago

No one was hyping this for more than A. We all knew the reviewers would kill this. Especially when Modern Warfare 2 is still getting much play.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 5233d ago
GLoRyKnoT5234d ago

I could clearly see MAG was NOT the game 4me.

btw: what took so long IGN?

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MAG was one of the most ambitious shooters ever and deserves a PS5 sequel

Zipper Interactive were once one of Sony's most important studios and became a household name due to their work on the SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs series during the PlayStation 2's heyday. Their most ambitious title was MAG. Could it make a comeback?

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yellowgerbil1587d ago

Best game ever. I had put over 1700hrs into that game before it deteriorated too far with cheaters getting out of the map and sadly decided it was time to let it die (Zipper had already been closed down by that time).

_SilverHawk_1587d ago

Amazing game. Hopefully sony makes a sequel

XisThatKid1586d ago

This is the game in modern gaming that even got me into shooters i spent literally days with this game Raven All the way. War against the the mighty D ride oh so edgy S.V.E.R.

NecrumOddBoy1587d ago

Original Battle Royale. No microtransactions. Definitely ahead of time.

XBox4eva691587d ago

It's almost as far from battle royale as you can get. o_O

frostypants1587d ago

It didn't have a BR mode.

Da12RespectA1586d ago

That wasn't a battle royale game at all.

rdgneoz31586d ago

3 teams of 32 fighting it out would be considered Battle Royaleish. If you're gonna saying teams are OK when you start doing teams of 2 or 3 or 4, then 32v32v32 should work. And on besides that, it had 128 v 128 which was insanely fun.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1586d ago
Muzikguy1587d ago (Edited 1587d ago )

I personally hadn't played much of it. I did spend a lot of time in PlanetSide 2 though (somewhat like MAG). Games like these tend to get overrun by cheaters and then ruined too often.

Teflon021587d ago

MAG didn't have that issue as far as I remember. I use to love the 256 matches. That game had an amazing community. Everyone actually communicated and played together. No one B****ed at the team. Everyone understood there was so much going on that if things are going wrong. Everyone had to think of new strategies.
Fav moment was when all 3 other squads 32 took their objectives but we were struggling with ours and had one more to blow up. The other leaders were communicating asking if the 2 nearest squads should send ppl. Our leader was like Naw I got a idea. So he told us all to die and set ourselves at the nearest hills prone without being seen. So we all did and surrounded the areas.
He said everyone on his count throw your grenades. Then snipers go all out and everyone else run in. They won't be able to get everyone and if needed the snipers go in about 10 seconds after.

Everyone did that and I got to the objective and set it off. 9 of us survived and got it. felt amazing to say I got the objective, cover me in that moment. Wish it was PS4 so I could have saved that moment
It was literally the coolest moment I had in a online shooter, closest since was BF4.

Muzikguy1587d ago


That does indeed sound like an awesome moment. One that makes games like these memorable for sure. It does seem like MAG had a lot more cooperation than most any online shooter

Teflon021586d ago

It did because you absolutely can't get no where in it without teamwork. It also didn't have an extremely big base of players. Everyone who played really wanted to play. I really hope they bring it back and do the same thing to only have serious players get into the big matches again

UltraNova1587d ago

Wow, what a run! This game looks better than PUBG!

Muzikguy1587d ago

Watching that video you wouldn't think the game was on PS3.

Spenok1587d ago

I adored this game too. Some of my best FPS online memories on it. So freaking good.

I'd love to see another game like this come out at some point. And NOT like Planetside... M.A.G. was something special.

yellowgerbil1587d ago

Yeah problem is if it existed now adays, it would likely be riddled with xp boosts and dance moves and all that other pay garbage...
MAG and Warhawk are the only 2 online games I ever got into, and both need a PROPER sequel on PS5.
Remember the first time I got 100 kills in a match, was in a turret with a repair kit and just mowed down wave after wave on Valors map.

1586d ago Replies(1)
1585d ago
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1585d ago
PrinceOfAnger1587d ago

I had so much fun with this game

TGGJustin1587d ago

This is a game that was ahead of its time. Had it came out on PS4 it would've done much better. I put hundreds of hours into this despite the problems it had on PS3.

UnholyLight1587d ago

Really interesting as an Xbox owner at the time. This game had captured my interest as a kid but I never got a chance to play it. Being on PS4 and soon possibly PS5, I would love to see this franchise brought back to life. I imagine with the power of next gen it would be really quite fun.

From what I hear and what I remember, this game was FAR ahead of it's time. A real shame it never truly took off from my understanding.

grifter0241587d ago

I'm an xbox boy since mech warrior but got a ps3 slim for mag. If you liked halo or cod you'd have had a blast in mag. Was one of the first games you could actually do something other than shooting and still make a difference in game.

spicelicka1586d ago

PS4 needs something like it. In the multiplayer space it's far behind the Xbox, there are no quality multiplayer games on it that aren't on other consoles.

Dirtnapstor1587d ago

Yes, yes, and yes. Way ahead of it's time. Would love to see a PS5 variant of this game.

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Modern Warfare Ground War mode has MAG vibes

Erina Rose, Sausage Roll writes, "Call of Duty: Modern War introduced a new, improved, Ground War game mode this weekend that reminds us of the old PlayStation 3 classic, MAG."

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ilikestuff1712d ago (Edited 1712d ago )

I never played mag, I did play this beta however, and if mag was like this beta then (fart noises) for mag.

1711d ago
TheGamez1001712d ago

Man do I miss mag and zipper.

TheSinsibleOne1712d ago

Seriously though. Nowadays this and next gen are practically begging for a new MAG.

zodiac9091712d ago

How did we go from having games like resistance 1, 2, warhawk with 30 vs 30 player battles, and M.A.G. with 128 vs 128 players, ON LAST GEN to now having 20 vs 20...such a step back.

JEECE1712d ago

Because Sony hadn't figured out how to market their exclusives yet. Plus at that time COD craze was at its peak. So "generic high school bro #7," who was the primary purchaser of FPSs at that time (or at least represented a crowd necessary to sustain a playerbase), if he even had a PS3, would have just seen a game like MAG as a "copycat of Black Ops, man."

Not to mention MAG was pretty terribly uninviting for new people after awhile, because it was more skill-based. This was great for veterans, but if you weren't willing to put in the time getting destroyed for awhile, you would never appreciate the game. The Battlefield: Bad Company and BF:3 games out during that gen were far more accessible to lower level players.

Vegamyster1711d ago

Battlefield 4 was at the start of the generation and had 64 players, to me it depends more on how the map/gameplay is utilized, i enjoyed the 20vs20 modes more in the MW Beta than the 64 player ground war mode.

1711d ago
moomoo3191711d ago

It feels absolutely nothing like MAG lol. Way more battlefield vibes

xX-oldboy-Xx1711d ago

And even those are very small vibes, it still feels like COD at the end of the day.


MAG: The Greatest Game You Never Played

Almost 10 years ago the greatest first person shooter came out and most of you probably never heard of it, never got to play it and never will.

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FiLTHY ESKiMO1831d ago

Who would the next gen version nor that Zippers gone?

_SilverHawk_1831d ago

I remember this game and it was amazing. I would like it if Sony would make another one because this game was ahead of it's time.

RememberThe3571830d ago

It was an amazing concept and it was a cool game, it was just ahead of it's time. I played the sh!t outta MAG, but the game itself played just okay. I'd love to have seen a sequel, even just a spiritual successor, especially with the next gen coming and the way cloud computing has advanced a game like that nowadays would be awesome.

Elwenil1830d ago

It may have been amazing if you played for SVER, but if you played for Raven or Valor, it was an unbalanced mess. I had some fun with it, but the player count was an illusion at best and false advertising at it's worst. The map and faction balance was so ridiculously skewed you knew who was going to win as soon as you saw what team you were against. It definitely had some interesting ideas, but was far from an amazing experience in my opinion. I would have much rather Zipper have made another SOCOM game rather than MAG.

darthv721830d ago

that game would make for a great battle royale release. So many players all at once... it was ahead of its time for a console shooter.

TheGamez1001831d ago

Was such an underrated game. One of my most favorite fps of last gen. So unfortunate zipper was closed down. Imagine if it was a success and thered be a 2nd game by now.....

TekoIie1831d ago (Edited 1831d ago )

I can think of many better games that I've yet to play...

"Almost 10 years ago the greatest first person shooter came out"

HAH. So is Planetside 2 now the best FPS ever? Because it does everything MAG can and does it far better. I'm afraid that MAG is basically your standard FPS but uses scale as it's selling point. The vast majority of shooters that focus on smaller scale matches have gameplay leaps and bounds better than MAG so it is definitely not the greatest FPS.

I know many people are going to try and refute this by telling me to look at the three factions but MAG has literally no character. The game is call 'Massive. Action. Game' for gods sake which is a contender for 'The Worst Title a Game Could Have' award. I've never been a fan of Zipper but I hear great things about them from their PS2 days. However, with MP gaining popularity in the generation that followed I think it says a lot that they couldn't keep up with the competition.

Knushwood Butt1831d ago

'HAH. So is Planetside 2 now the best FPS ever? Because it does everything MAG can and does it far better.'.

It was released years later.

Was there anything offering what MAG did when MAG was released?

TekoIie1831d ago

"Was there anything offering what MAG did when MAG was released?"

Yes, Planetside 1.

Knushwood Butt1830d ago

Fair enough.

Can't say I've played it, but I enjoyed MAG for a while.

FantasticBoss1830d ago

MAG was one of the very few games trying to do scale like it did, but I think it missed the mark. Wish it could have had a sequel though as they may have been able to iterate on it to create something pretty neat.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1830d ago
Profchaos1829d ago

Sony had a awesome approach to online in the PS2 days with SOCOM co op that had games working together to achieve a tactical goal they pioneered voice chat on the PS2 for SOCOM but as they steamrolled ahead it was clear team Deathmatch would take over in popularity which shifted zippers approach so all their experience amounted for not much when designing online in the PS3 era.
It still was a decent game but couldn't stand out compared to cod which had millions of players consistently

yellowgerbil1831d ago

Loved mag had over 1700hrs into it across many accounts, remember my first 100 kill sabotage game, was insane

BLow1830d ago

Yes, so do I and not that game they released on PS3. I'm talking the one Zipper did and not Slant Six. At least Slant Six tried to do the series justice once they fixed the issues.

The one Zipper did didn't feel like Socom to me. It felt more like Ghost Recon to be honest. I absolutely loved the voice commands and I figured they would be even better on next gen hardware. They didn't even bother doing anything.

Maybe, I just wanted it more grounded and not so techy if that makes sense. I just wanted to go into jungles or missions just using my wits and patience and not have to use a bunch of gadgets. I wanted to be able to give orders with my voice to squad members. Yeah, they can at least have earpieces lol.

It's hard to explain but I know the old school Socom players know what I'm saying. Socom just had a certain feeling and the new game didn't feel that way. Slant Six yes. Zipper no...

We can only hope but if they bring it back they have to do it right. If not don't bother and just make something new. I rather have the memories I had with Socom be mostly positive than negative. Unless you pull a God of War, don't bother lol.

I've already said too much but that goes to show how much I loved Socom. Especially 1 and 2.....

Deathdeliverer1830d ago (Edited 1830d ago )

Game was simply ahead of its time. If mag came out now with improved graphics people would be blown away. Back then people whined about the graphics even though it had players literally everywhere. It was several great games in one. Battlefield, Ghost Recon, and Call of duty.

Hungryalpaca1830d ago

What exactly was it ahead of its time in? Player count? Planetside released in 2003 and and played count per match was over 300.

xkvcq1829d ago (Edited 1829d ago )

The BETA for MAG was one of my fondest gaming moments. I was highly anticipating the start of the beta servers but I had school that day. I had started downloading it that morning as soon as it was available and just when it finished downloading I found out school was cancelled, last minute, because of weather. BEST. SNOW DAY. EVER. I played the beta all day, continuing to put off my homework :P

TekoIie1829d ago (Edited 1829d ago )

Well have I got news for you pal! Planetside 2 has been available for nearly 4 years on the PS4 and longer on PC and people still aren't blown away. Maybe the novelty of scale is actually overrated and people don't care as much about it which is why MAG failed when multiplayer shooters were at peak popularity during it's lifetime?

If you were blown away by 256 players in 2010 why would you not have been blown away by 1000 roughly 2-3 years later?

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