
Massive Pre-Order Incentive for MAG

PSLS writes: Zipper Interactive's uber-ambitious 256-player "Massive Action Game", or MAG as it's officially named is set to hit the PlayStation 3 January 26th. If you have played the beta then you know the massive multiplayer madness the game serves up. MAG is pegged to start Sony's 2010 line-up off with quite a bang. To ensure you get to start off the year with a bang as well, we've found pre-order incentives that will help you get the most bang for your buck.

Along with the almost standard Amazon.com discount on new games (about $3 off the retail price), you also get the Amazon exclusive S.V.E.R. Home Space for pre-ordering MAG early. If that isn't a big enough pre-order incentive, Amazon is offering a 'massive' credit toward your next video game purchase. Anyone who pre-orders MAG gets a $10 credit toward the next video game purchase.

MAG has a Jan. 26th release date, head on over to Amazon now and take advantage of these pre-order incentives.

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tdrules5265d ago

keep on rolling in the lightly masked affiliate ads *sigh*

Blaster_Master5265d ago

Cmon dude, MAG deserves the attention. Give the game some slack. The sver home space is really enticing.

Sev5265d ago (Edited 5265d ago )

Hey, I didn't submit this, neither did anyone from my staff. So stop your complaining. Also that BioShock deal I had submit? I deleted it because of your incessant whining. So you kept gamers from knowing about a great deal. Does that make you happy knowing you screwed over fellow gamers who could use to save some cash? Deals are news. Especially in this tough economy where everyone could use to save some cash. What is the harm of adding an affiliate code? Does it hurt you? Does it hurt gamers? Does it hurt anyone? No. And it only seems to bother you when PSLS does it.

Also if you'd like I could pick out 25 other sites that add their tracking IDs to articles. Even N4G has a tracking ID that they display in review submissions. Maybe you should boycott and whine about N4G too...

The money is negligible and if one site is alerting gamers of a deal and it saves them money, then what is the harm of the site making a buck? Especially if the buck that the said site makes isn't off the gamer, it's off the retailer?

Sounds like you are just bitter. Please keep your mouth shut unless you plan on whining about every other site on N4G that does this with Amazon.

Infatuated Gamer
The Wired Gamer

Websites need to make money to pay staff, server fees, etc, etc. If it isn't hurting gamers you shouldn't be complaining. These articles alerting gamers of great deals only help gamers afford their favorite hobby. Which is an expensive one.

Sounds like you have a personal beef with PlayStation LifeStyle, and if so, just be a man and admit it. Stop trying to hide behind the "evil tracking code" guise.

5265d ago
gunnerforlife5265d ago (Edited 5265d ago )


why u paying attention to one idi.. if u get a hand full of complaints than thats when you should do it not because of one.
hes just jelous because its exclusive thats why hes moaning, i dont think you would of heard a peep out of him if this was a 360 only games.

FantasyStar5265d ago (Edited 5265d ago )

Just keep the articles to quality, thought-provoking, and unique content and I'll be happy. The best for me is Gamasutra though as the articles they write is pure-gold. However pull a Kotaku and we're finished.

That said, deal-hunters would be somewhat delighted as something is better than nothing. I think they'll be better deals as we get closer to MAG's release date. $10 credit isn't much.

Anorexorcist5265d ago (Edited 5265d ago )

Oh great deduction skills their Piece of Sh*t NetWrk. Much like how Microsoft had to form a deal with 7 Eleven to market Halo 3 soft drinks so that people would pay attention to it, otherwise no one would have bought it, right?

Since when did promotional incentives for consumers become classified as a sign of inferiority or insecurity for a product? These incentives make even more sense when you realize the MAG is a brand new Intellectual Property that has no past consumer goodwill to fall back on.

Fanboys like Piece of Sh*t Netwrk obviously will take their idiot logic all over the place to simply help themselves sleep better at night thinking a PS3 exclusive is no good.

Parapraxis5265d ago (Edited 5265d ago )

@tdrules, I don't think PS3 owners really need to give a s**t about your opinions on "advertisement" methods for a game you never planned on purchasing on a console you don't own.

Go back to your PC bubble, thanks.

Bubbles_Kitty_Cat5265d ago

The MAG beta was horrible in my opinion, and it killed off any excitement I had for the game.

5265d ago
Parapraxis5265d ago (Edited 5265d ago )

I think there's a more logical reason you have more bubbles troll..err I mean "Piece of Shlt Netwrk"
- Joined N4G 42 minutes ago
For somebody "new" to N4G, you sure seem to know your way around.

@Bubbles_Kitty_Cat, you forgot your punchline. Your comment should have read:
"The MAG beta was horrible in my opinion, and it killed off any excitement I had for the game...which was very little, considering I don't own a PS3"
Going out on a limb here, but feel free to post your PSN (or PM me with it) and prove me wrong.

Gotta love the trolls who go to any lengths to downplay any PS3 exclusive, what's up after MAG kiddos? GOWIII? GT5?

5265d ago
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5265d ago
Bubbles_Kitty_Cat5265d ago

If I actually cared about your opinion, I might have given you my PSN name.

I'm sure this will come as a complete shock to you, but it is possible to actually own a PS3 and dislike some of its games.

DeThEoRy5265d ago

LOL.LMAO.ROFL.u can only take fanboyism so far. mag is a terrible rip off of cod, sorry if i hurt ure fellings

jut4205265d ago

I'm actually glad this got submitted because SVER is my faction and I'd like to check out that Home space. I've never ordered a game online, so I probably would not have known about this incentive. Glad I have time to cancel my GS pre-order and buy from Amazon. GS is the worst anyways. Everyone in the stores I go to is always clueless when it comes to extra things you get with your pre-orders. I don't pre-order often but from what I have pre-ordered. I never got my Mirror's Edge bag, never got my Demon's Souls artbook and CD, never got my LBP costume code, and I never recieved a MAG beta code. I had to buy Qore (because I wanted to get in the beta). The only thing I've ever gotten when I pre-ordered that wasn't in the game's box was an extra kick pedal for GH Metallica. The worst part about GS is that the employees usually never have a clue about what I'm talking about when I asked for all the extra content I was suppossed to get with my games.

Bubbles_Kitty_Cat5265d ago

Wow, you gotta find another place to buy your games.

Saaking5265d ago

MAG is good, but I personally didn't enjoy it that much. It's fun, just not fun enough. I'll get later in the year.

Erotic Sheep5265d ago

LOL wtf at the people in here.

Anyhow I have to agree with Bubbles_Kitty_Cat. The concept sounds awesome and the way they force u to do your objectives but something in the BETA put me off and I had a lot more fun playing the Bad Company 2 BETA. I dont know why and I'm sure lots of people will enjoy MAG, but it just wasnt the thing for me.

ReservoirDog3165265d ago

Gotta point there Sev. People just whine too much.

Plus, it's still news worthy.

SilentNegotiator5264d ago

I agree, sounds like an advertisement.

barom5264d ago

It is not just him/her that has an issue with your articles. They are quite often questionable for a lack of a better word. Honestly ever since you stopped posting those insider info, there's been nothing interesting on your site. Honestly stuff like "Rumored PSN content" that comes up literally a day before the actual content goes up, is just outright dumb. Just saying that it doesn't hurt us is not quite right either. I do not have time to go through every page of N4G every day so a bunch of times I miss cool articles because someone makes a desperate attempt to make money on their site with really just bs stuff. It especially does not help the exaggeration that is often carried with these articles such as "massive" incentive. Oh and for the record Punchjump is no better.

I don't expect you to keep posting rumors or wutnot but at least somehow make it more interesting. All your articles seem just useless and stop bs'ing about "people need to save money in these economic times" cause it just sounds phony. And show at least some professionalism than to just call someone a hater for disliking your site. Honestly you're better off not saying anything. Your articles (with other pieces of junk) will continue to pop up on n4g anyway.

ReservoirDog3165264d ago

You take this stuff too seriously man. It's just games.

Whatever annoys you, just don't click on it.

sikbeta5264d ago

"mag is a terrible rip off of cod"

Really, since when COD is a TACTICAL SHOOTER instead of NøøB FEST

SOCCOM series say something to you, well ZIPPER made those SOCCOM games and that's more than an over-hyped shooter


Rampant5264d ago

As stated before on n4g, xbox360gamers are only interested in shooters! lollollo..... oh, wait.

HappyGilmore23005264d ago (Edited 5264d ago )

MAG is garbage. i was in the first beta and MAG has got to be the most boring shooter out there. nothin special except the amount of people, but it doesnt feel like there are that many people in the game. oh yeah, the weapon selection is pathetic.

MAG is just another try and fail to dethrone the mighty MW2.

DeThEoRy5264d ago (Edited 5264d ago )

so your saying mag isnt easy to play? or do u just suk that bad at shooters in general, mag copied cod gameplay structure(running and gunning aspect), just like how dantes inferno copied gow3 gameplay structure. only differ is the graphics are garbage in mag

pixelsword5264d ago

I'm not saying that because of what you think of MAG, but in all of your posts you have nothing positive to say about any PS3 game... none; the closest you get to a compliment is when you compliment Uncharted but berate it's multiplayer.

And then you try to praise Too Human.



I don't think it's the worst game ever made, but it's pretty bad; like herpes on your wedding night from your "virgin" bride bad.

The only reason why I did a played at all was because I was one of the few who actually followed the game for 10 years, and given the Power of this gen's consoles, even if the game was horrible, it would be in my eyes worth it to see the exact vision of the Dyack's world.

It's not worth the rent unless you really want to see if a game can make you gouge your eyes out and box your own ears. The dialogue constantly undermines it's purpose and contradicts it's own theme. I remember the first cutscene when someone as doing something like setting up a shield or peremiter or something and they guy says "as odin bids" and the guy talking to him responds like "yeah, yeah" or something like that. If these guys are supposed to be their "gods', then where's the reverence? They also use tons of modern jargon that really puts me off when this game is supposed to take place like during the Hyborian age; just a study of some dialogue would've gave that game a big boost in my eyes. I can't believe they let that "plot" sit for a decade and think it would be timeless.

The camera was total butt-flakes, and those goth "glasses" Loki's daughter and that one guy had on gave the game a very cheap feel in terms of an ancient, exotic, lost civilization. The best things about the game was the class and tier building (I liked the ruiners special abilities myself). The best quote of the WHOLE game came was when one of the wolfpack were threatened by a Berzerker in the dropship, and one of the other wolfpack said something along the liens of "a wolf's strength is in it's numbers: if you threaten one of us, be ready to take on the whole pack".

And that was about it.

But in your eyes, this game is better than 100% of all PS3 games, because you don't defend any game like you do this one.

Heck, I'm called a PS3 fanboy sometimes or a 360 fanboy sometimes because I really like both consoles. I did a blog post on how I'm probably one of the bigger Halo fanboys on this site, and I have no problem saying that I like the Halo franchise as a whole better than the Killzone franchise; although Killzone 2 evened it out graphically and gameplay wise, but blew it because the storyline was not as good as the first game, or the PSP version.

I also think Gears of war and Uncharted are equally good for different reasons: Gears is gritty and very macho. I like games like that. The enemies are a little stupid, but that's because locusts are supposed to be like that. Uncharted really captures the feel of an adventure. The enemies are intelligent and have to be dealt with because even two can kill you by flanking. Both games are a credit to both consoles. Gears 2 was a definite improvement over the first one, but not a much as Uncharted 2 was over one.

The difference is because I realize the I bought the console, the console didn't buy me; so I can easily say that Sony sucks because they drag their feet on everything (like the trophy room in home) and thinks their crap don't stink. Microsoft sucks because they rely on bully tactics and outright lies to push their console where a simple thing like QUALITY CONTROL would've done the trick... but better. Not to say Sony it totally off the hook, because I got a YLOD myself off of my old 60Gb.

They aren't paying me checks, so why the %*^$ would I give them free advertising unless I chose to write an article or blog post for my own pleasure?

pixelsword5264d ago

If you hated it, did you even bother to write on the beta blogs so they can make improvements? Did you tell them what was wrong and how to improve it?

Do you even know what a beta is for?

Or is it that you can only complain and can't contribute?

It's gamers that do that is why games bomb: you sit there and piss and moan but don't contribute, so when the game comes out with incomplete feedback all people like you can do is go "see, I told you so" instead of being productive. The worst part is that most of they guys that do that take away spots from people who actually WOULD contribute.

here's mine:


Where's yours, complainers?

boodybandit5264d ago

Quoted for excellence!
Biggest laugh of 2010 so far for me pixelsword, thanks! ;)

Erotic Sheep5264d ago

@ Pixelsword

Dude I wasn't hating O.o It's more that it wasn't my type of game. I usually enjoy SP games more than MP, but I was still curious to see what MAG was about. I'm sure lots of gamers would enjoy it, it just wasn't my type of game ;__;

pixelsword5263d ago

...says the geek with a cat on his head.

pixelsword5263d ago

You couldn't nail-down what you didn't like about it: that's not a problem because sometimes it's just that way. Not everyone can do that.

You're fine: you were honest about it and direct.

pixelsword5263d ago


Not to brow-beat that game, but I had high hopes dashed on the shores of reality.

Curiosity got the best of me, so I saw that game through from start to finish; no regrets, but I don't think I'll be doing the whole game again.

Bubbles_Kitty_Cat5263d ago (Edited 5263d ago )

I'm serious, you sound like you need professional help.

Your long-winded, paranoid posts suggest that you have an unhealthy emotional attachment to video games.

Going back and reading through my old posts in order to prove your "he doesn't even own a PS3" theory is also cause for concern.

Maybe this will help you: I have owned a PS3 for several years now. I like some of the games that are available for it and dislike others.
I tend to avoid playing my PS3 because of the controller, however.
I much prefer the 360's controller, so that is my console of choice.

You can either believe that, or continue with your investigations that "prove" otherwise, Inspector Gadget. lol

CaptainKratos5263d ago

really dont understand the argument about the weapon selection in MAG.i only use 4 weapons in MW2 thats it. really dont bother with the others,same chiet. besides i got tired of MW2 feels like i've been playing it for years...oh wait i have!and if theres any guys who just own an xbox just dont write anything, we ps3 owners need to decide on what shooters to play.lol.

pixelsword5263d ago (Edited 5263d ago )

Ah, the pseudo-intellectual speaks.

Just what I thought; when pressured to provide evidence, you try to turn it around on the person asking.

"Hey I got a magical hippo that sings and dances and I don't have to prove it to you because I don't care what you think. And-and-and you're just crazy by proving that I don't actually have it by using facts."

You sound like a kid playing with dolls.

1. Reading through your child-like posts wouldn't take a four-year old more than twenty minutes. If you're over twelve, don't vote without assistance.

2. Something that is written cannot be long-winded, as it was never spoken, genius. All because it's a synonym for words that would fit better doesn't mean they are universally interchangeable; besides, you probably just read the first paragraphs on N4G if my little post is too long for you.

3. Paranoid is some loser that will wet their tampon if they gave out their PSN, like you. Mine is pixelsword and I don't give a rip who knows.

You think you're more important than you really are, and you're not that important at all to begin with. That previous post was 95% about Too Human and other things, but you think it's all about you... look at it again: like always, people aren't even thinking about you, but you think they are. Good grief.

For all of your "psychoanalysis", you could have merely posted your PSN and be done with it, but you're too paranoid to do that now, aren't you?

But stay the course there, Dubya; you keep on thinking you look sane.

You need a date, maybe starting with someone like you...

Bubbles_Kitty_Cat5263d ago (Edited 5263d ago )

Why would I post my PSN and stop you from continuing to make a fool out of yourself? lol

While I'm sure that you are feeling proud of yourself after that last post, all it did was serve to further prove my point; you are overly emotional when it comes to video games.

Seriously, take half a step back and look at what you are getting so defensive over.
It's a video game, and healthy adults don't feel the need to defend them with endless rants and accusations.

If you don't want to seek help, at least admit that you have a problem.
That is the first step, after all. lol

pixelsword5262d ago

Says the geek with a cat on his head.

No PS3.

Just what everyone thought.


+ Show (40) more repliesLast reply 5262d ago
deshon095265d ago

have to retire on kz2 for this

midgetsanx5265d ago

but my decision on MAG will be decided on the public beta. I want see how it plays first..

morganfell5265d ago

The beta actually sealed the deal for me. We played it at E3 but I wanted more convincing and the closed beta did it. I don't think you will be disappointed.

midgetsanx5265d ago

Yeah, I Heard alot of good things from the beta. I haven't played a shooter in a while too with Valkyria Chronicles(Yes, I was late the the party), and Demon Souls. If the beta impresses me, I must just have to fork out the cash.

RadientFlux5265d ago

I'm waiting on the public beta as well. I'm willing to give the game a try, but it really doesn't interest me. As I'm not a fan of online gaming.

midgetsanx5265d ago

At least, you are trying. Some people don't even know what a game is about and they crush it...

nycredude5265d ago

Hey guys in the us the public beta is available right now. Not sure where you are located but log in to us psn if you want it.

RadientFlux5265d ago

Thanks nycredude I didn't know that. I'll check PSN tomorrow as I'm in Canada. It will make a nice change of pace for me, as I'm just finishing up Dragon Age and getting ready to start Divinity 2 or Darksiders sometime next week.

midgetsanx5265d ago

I thought you could only download the client. Are the servers up?

Another One5265d ago (Edited 5265d ago )

Oh sweet. I just got my PS3 for Christmas so I missed out on the closed beta. I'd like to get in on the public beta so this is good news. 256 players seems a little too hectic, but I'd like to see for myself.

Ok I found the article about it and it doesn't official start until the 4th. So just a couple more days.

Solidus187-SCMilk5264d ago

Im looking forward to trying this but right now im busy playing demons souls. If I like the beta ill get this after finishing demons souls and ME2.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5264d ago
supremacy5265d ago (Edited 5265d ago )

no offense to you guys here, but this game just feels out of sync. its laggy, buggy and too clutter. i assume they were thinking of the numbers game and not so much of infrastructure which makes a game fun.

in my personal opinion, mag is not a fun game at all, and its probably the last thing i would play. seriously.

what Sony and co, need to do is make a ps3 syphon filter with killzone 2 graphics and physics. also think about bringing back some old franchises, like sly, jak and daxter, twisted metal, legend of dragoon, wild arms, getaway, omega boost, arc the lad, dark cloud ect.

and an actual full fledged socom game with the budget of killzone 2, you know killer graphics, physics and controls.

as well as solid campaign with a 4 or 5 player co-op missions and ofcourse a refined and well tuned multiplayer online experience.

for get the numbers game (trust me on this one take my word) just give me a simple party/clan up system with a fair amount of players. namely no more than 16 players a match preferably 12. nice and decent sized maps with decent server support.

that above is what i really want.

johnmark19825265d ago

i played the beta myself and i never had lag issues. i have found that lag is often found on people that are having connection issues, better your connection more fun you have on mag. the game is truly fun i thought

deshon095265d ago (Edited 5265d ago )

i have yet to but it can be no worse than socom was wen it first came out please correct me if i am wrong lag dose not seem to be a big thing unless you have a bad connection s

Jrome5265d ago

I played the beta practically non-stop from day 1 (trying to unlock as much as possible before it ended xD), and I never experienced lag.

The game is truly a great experience, it's like a real war, people parachuting in, vehicles rolling through, everyone meeting up in the middle, teamwork being a key factor, it's INTENSE, day 1 purchase.

akiraburn5265d ago

I generally don't comment a lot, and most of all I avoid comments like this, but I have to disagree here. I'm sorry, but after seeing what you wrote, I don't believe that you have played the beta for MAG. At least not long enough to give an solid opinion with actual good facts.

I was in the closed beta since phase 1, and I have never experienced any lag issues. My friends and clan members that were in the closed beta didn't experience lag issues either. I don't know what your issue may have been, but I haven't seen or heard of any problems with lag.

As for bugs, it's a beta. The point was to work out the bugs before a full release, and with each patch and phase that's what they did. Everything about the beta was supposed to be "for testing purposes only". If you were going to judge the entire game based on only part of the game and that is also unfinished, you should have not accepted on the Terms of Agreement page. The graphics, sound, and many other aspects will be enhanced on final release, since after all there is only so much that can be fit into a 6GB download, as opposed to the 25GB BD-rom disc. And even at that, the game could hardly be considered buggy as compared to other betas and even full game releases. I never had anything "game breaking" happen through the entire beta, and nothing substantially problematic happened since a little after midway through phase 2.

And as for cluttered, even though you weren't specific on any of your complaints, this is again something that isn't true by a long shot on any account. As for maps, you CAN play smaller matches since maps can vary in size. As for the sheer number of players, even in larger matches the players are broken down very well since everyone is divided into squads, platoons, and so on.

The communication between players is done well, so that squads only talk with players of the same squad unless they are leaders. All of the modes have objectives that you have to work with your team to accomplish. Unlike many other games, if you run off and are trying to be Rambo, you will die. If you work with the rest of your squad and communicate, odds are in your favor that the match will at least be a more even battle.

You said several times that it was "a numbers game", which is completely incorrect. It's really great that they were able to accomplish 256 players on the battlefield at once, but they in no way sacrificed game mechanics or anything of the sort in order to provide that number of players. And if you really just don't want to play the larger 256 player modes, then choose the modes with less players. Something to be understood, this is very much a team based game, where a majority of the time you will NEED teamwork in order to do well. In my opinion it's because of this that it's one of the most impressive online FPS's to date. Too often, you have simple run-and-gun shooters with little to no thought involved. This is a very different game from that, and can be a lot of fun.

Elwenil5265d ago (Edited 5265d ago )

I was in the Beta from the 3rd phase I believe and never really experienced any lag. We had a few network problems here and there, but they were quickly fixed and nothing I experienced seemed laggy. I agree that this guy probably has never seen MAG running and is just basing his lag comments off the idea that "with that many players, it has to be laggy", which is completely false. MAG runs surprisingly smooth. Now I'm sure there will be the usual hicups when the game is first released and the servers get a full load, then all the people will cry about how laggy it is and how they were right. I seriously doubt they would put this much effort into testing if they planned on releasing a lag-fest.

On the other hand, MAG is far from perfect. I'm curious to see on the 4th if they fixed any of the balance issues with the maps. Sadly even if MAG is perfect with no lag and balance is optimum, what will kill MAG is the players. I said it many times in the closed Beta forums that the players are what is going to ruin MAG. MAG is a game of objectives and too many people were playing the Beta like it was CoD4 and just out to get kills, regardless of the fact that you got much more experience for taking the objectives. It's going to be up to the players to decide if MAG is elevated as something new in the shooter world or if it gets degraded by the usual idiot players into just another chaotic shooter.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5265d ago
mrblacknut5265d ago

I don't know why Amazon gets used for boost information. The same thing happen with Killzone 2 same time last year.

Parapraxis5265d ago (Edited 5265d ago )

What do you mean "boost information"?
...nice comment history BTW, may I ask, why do you care about MAG? I thought that only "Sony fanboys" (one of your commonly used terms) would be interested in this game.

Show all comments (95)

MAG was one of the most ambitious shooters ever and deserves a PS5 sequel

Zipper Interactive were once one of Sony's most important studios and became a household name due to their work on the SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs series during the PlayStation 2's heyday. Their most ambitious title was MAG. Could it make a comeback?

Read Full Story >>
yellowgerbil1587d ago

Best game ever. I had put over 1700hrs into that game before it deteriorated too far with cheaters getting out of the map and sadly decided it was time to let it die (Zipper had already been closed down by that time).

_SilverHawk_1587d ago

Amazing game. Hopefully sony makes a sequel

XisThatKid1586d ago

This is the game in modern gaming that even got me into shooters i spent literally days with this game Raven All the way. War against the the mighty D ride oh so edgy S.V.E.R.

NecrumOddBoy1587d ago

Original Battle Royale. No microtransactions. Definitely ahead of time.

XBox4eva691586d ago

It's almost as far from battle royale as you can get. o_O

frostypants1586d ago

It didn't have a BR mode.

Da12RespectA1586d ago

That wasn't a battle royale game at all.

rdgneoz31586d ago

3 teams of 32 fighting it out would be considered Battle Royaleish. If you're gonna saying teams are OK when you start doing teams of 2 or 3 or 4, then 32v32v32 should work. And on besides that, it had 128 v 128 which was insanely fun.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1586d ago
Muzikguy1587d ago (Edited 1587d ago )

I personally hadn't played much of it. I did spend a lot of time in PlanetSide 2 though (somewhat like MAG). Games like these tend to get overrun by cheaters and then ruined too often.

Teflon021587d ago

MAG didn't have that issue as far as I remember. I use to love the 256 matches. That game had an amazing community. Everyone actually communicated and played together. No one B****ed at the team. Everyone understood there was so much going on that if things are going wrong. Everyone had to think of new strategies.
Fav moment was when all 3 other squads 32 took their objectives but we were struggling with ours and had one more to blow up. The other leaders were communicating asking if the 2 nearest squads should send ppl. Our leader was like Naw I got a idea. So he told us all to die and set ourselves at the nearest hills prone without being seen. So we all did and surrounded the areas.
He said everyone on his count throw your grenades. Then snipers go all out and everyone else run in. They won't be able to get everyone and if needed the snipers go in about 10 seconds after.

Everyone did that and I got to the objective and set it off. 9 of us survived and got it. felt amazing to say I got the objective, cover me in that moment. Wish it was PS4 so I could have saved that moment
It was literally the coolest moment I had in a online shooter, closest since was BF4.

Muzikguy1587d ago


That does indeed sound like an awesome moment. One that makes games like these memorable for sure. It does seem like MAG had a lot more cooperation than most any online shooter

Teflon021586d ago

It did because you absolutely can't get no where in it without teamwork. It also didn't have an extremely big base of players. Everyone who played really wanted to play. I really hope they bring it back and do the same thing to only have serious players get into the big matches again

UltraNova1587d ago

Wow, what a run! This game looks better than PUBG!

Muzikguy1586d ago

Watching that video you wouldn't think the game was on PS3.

Spenok1587d ago

I adored this game too. Some of my best FPS online memories on it. So freaking good.

I'd love to see another game like this come out at some point. And NOT like Planetside... M.A.G. was something special.

yellowgerbil1587d ago

Yeah problem is if it existed now adays, it would likely be riddled with xp boosts and dance moves and all that other pay garbage...
MAG and Warhawk are the only 2 online games I ever got into, and both need a PROPER sequel on PS5.
Remember the first time I got 100 kills in a match, was in a turret with a repair kit and just mowed down wave after wave on Valors map.

1586d ago Replies(1)
1585d ago
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PrinceOfAnger1587d ago

I had so much fun with this game

TGGJustin1587d ago

This is a game that was ahead of its time. Had it came out on PS4 it would've done much better. I put hundreds of hours into this despite the problems it had on PS3.

UnholyLight1587d ago

Really interesting as an Xbox owner at the time. This game had captured my interest as a kid but I never got a chance to play it. Being on PS4 and soon possibly PS5, I would love to see this franchise brought back to life. I imagine with the power of next gen it would be really quite fun.

From what I hear and what I remember, this game was FAR ahead of it's time. A real shame it never truly took off from my understanding.

grifter0241587d ago

I'm an xbox boy since mech warrior but got a ps3 slim for mag. If you liked halo or cod you'd have had a blast in mag. Was one of the first games you could actually do something other than shooting and still make a difference in game.

spicelicka1586d ago

PS4 needs something like it. In the multiplayer space it's far behind the Xbox, there are no quality multiplayer games on it that aren't on other consoles.

Dirtnapstor1587d ago

Yes, yes, and yes. Way ahead of it's time. Would love to see a PS5 variant of this game.

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Modern Warfare Ground War mode has MAG vibes

Erina Rose, Sausage Roll writes, "Call of Duty: Modern War introduced a new, improved, Ground War game mode this weekend that reminds us of the old PlayStation 3 classic, MAG."

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ilikestuff1712d ago (Edited 1712d ago )

I never played mag, I did play this beta however, and if mag was like this beta then (fart noises) for mag.

1711d ago
TheGamez1001712d ago

Man do I miss mag and zipper.

TheSinsibleOne1712d ago

Seriously though. Nowadays this and next gen are practically begging for a new MAG.

zodiac9091712d ago

How did we go from having games like resistance 1, 2, warhawk with 30 vs 30 player battles, and M.A.G. with 128 vs 128 players, ON LAST GEN to now having 20 vs 20...such a step back.

JEECE1711d ago

Because Sony hadn't figured out how to market their exclusives yet. Plus at that time COD craze was at its peak. So "generic high school bro #7," who was the primary purchaser of FPSs at that time (or at least represented a crowd necessary to sustain a playerbase), if he even had a PS3, would have just seen a game like MAG as a "copycat of Black Ops, man."

Not to mention MAG was pretty terribly uninviting for new people after awhile, because it was more skill-based. This was great for veterans, but if you weren't willing to put in the time getting destroyed for awhile, you would never appreciate the game. The Battlefield: Bad Company and BF:3 games out during that gen were far more accessible to lower level players.

Vegamyster1711d ago

Battlefield 4 was at the start of the generation and had 64 players, to me it depends more on how the map/gameplay is utilized, i enjoyed the 20vs20 modes more in the MW Beta than the 64 player ground war mode.

1711d ago
moomoo3191711d ago

It feels absolutely nothing like MAG lol. Way more battlefield vibes

xX-oldboy-Xx1711d ago

And even those are very small vibes, it still feels like COD at the end of the day.


MAG: The Greatest Game You Never Played

Almost 10 years ago the greatest first person shooter came out and most of you probably never heard of it, never got to play it and never will.

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FiLTHY ESKiMO1831d ago

Who would the next gen version nor that Zippers gone?

_SilverHawk_1831d ago

I remember this game and it was amazing. I would like it if Sony would make another one because this game was ahead of it's time.

RememberThe3571830d ago

It was an amazing concept and it was a cool game, it was just ahead of it's time. I played the sh!t outta MAG, but the game itself played just okay. I'd love to have seen a sequel, even just a spiritual successor, especially with the next gen coming and the way cloud computing has advanced a game like that nowadays would be awesome.

Elwenil1830d ago

It may have been amazing if you played for SVER, but if you played for Raven or Valor, it was an unbalanced mess. I had some fun with it, but the player count was an illusion at best and false advertising at it's worst. The map and faction balance was so ridiculously skewed you knew who was going to win as soon as you saw what team you were against. It definitely had some interesting ideas, but was far from an amazing experience in my opinion. I would have much rather Zipper have made another SOCOM game rather than MAG.

darthv721830d ago

that game would make for a great battle royale release. So many players all at once... it was ahead of its time for a console shooter.

TheGamez1001831d ago

Was such an underrated game. One of my most favorite fps of last gen. So unfortunate zipper was closed down. Imagine if it was a success and thered be a 2nd game by now.....

TekoIie1831d ago (Edited 1831d ago )

I can think of many better games that I've yet to play...

"Almost 10 years ago the greatest first person shooter came out"

HAH. So is Planetside 2 now the best FPS ever? Because it does everything MAG can and does it far better. I'm afraid that MAG is basically your standard FPS but uses scale as it's selling point. The vast majority of shooters that focus on smaller scale matches have gameplay leaps and bounds better than MAG so it is definitely not the greatest FPS.

I know many people are going to try and refute this by telling me to look at the three factions but MAG has literally no character. The game is call 'Massive. Action. Game' for gods sake which is a contender for 'The Worst Title a Game Could Have' award. I've never been a fan of Zipper but I hear great things about them from their PS2 days. However, with MP gaining popularity in the generation that followed I think it says a lot that they couldn't keep up with the competition.

Knushwood Butt1831d ago

'HAH. So is Planetside 2 now the best FPS ever? Because it does everything MAG can and does it far better.'.

It was released years later.

Was there anything offering what MAG did when MAG was released?

TekoIie1831d ago

"Was there anything offering what MAG did when MAG was released?"

Yes, Planetside 1.

Knushwood Butt1830d ago

Fair enough.

Can't say I've played it, but I enjoyed MAG for a while.

FantasticBoss1829d ago

MAG was one of the very few games trying to do scale like it did, but I think it missed the mark. Wish it could have had a sequel though as they may have been able to iterate on it to create something pretty neat.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1829d ago
Profchaos1829d ago

Sony had a awesome approach to online in the PS2 days with SOCOM co op that had games working together to achieve a tactical goal they pioneered voice chat on the PS2 for SOCOM but as they steamrolled ahead it was clear team Deathmatch would take over in popularity which shifted zippers approach so all their experience amounted for not much when designing online in the PS3 era.
It still was a decent game but couldn't stand out compared to cod which had millions of players consistently

yellowgerbil1831d ago

Loved mag had over 1700hrs into it across many accounts, remember my first 100 kill sabotage game, was insane

BLow1829d ago

Yes, so do I and not that game they released on PS3. I'm talking the one Zipper did and not Slant Six. At least Slant Six tried to do the series justice once they fixed the issues.

The one Zipper did didn't feel like Socom to me. It felt more like Ghost Recon to be honest. I absolutely loved the voice commands and I figured they would be even better on next gen hardware. They didn't even bother doing anything.

Maybe, I just wanted it more grounded and not so techy if that makes sense. I just wanted to go into jungles or missions just using my wits and patience and not have to use a bunch of gadgets. I wanted to be able to give orders with my voice to squad members. Yeah, they can at least have earpieces lol.

It's hard to explain but I know the old school Socom players know what I'm saying. Socom just had a certain feeling and the new game didn't feel that way. Slant Six yes. Zipper no...

We can only hope but if they bring it back they have to do it right. If not don't bother and just make something new. I rather have the memories I had with Socom be mostly positive than negative. Unless you pull a God of War, don't bother lol.

I've already said too much but that goes to show how much I loved Socom. Especially 1 and 2.....

Deathdeliverer1830d ago (Edited 1830d ago )

Game was simply ahead of its time. If mag came out now with improved graphics people would be blown away. Back then people whined about the graphics even though it had players literally everywhere. It was several great games in one. Battlefield, Ghost Recon, and Call of duty.

Hungryalpaca1830d ago

What exactly was it ahead of its time in? Player count? Planetside released in 2003 and and played count per match was over 300.

xkvcq1829d ago (Edited 1829d ago )

The BETA for MAG was one of my fondest gaming moments. I was highly anticipating the start of the beta servers but I had school that day. I had started downloading it that morning as soon as it was available and just when it finished downloading I found out school was cancelled, last minute, because of weather. BEST. SNOW DAY. EVER. I played the beta all day, continuing to put off my homework :P

TekoIie1829d ago (Edited 1829d ago )

Well have I got news for you pal! Planetside 2 has been available for nearly 4 years on the PS4 and longer on PC and people still aren't blown away. Maybe the novelty of scale is actually overrated and people don't care as much about it which is why MAG failed when multiplayer shooters were at peak popularity during it's lifetime?

If you were blown away by 256 players in 2010 why would you not have been blown away by 1000 roughly 2-3 years later?

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