
Bayonetta puts every other action game to shame

VGArabia: From now on, when you talk about the best combat system in an action-beat em up game, you have to forget about God of War, Ninja Gaiden, Devil May Cry and every other game; that's because Bayonetta actually have the most responsive, enjoyable, varied and frantic battle system around and I will explain why after the jump.

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Rikitatsu5290d ago (Edited 5290d ago )

Scores so far

Famitsu: 40/40
EDGE 10/10
Eurogamer 9/10
OPM UK 9/10
nowgamer 9.3/10
4players: 9.3/10
Gamersyde *scoreless* "New King of beat'em ups"

The combat is so deep that it makes other games look tame

Epic Bosses

And amazing Level design

This game, is completely out of this world! Best beat em up ever.

Noctis Aftermath5290d ago (Edited 5290d ago )

Enjoy your ride on the hype bus, next stop disappointmentville.

WildArmed5290d ago

although the game looks awesome.. the demo was statisfying.. idont have too high hopes of it.

The demo also seemed to easy for the most part, the combos being too easy and over powered. The boss battle at the end of the demo didnt do much for me.

I guess I'm to accustomed to games like GoW/DMC/Ninja Gaiden.. every move counts.
in bayonetta, just be ready to tap R2 to save the day :)
Its not a bad thing i guess..

also the fact that she strips down to do every skill does get annoying =/ Be vary of who you play it around.
I'm more hyped for Dante's inferno atm.. but will have to rent this atleast.

edgeofblade5290d ago

I'm totally taken in by Bayonetta. Above all, the demo was extremely satisfying, the sign of a game I can't wait to play when I get home from work.

wxer5290d ago

i dont care
I ( PS3 OWNER ) still can play both this and GOW 3
so i got 2 great games

while the 360 fanboys can only play this game alone


deadreckoning6665290d ago (Edited 5290d ago )

Before the fanboys begin to cry, realize that the full game is ALREADY in the hands of reviewers.

The title should have been, "Bayonetta puts every other action game to shame..TO DATE"

@Wxer- Why are you even mentioning GOW3? It's not even finished yet and hasn't even been reviewed. And if you "don't care" then why did you comment? Why do you find the need to turn this into some stupid fanboy fued? The open zone is to the right, this is where you belong.

@Tony P- As sad as it sounds Tony, people fight over game consoles here..yeah. LOL, can you imagine, fanboys say they "don't care" yet they take the time to comment..its pretty funny sometimes lol.

Tony P5290d ago

I haven't paid much attention to the game tbh. It got perfects?! So maybe worth a look.

So anyway, why the hate? What stupid excuse are we using to avoid playing the game instead of enjoying it now, N4G people?

I swear, I don't know what goes on on this site half the time.

mint royale5290d ago


woooooooo!!!! You win at life! :)

O wait....

Simon_Brezhnev5290d ago

lol all these sites desperate for hits. flashy/easy combos dont mean its best the action game.

raztad5290d ago (Edited 5290d ago )

I agree with skv007. Bayonetta has 2 difficulty levels.

1- Easy
2- Normal

On Normal everything is already easy. Even if you just go botton-mashing you can defeat your enemies with ease. Bayonetta is just too powerful.

Bayonetta is a version of DMC toned down for noob-friendliness with more colors and flashy stunts.

BTW, the most "innovative" addition to Bayonetta (from the demo) were "TeH QTEzz", pressing triangle-circle pulls the hairy wolf, or torture attacks.

@Guy bellow

I'm just saying what I saw in the demo.

You are laughable dude. DMC was so hard that it needed to be toned down for the western market in DMC 3 (Special Edition)

Why o why5290d ago

these games are very different (uknow which 1) but ill enjoy them both....simple. For me; pitching one against the other is like pitting Burnout vs GT...Both great games but definitely different.

Rikitatsu5290d ago

Bayonetta has four difficulties

-Infinite Climax Hard

The demo featured the first stage of the game and ON normal, of course the enemies will be easy, You can clear the first stages of DMC with button mashing too, so stop pulling false information from your arse.

ultimolu5290d ago

The game is good, I'll give it that but you're going way over your head there.

bigrudowsky5290d ago

Well they are talking about the combat system they prefer the more complex combo style of bayonetta to the more noob friendly button mashing of Gow3.
I wont be touching bayonetta and will be buying Gow 3 day one but bayonetta does have some real depth to it from what i've played of the demo.Gow 3 is just like the other versions easy easy and easy.

Megaton5290d ago (Edited 5290d ago )

I think the game looks great, always have, but lol @ anyone who claims it isn't a button masher. You can play it successfully with one hand, mashing 2 buttons over and over.


Gaming for dummies.

Rikitatsu5290d ago

a mode for casuals, its there as an OPTION... AN OPTION... get it?

wxer5290d ago


1- in the article the guy already talks about GOW

2- because i know it
all of you 360 fanboys saying the same thing about halo reach
let me ask you this
is halo reach finished yet ?? reviewed ??


ThanatosDMC5290d ago

Why does the boss slow down after getting hit??? His a giant monster and slows down everytime he gets hit by whatever it is she's using. I dont see a sword anywhere. What was she using???

Homicide5290d ago

@Rikitatsu, It's nice to see another Bayonetta fan in here. I never expected Bayonetta to get amazing scores like these.

Ignore the haters. All they want to do is play Simon says and play the same ol' stale combat system they've been playing for the past three games.

Kamiya FTW!

blackpanther255290d ago

the character, picking up sonic rings, and story does not seem intriguing at all. IDK bout you guys but i play games mostly for their story and gameplay comes second (maybe cause i my favorite genre is RPGs)....Bayonetta looks like it is going to have a such horrible story mode but

l'll wait till i can play the full game to really give my judgement

jesuisankit5290d ago

Let me say (after I have already finished the game twice) The demo doesnt do justice to the game.. they cut out a lot of things that are actually there in the same demo lvl in the final game.. there are so many items around, stuff to do.. dont judge the game based on the demo. When I played Bayonetta demo I found it avg.. but now I have played the full game. Demo doesnt do justice to the game.. its not even the final one we see in the game.

heroicjanitor5290d ago

But I played the demo of bayonetta and I can say it is interesting. There are problems though:
1. It is ridiculously easy to dodge attacks and activate witch mode(could be because it is the first few levels, or maybe the higher difficulty levels pose a challenge)

2. She just keeps stripping:/ Play it around the wrong people and you are declared a perv, asked why you got the game etc.

3. Even when she isn't stripping she is wiggling her ass enticingly, see point 2.

4. The demo doesn't do a great job of making me feel powerful. GOW3's demo makes you feel epic for taking down such beasts, even though in the end it is quite easy to do. In bayonetta the enemies feel weak since you can just activate witch mode and they have nothing on you. Kratos looks like he is battling hard, and looks all the more epic for it, she just struts around killing things and the combos can only get you so far in keeping boredom from setting in.

I would say though that it was only a demo, and I don't know the story. I am already interested in GOW's story which will definitely keep me glued to my seat but if Bayonetta has a good story it could turn things around. As it stands I dislike her character and don't see her as a great character, more of a means for bringing people in and then letting the fighting speak for itself, she is an ass that can fight essentially.

blackpanther255290d ago

I want to know how you feel since you beat it twice cause eurogamer was very vague when they touch up on the story part.

ABizzel15290d ago

I must say I enjoy the combat system in Bayonetta probably more than the others. It is every bit as fluid as the article states.

But that's about it. Bayonetta doesn't have the best graphics in the genre (God of War owns this), it won't have the best story in the genre (God of War owns this), It won't have the best longevity in the genre (Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 owns this with co-op), and it doesn't have the best presentation in the genre (God of War own this). You can't be the best of the best unless you are winning the majority of these categories, and God of War is still winning most of these categories which is why Bayonetta won't be the best of the genre until it does.

Bayonetta is a direct jab at Devil May Cry and based off everything said about Bayonetta it's trumping DMC, but God of War and Ninja Gaiden (needs a story overhaul hopefully losing Itagaki will help) are still holding their own, but until I play the full game I'll hold my opinions.

Homicide5290d ago

Gameplay is the most important thing in an action game, and God of War has a stale, boring combat system. It's been the same for the past three games. Onimusha, DMC, Ninja Gaiden, Bayonetta all own GOW in gameplay.

PrimordialSoupBase5290d ago

God of War Collection being my first experience with the genre, I find it to be a clumsy mess of design. Bayonetta is far more responsive and fun, indeed.

Saaking5290d ago

It's gonna be like inFAMOUS vs. Prototype again. Due to lack of a similar xbox 360 exclusive, the media is gonna hype up Bayonetta and Dante's Inferno as 360 exclusives (even though they're multiplats) and compare it to GOWIII. We all know how the inFAMOUS vs.Prototype debate ended and besides, PS3 owners can play ALL of them.

Trebius5290d ago

The main character in this game is so bloody overpowered that it doesnt matter how you mash the buttons or in what order.

I guarantee if you play the demo and press random buttons the whole time you wont get a scratch on you...and saying that it's because it's on "normal" difficulty does not mean anything...

Whenever a big 'mid-boss' or 'boss' looking creature comes out and you expect a tough fight, no...she just tears off her clothes and chews up the bad guy and spits it out.

The game is all glits and glam...flashy colors, crazy innuendo for geeks, and nothing else.

Thats only my opinion though...and these reviewers have their opinions as well, and who are we to say they're wrong?

If they feel it deserves a perfect score...no matter how hypocritical or foolish it seems...then whatever...we have our own tastes and we can decide on our own whether to get a game or not..,

Modern Warfare's gameplay is very easy compared to a game like Killzone, but it gets perfect scores...because people like mediocrity or games that take no skill to play...

God of War is not very difficult (unless you play on the harder difficulty the way it SHOULD be played), but at least it has an EXCELLENT storyline that STILL has us captivated since the very first game...which is why the game is so popular.

Bayonetta's score isnt lowered because of the crappy storyline though :P which makes no sense to me when lots of other games get marked down for that reason...

XXXCouture5290d ago

I agree with Saaking. This thing has been blown up, so that 360 fans can point and laugh at ps fans and say. "HAHA we got a better game than GOD OF WAR III". Exactly like Infamous and Prototype.

I am not denying that this game might be good, maybe very good. but just because the media says "ITS BETTER THAN EVERY OTHER BEAT'EM UP". Doesn't mean theyre saying it's gonna be better than GOW III. but they're saying its better than GOD 1 & 2. Which i doubt, but you know... You never know.

ABizzel15290d ago

@ 1.24

Are you serious. Onimusha and DMC combat system are not on par with God of War. DMC tries to have a combo system, but there's no point, because you can button mash your way to a long chained combo.

Ninja Gaiden is the only game available that has a true combat system every other game has combos, but tether on being button mashers EVEN Bayonetta. You can push Square or "X" to death on be successful in any of those games.

All of you people trying to hate on God of War need to stop. God of War 3 is still going to be the best of it's genre, and the only game that's going to dethrone it is Sony's Santa Monica's next game. Hack and Slash developers focus on the gameplay which is the most important thing, but Santa Monica gives you an Experience which is the difference between PlayStation exclusives and other games.

Christopher5290d ago (Edited 5290d ago )

If the combo system is so open-ended that you pretty much can create any combo you want, is it really a combo system then?

Combo games have relied on stringing together specific moves to get a certain desired combo result. If this one offers a limitless selection of moves that can be streamed together with anything else, then it seems this game isn't really about combos as much as it is just about keeping you button mashing without the need to think about what you're button mashing.

Also, why is GoW being compared to the likes of Ninja Gaiden and Devil May Cry? Completely different gameplay styles and combat systems with definitely less of a focus on combos and more of a focus on traditional combat manipulation (using the right move at Point A to enable the opening to use another move at Point B and so on).

jesuisankit5290d ago (Edited 5290d ago )

The story is decent and passable.. for the times you would have anticipated most of the stuff.. maybe coz they already showed some in the trailer.. but I will say the story does has its share of twists that we don't see coming and the ending is very very epic and good. its not a cliffhanger or anything.. its very satisfying.. The story doesn't has the GOW depth to it.. GOW beats this game black and blue when it comes to narration but on its own it does a decent job.. dont expect a uncharted kinda narration or DMC even for that matter.

For the ppl who are saying the game is easy coz of witch time, or is a button masher or anything, The game never tries hard to be flashy and that not the only thing to it, its a challenge to beat the game on normal and I did died quite a no of time (I never died when I played the demo as like most of the ppl exp here) the game builds up on the difficulty as a good game is suppose too, the graphics are not as good as GOW or DMC Iv.. but the game has a very good sense of style and knows whats it doing,.. I would say whenever I successfully activated the witch time it felt very very rewarding.. it not easy to pull of once we have 5 to 10 enemies on screen hitting from wherever they can and later on the game opens up a even wider variety of enemy type that put the game to be as fast as the Ninja gaiden combat is.. it gets really frenetic. And boy I havent mentioned the special accessories u can were tht just keep getting better and better.. watch out for the Maha kal Accessory and the diff transformations.. The game is filled with gameplay variety and never get repetitive. My only complaint with the game is the narration could had been better..

pixelsword5290d ago

-Bayonetta, while a pretty good looking game, is nothing like GoW, it's more akin to DMC with the Bullet Witch as the star; and even then it doesn't do anything so spectacular that it becomes a "must have" in any respect.
+ character animations are stiff and comes non-existent when standing still other than the hair/clothes moving from the wind
+ Shooting "quicktime" sequences are straight from Stranglehold (albeit better animated)
+ fighting in general feels worse than any in it's genre and feels more like playing Darkstalkers than an actual hack-and-slash
+ The music is not the best for it's genre, the music sounds more like walkway tunes rather than a score for a videogame
+ Bayonetta feels like DMC for girls because of all of the feminine imagery; and for all of the sexual imagery it tries to sell itself on, it barely shows any of it; at least GoW is blunt with it, and you can take that either way.
+ It's award system rips-off the trophy hierarchy of the PS3 (which ripped-off the 360's Achievement points, which ripped-off Insomniac's skill points)

DMC flashbacks? Yes. GoW flashbacks? Nope, not even close.

+ GoW is more visceral; when the players become disappointed by the hype of Bayonetta, Dante's Inferno will become the new "GoW killer" by default, and will be hyped-up, and will fail because it won't match the quality.

Either way, I'm sure Bayonetta will be fun, but I don't think that it's so great that it's worth fussing over, or purchasing if you can beat it as a rental.

But to each his own.

blackpanther255290d ago (Edited 5290d ago )

that helped me decided whether i am gonna buy the game or not. I'm just that type of person where if the game's story isn't intriguing enough i will not finish it (i went through Assassin's Creed even though i hated the repetition).....i just don't see the point of trying to beat a game like that (last remnant had good gameplay but god the story was so horrible so i never finished it). Action games i loved was Onimusha 1,2, and 3.....DMC 1 and 3....and GOW 1 and 2 cause of their stories.

If anything i will rent the game or borrow it from one of my friends who i know is gonna jump on this game.As of right now I am more hyped up for Dante's Inferno cause i know straight from the trailers that the story is gonna be a beast

jesuisankit5290d ago

I agree man.. Dante's inferno seems to be killer and even I am somewhat a similar gamer to you.. Story in a game gets me going.. Fahrenheit(indigo prophecy), God of war, etc.. though for baynonetta.. I quickly didnt cared for the story much as the gameplay was awesome.. rent it/buy it.. do try this game :)

Nikuma5290d ago

This game is going to be epic. You'd be a fool to pass on it if you like hack n' slash beat em up games. At the very least rent it and try it out... I think a lot of people are going to be surprised.

If it's true that Sony is working on the US version to bring it up to snuff, then all the better but even if they didn't I would still buy this game.

Anyone that says it's going to be to easy need to do some research btw.

chewmandinga5290d ago

God of War's genre is Hack 'n Slash (or so it's been said), which implies that the combat isn't that deep anyway. Kratos is usually too pissed off to bother with jump cancelling and such, seeing as his main method of attack is just ripping heads off with bare hands.

Although i can see the point of making the combat deeper for bigger move variety, it wouldn't feel right in a God of War game. That's like putting SF4 style timing combos in a Tekken.

PLaying the demo, i do think the game deserves the praise, but i don't know why the reviewers keep on trying to put GoW3 down because of it. It's not like there's only room for 1 great action game. That's like saying there's no room for VR Troopers because Power Rangers is so good, or no room for Halo / Killzone because COD is so good.

Anon19745290d ago

It's been getting good reviews but from who? Famitsu? If you're a 14 year old, Japanese boy maybe their reviews mean something to you. Edge? Please. They gave Let's Tap a better score then Killzone 2. Eurogamer is the only other site that's reviewed the game that I've heard of and, although I don't have a specific review I feel they steered me wrong on their demonstrated pro-360 and anti-anythingelsebut360 bias makes me distrust their publication in general. If they're compromised in respect to Microsoft's console, in what other areas are they compromised? Best to just stick to reviewers who I trust. For me, that's IGN and to a lesser extend Gamespot (I know, I know, they've had their issues in the past but I almost always, after playing a title, find myself agreeing with their assessment)

If my two "go to" sources side strongly in favor of Bayonetta, that might, and that's might, be tempted to give it a try. Right now, everything I've seen of this title bores the piss out of me. How about story? How about characters? How about visuals? Where's it's heart?
There's more to a great game then scantily clad chicks stylishly fighting baddies.

raztad5290d ago


To answer your question about reviewers.Because there are sites like EDGE trying to content their xbox fanbase, telling them Bayonetta is SOOOOO good they dont need to be jelous for GoW3, while others sites like VGArabia are just pulling flamebait titles to get hits.

When I mention EDGE I'm not even talking about its Bayonetta review. I just recall a very recent article from those fanboys in the same vein of this one.

ThanatosDMC5290d ago (Edited 5290d ago )

GOW is not anything like DMC or games like it. It's completely Hack and Slash. It just feels epic because of the environment, the giant monsters you have to fight and what not... but it does not have a solid fighting system nor is it dynamic. It's a tank game. Heck, it even has a pain in the ass puzzle game which people like but if you put it in a game like DMC it's spit upon like the cube game on DMC4 with Nero that Dante destroys.

I'm not saying GOW is a bad game, but it does not belong in this type of game that are fast pace, stylized, you'll die if you slow down or get hit and etc. Bayonetta slow downs are terrible, btw. It's like how GOW slows down everytime you hit an enemy. DMC3:SE gave you the option to speed up the gameplay even more.

Bayonetta is best compared with DMC and NG not GOW. GOW is best compared with the guy and his shield (i forgot the name) and the new game Dante's Inferno.

Golfcoachh5290d ago (Edited 5290d ago )

I didn't read one 360 fanboy rant, but a ps3 fanboy started crying about 360 fanboys? Man, I mean I know on this site if it is a multi plat game it can't be as good as a ps3 exclusive, I know this, but man I have yet to see the the 360 fanboys take over this thread and make it a 360 vs ps3 issue, what I have read are people who like this game getting trashed by the same fanboys who trash everything that is not a ps3 exclusive. Wow. Crazy, even for this site. I really like the guy who said it only has two difficulty levles, easy and normal, to only get shot down, and not even reply to it. lol This is so flippin funny. Not my kind of game anyway but when I saw 100+ comments I figured it had to be a good fanboy vs fanboy fight, but nope, just whats becoming the norm on this site, anti anything that is not ps3 exclusive. Yikes.

Edit, to the disagree that is there, or that will come, please, where are the 360 fanboys above my post, I really can't spot them, so please don't stealth disagree just show, me maybe I missed all the 12 year old 360 fanboys posting that this is better than GOW3, I don't see it, pleas show me, please. Not expecting you too of course, just felt like typing.

SaiyanFury5290d ago (Edited 5290d ago )

I did enjoy the Bayonetta demo, but I can't forget the Ninja Gaiden Sigma games. Quite simply, they're my favourite action/combat games this entire generation. I will certainly be getting Bayonetta on my PS3 when it comes, but to say it's so much better than the beautifully crafted fighting engine in the NG games is a step over the line for me. In Bayonetta, you can pretty much get away with mashing buttons to get by. If you try that in a Ninja Gaiden game, you're dead. The NG games basically force you to learn the intricate combat system, and to be honest, it's the only effective way to survive.

DelbertGrady5290d ago

Tried the demo today on 360. It's indeed amazing. Like DMC on steroids.

leila015290d ago (Edited 5290d ago )

If it's not a PS3 exclusive, it can't be good.

NoBias5290d ago

This is easily thee most hating website towards games, out there. It's absolutely ridiculous.

4Sh0w5290d ago (Edited 5290d ago )

Noctis Aftermath, I played the demo, there was nothing about it that makes me think someone looking for a kick ass action game will be dissapointed.

Homicide, why bash God of War, sure its the same gameplay thats becuase its still GoW, GoW3 still looks like its going to be Epic.

Saaking, yes you're right everybody knows that Prototype and inFamous ended up being two good games, both had some annoying flaws but still fun games, you're also right if you owned a ps3 you could play both like I did.

360 owners should just be happy their getting another great action game, ps3 owners should embrace the possibility that Bayonetta could be as good or better than GoW3, either way they cant loose as they get to play both, take the comparison as a compliment. Its like if someone was saying theres better shooter than Halo and its multiplat(MW2 imho) is coming out, why iin the hell would a normal 360 owner bash the game, he gets Halo and the new hot game(maybe Brink?) I understand if you tried the demo and werent really impressed by Bayonetta so you're just reponding saying you dont think so, personally the game has some sick combos and gameplay mechanics to me, but hey to each his own I just cant understand the need to bash any of these games, yet games like Terminator and G.I. Joe dont recieve much bashing from all these Democrats and Republicans.

Seriously get out your pitchforks and warn those helpless unaware gamers to stay away from those terrible games where devs are trying to cash in and make a quick $$$ with little or no effort...cause we need more Bayonetta type games and less G.I Joe's.

ViciousBoston5290d ago

So playing Bayonetta I realized a few things.

1) The Grafix are fine. I honestly expected something drastically bad but it was perfectly fine looking. textures seemed a bit off but aside that it was good.

2) The gameplay wasn't "immersive". I was honestly not really taken by it. It seemed too much like a DMC ripoff. To me the game does nothing original in terms of gameplay. What it does do originally is the over the top sexual overtones.

3) It seemed really silly. Me and my g/f were playing it and we both just laughed at how bad the actions were. It was way too cliche. She enjoyed playing it and called it a "female devil may cry" stating that the game was "deffinately for girls".

The media is starting to sicken me with these hype train games. Bayonetta is just like any other beat em up/hack n slash. To say it is the best out of them is a stretch of Mr. Fantastic proportions. Devil May Cry was the deffinitive Hack n slash of the generation brining it into the limelight once again and then God Of War took it to an all new level with its powerful grafix, unique Greek mythology spinoff, and unique combat system. To go farther DMC4 was a new fresh take for myself on HnS. For me and millions of other gamers, Bayonetta is just a hype train with no real cargo.

moparful995290d ago

Im so sick of everybody labeling GoW as a "button masher" Can you button mash your way through GoW? Yea you can but GoW is sooo satisfying when you take the time to learn and master the moves and combos.. A little bit of tactics can take you a long way in GoW.

Information Minister5290d ago (Edited 5290d ago )

@ Noctis - That was epic! If that doesn't deserve a bubble, I don't know what does.

Anyway, if this game was really that good, it would be hyped for its own merits and features. Not at the expense of bashing other games in the genre. I still don't enjoy the demo and I still think its a mediocre game. If someone tells me "Bayonetta is the best game evah!", I take it as their personal opinion (one that I don't agree with). But you guys can keep eating whatever the media tries to feed you with.

baum5290d ago

Famitsu gave Nintendogs a 40 out of 40, and gave great scores to Last Remnant and Haze. Edge, well... they're pretty much a joke. So lol @ posting their scores.

Also, Rikitatsu, nobody cares about your opinion either. Your fanatism shows, the fact that you're trying so desperately to convince anyone in holding your opinion proves you're a fanboy, if only a fanboy of this game. I also just saw your videos, how's that any different from Devil May Cry? Not like DMC is a bad thing, but it's gotten old; Bayonetta is basically DMC with a new coat of paint.

solar5290d ago

this game is not a ps3 exclusive. so your logical argument is invalid.

kindi_boy5290d ago

It was actually a nice read,

but please nigga please!!!! putting ninja gaiden in that mix is just wrong you can’t justify that. you need to take it back lol….

you reasoning says “button mashing = less game quality” you raise up Bayonetta and put down the rest because of that and other factors…let me tell you something, you have NEVER played Ninja Gaiden (not talking about the second) any previous NG game would never let you kill any enemy on any difficulty if you were hitting buttons. and if you did you were lucky and if you played the game enough you would understand why.

the AI in that game is so brutal they don’t care that you are 1 guy against 100 they have and WILL go all out on you. you mash buttons you DIE. you don’t evade you DIE, you don’t right time you DIE. and evading doesn’t take a hit of a button to do it. timing doesn’t take a hit of a button to do it, you need to calculate everything.

so it’s not just you have to know what you push to win, it’s why, when, where, and on who and how many… it’s very complicated am sorry i played the asian Bayonetta and all i can say there is alot going on, on the screen it is really hard to time anything it’s just too much so i have to mash my way through. and hope to get a break while evading, and couldn't’t complete the game because it has a LOT of japanese cliches my stomach can’t take.

am sure that you never played NG. never maybe you tried it but never actually went deep, i’ll tell you what i’ll give Bayonetta another chance you give NG another chance best of all is the NG Sigma. (you can go to youtube to know that you master this game you are a ninja in real life lol)

again please not NG anything else am fine with but not that game it is the difference between hardcore gamers and casual gamers. it draws the line between games you play for fun and games you play to concur and feel that you DID an amazing work concurring it.

NewZealander5290d ago

i played it...and hated it.

its too hectic for my liking, and the chick sucks.

littletad5290d ago

The way ps3 fanboys are downgrading this title simply because it's not a ps3 exclusive. Forget what the article says, the game rocks. I love it, and have been playing it on my ps3 since last night. Even if it's just a demo, it's a pretty good indication that the game isn't going to suck. Then the reviews seem to also be in favor of our excitement.

The way I see it, the game hasn't been proven yet, but how can you ignore the reviews and our demo impressions. In my opinion, there's plenty of room for Kratos/Dante and Ryu to share.

mal_tez925290d ago

The gameplay consisted of pressing Triangle and Circle in random combinations. Ther were some slight variations such as hold a button or wiggle a stick but it has to be the most repetitive game in existence.

It's also very stupid, the main character seems to strike a pose every chance she gets, and she produces butterflies from her skin when she jumps.

The Shadow5290d ago

I hate to admit it,but it is true. I can't lie to myself. I truly want this game to fail but it is truly spectacular! Every game I have played seem very slow (GOW 1 & 2, Ninja Gaiden II, Devil May Cry 1 to 4).

Sarcasm5290d ago

Meh who cares, some will like it and some won't. But it's retarded to say it's the "King"

There's a reason why people like God of War, it's mostly because of the set pieces and story. Where else can you kill gods?

And GoWIII, Zeus will finally get slaughtered in glorious HD. Nuff' said

Jaces5290d ago (Edited 5290d ago )

I really can't agree with a lot of what's being said about this game.

Puts every action game to shame? Yea when were talking about years old games (can't say the same for Ninja Gaiden) it would seem logical that Bayonetta would blow them away.

I don't get the fanboyism either, who cares. 360 owners are nurturing this game as their own to rival GoWIII and PS3 owners are trying to defend Kratos. Give it a rest, GoW focuses on brutality, amazing set pieces and epic finishing moves while Bayonetta is flashy, fast paced...and half naked most the time. They're both great in their own ways.

Haven't played to demo yet to judge for myself...still waiting for it to finish downloading on my PS3 and 360. =P

vhero5290d ago

Wow these kind of articles shouldn't ever be posted especially from these bunch of biased *****. But whatever I still think it's not gonna sell too well mainly because it's a new IP and people have moved on from action games. Ask devil May Cry producers.. Compare the sales of DMC to COD or some other big seller it blows it away. Action games just don't sell like they used to. GOWIII probably will though being an exclusive. Well in the US anyways..

commodore645290d ago (Edited 5290d ago )

This is so sad.

The entire thread is full of ps3 fans complaining, whining and damage controlling.

bu bu.. 'reputable websites'
bu bu.. 'gow3'
bu bu....

Let's face it, Bayonetta is an oustanding action game which happens to be available on both platforms, and, according to numerous reputable websites and 'apples-to-apples' comparisons the game looks undeniably better on the 360.

Pretty much anywhere you look on the net, reputable websites give the nod to the 360 version.
Them's the facts.

In response, Sony and Sega reputedly have sought to address the ps3 specific version issues with additional development resources (read: more money), but the result is still not up to scratch:

It wouldn't surprise me at all if this game was a ps3 exclusive, the same disgruntled ps3 fans would be hyping this game to the high heavens as a display of ps3 power... dear god... the irony!

Get a grip you sad fanboys!

This whole debacle really makes me wonder if a game like God of War3 might not also look marginally better on 360?
Certainly the Bayonetta precedent would support my forecast.

BWS19825290d ago (Edited 5290d ago )

you missed the fanboys because you are one. DeadReckoning, Mint Royale, there's a good few. I'm not one, and will give any game a chance, regardless of what machine I put it in to play it. But just note there is an air of 360 fanaticism about here, and the title is flamebait, believe it or not.

Any reason a user here is making this PS3 vs 360 is because the viewpoint is stating that Bayonetta is superior to all other stylized action games. They disagree and bring up GOW, and to top that, yes they can talk about GoW, maybe 3 isn't out, but the first two and several DMC games ARE out and can be used.

I'm in the middle of downloading the demo right now, it looks interesting, but since I'm logically going to address this "comparison" where they said it topples other games, I'll wait for the FULL game, but start with some impressions from the demo to start.

And please, Commodore, tell me you aren't using Eurogamer and Kotaku as "reputable sources"...is this sarcasm day in your land? Who cares if a difference is there, you're so involved in pissing matches I wonder how you play games? The game was made from the ground up on 360, and we've seen how gorgeous PS3 visuals can be (which I'm sure you deny)...I stopped reading your post there, I typically never agree with any of your bias comments, as you've admitted a strong fanboy-view in the past, and I'm going to respectfully (I mean that) avoid your post. Please let's not waste each other's time now?

commodore645289d ago (Edited 5289d ago )

@ bws

Dude, there is no need for you to damage control.
There already is a plethora of damage control in this thread.
Don't make it worse, please.

Eurogamer normally do the most in depth and accurate comparisons, thus are the most useful and applicable when comparing games.
There is no other site that has consistently gone to the trouble of making detailed and comprehensive comparisons like they have, for multiplats.
Thus, why wouldn't I use them?
Their analysis has shown them to be the most professional and detailed. Throughout the industry, they are certainly regarded as being reputable.

Of course, PS3 fans don't agree. I wonder why?
Indeed, why are you trying to downplay the veracity of their findings?
Is it because you are just another PS3 fanboy who doesn't like the truth?

Oh wait.... you want me to reference a pro playstation blog instead, that will gloss over the inferior ps3 bayonetta defects?
I get you, now.
Thanks for clearing that up... I have now safely ascertained that you are a mere ps3 fanboy, like the rest.

Of course, we don't have to settle for Eurogamer at all... let's consider some other opinions:

It is funny how they all came to the same damning conclusion, huh?

I guess in your book sites such as: eurogamer, 1up, famitsu, kotaku, Lensoftruth, destructoid and wired are all somehow conspiring against the ps3 and are therefor by definition not reputable?
I had to laugh!

Now, before you attack me again, my previous comment was not about a 'pissing contest' (your words) at all.

It was merely a reply to all the damage control which seems to spring up whenever there is a slight pro 360 vibe.

My previous comment stated words to the effect of lauding Bayonetta for its excellence and stating that, with this precedent in mind, the 360 would seem rather well positioned to run a game such as gow3 equally as well, if not better.
Again, the truth of this statement seems hard to ignore, given the precedent of Bayonetta.

Hopefully, as a 'gamer' you can see what I am talking about.
If you can't then don't bother replying.
I am sick of little fanboys, anyway.

BWS19825289d ago (Edited 5289d ago )

you missed the part where I said I don't care. Damage control? Is this politics? Again, your point being? You still have nothing that makes any sense to me, since you are still pissing in your contest. I saw some images, yes, the 360 version appears a bit sharper and cleaner as it was ground-up work on the 360, the game's not out yet and Sony is helping Sega, and the Ghostbusters on PS3 looked worse than 360, so did Orange Box....blah blah blabber blabber drivel all the way...

Again, your point? Are you pissing any better yet? Does it make you feel better? Did you win anything? What was the prize?

I'm not addressing the GOW3 comment, as that is your own speculation based around what you consider "evidence" and I'd rather not waste my time, the game was built around the PS3, we have seen what those games can do.

Xgamerzus5289d ago

The reason why they pull off all this is the Graphics-Engine is last gen!
take into account the graphics engine is similar to Ninja Gaiden and DMC for the fact it is cartoony with colourful effects and graphics which could of been done basically on a Naomi2 version of dreamcast or Xbox 1..with More Ram of course!.
All Im saying is it looks fun and such but this is at best a Rental.Last Gen no doubt..

Ill take realistic ,ILM photreal imagery anytime over Pixar cheese..

nycredude5289d ago

I am not trying to be an ass but IMHO this games plays like just another DMC. The demo was ok at best and the graphics subpar. It more like a shooter than a hack and slash.

It's seems the only people praising this to high heavens on N4g are the 360 fans. Sony fans know they will have the "definitive" hack and slash coming next year.

Seriously I really don't see what the hype is about. Alot of people should prepare to get severely dissappointed comes next year. The action is bland, and the graphics are meh, the sound is cheesy and the overall feel is cheesy. I could understand why some would like it but come on with the "puts every other action game to shame" comments! That is bullsh*t and everyone knows it! I mean the two bosses in the demo sucked ass and you can beat them just spamming the triagle button! Garbage.

+ Show (61) more repliesLast reply 5289d ago
jesuisankit5290d ago

I agree with the statement to a certain extent.. I finished the game and I totally loved it, The combat is the best, Story is decent and passable. The battles are brilliant and there is lots of variety around with lots of WTH moments that u never see coming... GOW III and Dantes inferno better gear up there just has been a surprise entry and almost beats all the comp..

deadreckoning6665290d ago (Edited 5290d ago )

"lol all these sites desperate for hits. flashy/easy combos dont mean its best the action game."

Ummm..maybe their just giving their OPINION? So by saying that all these sites want is hits, ur saying that gamers are powerless to ignore them? Don't you think its sad that gamers know which sites want hits, yet they give in and give them the hits anyways?

Judging from your comment history(largely pro-Sony) if the title was "God of War 3 puts every other action game to shame" you wouldn't be talking crap about this site.

ThanatosDMC5290d ago

I would since i see GOW as a hack and slash tank game. It's no DMC1 or DMC3.

alaa5290d ago

one of the best action games in the past ten years.

MicroSony4Life5290d ago

The game is top notch AAA+

Why are people hating on it already.

I dont know about you but give me an new IP over a game that I played twice already.

Noctis Aftermath5290d ago

More then likely it's due to the fact that it's being overhyped, how does this game get perfect scores? famitsu you can understand because they are known to be biased when scoring famous japanese game developers, but the other places that are giving it perfect scores imo are unjust, what does this game do that pushes boundaries? nothing, it does almost nothing new and yet all these places are hailing it like as if it's redefined the Action and H&S genres which it hasn't.

I know that this will be a good H&S game, i'm not really hating on the game, but more on the reviews which exaggerate how good the game actually is.

King Hippo5290d ago

I guess by "every other action game" they mean "just Ninja Blade".

hardcore19125290d ago

This is a prove that N4G runs by mindless people. It's a preview and the author explains why the game have the best battle system around.

WildArmed5290d ago

lol when in doubt, report =/
But the title is flamebait.. it'd be too hard for them to use the title:
'Byonetta is one of the best action games this gen'

instead its alot better to use
'Bayonetta puts every other action game to shame'
Then the fanboys in the people wakes up.. coz if you love a game very much, you will defend it

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