
Valve: 360 Community Head and Shoulders Above PS3

Left 4 Dead project lead Chet Faliszek has said the 360 community is "head and shoulders above the PS3", and that's why the multiplayer-focused Left 4 Dead series isn't on Sony's console.

Speaking to CVG Faliszek said the community aspects of the PC and Xbox platforms "really fit" Left 4 Dead - so it's not coming out on PS3.

"Right now for Left 4 Dead 2 we're looking at PC and 360 because the community aspects really fit the game - it's all about playing with your friends," he said.

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ezcex5321d ago

Even though I dislike most of Valves games, they are right on this matter.

The_Darkest_Red5321d ago

I like Valve's games, they are solid. Having said that, these guys make some of the lamest excuses I have ever heard for not developing a game on a certain platform.

Darkeyes5321d ago (Edited 5321d ago )

So now these @ssholes blame the PS3 community as the reason L4D2 not being on it what CRAP.. You guys went on record saying PS3 is too difficult for you'll to develop.... Don't blame the lack of 'talent' on the PS3 community.. Frankly speaking no one cares about L4D2 on the PS3. The game can be even experienced on a middle to low spec PC, so no great fuss about losing it on the PS3 as the game is made for PC....

But seriously Valve, if you aren't developing on the PS3 then just STFU and mind your own business. We don't want some crap filthy reason taken from Gabes fat @ss.... It's not as if we are crying here for L4D2... So again... Mind your own business.

@Below: According to latest numbers, ODST sold 1.8 million till date and Uc2 sold 1 million in first week (so both might be on par as UC2 landed later)... Stop using VGSh!t in giving numbers as they always blow stuff (Ps3 still is at 25 million at VGZ when Sony officially gave a 27 million figure).... and remove that 'SUPPOSEDLY' after Uncharted 2... It IS the best single player campaign as a TPS.

deadreckoning6665321d ago (Edited 5321d ago )

Regardless of what PS3 fanboys say, Valve's right. The 360 online community does spend more money and most of them use mics(mostly due to the fact that the 360 comes with a mic).

Plus the 360 community supports their exclusives better:

Halo:ODST(called an "expansion pack" by PS3 fanboys)- 2 million sold on day one.

Uncharted 2(supposedly "the best single-player campaign ever that nothing on the 360 can compare to)- 300,000 copies sold on day one.

Anyone else see a HUGE contradiction here? I only game on the PS3, but I KNOW that Live is better from countless bouts of COD4 ive had at friends houses. The only reason I don't game on Live is because I don't feel Live is worth 50 bucks a year. PSN DOES have the better value, but Live IS better.

Edit: Whatever u say Darkeyes, didn't mean to anger you...I say "supposedly' cause I haven't played U2 myself yet. I'm happy YOU enjoyed the game though.

ThanatosDMC5321d ago (Edited 5321d ago )

Apparently, people who play on the PSN doesnt have any friends?! I have 12 IRL friends then there's everybody else. I just delete those that start spamming me with chain messages.

Cold 20005321d ago (Edited 5321d ago )

Lol not so sure about that.

360 owners and PS3 owners are pretty much the same demography hence why some of the best selling games on both consoles are almost exactly the same games when u take away the exclusives: Modern Warfare, GTA4, Assasins Creed, Fallout 3, Oblivion, Madden etc etc.

So its a pretty lame excuse.

Darkstorn5321d ago

Are you kidding me? Xbox Live is full of racists, homophobics, and little kids screaming their heads off. I've only had one bad experience on PSN and that was while playing Killzone 2 without a headset and some guy started shooting his mouth off right when my mom walked in...so it was mainly my fault.

cRaZyLeGs 935321d ago

I think its also because they made a bad game for the PS3. I wouldn't blame them for not wanting Left 4 Dead on PS3.

legendkilla5321d ago

these guys really need to STFU!!! make a decent game then someone might care about what you say...

Darkstorn5321d ago

That's because the 360 comes with mics. I agree that the PS3 should also include one, but it's really not that big a deal.

GWAVE5321d ago

Yeah, Valve would say that, because the 360 community is definitely head and shoulders above the PS3 community when it comes to...

- buying expensive DLC that is free on other platforms
- accepting crappy graphics
- buying rehashes of games they already own

raztad5321d ago

Valve is so lame. Why to make excuses and blame on "the community"? STFU and keep doing what you want to do. Geez

presto7175321d ago

STFU about the ps3. Its fine you don't develop for us. You know what, WE DON'T NEED YOU!!. Just leave us alone, okay?

paul03885321d ago

OK, I may use Steam for all of my PC gaming purchases, but seriously, this company is full of fanboys.

IF THIS WAS 2007, IT WOULD BE MILDLY ACCEPTABLE. It's 2009, the PS3 has come a long way, but they seem to be stuck in the past as it shows with their ignorance... Just like every other PS3 hater.

Shame on you Valve...

JsonHenry5321d ago

I game on both the 360 and the PS3. While they both offer similiar features, I feel that the 360 does a better job with its online features.

Much better friends data, the ability to see where the player is doing/level they are on by simply using the dashboard, the ability to join games through the dashboard, cross game chat, EVERYONE has a mic on the 360.. but then again you do PAY for it, so it better have some advantages over the PSN.

Motion5321d ago

"The 360 online community does spend more money"
Of course they do. An average of about $50 a year more :p

Hellsvacancy5321d ago (Edited 5321d ago )

Does Valve honestly think us Ps3 owners REALLY REALLY REALLY want there games on the Ps3? coz if they do - HAHAHAHAHA on them

Admittedly i would like 2 play Half Life 2 but i shall buy a new laptop b4 years end and get it 4 that

Perjoss5321d ago

people don't like what Gabe has to say about the ps3, but there are tons of multiplats looking better on 360 to back up what he said about the ps3 being hard to develop on.

frostypants5321d ago

They are entitled to their opinion in regards to online communities, however highly questionable it may be.

However, to claim this as the reason for not porting it is typical Valve garbage. There is a ton of money to be made on the PS3 that they are leaving on the table, so the relative online communities is an utterly irrelevent concern.

Can't these conceited blowhards just admit that they don't know how to program for the PS3? They are locked down to the PC model and don't want to be bothered to learn a new scheme. It's obvious and they are being disingenuous as all hell about it. Their egos won't allow them to admit what everyone else can clearly see.

Just like they have become overly comfortable cranking out derivative (though high quality) FPS games, they have become overly comfortable in their development environment. They fear change.

mastiffchild5321d ago

Look at that freak! With him and Gabe they have some ugly dudes at the old Valve offices!

Anyway I'm sick of being lied to by the industry this week after IW's PC excuses BS and won't take it off Valve as well.

They SHOULD put L4D1 and 2 on PS3 as it could ve a lot better than what it is on 360. The support PSN offered for UT3 could be given to it and MS, as Valve know, just won't allow mods and stuff on the 360(nothing for free) which makes L4D on 360 a sheer waste of your time esp as you have to pay more for it too!

If you can't get it on your PC don't ge it. I have it for both and, rest assured, the 360 game never coes out of it's box while I often play on PC to this day as there's real support on that platfrm-which Sony might have allowed but MS won't on console. It's a shadow of the PC exerience and just not worth buying-Valve suport it as it's lots of cash for zero effort for them and should say so. It certainly isn't about "community" as they do nothing, or allowed to do nothing to create one on 360. Annoys the hell out of me and if it was to come to PS3 in the same form it is on 360 I'd still say it was crap by comparison.Just more lies for gamers.

Sez 5321d ago (Edited 5321d ago )

- buying expensive DLC that is free on other platforms= YEAH sure we do.i guess you know what people buy. guess thats one of the reason why sonyfans be crying about MS paying for exclusive DLC. and yet you guys pay real money for fake funiture and clothes in home. when it's free on other plat-forms

- accepting crappy graphics= i rather have crappy graphic then lame gameplay. thats just me.

- buying rehashes of games they already own= GoW 1&2 says hi.

ABizzel15321d ago

This is so much BS.

"Right now for Left 4 Dead 2 we're looking at PC and 360 because the community aspects really fit the game - it's all about playing with your friends."

Why in the hell do we have a friends list on PSN. If it's not to play with your friends then I don't know what it's for. This is complete BS. I play Left 4 Dead all the time, and even though the 360 comes with mics, there have been many a time where I've play with numerous amounts of people who don't use the mic, so that cuts out the mic issue. Not to mention most of the people who have mics on XBL are annoying 10 year olds, or people who get on and talk shigady the whole game, so what's the point of mics besides talking shigady back and forth.

XBL mic usage 75%
PSN mic usage 40%

XBL shigady talk 80%
PSN shigady talk 30%

It makes you glad that everyone doesn't have a mic all the time (I love the mute button as well).

What else is there then.

Cross game chat. If so that's complete BS if someone's going to play a specific game, their going to play it. Send them a message to their X-Media bar, and go on about your business. Cross game chat is a convenience and nothing more.

This is another excuse from Valve, and frankly I think it's an attempt to sway the 360 audience more since, they know they won't be developing for the PS3. And it's wise not to develop for the PS3 at this point, because Valve will be bashed out of this world by PS3 gamers for all the BS they spread over this gen.

The community excuse is pure BS, Valve just don't want to come out of pocket and make the PS3 version. Valve may as well be a 1st or 2nd party studio for MS.

Before all the hate comes about why is it not fair for Valve to make 360 exclusives, but it's ok for Insomniac.

A: Because Insomniac doesn't talk shigady about why they don't make games for the 360. They just up and say their PS exclusive. Whereas Valve "I'm to fat, cheap, and lazy to make a PS3 game so I'm gonna talk shigady about. That's why PS3 gamers get riled up.

But once again it's good to have both systems, but I stand up for what is right, and Valve was wrong once again for the BS their spreading.

Ironmantrunx5321d ago

Whine, complain, whine. It's all they ever do, they need to grow up, and if things are too difficult just let it go. Hopefully someone will eventually buy them out, and make them learn something new, but till then I got plenty of other games to use my money on.

wxer5321d ago

well they did hate the PS3 from the get go
by the way where is gabe ??
oh here he is

GrandTheftZamboni5321d ago

So Valve now cares about gamers experience, and not about profit? So, why single out PS3 gamers? They are hopeless fanboys.

SL1M DADDY5321d ago (Edited 5321d ago )

It's called COD: World at War - Nazi Zombies. Much more fun and guess what? It works flawlessly on the PSN - FOR FREE!

And on another note... WHERE THE HECK IS HALF LIFE 2: EPISODE 3?!!! Come Valve, get off your arses and get it on!

Persistantthug5321d ago

To this day I play GTA 4 Online (I love GTA RACING), and I am able to party up with my friends at anytime. WHY? Because I the game was designed to do that. Obviously if the game is designed to have a party up or "add friends to game" option, then what's the problem?

Jaces5321d ago

I have friends, I play online with friends.

What's he trying to say again?

DaTruth5321d ago (Edited 5321d ago )

PS3 owners actually have real life friends and so they don't care to make friends online.

So technically, there is some truth to this. But it is a compliment!

Nothin' I hate more than an online "begfren"!(begs for friends)

slayorofgods5321d ago

what does the 360 dandruff community have to do with anything.

gaffyh5321d ago (Edited 5321d ago )

Valve must be the dumbest developer around. How stupid can they be? They are constantly putting the PS3 down, pissing off almost 30 million PS3 owners.

What happens now if they release a game on PS3 that's actually good (i.e. works unlike Orange Box) then? No one buys it because of their stupid snide comments.

No doubt they make some great games, but learn how to play the PR game or STFU valve!

Why o why5321d ago (Edited 5321d ago )

Jamaican term

anyhow ive only made a few friends online. I prefer normal methods IF any.

Killjoy30005321d ago

How can Valve overgeneralize an entire community of people? These guys are almost as outlandish as Turned 10. I cannot believe the audacity some people have to make a final judgement on one quality of millions of people.

This statement is just narrow-minded and ignorant. The stupidity present is irreprible.

Xgamerzus5321d ago

Valve is lucky to have PC360 as the new low beduget PC gamer base ,very lucky!!
If MS had decided to go the proprietary console route like Sony's Cell PS3 then Valve would most likely being doing bad ports on both systems and not even stand a chance against first party devs who own the Consoles..And PC's gaming for Vale would of bankrupted them!!
They should be grateful That Nintendo didn't go that route as well..
Im sure a 8 core specialized Wii with Hard drive and 512 Ram and 50GBps GPU would of doomed MS and left Sony in 2nd,.
And PC's in dead last.
BUt we didn't see this..
We have idiots that got to 360 for PC gaming not knowing that the games are all PC games FPS FPS FPS FPS made for Mouse and keyboard..
Sad Valve is gonna loose eventually to ID and Epic and Crysis etc in terms of tech cause they market too much and have not talent.

VALVE engine looks dated...cob webs..

dreamcast5321d ago

'"Right now for Left 4 Dead 2 we're looking at PC and 360 because the community aspects really fit the game - it's all about playing with your friends," he said.'

I didn't know I couldn't play with my friends on my PS3. You learn something new every day!

Anon19745321d ago

All I can think of is this guy has never played on a PS3. That's the only reason I can think of that he'd make such a confused statement.

Anyone have any idea where there guy is coming from. I can't even comprehend what he's getting at having used both XBL and PSN extensively over the years. What on earth could he be referring to?

sikbeta5321d ago

I sound better to say they don't want to make a game for PS3, instead of say an stupid excuse IMO, honesty is better

Foliage5321d ago

Seeing as Steam is the biggest POS out there, what does this clown know?

Whitefox7895321d ago

*looks at PSN Friends List*

Hmm I wonder what these guys are?

pixelsword5321d ago

Valve will be eating a lot of crow.

DelbertGrady5321d ago (Edited 5321d ago )

I don't think PSN shares the same level of user activity as Xbox Live. Even though I know many of you want Sony to be best at everything and "M$" to always be bad and fail, the online part is something the 360 is prominent in this gen.

Think about it, how come Sony never release any numbers for PSN activity? Because it would look good in comparison to MS numbers? Nah.

kws10655321d ago

does Valve blame the other while all the causes come from their lazy ass?

ultimolu5321d ago

...I lol'd.

*shakes head at Valve*

jadenkorri5321d ago (Edited 5321d ago )

as a big fan of Half life, it disappoints me that a company makes such lame excuses not to develop for another console, of course the ps3. Both fanboy sides have either defended valve or accused them of being lazy of the sort. I laugh when 360 fanboys point out that sonys exclusive devs like Naughty Dog, guerrilla games and sucker punch didn't produce them on 360. Its really easy to point out thou that those companys have not come out and said the 360 is too hard to program for, or better yet the 360 community is not strong enough for their game. Valve has become arrogant just like sony was when the ps3 launched, but they could at least have the respect of at least saying they don't want to produce for the ps3 and not try to cover it up with lame excuses. Valves arrogance is costing them money with the lame excuses and constant hatred of the ps3. I will enjoy L4D 2 the same way I enjoyed the first one, on my PC, pirated, as i will enjoy the rest of their games until they make games for the ps3 or at least have the balls to admit they just don't want to program for the ps3 or admit having an exclusive contract with MS.

BTW valve, ask any manager who keeps coming up with excuse after excuse for not completing something on time or forgot to do, what happens to that person....

5321d ago
NoBias5321d ago (Edited 5321d ago )

Even you PS3 fanboys ADMITTED it a week or so back in a thread about "Should Sony Package Headsets". Most all of you said "No, I only use my headset if a friend is online and never any other time." The PS3 community doesn't show team work through strangers at all...

The only game that does exhibit this is the SOCOM community where it's pretty much required that you own a mic or you'll get kicked out of the game from other players. Hence why it's only 1 of 2 multiplayer games I play on my PS3 (SOCOM and Uncharted 2 - even tho people don't talk on that either...) Besides that, it's single player campaigns on PS3 for me.

Other than that, playing any multiplayer PSN game online is barren, dry and communication-free. How you all can sit here and lie saying that it isn't is absolute BS. L4D is a serious team-work game and it takes communication to beat the levels. Most PS3 fanboys wouldn't know that but "claim" they know L4D. If you don't work together, you will die.

So yes, I agree, PC and 360 community are more geared towards games that take team work. A lot more hardcore players choose 360 because of this. Playing shooters without comm's is called casual play. I'm a hardcore multiplayer-gamer so when I encounter people without mics on PSN, it pisses me off. Stick to single player campaigns if you don't plan on communicating. You mess it up for everyone else.

DaTruth Writes:

"PS3 owners actually have real life friends and so they don't care to make friends online."

EDIT: I see...

vhero5321d ago

Why cant they just admit they cannot make games on anything but a PC? Before you say 360 it's basically a weak ass PC in a box but dedicated to games and trash social crap so that's why its easy to develop games for. If you can do PC games then 360 games should be easy. They are nothing but a bunch of lazy devs that's why they got EA to do Orange Box for them.

DaTruth5321d ago (Edited 5321d ago )

"PS3 owners actually have real life friends and so they don't care to make friends online."

Sorry, forgot to put the j/k after my comment.

More of a jab at his statement than 360 owners! I don't care if the fanboys take it as a jab!

@Nobias: I didn't say that other stuff you wrote! And the apology was made before I read your comment. We take these little jabs at each other all the time; Don't take it so personally!

Shepherd 2145321d ago

Valve made the amazing Half life 2 and its episodes, which makes all of your opinions obsolete. They are right, the community for 360 is much more alive and has many more fluid features than PSN, such as cross game chat, community playdates. The PSN community is filled with 30-40 year olds who dont really know what fun is, but its not like you would ever know that since no one on PSN uses mics.

WenisWagon5321d ago

Truer words have never been spoken.

cyberwaffles5321d ago

i like valve a lot, especially for their games on the PC. half life, half life mods, team fortress, half life 2, half life 2 episodes, and portal especially. i can live without them making a game on the ps3, but i don't see why they have to be on microsoft's junk about how XBL is better than PSN. PSN isn't much different than XBL and i wouldn't say it's a better community since so many a-holes are on XBL.

maybe if valve actually made games for the ps3, then they can say the community isn't as good. right now, the only valve...err i mean source engine game on the ps3 with online is team fortress 2 and that game doesn't get updates and wasn't meant for consoles to begin with.

i mean look at the COD communities between both consoles. they're exactly the same. i probably come across a few more people on XBL with mics since everyone gets one bundled, but nonetheless attract a big community.

i bet money if L4D was on the ps3, there would be a strong following on PSN for it as well. i for one, wouldn't buy it though. L4D is valve's worst shooter in my opinion. gets boring real fast.

XxZxX5321d ago (Edited 5321d ago )

if sony never announced PSN activity, how do you guys know XBOX Live has more activity than PSN? Based on what, your biased judgement? Hey your phone just rang, and it was BS calling.

Budg3tG4m3r5321d ago

So Valve prefers to work on the PC and 360, its home to them. Other devs find home on the PS3, they like it more... so what? This site is the worse gaming site on the net for whiny hurt feeling fanboys who in reality all realy want to play the games on the other console. Guess what fanbys can't have them all.

If you want to play the games on the other systems... save some money. So Live is better than PSN it's the money people pay for that makes it so. It sure isn't a reason for me not to buy a PS3. So Live is better I don't care PS3 has some kixk ass games to play.

Whats sad is the die hard Sony fanboys above (not you Sony fans there is a difference) want to play L4D so bad it's killing em inside. Jesus it's on 2 platforms PC and 360, freaking choose one save some money and play.

For one day in your in your butt hurt lives stop and think that each platform of choice isn't gods perfect gift of gaming. That the other guys just may have something that are just better. I can allmost vision the fanboys on this site sitting at their computers or consoles reading this with steam comming from their ears wanting to choke a puppy.

Shut up and go play somthing. I'm about to go play some Wii Sports and after that play some Flashpoint, Borderlands and Too Human.

RememberThe3575321d ago (Edited 5321d ago )

That was just lame...

Plus, Left 4 Dead is way over rated. I played it for about under a month with a few of my friends and I couldn't do it anymore.

@above: Why to go defending moronic statements... In my opinion, Left 4 Dead should stay off the Playstation platform. I don't think that because I'm a fanboy or have anything against Valve, but because the game isn't great. I had a lot of fun at first, but it got really old, really fast.

I agree that there is no need to get worked up over this, but there is also no need to defend stupid ass statements from respected developers.

ico925321d ago

i would rather them not say anything than make up lame excuses

raztad5321d ago (Edited 5321d ago )


Shut up! kids are not allowed to discuss with adults. Go back to your ODST. Your opinion is irrelevant.


You got it all wrong dude. NO one above is begging Valve to develop games for the PS3, just to stop the excuses and the PS3 trash talking. Valves games can be played in any low spec pc for anyone really looking forward to them.

This Valve guy comment seems to me like a replay to Borderlands president comments. Lame, very lame.

5321d ago
table5321d ago (Edited 5321d ago )

ohh the irony in the statement Valve;

They assume ps3 gamers don't game on PC and they fail to realise alot of the PC online community don't actually use headsets.

It's unbelievable how they can try and pass this off, what sort of idiots do they take us for? I mean I love Valve games but hearing things like this looses them alot of respect.

WildArmed5321d ago

I love l4d n L4D2.. but Valve is stup!d for saying that.
Just coz your a stupid fuk and cant make games for ps3.. dont go playing the blame game.

(I will still buy L4D2 too)

Redempteur5321d ago

Wait they never got a game on PS3 yet ... ( Orange box was done by EA )

So what do they know about ps3 players ???

of that's right ..nothing ..

i though so ..

XxZxX5321d ago

RememberThe357, why defend? as much as he like to use fanboy this fanboy that, he is also a fanboy himself.

evrfighter5321d ago (Edited 5321d ago )

lol The tears. They fuel me.

epic article. Valve just owned ps3 fanboys.

While ps3 gamers won't care. The fanboys (pretty much n4g) need moar tearbuckets.

jadenkorri5321d ago

really work together, granted my 1 month of cod4 on 360 was just about the same as when i play on the psn, really the only difference was more people slaming each other more than them working together. I don't find people work together that much or if at all when ever i played, the only time it really happened was when i was with friends. Granted i didn't play l4d on the 360, so im not sure, but if Valve wanted to do something about it, release LFD 1 and 2 with a Mic and quit you b!tching. Im sure sony could throw in a mic, but that would only entail new people getting a mic, so what of the 27 other million. Yes i own a mic on the ps3 and cod4 is all run in gun, same exp as the 360.

FlipMode5321d ago

"Halo:ODST(called an "expansion pack" by PS3 fanboys)- 2 million sold on day one."

Check your numbers.

JayD-1K5321d ago

Sorry to burst a few peoples bubbles, not every body on the system has a mic! In case some of you forgot, the Arcade 360 has been sold with out a mic for about a year now.

And just about ANY blu-tooth/USB headset can work with the PS3. so how hard is it to have a mic?

tripewire5321d ago

How the f*** can they say that? The PS3 has more in common with PC gaming than 360 does. Mostly in that ITS FREE. How does a community that promotes play to an exclusive portion of users appeal to them?

Maybe, just maybe, Valve look at the games we PS3 users get to play, and they know they cant compete. They use an old recycled engine with old outdated gameplay, and they have no new ideas. Why would we buy their games when we have things like God of War, Uncharted, Heavy Rain, Mag, Resistance, Infamous etc etc etc.

O2_Addict5321d ago (Edited 5321d ago )

to remain 360 exclusive and keep coming up with new excuses as to why they didn't make a PS3 version.

Microsoft has bribed lot's of developers. With the PS3 consistently outselling the 360 it's going to become more expensive to bribe developers. It's all about opportunity cost.

It's actually possible to mathematically estimate the cost of a bribe with publicaly available information.

Eddie201015321d ago (Edited 5321d ago )

Why is that all the dumb comments coming from Valve are given by people that look like Jaba the Hut from Star Wars? Just saying.

Is Valve becoming more like the Company that Gabe used to work for (Microsoft).

Enough with the dumb comments. Its like a commune trying to convert people to there religion. Referring to Valve.

Bloodraid5321d ago

Valve are fools.

PS3 really has no good zombie games for it yet, and there are tons of us who want one. Do they really think that it'd be a waste of their time to port it to the PS3? (And not some crappy port job they normally do)...

leeger5321d ago

Sony developers head and shoulders above Valve

BWS19825320d ago

Are Turn 10 and Valve still doing that competition for the biggest d0uchebags in the industry? Who's winning now?

jut4205320d ago

Wow Valve, a little hurt by the comments from the Borderlands producer? I thought you already said you weren't making the game on PS3 because it's too hard to develop for. I do agree 360 has stronger community features than PSN, but please don't make it an excuse as to why you didn't bring the game to PS3 when you already told us why it's not in development. This is the same BS the Borderlands producer was talking about when he said you were taking unnecessary shots at the PS3.

Lich1205320d ago

I get that maybe you don't want to play half life. Or half life 2. But to say valve is not a note worthy developer is retarded and fan boyish. Im a PC gamer at heart, but I own all the this gen consoles. And the truth is, they are a wonderful development team. Im not saying you have to love L4D, because I certainly don't, but when it comes to Valve North (in charge of the half life business) they make wonderful games. You can act like you don't want them, and maybe you don't, but don't claim it's because they're bad at their jobs. Because they're not, they're a business and they have to make decisions and stand by them. They're not fanboy's, they are just a company trying to make money and good games.

bakasora5320d ago

lol the click-reply system is flawed. That aside, first I seen 400 over comments.

+ Show (71) more repliesLast reply 5320d ago
saint_john_paul_ii5321d ago (Edited 5321d ago )

Translation: we just dont feel like developing for PS3 since we are lazy. we didnt realize that PSN is on par with XBL when playing with friends, but we dont care since we are lazy....

Seriously Valve, please continue going on Damage control, it only makes the situation worse.

3sexty rulzzz5321d ago

how are you going to make a comment about someone when you, yourself can't stop you bishops and other high authority figures from touching boys. your comment reeks


ah just let them do wat they want, pope. Their just not ready to leap into the future

DaTruth5321d ago (Edited 5321d ago )

Somebody called us out the other day for being fanboys and it was obvious that their is truth to it, so we will make some BS statement today because our old excuse about the PS3 not being a good system has clearly been blown away, and people are starting to catch on to our fanboyish behavior!

Oh, a lot of people beat me to it!

badz1495321d ago

that valve should just STFU! don't want to develop for PS3, fine! not everyone of us wants you games either! just mind your own audiences and leave the PS3 alone! with the recently announced 27mil user base, the clear STUPID LOOSER here is Valve not PS3 gamers!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5321d ago
Sonyslave35321d ago

Damn even doe he speak the truth he should keep his mouth shut all this is going to do is cause more hate.

nolifeking5321d ago

What's true about it? You boot the game and either A)join an open party or B)make your own. If memory serves correct, I think those features are available on psn.

Biggunz5321d ago

What Failiszek needs to realize is L4D2 is no big loss for PS3 owners.

RetroPietro5321d ago

it just shows they are incredibly lazy developers. its not like PS3 gamers need this game its just embarassing for EA that they work along side such a group of lazy bastards. i mean look at the shoddy graphics, its like they are not even trying.

ReviewsArePolitics5321d ago

When they have no PS3 and if they do they rarely use it so they don't know what they are talking about

OmarJA5321d ago

Lame excuse but not surprising from Valve...

*Playing Uncharted 2*

Sir Ken_Kutaragi5321d ago

...eat Gabe Newell's PIES or you will be 'Left 4 Dead'!!! ;-D

I don't care about their games really(if i did i would get them for my P.C anyway) Keep talking CR*P Valve. I will NEVER EVER buy a Valve game EVER in my Lifetime;)

PlayStation X5321d ago

if they didnt chat so much sh1t maybe the ps3 community would like em =/

but tbf i really aint bothered if valve makes ps3 games theres planty of better games about

talltony5321d ago

Its because valve has decided to only work on PC architecture cause they dont like to learn new things. If left 4 dead was on ps3 then people would play it and alot of people would talk the same way they talk in uncharted 2 cause almost everyone has mics in that game. And last time I checked doesnt psn have a more mature online community than live? To me the people that buy the console makes the community and let me just say live has more whiny immature racists and 12 year olds than psn does.

dtrain215321d ago

PS3 fanboys do not buy games and online sucks. Only Xbox gamers buy games and superior LIVE. I love Valve. Please don't hate i'm sensative

Foliage5321d ago

Actually 360 users buy "a game". Since there is no variety, and no choice, the sales figures are bloated. The PS3 has a wider and better library, and the PS3 users don't all have to floak to a single title. Most publishers claim PS3 is selling more software, especially when you consider the year lead the 360 had, and how they should have more consoles out there.

Man_of_the_year5321d ago

"Funny how Xtards think it's true"

Funny how Sfags think its not.

nix5321d ago

yeah.. people who don't have PS3 don't know how PSN works. i have a colleague who owns 360. so i was telling him that he should move to PS3 because it's got better games and it's cheaper.. then i told him that you don't have to pay to play online. then he asked me, "so how do you play?" it was such an awkward situation because i didn't know how to explain it. so i just told him, you just have to buy a game and go online and play.

i wouldn't call him a Xtard though... just an uneducated gamer who picked up the wrong console. q:

Shepherd 2145321d ago

Valve made the amazing Half-Life 2 and its episodes, which makes all of your opinions obsolete. Valve made much more innovations with their games than Killzone 2 or Uncharted 2 will ever hope to achieve. The only thing you guys have is "teh g00d graphix", but Half-Life 2 had the best graphics around 5 years ago so graphics cant even be argued.

Kleptic5321d ago

regardless of the talent that makes up valve as a dev...I am lost as to what this guy is saying...

so is it 'we [valve] are way behind in console development'...or is it 'we don't focus on the PS3 because they don't play games with their friends?'...

sorry chet...if you are trying to say Sony doesn't no how to build an online community, or hasn't yet with the PS3...you are nothing short of a fawking idiot...as the PSN is MUCH MORE like a PC environment in every single way compared to the gestapo like approach MS has with xbl...

if you are saying PS3 owners don't play games with friends...you are right...I have not once played killzone 2, cod 4, LBP, R2, Rfom, GT5P, etc. etc. etc. with a single one of my friends...

something about that guys face needs punched as well...

Shane Kim5321d ago

Guys, guys, guys...Gabe Newell. Need I say more? I mean just look at the body attribute and you know what Valve is made of. Yup a bunch of lazy developers.

slayorofgods5321d ago

I can see that Valve has not learned it's lesson from Turn 10.

MS developers = way ahead of ps3 developers in sh!t talking and turning away new users. I will not support these low class bottom feeding techniques.

5320d ago
+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 5320d ago
ZombieAutopsy5321d ago

Valve hating on Ps3??? Now i've seen everything /sarcasm

Gothdom5321d ago

What I read meant this: "Some guy from gearbox called on us for being lame, and now I prove his point by spiiting more on the ps3 users"

gears225321d ago

they never made a game for the PS3,what a horrible excuse.

...I must've been playing Uncharted 2 with ghosts.

-MD-5321d ago

Orange Box was on PS3 so good one?

spunnups5321d ago

EA ported it over, so he's right. Valve has not made a game for the PS3 themselves.

nolifeking5321d ago (Edited 5321d ago )

And the voices you heard were all in your head.

orange-skittle5321d ago

Is it okay to call you dummy? I think so because Valve didn't make that for PS3. It was ported after the 360 release like Bioshock you moron. Nothing is made for PS3 except exclusives. All multiplatform titles are made for 360(360 dev. kits) and ported over.

Valve is right. PSN has the worst community compared to PC and 360. Try getting someone to talk when you play battlefield: bad company. They don't even support their exclusives like the 360 community. It's not the 1st time you fanboys have heard this from other industry reps. Why are PS3 fanboys so oblivious to the truth and pick apart everything. One guy even called the guy ugly. SO WHAT? Doesn't change what he said or his credibility. I am sure you're not easy on the eyes either, nerd. PS3 and 360 are $300 and people are still fighting over what console is better. Since when did Sony start sending you fools checks?

spunnups5321d ago

No wonder your dumbass has 1 bubble

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5321d ago
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15 Xbox Games That Should Make the Multiplatform Jump

While there’s likely already a list behind closed doors, one can still speculate and offer logical suggestions for titles new and old that should find their way into the PlayStation and Switch libraries.

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GamerRN77d ago

Single A games and live service games. Those make sense

S2Killinit77d ago

None of it makes sense. But its happening.

Ps5conehead77d ago

That’s up to Microsoft they want return on there investment. From buying up those publishers. That’s what there in business for. And they made a mistake putting day one exclusive on game pass. So now Microsoft wants to profit any way they can.its called buisness . Just like Sony putting games on pc a year are two after ps5 launch.
So if they can make money off PlayStation and Nintendo. They will do that. And I bet soon real soon they will release some aaa exclusives .and I bet one day it will be same day release

TheEroica76d ago

Sony gamers begging for Xbox games.... Who would've thunk it?


Yeah, because random site off the internet represents all Sony gamers, they have the letter of attorney and all...

S2Killinit76d ago

Lol what a spin. You dizzy?

AsunaYuukiTheFlash76d ago (Edited 76d ago )

We don’t care about shovelwares. Get that junk out of PS5

StormSnooper76d ago

More like MS begging to put their games on PlayStation.

TheEroica75d ago

Keep begging Sony gamers!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 75d ago
Friendlygamer77d ago

Some of these seem to be exclusive for lack of enthusiasm of the publisher rather than because of deals. A lot of cool indies skip ps for some reason like katana zero, el paso, elsewhere and gunbrela

S2Killinit77d ago

Even more indies skip xbox. We know that right?

Friendlygamer77d ago

Quality over quantity, Microsoft got some really interesting and curated niche games on their machines, maybe in part because of gamepass

S2Killinit76d ago

Quality and MS are not things you bring up in same sentence.

shinoff218376d ago (Edited 76d ago )

Alot of indies skip xbox to. It goes round and round. Personally I think your off base on that but no need to have the argument.

Friendlygamer76d ago

Between katana zero, valheim, Battletech, el passo... I don't feel off base. maybe ps got a million of light novel games that will never release on Xbox but like I've said, I'm talking about niche games highlights, the 10%.

  Heck, it's probably thanks to Microsoft that the s.t.a.l.k.e.r games came to console ps included, meanwhile Sony backwards compatibility continues to be extremely anemic.

And I'm sure most ps5 users are happy to ignore these games and just play wathever new 3rd person action game is trending but it's cool that Microsoft gives some love to smaller audiences and software preservation

shinoff218376d ago

Again your off base just to be snide. All it's showing though is your ignorance.

One light novels wtf is that even. Ps has plenty of pretty damn good indies.

Speaking of indies and ms being responsible. You know F.I.S.T. of course you do alot of you guys just support gamepass. Well here's a history of Sony being responsible for helping indies. Look up the China project from Sony.

Lastly lol your ignorance showing again. Sony has plenty of games. Personally third person is better then first anyway but that's besides the point. Sony gets so many games that xbox doesn't get because yall don't support the games. Jrpgs being a great example. I personally am not into every Sony first party game. Alot of us aren't. On the other side you don't get to eat often so you gobble up everything. Me personally God of War not my cup, etc. For me I'm into jrpgs and ms just can't touch Sony on those. Again because the Xbox base doesn't support it. Devs dont wanna waste their time or money. Hit me up when falcom develops a game over there.

Speaking of third person narrative games. Aren't yall drooling over hellblade 2. The first one was Sony exclusive at one point. Another not my cup game. Showing we don't have to fall in line and agree we love everything Sony puts out. The facts are they sell though unlike elsewhere(not nintendo)

StormSnooper76d ago

You are same person as GamerRN, yes?

Abnor_Mal77d ago

They really think PlayStation fans would want to play Redfall? Pfft.

Personally nothing on that list would be any game I’d want to play.

TwoPicklesGood77d ago

I’d absolutely love Hellblade 2, Palworld, and Quantum Break on ps5 as I’m sure tons of others would too. There’s nothing wrong with wanting games from another console and its sad that people try to act like they aren’t interested in them.

shinoff218376d ago

While indont agree with the games. I agree with the point. Your not wrong.

DarXyde77d ago

Sunset Overdrive makes very good sense. Palworld might.

Don't know about the others. Hellblade II does make sense given the original launched on PS4 first. Quantum Break was a massive letdown for me. I absolutely hated the whole TV show thing and I don't think anyone should have to relive that on modern hardware.

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Valve Made Left 4 Dead 2 Because The First Game Was A Broken Mess

Left 4 Dead lead Chet Faliszek describes the original Left 4 Dead game as "such a broken thing that nobody wanted to touch it."

Number1TailzFan189d ago

And then couldn't be arsed to make a third game.

If they can add a lot more stuff to a 2nd game in just 1 year why didn't they make a third game a few years later with tons of stuff extra? Because that shows they could've.

I know Source 2 was kind of broken and was a reason they cancelled L4D3 but it seems wasteful to just toss it away.

Don't know what Valve were thinking.. it's like nobody wanted to fix the issues to get going. They certainly aren't the Valve of 2004 that released fun games with pretty cutting edge graphics.

cthulhucultist187d ago

Valve is allergic to number 3 it seems. It would be easier for them to release a Left 4 Dead 2.5 enhanced version instead of releasing a game with "3" slapped on its title.

rakentaja186d ago

They stopped making games a long time ago. Steam brings in so much money that it's really not worth the effort. Nowadays, people only look for faults in games, and spend more time whining on Twitter/X than playing the game anyway. Valve says a big fat no-no.

anast187d ago

Value is the Blockbuster of video games. They have no need to invest in deving a game, when they can make handfuls of cash renting them.

-Foxtrot188d ago

What are they talking about? Seemed pretty alright to me at launch it just wasn't supported the way Valve promised us

They should have just worked on a revamp / massive update to the game but they didn't they jumped straight to a sequel with brand new characters despite having some sort, if small, story about where the original survivors were heading.

I didn't care for the direction they took the sequel, the original games tone and atmosphere was missing in the second game and is still unmatched. Daytime levels, more whackiness, melee weapons where you could attack a Tank with a frying pan...just wasn't the same to be honest and the new survivors just didn't hold up the originals.

Here's my speculation. I think they did a sequel because they didn't want to update a game co-developed by Turtle Rock, they wanted the franchise to be known as a Valve game only and knew if they updated the first one Turtle Rocks name would still linger on it.

shaenoide187d ago

I want broken games like L4D all day long...

GhostScholar187d ago

Well the first game was by far the best

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The Best Co-Op Horror Games You've Missed in Halloween

Try to cope with your friend through terror with this list featuring the best horror Co-Op games you can play today.

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