
Modern Warfare 2 IGN Review Leaked?

From the offcial playstation forums.

"I was on IGN browsing through the MW2 **bleep** when I saw the review score. I flipped out and clicked on that **bleep** and it brought me to a page not found. So I knew it was a mistake post so I quickly print screened. This could very well be the real score. "

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gareno5324d ago

uncharted 2's 9.5 and now mw2's 9.5 make it a perfect fight for Game of the Year!!

Saaking5324d ago

MW2 is gonna have an overall lower average than UC2.

BX815324d ago

@Saklicking... Keep hating cheese toast! MW2= GOTY! If not and Uncharted 2 gets it I will admit I was wrong but after the footage I saw during the World Series... and yes my Yankees won! MW2 looks to have great single player and very dominating multiplayer, but like I said if I'm wrong I'll be the 1st to admit it!

chrisulloa5324d ago

Hey Saaking, I'm happy for you and I'mma let you finish, but I just wanna say MW2 is the best game of 2009.

DonCorneo5324d ago (Edited 5324d ago )

just to keep the bots and pc nerds happy

yeah, it's totally unfair that only ps3 owners get to play the best game of the year.

but AIAS Game of the Year goes to uncharted 2, no doubt about it

CernaML5324d ago

Wow did you seriously just use that played out meme that got old before the first week? Good job.

deadreckoning6665324d ago (Edited 5324d ago )

@Saaking- Why are AVERAGES so important to you? Do u base ur life off others opinions? Do u judge every game based off OTHERS opinions? Grow a brain and stop being a damn robot. Theres a place for you in the PS3 community where actual GAMERS reside.

"Just as I predicted bots laughing it up over a multiplatform"
If Droids don't care about MW2, WHY ARE THEY HERE?? LOL, u give so much attention to somethg that u claim to hate. SHOO...

chrisulloa5324d ago


Wow did I just catch your attention and make you mad?

HolyOrangeCows5324d ago

LOL! Xbox fanboys claiming a multiplatform game as their own?
What else is new?

kagon015324d ago (Edited 5324d ago )

PC gamers happy for this rehashed title without its previous main features? I don't think so, their game was gimped thanks to the power of the underwhelming architecture-less 360...

PC gamers are getting a poor 360 port as well...

As a PC/PS3 gamer, I feel pity for Naughty Dog, they worked a lot with sweat and brains to create a beautiful piece of art, just to get thrown away for an overhyped piece of $h!t...

If I buy this game I'll buy it used, but since I despise FPS, COD MW2 can rot for all I care...

The real killer5324d ago (Edited 5324d ago )

"Hey Saaking, I'm happy for you and I'mma let you finish, but I just wanna say MW2 is the best game of 2009"

Ring ring, wake up boy it's time to play Halo.

Mo0eY5324d ago

Hey chrisulloa , I'm happy for you and I'mma let you finish, but I just wanna say MW2 is multi-platform and on the PS3 too.

So your entire comment is retarded.

CernaML5323d ago

Not mad, but irritated that I read like 5 other comments just like yours in the same day.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 5323d ago
5324d ago
Saaking5324d ago (Edited 5324d ago )

So, MW2 isn't bringing anything new AT ALL, yet it still gonna get extremely high scores? And yea, most reviews will be 9-9.5.

Natsu X FairyTail5324d ago (Edited 5324d ago )

Maybe the game is That good.

have you even played it ?

On the other hand Uncharted 2 did not Innovate also. It was a Great looking game with elements of Various Other games mixed in one hence the score it recieved.

The graphics arent the same also they've upgraded.

Rigmaster5324d ago (Edited 5324d ago )

I really hope for IGN's sake this is a joke.

I remember all the people who laughed at the idiot who wrote the IGN Killzone 2 review saying they couldn't wait to see if IGN would embarrass themselves with the CoDMW2 review.

If this joke score turns out to be true it looks like we have another GTA4 review fiasco where fanboy reviewers and giant wads of marketing cash created absurdly high undeserved review scores.

deadreckoning6665324d ago (Edited 5323d ago )

9.5 is EXACTLY what I expected from IGN. Anyone whose pissed of about the score needs to asks themselves why IGN's opinion is so important to them?

How in the hell are you judging this game without playing it yet? COD4 got a 9.4 and was GOTY when it came out and all IW has done is improve, WHAT-DID-U-EXPECT?

"uncharted 2 will win AIAS Overall Game of the Year"

Dude, WHO CARES??? Thats not gunna stop anyone from playing MW2 to death. I thought u guys would be a bit more mature about this, but I was wrong. LOOK, Modern Warfare is the best thg to happen to the gaming industry since HALO. It'll elevate the popularity of online gaming to a new level. If ur against that, U AREN'T A GAMER. Period.
Day 1 baby, day damn ONE lol!

josuttis5324d ago (Edited 5324d ago )

I'm not surprised by this absurd fanboy score from IGN. Remember IGN is the site that embarrassed themselves by giving Killzone 2 a 9.5/10 score for graphics.

Killzone 2. The game that people claimed had graphics that were so far beyond anything we would ever see this gen that they were obvious 'Sony lies'. And then:


So that means that the same old crappy Call of Duty 4 graphics that the MW2 has must have gotten a 9-9.5/10.

What a joke. What a disgusting joke.

And forget about the graphics. People who have played the game say the single player is just as short as CoD4 and no different. No dedicated servers. Tiny game sizes with only 9 player per side. The game obviously brings nothing new to the FPS world.

While games like Killzone 2 brought innovations like the revolutionary first person cover system. The state of the art enemy AI. And the awesome non-stop action of the multiplayer Warzone setup. And of course the incredibly immersive gun controls that were no longer the tired old 'weightless gun on a stick' that is standard in FPS games.

You have to wonder if destroying their credibility is really worth it for IGN to avoid having Uncharted 2 be their top rated game of 2009...

swiftshot935324d ago

-Most games dont have dedicated servers
-How do you know its laggy? CoD4 wasnt. And now they've fixed Host ending the game.
-It may be on the arcadish, but its still awesome. What were you expecting? And honestly Id rather have the precise controls MW has over something like Killzone or battlefield because it makes the game way more fast paced. Which is funner IMO.
-In case you forgot CoD4 had some of the best graphics when it came out in 2007. Now MW2 still runs at 60 FPS, there more detail on screen, and now the game has color (something absent from most games this gen). The game looks great.
-Tell me of a game this year that was innovative.

Darkstorn5324d ago

It's going to be a great game, but I have no interest in it since I'm still replaying MGS4 and Demon's Souls. The 360ers have nothing else to play, and will devour MW2.

josuttis5324d ago

P2P networking means that your game is at the mercy of whatever clown is hosting.

If that clown, or someone else at their house, is downloading porn or mps3 or whatever your game connection gets killed.

Even if whoever is hosting your game isn't blowing their connection with downloads you are still limited to tiny player counts because of the crap residential upstream connections.

PS3 and PC gamers don't put up with that garbage. Every major FPS game has dedicated servers for lagfree online play with epic game sizes, 40, 64, or even 256 for MAG.

It's no wonder Xbox fans aren't complaining. There's nothing else to hype on the 360 and they are use to a garbage online service with laggy P2P networking in their games like Gears of War and Halo.

StanLee5324d ago (Edited 5324d ago )

First, PS3 fanboys are fu*king morons. While I play Episodes from Liberty City, Fifa 2010, Borderlands and Forza 3 and in a couple weeks Left 4 Dead 2, Modern Warfare 2 and Assassin's Creed 2, all on my XBox 360, keep claiming the XBox 360 doesn't have games to play. Second, Uncharted 2 is what it is, a great game but fu*k it, it's not the be all and end all of video gaming. Enough already.

WonderboyIII5324d ago

Yes its that goodd I am not speculating, I played the game and as I said in a previous article, its gameplay is much better than any FPS around in this generation. Killzone 2 is the other FPS I am playing at the moment and its greaet but MW2 is just better. The graphics are not Killzone 2 quality offcourse as KZ2 is the best looking console FPS existing yet, but now that I have both games I can easily say its great to be a gamer, because we gamers are getting good games from all ends, fanboys are unlucky, they themselves have denied themselves some really good games and they have no one to blame, but themselves.

5324d ago
5324d ago
Unicron5324d ago

9.5 is EXACTLY what I expected.

Thanks for demonstrating exactly why review scores mean jack crap. When we know what to expect without knowing the quality of the title, well... that says something.

Shepherd 2145324d ago

i love when people who are butt hurt are telling me how much im not going to enjoy my game before they have even played the fvcking thing. Its absolutely hilarious how the fanboys on this fantasy site tell more than 10 million people that they are not enjoying Halo because "its resolution is just below 720p!". I absolutely immerse myself into my love for those who say that modern warfare 2 is simply not as good as their new favorite PS3 exclusive because its graphics are not mind-blowing or, BEFORE-THEY-HAVE-EVEN-PLAYED-I T.

Wake up morons, there is a world much bigger than that of N4G, and that world is also much, much different as far as opinions go. Have fun on your little website playing with yourselves, idiots. Intelligent people will be enjoying their games and not overflowing with piss and vinegar over great games like Halo and COD.

god_o_war5324d ago


no lag in cod4? LOL when the game first came out it just wouldnt connect online that infamous downloading game settings screen where it would jus freeze, and no uncharted had the best graphics november 2007

WMW5324d ago

if gears of war 2 taught us anything it is with enough hype reviewers will lie to make the game sound good so i suggest people rent it instead of reading reviews if you aren't sure about buying it. also there is no need to bring up UC2 this game of course won't be that good but hey not many are it should be a ok game since it is not innovative it is a safe game nothing to crazy. lastly 360 fanboys its good you finally have something to play but the way your defending this game makes it seem like its exclusive which it isn't so stfu and calm down @ss holes you idiots do realise that when you say ps3 fanboys are judging the game before playing it that your doing the same thing saying it is good without playing but i wouldn't expect a bunch of brain dead monkeys like you to have notice that.

blahblah1235324d ago (Edited 5324d ago )

-Most games dont have dedicated servers

Killzone 2 anybody? COD4 PC servers are the best. Matyrdom banning cleans up the game for sure.

"-How do you know its laggy? CoD4 wasnt. And now they've fixed Host ending the game. "

I have put in more than 30 Days logged on COD4 on PSN and near half that for PC. COD 4 is NOTORIOUS for lag on consoles, XBL or PSN. I have played them all.

"-It may be on the arcadish, but its still awesome. "

COD4 is the Mario Kart of FPS. So yes its a LOT of fun but thin on gameplay depth nonetheless.

"-In case you forgot CoD4 had some of the best graphics when it came out in 2007."

It's nearly 2010, so 2007 graphics are hard to argue in favor of.

"-Tell me of a game this year that was innovative."

Little BIg Planet, making your own levels is much more fun than checkpoint running in most other games.

WonderboyIII5324d ago

people with more mature logical non fanboyish opinions have less bubbles than fanboys?

nix5324d ago

giving high points to over-hyped games. encouraging games like this won't do anything for the game industry.

i guess they won't be cribbing about "it does not bring anything new to the genre", eh?

nix5324d ago

if you look around the score box where GAME RATINGS is written.. it's surrounded with "noise" but the same is not there in the rest of the grey box. and the problem with the "noise" is that it's in a shape of a box... normally the noise is suppose to surround the letters.

soxfan20055324d ago

Because many of the comments here are by one person with multiple accounts. It's easy to give yourself bubbles.

If his points were really valid, there would be no need for the multiple accounts.

XKRUCI85324d ago

Because fanboys, especially PS3 fanboys, run the comments here on N4G, and if you say anything demeaning about the PS3 or one of it's exclusives your bubbles are going down. Also your agrees to disagrees ratio is about 1 to 10.

In order to get more bubbles you must act like so:



Give me bubbles.

nix5324d ago

you know the irony is whatever you said is true.


SIdepocket5324d ago


That's because josuttis, Walther, Porcelaingod, Rigmaster and blahblah123 are all the same person. His points are stupid so he has to sign in to multiple accounts to make them seem valid.

And josuttis, the central fallacy in your argument is that PS3 games with all their graphics and dedicated servers just aren't as fun, and don't perform as well. The laggiest games I own currently are on PS3 - LittleBigPlanet and the two Resistance games. Never had much trouble with COD4 on PS3 or Xbox and I don't forsee any trouble with this title either. Plus, COD4 is a hell of a lot more fun to play online than Killzone - despite all of it's graphical prowess.

Fail Nasim, fail.

Madusha5324d ago

Fake: http://youremgn.com/main/la...

See the bold text, this has been photoshopped.

ProperFunked5324d ago

i just got my copy today, the only thing new is the venues, gun models and a rehashed perk/streak system. other then that the texture are pretty much exactly the same and they changed the voice of Mactavish to make him sound more Scottish instead of bristish<---lame move. a few new animations here and there but its the same game+rehashed story. i dont see why this would get a 9.5....9 at best.

vhero5324d ago

Yet another over inflated score like with GTA the score is purely from hype and nothing more. They let the hype get the best of them like most reviewers.

mega BIG time5324d ago

I finished the campaign 2 nights ago. I got sucked in and was disappointed it only took me 7 hours, but I found myself laughing uncontrollably at how epic the ending felt. I played through MW1 and was impressed, but never blown away. Game of the year contender for sure. This game will get all sorts of attention when it officially releases and unfortunately for you ps3 nuts, will probably overshadow the greatness of Uncharted 2. I haven't played any MW2 multi, but singleplayer 10/10.

NoBias5324d ago (Edited 5324d ago )

But I don't praise it constantly on this site because I don't like being associated with the Elitist PS3 fanboys on this site. For some reason to them it seems that every game that isn't a PS3 exclusive isn't worth playing. Multiplats for some reason get no love unless it's Batman AA or DAO (Hmm... I wonder why...)

I feel sorry for "gamers" (and I use that term very loosely) that have that mentality. I play the hell outta Uncharted 2 but I don't feel the need to go ramming it down peoples throats every time they mention another game. Why? Because I appreciate and own a LOT of games. Not just games that come out on a certain console.

What is with the "360 fans have nothing to play" weak ass comments all about??? Borderlands, Forza 3, MW2, L4D2, Assasins Creed 2, DJ Hero, DAO, Brutal Legend, I could go on... Why do PS3 fanboys conveniently ignore all of these titles?

Fanboys are sh!t. Simply sh!t. Heaven forbid somebody enjoys a game that they don't (even though they may have never even played it yet or ever).

WonderboyIII5324d ago (Edited 5324d ago )

Well, proper mature gamers should be supporting each other too as well. I really dont understand why XKRUCI8 has two bubbles. SO I am giving as much bubbles as possible to those who deserve it. And admins or whatever you call yourself on this site, you need to do something about registration. Like accepting only non-free emails for that and other techiniques that can be usefel. It is not acceptable to have bacteria like nasim or saaking, polluting this site.

Xbox Avatars Shoe5324d ago (Edited 5324d ago )

I KINEW IGN was going to give MW2 a 9.5 when I saw Uncharted 2's 9.5. The big sites are afraid to say a exclusive is much better than other games. Uncharted 2 deserves a 9.9 IMO but when I saw that IGN gave it only a 9.5, I knew it was another big game was getting a 9.5 too. IGN took 0.5 points away from U2 just for not explaining well enough, which was a lie by them anyways.

The big sites always have to score hyped games similarly.

-MW2's graphics SUCK compared to, um, modern games.
-It's cinematic campaign can't live up to U2's.
-Spec-Ops looks meh
-Multiplayer will be good but does that really justify a 9.5?
-Restriction of XBL party chat in almost all playlists = Fail

IGN keeps slowly draining my respect...

krisq5324d ago (Edited 5324d ago )

Only?? Jesus, man...:/

Perjoss5324d ago

"While games like Killzone 2 brought innovations like the revolutionary first person cover system"

you mean like the one on R6: Vegas?

solidt125324d ago

I understand why so many people would be quick to say 9.5 and nothing new but can you wait to play the game first. Unless you have a copy don't judge the game just yet. Have you played the single player? Im sure Modern Warfare 2 will be a solid game. I doubt IW would MW 2 not as good as MW 1, and that would be only reason i could see anyone giving MW 2 a lower score.

krisq5324d ago

R6: Vegas didn't have first person cover system. Camera was switching to third.

bloop5324d ago

Where's all this hate for MW2 coming from???? As for people comparing a game they haven't played yet to Killzone 2?!?!? KZ2 was graphically superb, but overall it was just a slightly better than average FPS, nothing to write home about. I wouldn't consider myself to be a huge COD fan, but I think the the fact that a LOT of people still play MW1 to this day 2yrs after release speaks for itself. Why can't people just wait and see what they think for themselves, AFTER they've played it?!?!

DaTruth5324d ago (Edited 5324d ago )

Lol @ 360 fanboys only ones bringing up Uncharted 2 and pointing at PS3 owners and saying that they're the ones bringing up Uncharted 2.

Aside from you 360 fanboys, the only place Uncharted 2 is coming up is in the GotY conversation!

Lol at 360 fanboys looking for ammo to call PS3 owners irrational! Now that their console is proven inferior in every aspect, the only thing they have left is; "Those PS3 fanboyz are teh worst!"

Ravage275324d ago (Edited 5324d ago )

'LOOK, Modern Warfare is the best thg to happen to the gaming industry since HALO.'

quite the opposite...both are slightly above average games (with mountains of hype) that steals too much attention away from more deserving games that have taken risk by innovating and raising the bar. Think about it,they are both FPSes - the SAFEST (and arguably the easiest) genre to develop for,and the fact remains that they don't even stand out much from the competition. Having mass appeal isn't everything.

If anything, i feel they are the worst thing to happen to the industry and they are responsible for the nothing-but-FPS feeling you get when you visit the game stores nowadays.

I'm not asking everyone to not buy mw2, just to think hard if there are other games that you are genuinely interested in. Never blindly buy games just because of the hype.

ceedubya95324d ago

Here's what I don't understand. You have people on here, claiming games like Halo and Call of Duty are "overhyped" or "average" games. Mass appeal means nothing...

But, I don't know how these things can really be said when many, many people buy these games year after year.

I'd understand if the game was hyped to high heaven and people ran out to buy the first game without knowing what they were getting into.

But these are sequels. Its obvious that people are finding something in these franchises that they love and continue to purchase them when they come out. If the games weren't that good, people would not get them, especially not millions upon millions of people.

The games may be average to you, and some other out there, but there a large group of people that feel differently. And that has nothing to do with supposed padded review scores that many around here claim.

DaTruth5324d ago (Edited 5324d ago )

Brittany Spears! Any questions???

Are you going to argue she is the most talented artist ever!

Tavaras5324d ago

Ya'll some major HATERS! This has been the most wanted game this year by far... It will sell more than any game this generation probably. Why hate? If you don't like it, don't play it. Go back to playing whatever the hell it was that you were playing and leave the rest of the world alone... When it comes to this game, you haters are definitely in the minority...

ceedubya95324d ago

nice one Truth!

Seriously though, I'm not a fan myself. But there are lots of people who really like what she brings to the music industry. We may not agree with it, but who are we to tell millions of people that their opinion is wrong?

She must be doing something right......whatever that is.

Perkel5324d ago

lol @ people who think that cod4 mw ( which single player was short but was heel of a ride ) succesor won't be as good :)

comeone why so much hate, sure graphic isn't best of all games but it's quality and details of graphic not quantity defined cod4.

mgs4 is also like cod 4 in therms of graphic, quality and details above all

cLiCK_sLiCK95324d ago (Edited 5324d ago )

Im tired of COD. COD4, COD5, and blah blah. Running around in circles hitting prestige several times...sigh. I mean, who isnt tired of this franchise??? Are people really expecting a whole new experience????? Give me a reason why i should pick this up day one. After playing so long, these games got boring. Seriously. It can definitely wait.

I wonder what tryarch is doing? Another Multiplayer with 55 levels and prestige? Wow. EPIC right? Is this game really worth arguing about? Mindless shooting, aim assist? For all i care Activision can suck it.


Unending Punishment5324d ago

Oh sh*t...Uncharted 2 just lost GotY to a multiplatform FPS with admittedly better gameplay.

sikbeta5324d ago (Edited 5324d ago )

For all of you saying MW2 isn't bringing anything NEW, but still gonna get high scores

What are you expecting?, really

Is the most anticipated game in the year, it has the most bigger hype-Storm I see in my life, reviewers gonna make it GOTY in a heartbeat, this happened last year with GTAIV and is not gonna change, this Gen big Multiplats are automatically GOTY candidates, exclusives are put in a second place and you'll see it, don't get shocked If you see MW2 GOTY 09 either

I'm not happy with is, I don't like at all, but I can't do anything either, so that's what you get

@Unending Punishment

"Oh sh*t...ODST it can't be GOTY candidate even if I whine as a 5 year old kid, just being happy with my console of choice that can't bring good exclusives and I'm stuck with a multiplatform FPS with admittedly better gameplay than my lovely exclusive"

That's sounds better for a kid like you lol

5323d ago
STONEY45323d ago (Edited 5323d ago )


"Killzone 2. The game that people claimed had graphics that were so far beyond anything we would ever see this gen that they were obvious 'Sony lies'. And then:


If you're gonna post a comparison, at least use the 2009 version. The 2007 version looked like crap imo.

Anyways (on-topic) I'd take IGNs reviews with a grain of salt. They overrate alot of meh games, and underrate the best ones. I mean, they're the ones who gave best graphics of E3 2007 to COD4 instead of Crysis... really... and I bet whoever reviews the PC version is gonna think that the matchmaking isn't a problem.

house5323d ago (Edited 5323d ago )

like you? theres no way in hell you have one account because every single thing you say is sorry to say stupid i have seen you get 51 disagrees and still come back with 4 bubbles.... so how does that work?

go yanks!

+ Show (47) more repliesLast reply 5323d ago
thedisagreefairy5324d ago

6 hours like i heard it was...then this game doesnt deserve the 9.5

theres too many games with bigger and awesome campaigns that deserve scores like that.

but if it around a 9 hour game and it ends up being as cool as the new trailer shows us then it definently deserves the good score.

but if its the 6 our campaign, and gets extremely high scores from everyone. then this is proof that the scoring based on innovation thing that brought down killzone 2 scores is complete bias.

LordMarius5324d ago

I'm waiting for the GT review, lets see how original this game is

cyberwaffles5324d ago

alright, look guys. even though i think CODMW2 is overhyped and overrated, it doesn't mean it's a bad game. i mean IW has always made pretty solid single player campaigns, albeit short, but good nonetheless so that leaves the game at a pretty decent score itself. the co-op is new and sounds like it's a million times better than nazi zombies. i mean it has over like 13 different kinds of missions, not all of them are objective based or round survival, there's variety. there's also a pretty decent graphics update and the gun design and wobble looks a lot better than what it used to be in COD4. it actually looks a little weighty this time around. the competitive and online gameplay is going to be great for those who liked the first one.

even though a majority of the online component was user feedback rather than the devs themselves, they made some nice adjustments that may seem small on paper but may change the game dramatically. you can upgrade your perks, some perks were replaced with weapon attachments or weapon slots, you no longer have to use Overkill for two primary weapons (though i think it makes the handguns obsolete), there are a lot of new guns and weapon designs and those have always been the biggest thing for FPS gaming which is the way the gun looks and operate, and some other stuff.

i can see why the game would get good scores because fans of the series are going to like these improvements and in my book, that's not making a bad game, that's called catering to the fans.

with all that being said, however, i still detest a lot of things about COD and it's multiplayer. people like it so much because it's so easy and too user-friendly. its mainly the aim assist that drives me nuts and i feel like there's no real skill involved in the game. i see killcams where people are spraying inaccurately at my feet and they somehow get the kill on me. that pisses me off along with the john elway grenade throwing, which does not compliment the small maps, and the mindless run 'n gun nature it has.

i guess i don't like it as much as other shooters just because it can be cheap, too easy, and doesn't satisfy my team based shooter kind of games. this is why COD will never beat battlefield at a multiplayer game. maybe for single player, but certainly not multiplayer.

ProperFunked5324d ago

its actually not a bad game, its pretty fun, especially with commando perk...you pretty much teleport knife kill now. its like 3x the jump as COD4 knifes did.

COD4 knife jump = |------------>2-3feet
MW2 knife jump with commando perk = |----------------------------- -------------------------->m iles

you'll know what i mean when you play it...i think its fun, but i can tell by how easy it is to knife kill now...ppl are gonna think it's totally unbalanced...which is actually kind of is...

DaTruth5324d ago (Edited 5324d ago )

I have exhausted all my bubbles trying to explain to you guys that nobody is saying it's a bad game. I haven't seen anyone here openly state that the game sux donkey balls!!! Your jumping in to proclaim that people are bashing MW2, when nowhere in the thread is that actually occurring is not helping the debate. Please stick to the facts!

The question and the discussion from the beginning has been the biased review process that docks some games for having problems or not having features that other games have a far greater problem with, but suddenly omitting those from the review process.

I do not want to go out and rent every game to find out if it's good or not. That is what reviews are for. But, when people are missing great games because a certain reviewing magazine has a bias and buying less attractive games because they were ill advised by unprofessional reviewers, then an injustice has occurred and excuse people for fighting against injustice.

If you didn't have the internet and were getting all your reviews from one biased magazine(not like you could buy them all, or do that and compare), you would miss out on some great games and why would any gamer want to lead you down the wrong path. This is our $60 we are talking about here; It is not a joke to be toyed with by some fanboy journalists!

Go here for the lowest review score ever! http://www.n4g.com/ps3/News...
Just for laughs!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5324d ago
ThePlaystationFour5324d ago

Still Game Of The Year.
Just bought it.

Rigmaster5324d ago

A PS3 exclusive can't be Game of the Year.

Halo 3 and Forza 3 obviously would be laughed at. CoDMW2 is pretty much all the gaming media has left to avoid being forced to give a PS3 exclusive GotY.

Saaking5324d ago

UC2 IS GOTY; however, most are just gonna play it safe and give it MW2 (a multiplat). That's just pathetic.

DonCorneo5324d ago (Edited 5324d ago )

websites will give it to mw2, just like the mtv movie awards giving best movie of the year to twilight or something LMAO!!1!

mw2 looks like a rehash graphics-wise

multiplayer is more of the same. single player looks good, though.. but this is COD, so infinite enemy respawn FOR THE WIN!

the only reason i'll buy this is because i skipped WAW.. otherwise, i won't be able to stand the same MP for 3 consecutive years.

WIIIS15324d ago

Uncharted 2, for all its brilliance, was pretty much the same game as Uncharted 1. I'll still score it high, just as I would Gears 2 and Modern Warfare 2 (if the latter is at least as good as the first one).

zaza1265324d ago

this is pretty much the same game as uncharted?
are you kidding me
uncharted df was an amazing game but uncharted at took everything good in uncharted df and made it better. A fantastic sp campaign, arguably the best graphics this gen, a better control system and fixed cover system
and to top it all off it added on an amazing multiplayer
where as in mw2 pretty much the same graphics
same multiplayer with different maps and perks and weapons (sound like dlc type thing to anyone?)
and i cant judge the single player campaign but if i were to guess id say it would not be that great
that is what i call pretty much the same game

ProperFunked5324d ago

cuz it is a rehash graphics wise. you look at the texture in game and they look like crap now (maybe i should say the look the same as cod4)

imho the hype is unjustified unless your like....12-14 years old and think cod4 is the greatest game ever made

vhero5324d ago

Uncharted broke so many barriers in story telling/looks etc.. This is a basic FPS game you go round killing people with the missions your given. No story the graphics are not even on par with Gears of War a 3 year old game. Yet it still gets a 9.5? IGN rates graphics and story and this game has neither. I would prefer Fable 2/Uncharted 2/Borderlands over this anyday its over hyped crap.

You only say its great to justify your purchase. Well whatever helps you sleep at night eh? We know your gonna buy it because everybody else does not because its quality. Which to be honest makes sense but you should do it with quality games. IGN and other reviewers are the same they give a good score because heaven forbid they gave it bad score they would be bombed by a million fans crying out for blood.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5324d ago
Doletskaya5324d ago

9.5????I thought only a COD fanboy would give MW2 such a high score.I know this coz many people have played and finished the campaign already and said it was almost the same as COD4.Tell someone who doesn't know anything about COD4 to play both games and he will think that hes playing the same game.Even the endings are almost exactly the same.Moreover,MW2's campaign is just six hour long.If a game like this gets 9.5 and GOTY,its all because of the hype and fanboyism.

batman2million5324d ago

the original mgs for ps1 is a lot shorter and won a lot of GotY awards.

Quality > Quantity

rhood0225324d ago

The original MGS was about 15 hours for the first play through.

Doletskaya5324d ago

and next thing you will find out is MW5's SP is 4 hours coz Quality>Quantity,right?A sequel is all about improvements in terms of graphics,story and gameplay as well as expansions of the campaign.Thats why MGS4 is much longer than MGS and still got perfect scores.If we can hardly see any of these in a sequel,does it really deserve a 9.5?or you are gonna say a sequel is supposed to be the asme now?

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Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: New Season 6 MP Map Gameplay Videos

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La Casa involves intense action in a Vill and Koro Village is a battle in the streets where enemies lurk at all angles and shadows.


MW3 shouldn’t leave Modern Warfare 2’s overlooked playlist behind

Modern Warfare 3 is set to be one of the biggest COD games yet features-wise, but it shouldn't leave out one of the best MW2 game modes in the rear view mirror.

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Modern Warfare 2 Adds Pay-to-Win Items With Thermal Scope and Merlin the Dog, Here's How They Work

Some alleged Modern Warfare 2 pay-to-win elements were recently added, see what they are here and how they work.

PunksOnN4G297d ago

The DOG is legit Broken if ur hiding in a room or grass he turns his head even if ur behind a closed door he turns his head and barks letting them know where u at thats PAY TO WIN!!!!!

LucasRuinedChildhood297d ago

I hope all the assholes who buy these get stuck in lobbies with each other. I skipped new COD games for a long time and a short time with MW2 convinced me to go back to on a hiatus.

With the skill-based matchmaking (engagement-based would be more accurate), I imagine this will make the game even more miserable for most players when the matchmaking has decided it's time for a tough lobby.

I played the OG MW2 recently on the Series X and it's disheartening how much more fun it is. I don't even care about the balance issues anymore. lol

PunksOnN4G297d ago

My friends dont play with me anymore i am former pro player and i even streamed on MLG for RX gaming the team i played for... My KD is always high 5-6kd my friends who i went to school with are not good wht so ever so with SBMM kicking in its always putting us in TOP TIER lobbys and they cant hang now they dont even tell me when they getting on LOL

ManMarmalade297d ago

I recently started playing OG MW2 again and I'm having a blast. Feels like I'm in high school again.

fr0sty297d ago (Edited 297d ago )

Welcome to COD under MS. It's all downhill from here, they're going to be looking to make that $68B back as fast as possible, at any expense to the player.

StarkR3ality297d ago

The deal hasn't even closed yet you pleb. CoD has been doing stuff like this since the loot boxes in WWII.

Nice try though pal.

TheColbertinator296d ago

Activision has never needed Microsoft or anybody for that matter to act like greedy bastards

PunksOnN4G297d ago

why did my 2nd comment about SBMM get downvited LOL?? Do we have people who Enjoy trash SBMM tbh make sense it caters to LOW KD players and u will never get better playing with the same trahs everyday LOL

andy85297d ago

Probably gonna see more of this BS once the deal is fully done..Gotta recoup that 70B.

Jin_Sakai297d ago (Edited 297d ago )

Look at Minecraft. The game hasn’t went anywhere since Microsoft bought them. No 4K, no 120fps, no graphics pack, and no Ray Tracing. Just some new biomes, mobs, and more skins as usual.

Same could be said about Rare. Who knows what will happen to Activision once they’re under Microsoft’s roof. We can all take a good guess though.

PunksOnN4G297d ago

TBH they did update it by accident then they pulled the update down on xsx and xss i remeber the XSX version having ray tracing but the S did not. Then after people seen that it was updated it was removed that same day

peppeaccardo297d ago

No way !!! Nobody wouild think they would monetize on items that weak asses will use to get advantage during multiplayer action !!! I would never think they would do that ... I mean is a free to play game after all ! /S
Wait once M$ will put their greasy hands all over Activizion and you will see what awaits the "lucky" ones who will play this slot machine of a game. Sooooo Lame !

jznrpg297d ago

They way it works is you give them money and more money and more money.

anast296d ago

It's a true phenomenon that people haven't figured this out yet.

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