
MW2 Lockout: Official Boycott

GN writes, "Infinity Ward must not have Hardcore mode on, because they've taken a hell of a lot of fire. We've been reporting news like never before, keeping everyone updated to the minute on Modern Warfare 2's lack of dedicated servers. After reading several hundred comments across multiple collaborative news sites (like N4G.com), I've come to the conclusion that reporting it in an unbiased manner is not the way to help the community - it's time to take action. We have a strong petition, but that only gets us so far. No one has organized an OFFICIAL boycott yet. Yes, we've all canceled our pre-orders, but let's make it as clear as day. Here are the rules to the Infinity Ward Lockout:"

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jhooty145338d ago

these are going to fly off the shelves like hot cakes petion or no petition (admit it)

yes im getting it too on ps3 though :)

5yN4MWQU5338d ago

It is irrelevant - if gamers are unhappy with this release, they will not even consider buying future releases. We win.

Winter47th5338d ago

It's gonna fly off the shelves alright, used or rented. But there's no way I'm buying it bundled with an Activision middle finger.

Ghoul5338d ago

im kinda on the fence here,

Activision IW screwed us over, face it. The game will be awesome there is no doubt about it, but seriously guys if you want the game AND want to keep a backbone, DONT buy the game in the first week.

The first week is the most important for every game release. so if you want to support the gamers and still want to play the game.

BUY IT AT LEAST 1-2 WEEKS after official release.

Serial_EDX5338d ago

Yep will totally drop the price. /Sarcasm

I mean really 100,000 vs 2+ million. Come on, You don't even need miss cleo to see that one.

If you don't like the price, Wait 3-5 months *can't complain, if you choose not to buy it just wait, Cant have everything your way*. Then you can get it once there's DLC and GOTY edition with all current maps.


@ Ghoul

Totally agree.

I have been saying this for a while now... ever since the price increase announced in EU.

I can understand that some people just wont be able to help themselves and some have no will of their own, but if your not happy with it, even if you give it a week or two and then get the game it will still be making a difference.

With the number of other great games out, I am sure we could all find other games to play for a good week or two.

The only reason the game is going to fly of the shelves is because "we" are buying them... if we don't they will sit right on that shelf.

sure a lot of casual gamers who don't follow this stuff will prob still pick it up, but it does not hurt to tell people. I sent a message to all my friends on live about the price increase and you would be surprised at the number of people who got back to me because they didn't know about it and are now not buying the game.

I love cod4 and was really, really looking forward to MW2, but I am that f-ed off that I am only going to get it pre-owned or not at all.

hay5338d ago

@Winter47th: Good one man, bubbles.

It's simple situation for me, I wasn't planning to get it even before the "bundle" but I imagine some people may have the dillema. Getting solid game and enforce 'evil' or not get it, teach them a lesson and miss the title.
So I kinda passively support the boycott.

ReservoirDog3165338d ago

Just buy it used if you must get it. It should still sell very well, but do you really feel comfortable knowing you contributed towards a future where all games get released at a higher price with less features?

TotalPS3Fanboy5338d ago (Edited 5338d ago )

"these are going to fly off the shelves like hot cakes petion or no petition (admit it)

yes im getting it too on ps3 though :)"

Hmm... More like, they're going to be downloaded millions of times in BitTorrent like hot cakes, petition or no petition.

Hey, maybe PC gamers will even ask themselves, "Why should PC gamers get it on the PS3?" PC gamer can probably get it off of BitTorrent. After all, Activision did screwed them over.

KRONie5338d ago

It took a little more than 1 year for PC Modern Warfare to get first discount (30 on steam) but even then it was only for a weekend, and it got permanent discount just not too long ago. seeing how c0cky activision is with MW2 that they increased the price, i expect them to do a first discount in about a year, and permanent price cut in about 2 years.. that is unless people wake the fk up and do something about it before game comes out.

starvinbull5338d ago

Buying the game weeks after release will have the same effect as a boycott.

Don't buy it on day one if you support the boycott.

ID IR A G 0 N5338d ago

seriously, you pc gamers are babies. if no dedicated servers is what gets a petition signed, then your all pathetic.

TotalPS3Fanboy5338d ago

that pirating the game is the same as boycotting. I don't neccessary agree. But hey, Activision did screwed some over really bad. So I can understand their point.

evrfighter5338d ago

"if no dedicated servers is what gets a petition signed, then your all pathetic."

Found one that loves takin it up the a$$. find out what pc gaming is first then try again.

Daver5338d ago

wont be too tough lol i was not even planning to get it lol

sikbeta5338d ago

Maybe all of you will not buy it, but kids and shooter lovers will buy it day 1, so is not a big difference and if Activision feel a decrease in the sales, is going to get worse, something like Kodick saying: "MW2 sold less than the first, Activision need to get profit from it, I'm going to raise the price again and no dedicated servers"

0-500,000 boycotts < +2m sales

Giriath5338d ago

They've still lost several hundred thousands of sales, and that's just for this game.

OpenGL5338d ago (Edited 5338d ago )

I can't believe there are any real "PC gamers" who were planning on playing Modern Warfare 2. I'd rather continue playing Source mods and Valve's games than spend $60 on the next overhyped Call of Duty installment. My most recent version is Call of Duty 2, and I got that for free with a videocard years ago.

thegood335338d ago

Why don't you just do what the other 5 million people are doing...get it on the 360.

Jump in...just leave the mouse at the door

madpuppy5338d ago (Edited 5338d ago )

C'mon! all you people that are going to "buy the game anyway" are really stupid in the long and short run. In the short run they will have a bad experience and make you regret buying the game if you like playing online and In the long run because Developers and Publishers know that you will choke down any garbage they throw at you will just provide you with the bare minimum they have to. I'm sorry but, I expect to be treated fairly as a consumer of a companies products. And anyone that makes the apologist statement that they are a business and if you don't like their product don't buy it, to justify themself getting it Fine, you are right, but, why would you buy a poor gaming experience and the assurance that it will only get worse with future products? If the consumer is heard now before the company makes what can only be viewed as a foolish, greedy misstep it can only benefit All involved.
the company will not get bad press, poor reviews and low sales, and the consumer will get a great gaming experience rather than feeling cheated.

ico925338d ago

i wasnt gonna buy modern warfare regradless of the petition i've got uncharted 2 and demon souls to keep me busy for the rest of 2009 milked fps franchise dont interest me in the slightest

evrfighter5338d ago

lol'ing at the console gamers in here trying to convince us to buy it.

Sorry but that's not how pc gamers roll. You screw us we'll screw you right back.

If they decide to cut out future pc releases. That would make me happy. This franchise needs to be over and done with. When other dev's know the franchise is dead. The competition will be fierce grabbing up the CoD community. Resulting in bigger, better, sweeter FPS games.

otherZinc5338d ago

people need to STFU. I wouldn't buy the game either but my son wants it, MW2 was going to be a rental. I beat the others so I'll beat this in 5 hours & take it back.

sunil5338d ago

"First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak out for me."

Soo true

thesummerofgeorge5338d ago

But I'm glad people are standing up to them, they WILL lose money because of this... How much is to be seen. It's important these companies know we have a voice and that we the consumer have the power, we're their bread and butter, and we shouldn't let them forget it. At very least, they know we are displeased, and that is important.

Persistantthug5338d ago

I got my PS3 in Jan, and just simply skipped on it.

I haven't decided on whether to get MW2 or not.

gunnerforlife5337d ago

u shuld get sued for copyright:P
i read a poem by some guy in english class, jst like that except u changed it around:P

frostypants5337d ago (Edited 5337d ago )

Most of the PC CoD community is playing pirated copies anyway...why should IW care that a fractional piece of the 5% of their paying base (that's right...legitimate PC copies make up well under 10% of their base, and yes that's including digital ditributions) that plays the PC version actually boycotts it? Even a relatively successful boycott would still only knock out maybe .5% of their sales at most.

You guys dug your own graves with the piracy.

frostypants5337d ago

@1.21:"Sorry but that's not how pc gamers roll. You screw us we'll screw you right back."

The PC community has been screwing IW hard with piracy (aka theft) for years. IW didn't start this war.

AAACE55337d ago

This is really just a problem for PC gamers. Considering that there will only be a couple hundred thousand PC gamers who actually buy it and the other thousands or millions who download a copy illegally, I don't think the petition will do much.

Look at it this way, would you put the time and money into having dedicated servers when only 10% of PC gamers actually bought the game and everyone else is getting to play it for free? If you say yes to that, you just hate activision. From a business stand point, that's not a healthy investment!

You can only do so many things for free before you start to wonder where your compensation is coming from. These companies have to make money. You may think they are making money, but there is alot to consider.

They have to pay their workers, fund their next projects, compensate for the losses on crap games they released, etc. and don't forget... the fat bonuses for their CEO's.

In other words, the games industry is all screwed up right now, and will only get worse. Lets just enjoy what we have and hope for the best.

Elaine Benes5337d ago

1) you'll buy it cause its awesome and you want to.
2) you'll buy it cause its awesome and your tired of not having anyone to play with b/c all your friends are playing it, and you dont have it yet.

grow up children. whiners, united, are still just whiners---they just cry in unison now. Like a nursery full of screaming babies. Never been to one? Try it. It sucks. And its annoying.

caladbolg7775337d ago

Now that I won't be purchasing the PC version of MW2, I guess I'm now $60 richer. Is Borderlands any good? If so, maybe I'll invest my time/money there.

mebob5337d ago (Edited 5337d ago )

"whiners, united, are still just whiners---they just cry in unison now. Like a nursery full of screaming babies. Never been to one? Try it. It sucks. And its annoying."

Sheep, united, are still just sheep---they just line up and take any crap the farmers shove in their a$$. Never seen one? just take alook at 1.30

KRONie5337d ago

See that's the beauty of PC gaming.
1) You never run out of online games to play with your friends. There's just too many great FPS out there to play instead of MW2
2) PC gamers are actually ready to stand up for them selves unlike console gamers who bend over and crack a smile. (a bit irrelevant)
3) and yeah i might buy it. just like anybody else here.. just not for $60. I guess ill just wait for $30 price cut. meanwile ill jsut play single player, and online on private servers ;)

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Close_Second5338d ago

...will sell millions of copies but I won't be amongst those shelling out a premium to get it. Either I'll buy it second hand or not get it at all.

I am more excited about Bad Company 2 as destructible environments is a must!

StarScream4Ever5338d ago

I knew it would happen. Yet most people ignore it saying its just PC folks problem. But no this affects everyone. If one guy in the batch says, "No" and proceed to boycott. It will spread to the next batch and it will grew until it spread like wildfire. Unless Infinity Ward had forgotten their origin (Call of Duty is born on PC)then they should do what is right and listen to the demands of their loyal fans and followers that supported them since the beginning.

themyk5338d ago

wait so someone tell me the deal with this. is the game gonna be 60 bucks on consoles?

and more on pc.

or more on both consoles and pc?

look i'm getting this motha when it comes out. i can wait a week or so cause i don't care about leaderboards and sh1t like that. i know my friends are bound and determined to stay near the top of those things,

these losers won't even play the single player (ugh don't even get me started)

BUT if it is more than 60 for the console i might skip it just to make a point but i don't know i have been itching for a new online fps.

i guess what i'm saying is someone IM me with some info or just wrap it up for me in a reply. thanks. theres bubbles for the answer.

Serial_EDX5338d ago

Yes it will be more then 60$ on consoles.

You have to add tax ^.^

bigrudowsky5338d ago

its the usual price for consoles and for the first time 60 for pc.

madpuppy5338d ago

MW2 looks more like MW1 with a new map pack and campaign. heck even the Graphics look dated and "the same".

As for me, I am a big Bad Company fan, At least DICE is greatly improving on what they did with the frostbite engine and look of the game.

I am just going to ignore MW2 and wait for March and get a good game.

evrfighter5338d ago

you pay $60 dollars on console and that extra $10 goes to Sony or M$.

We have to pay $60 for it and that extra $10 goes to straight to Bobby Kotick. Basically we are paying an extra $10 to them telling them it's ok for a straight console port.

jerethdagryphon5338d ago

cost more on both, no dedicated servers, no mods hence pc gamers not happy

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Modern Warfare 2 Adds Pay-to-Win Items With Thermal Scope and Merlin the Dog, Here's How They Work

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PunksOnN4G297d ago

The DOG is legit Broken if ur hiding in a room or grass he turns his head even if ur behind a closed door he turns his head and barks letting them know where u at thats PAY TO WIN!!!!!

LucasRuinedChildhood297d ago

I hope all the assholes who buy these get stuck in lobbies with each other. I skipped new COD games for a long time and a short time with MW2 convinced me to go back to on a hiatus.

With the skill-based matchmaking (engagement-based would be more accurate), I imagine this will make the game even more miserable for most players when the matchmaking has decided it's time for a tough lobby.

I played the OG MW2 recently on the Series X and it's disheartening how much more fun it is. I don't even care about the balance issues anymore. lol

PunksOnN4G297d ago

My friends dont play with me anymore i am former pro player and i even streamed on MLG for RX gaming the team i played for... My KD is always high 5-6kd my friends who i went to school with are not good wht so ever so with SBMM kicking in its always putting us in TOP TIER lobbys and they cant hang now they dont even tell me when they getting on LOL

ManMarmalade297d ago

I recently started playing OG MW2 again and I'm having a blast. Feels like I'm in high school again.

fr0sty297d ago (Edited 297d ago )

Welcome to COD under MS. It's all downhill from here, they're going to be looking to make that $68B back as fast as possible, at any expense to the player.

StarkR3ality297d ago

The deal hasn't even closed yet you pleb. CoD has been doing stuff like this since the loot boxes in WWII.

Nice try though pal.

TheColbertinator296d ago

Activision has never needed Microsoft or anybody for that matter to act like greedy bastards

PunksOnN4G297d ago

why did my 2nd comment about SBMM get downvited LOL?? Do we have people who Enjoy trash SBMM tbh make sense it caters to LOW KD players and u will never get better playing with the same trahs everyday LOL

andy85297d ago

Probably gonna see more of this BS once the deal is fully done..Gotta recoup that 70B.

Jin_Sakai297d ago (Edited 297d ago )

Look at Minecraft. The game hasn’t went anywhere since Microsoft bought them. No 4K, no 120fps, no graphics pack, and no Ray Tracing. Just some new biomes, mobs, and more skins as usual.

Same could be said about Rare. Who knows what will happen to Activision once they’re under Microsoft’s roof. We can all take a good guess though.

PunksOnN4G297d ago

TBH they did update it by accident then they pulled the update down on xsx and xss i remeber the XSX version having ray tracing but the S did not. Then after people seen that it was updated it was removed that same day

peppeaccardo297d ago

No way !!! Nobody wouild think they would monetize on items that weak asses will use to get advantage during multiplayer action !!! I would never think they would do that ... I mean is a free to play game after all ! /S
Wait once M$ will put their greasy hands all over Activizion and you will see what awaits the "lucky" ones who will play this slot machine of a game. Sooooo Lame !

jznrpg297d ago

They way it works is you give them money and more money and more money.

anast297d ago

It's a true phenomenon that people haven't figured this out yet.

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