
XBLS: Games on Demand Update 10/20/09

New games have been added to the growing list of full downloadable games on Xbox Live. Check out the new additions after the jump!

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LinuxGuru5338d ago

I really like the idea of having full games on my hard drive.

I've downloaded 35 games from the PSN, and this is something that definitely grabs my attention.

NecrumSlavery5337d ago

PSN pricing is really good though. Games on Demand is a huge ripoff. No one should spend $30 on a game you can buy for $10 or less at Gamestop or online.

Fragger2k85337d ago

Games on Demand really is a ripoff.. Doesn't matter to me though, I'd rather be smart and buy a game used for a lot cheaper while being able to have a physical copy I can do whatever with.

If the prices were cheaper I would at least think about getting a game off live.

BO WALEED5338d ago

thats what I call it an update :P

Ninji5337d ago (Edited 5337d ago )

I like how it says "Prices vary by region" so they don't have to point out that you're downloading a game for $30 that you can buy at the store for $20.


20 Best Sonic Games of All Time

Sonic The Hedgehog has had a long and storied history over the past decades, but which are the best Sonic games ever made?

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Rebel_Scum697d ago

If I have to read another one of these lists that contains the sentence "The game that started it all" I'm gonna go nuts.

And when it comes to fan favourite zones in Sonic 3 (he mentioned Hydro City, Marble Garden and Launch Base), I'd replace Launch base and Marble Garden with Ice Cap zone. Never heard anyone refer to the others as favourites.

NJShadow697d ago (Edited 697d ago )

I sorta' stopped caring about this list when I saw Sonic Spinball (a genuinely great game) ranked lower than some of the noted atrocities.

Pyrofire95696d ago

Sonic and All Stars Racing Transformed is still my favorite kart racer.
I've never really been able to play online tho. D:
Can't even play Team Sonic Racing online cause the servers are broken and don't queue people together.
P.S. This is such a random list. I really don't agree with it. Maybe this really is how they rank it but them just seems odd personally.


If Midnight Club is making a comeback, it's about time – Take-Two is sitting on a gem of a franchise

Midnight Club: Los Angeles was a great swansong for the arcade racer, but now the genre’s a bit less packed, it’s time for Take-Two to bring it back.

SDuck806d ago

after NFS failed for so long, I'd say this comeback is long overdue

ChiefofLoliPolice806d ago (Edited 806d ago )

Hold on now...Heat was actually a step on the right direction. Hell even 2016 NFS was. I wouldn't say it failed per se.

SDuck806d ago

not necessarily bad but not quite good either is what I'm saying

Flawlessmic806d ago (Edited 806d ago )

Yes, yess and yesssss!!

I loved dub edition back in the day, had a killer soundtrack aswell.

LA was sick as well, cmon rockstar give the people what they want and being a classic back!!

YungDragon805d ago

Dub Edition was my absolute fave!! I hope they think along those lines if they bring it back

806d ago
Teflon02806d ago

Midnight Club 3 is the best Street racing game imo. Also Midnight club was the real start of waypoint racing. It really pushed the open world race design to the next level, Where you could race on roofs etc. We need it back asap

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Top Ten Sonic the Hedgehog Games

Phil writes, "Today, June 23rd, 2021, is Sonic the Hedgehog's 30th anniversary. 30 years ago today in 1991 a blue hedgehog named Sonic took the gaming world by storm with a spin dash, a too-cool-for-school attitude, and a hankering for chili dogs. SPC celebrates the occasion with a special top ten list, presenting the site's picks for the very best of the Blue Blur's biggest and boldest titles. After you've checked out the picks here, which Sonic games would you select as your personal favorites?"

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1072d ago
Flawlessmic1072d ago

1. Sonic 3
2. Sonic 2
3. Sonic mania
4. Sonic generations
5. Sonic

Jls11072d ago

wheres sonic 06 lol. I know im in the minority but if you can look past all the glitches I actually liked the game.

Chocoburger1071d ago

I have played the game more than I'm willing to admit. Even beat all the DLC as well, and nearly S ranked everything including the DLC.

The game had good graphics for the time, and a fantastic soundtrack. If only it had an extra year of development it could have been a decent game. People keep harping on the kiss at the end of the game as if its a big deal. It really isn't (people kiss their cats and dogs all the time, and no one freaks out about that).

They try extra hard to hate on the game, and while it does have a multitude of unacceptable flaws and had serious development issues (Yuji Naka quit SEGA early on during the project which definitely caused some internal struggles at Sonic Team), there are some positive aspects about the game that people don't give it credit for.

DarXyde1072d ago

Hmmm, this is kinda cheating, but I would rate Sonic 3 & Knuckles as #1, rather than having the two games separately occupy #2 and #3.

That was literally the only game I played for YEARS.

-Hermit-1072d ago

In any order

Sonic Adventure 1
Sonic Adventure 2
Sonic Heroes
Sonic Shuffle
Sonic Generations
Sonic Lost World
Sonic Unleashed
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Sonic CD
Sonic 3 & Knuckles