
IGN: Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time Review

Ryan Clements of IGN writes:
" My exposure to the Ratchet & Clank series isn't quite as far reaching as some of the hardcore Ratchet fans out there. I dabbled with the PS2 games and played Size Matters quite a bit, but my first real obsession came in the form of Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction. After my first playthrough, I entered a period where no game seemed to appeal to me after finally experiencing Ratchet & Clank's fantastic mix of platforming, gunplay and puzzle-solving. So you can imagine that playing Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time was a real treat, as it is superior to its predecessor in almost every way. Once again, the folks at Insomniac have created a fantastic game that combines a number of different gameplay types with a never-ending stream of unlockables and a lovable personality. How could you go wrong?"

sabestar5338d ago

Very nice I knew this game will rock.

But damn, still occupied with uncharted 2. I will try to finish with it fast to get this

Natsu X FairyTail5338d ago

They need to make a Comic Book X PVC figures of Ratchet

I'd buy them.

Keith Olbermann5338d ago

but thats why I like it. You could use that argument for any shooter on the market.

DeforMAKulizer5338d ago

Exactly, if there is one pure reason why i love the ratchet series, is that because i get simply get tired of its awesome gameplay! =D

jammy_705338d ago

is the console to have, REALLY!
pointless having a 360 now! well with a few exceptions

raztad5338d ago (Edited 5338d ago )

@1.4 and 1.5

I feel many reviewers will be doing the same, knocking one point off because R&C plays like R&C.

Did someone notice the awesome visuals?

Game is day one. It will be a nice game to alternate with Demons Souls.

Greywulf5338d ago (Edited 5338d ago )

Yea, you noticed that too?
Games with same gameplay:
-For PS3 games playing the same is "more of the same boring game, too much variety, needs more innovation"

-For others, its "More of the classic legendary qualities of ___insert any non ps3 exclusive___ that we have all come to love!"

But who cares. The media is getting to the point to where the hypocrisy is gigantic bold and italicized. Luckily people are speaking with their wallets.

pangitkqb5338d ago

The awesomeness thereof is exceeding.

Lifendz5338d ago

Sheesh, is this a record? Good stuff Sony.

Christopher5338d ago

Too many good games.

Rock Band: Beatles
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Demon's Souls
Uncharted 2
R&C Future: A Crack in Time

And we still have these games before the end of the year:
Modern Warfare 2
Dragon Age: Origins
Assassin's Creed 2
God of War Collection

Such a great time to be a gamer.

nbsmatambo5338d ago (Edited 5338d ago )


my wallet cant handle it
1st Demon Souls, Unncharted 2, Brutal Legend, now this...dang..

Syronicus5338d ago

This year is a year to remember. The year I went broke buying up some of the greatest games developed this generation.

Xbox Avatars Shoe5338d ago (Edited 5338d ago )

So this year PS3 has:

KZ2 - Best graphics in video game history
inFamous - Unique how it combines an open world, moral elements and a campaign that plays almost completely different depending how you make choices
Demon Souls - Like nothing on 360
Uncharted 2 - Highest rated 360/PS3 exclusive
R&C - One of the most beloved series that's getting great reviews

and 360 has:

Halo Wars - Dumbed down console RTS
Halo ODST - 6 hour expansion with lame firefight. I have all 1,000 gamerscore and Recon armor so I know what I'm talking about.

How the tables have turned! Now us PS3 fans can tell the 360 fanboys how their console doesn't have any AAA exclusives :P

boodybandit5338d ago

MLB 09 The Show!
Everyone always forgets that. It's arguably the best baseball game ever.

sikbeta5338d ago

This games was AAA from the begining so what are you expecting...

"too much variety" lol

Blaze9295338d ago

Why are you bringing up xbox 360 games in a Ratchet and Clank review submission o_O?

Arnon5338d ago

Because he's one of those persons who must feel the need to state why someone should own a PS3, no matter what article. I bet if this was a Wii article, he'd compare the PS3 and 360 -.-

vickers5005338d ago

"KZ2 - Best graphics in video game history"

Are you blind or have you not yet played Uncharted 2?

NateNater5338d ago

I played the demo at Fry's the other day. One word, Amazing. The physics, graphics, and gameplay are outstanding. Looks like another AAA must-buy game from Sony. I'm gonna be broke soon lol

andron5338d ago

And for those wishing for Ratchet and Clank action figures, they actually exist.

I saw it in some magazine and here is a link:


coolfool5337d ago


This game is gorgeous; will only a photo realistic art style get top marks now? This is no less than a 9.5 in my book.

Jinxstar5337d ago

I can't wait for this game. Insomniac are just awesome.

Xgamerzus5337d ago

nice reviews ,awe such a cute game, NOW give Us a TRUE Resistance 3!!!!

Im betting it all that R3 will be the bread winner for PS3 and the showcase of what PS3 can do with so many SPU's and RSX and bluray.

lordgodalming5337d ago

@1.10 and others.

I have bought THREE games this October--Demon's Souls, UC2, and NGS2, and I've still got R&C before November. I'm actually glad some of the other titles I want got pushed into 2010. :)

+ Show (23) more repliesLast reply 5337d ago
UNCyrus5338d ago

how can you disagree? the review score is a 9.0... 9.0 and above = AAA, it's as simple as that. You just blurred the line between fanboy and completely retarded

Shang-Long5338d ago

it might have gotten a higher score but uncharted 2 really did just set the bar for new graphics for ps3 games look..

8.5 Graphics
Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time is a very pretty game with a nice art style. It might not be as mind-blowing as its photo-realistic peers like Uncharted 2, but it sure is easy on the eyes.

DAVID BRENT5338d ago

how the f*ck does that make sense?

callahan095338d ago (Edited 5338d ago )

@ David Brent:

Simple. They already gave Uncharted 2 a 9.5 and Demon's Souls a 9.4 this month. If they wanted to rate this the same or higher than the last one, they'd have to go 9.4 or higher, and they don't want to give out that many 9.4's to PS3 exclusives in this short of a span of time. It has nothing to do with what score the game deserved -- it's political. Also, they don't want to make people think this is on par with Uncharted 2, for whatever reason. But they could have easily mooted that by giving Uncharted 2 the 9.9 or 10 that it deserved. Then if they gave out a 9.4 or 9.5 to this game, it would be the same point difference between the two games as it currently is.

Sevir045338d ago

it has little to do with politics and more of how much a fan you are of the franchise. jeff haynes, ign's #1 ratchet fan scored tools of destruction. it was the first ratchet on the new ps platform and it was fresh. this reviewer, ryan is not a harcore ratchet fan. so fan bias goggles aside this review is more on point. while I'd love to see ratchet get higher, its still in the top tirr of gaming excellence and wil further show sony unique and very diverse software catalogs to the ps fanbase. at 299 a ps3 a rachet game with sonys awesome marketing in recent. this ratchet will fill lots of christmas stockings way before christmas. good review. but understand that the ps team at have tastes and its good to know they all agree about a good game. AAA is AAA no matter how high the "9" is.. first day purchase confirmed

badz1495338d ago (Edited 5338d ago )

WTH?? try saying that while reviewing any FPS games, then I'll accept this kind of BS! there's no other games on any console plays like R&C and with additions of more unique weapons and this time around plus the extra customizations, time manipulating mechanism etc. how are those old formulas? I'm right that IGN is indeed stupid! they don't have the balls to rate it higher thus making them look like a PS3 biased site although PS3 games deserve high scores! - thus they try to find something to bash!

"the fact that Crack in Time is so much like the previous Ratchet games. This won't bother hardcore fans who have been in love since the beginning, but gamers that felt satisfied with Tools of Destruction -- or even one of the earlier PS2 games -- probably won't find what they're looking for here."

there...FAIL big time over there! why not say "this game feels similar with other FPS games ever made!" while reviewing any FPS games? won't do that do ya? why? because it's stupid and this is stupid too! I think they are expecting this game to innovate or redefine the genre like how they review all other PS3 exclusives which is again, BIASED and STUPID!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5338d ago
DeforMAKulizer5338d ago

CANT WAIT TO GET MY HANDS ON THIS GAME!!!!! Been excited for it ever since the ending of Quest For Booty! =D
I <3 Insomniac!
**Back to Uncharted 2 Multiplayer and NGS2**

Pennywise5338d ago

Come on guys... its Insomniac. They do not release BAD games. I have enjoyed every single game they have released this gen.

Arnon5338d ago

I found Resistance 2 to be very underwhelming. I thought the first was a lot better.

The Wood5337d ago

agreed. I prefered the 1st resistance

lordgodalming5337d ago

@5.1 & 5.2

I agree, but I can't figure out why. R2 looked better, had a more detailed story, and was just all around slicker. Yet I liked the first one better. Strange.

Either way, very excited about R&C:ACIT

PS3Freak5337d ago

I found that the campaign for both games were about on par(minus the lack of splitscreen for R2), but the addition of the Online Co op missions really made R2 feel like the better game to me. There was something about playing with 7 other people wrecking the Chimera that i really enjoyed. If there was splitscreen for R2 it would be no contest in my opinion.

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Older PlayStation games that we'd love to see on the PlayStation 5

From Xfire: "For a company with a three-decade-long history in gaming, Sony has done a crappy job at preserving its legacy. "

Flawlessmic764d ago (Edited 764d ago )

All the mgs games, all the ape escapes, silent hill 1-4, croc 1 and 2, legend of dragoon, tekken 3,tenshu, bushido blade, vagrant story, okami, ico, crash bash, gt4.

Thats just off the top of my head that i would play immediately, still so many more though that id love.

Welshy764d ago

MGS, Silent Hill etc are no brainers, but you earned my thumbs up for our boi Croc. I talk about him all the time, it's an honour to find another man of culture.

Flawlessmic764d ago (Edited 763d ago )

Hahaha yea was one of my very first games i owned on ps1 as a child, great memories!!

Love to hear there other people out there that enjoyed the gem of a game that is croc 👌

RedDevils763d ago (Edited 763d ago )

Okami has HD version already. I want those Sly games though since PS3 and vita had it.

Flawlessmic763d ago

Yea sly would be cool, i never got into those so would be a good opportunity for me to do so.

But yea theres so many games in sony catalogue we coukd be here all day listing titles.

Hopefully we all get the ganes we are hoping for.

outsider1624764d ago

Tenchu 1 and 2
Socom 1 and 2
MGS 1-3

seanpitt23764d ago

RDR2 for me they can boost that up to 60fps with better graphic settings than last gen

Luc20764d ago

Folklore. It was such a unique and beautiful game. Great soundtrack. I still have my PS3 copy

The_Hooligan764d ago

YES please! Also I would love to see Warhawk come back. Such an awesome game.

moriarty1889764d ago

The Resistance and a killzone series for me.

Bigman4k764d ago (Edited 764d ago )

Infamous 1 & 2 probably will get remaster for PS5/4 at some point as for the others in that article idk

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All the Ratchet & Clank PS3 exclusive games can now run on the Playstation 3 emulator, RPCS3

The RPCS3 team has announced that all the Ratchet and Clank games that were released exclusively on Playstation 3 can now run on the latest version of RPCS3. RPCS3 is the best Playstation 3 emulator that is currently under development and its incredible progress has really amazed us.

Read Full Story >>
Retroman2073d ago (Edited 2073d ago )

No Quest for booty/ into the Nexus??

Oops from the video both is emulated.


Big discounts for PS4, PS3 and Vita digital games on Amazon

Amazon has heavily discounted several PS4, PS3 and Vita digital games. The deals include Final Fantasy XV dropping to $39.49, Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction to $9.99, Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time to $9.99, Rise Of The Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration to $30, Titanfall 2 to $29.99, Watch Dogs 2 to $34.99 and more.

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