
How F'ing Metal is Borderlands?

Destructoid: "Metal is a lot of things. Metal is ripping off a chimera's head and spitting down its spine hole. Metal is the swagger of a cool protagonist as he walks out of a bar full of corpses he created. Metal is a tone or a plot. Metal is an f'ing feeling.

For the Borderlands crew, metal takes some serious space to describe.

"How f--cking metal is Borderlands," game creative director Mikey Neumann asks me in response to my question. "Well, I can't really give you the full answer in such a truncated space, but I can show you an excerpt from our upcoming book How F--cking Metal is Borderlands."

And show me an excerpt he did. Taken from the middle of the fifth chapter of the upcoming best seller, the bit of the book deals with a meeting of sorts between members of the Borderlands crew and an unassuming teenager at a local Denny's."

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Myst5352d ago

*Holds up a link curiously*

Metal..? Or are we talking Holy Moses Metal..?

In any event, I wonder who all is getting this game. It seems interesting and I've already pre-ordered it. Personally I can't wait for the game and for the mean time I might put Demon's Souls down for at least a day maybe a day and a half to play this game. It's going to suck having to go back and forth between games :/.

Syko5352d ago

Day 1 purchase for me...I have all the confidence that this game will be the sleeper holiday hit. I have 4 friends and my brother picking this up day 1 also and we are going to co-op until ours eyes bleed. Minus my damn work schedule of course, lol.

I especially liked the excerpt that read:

"Randy then proceeded to explain the entire game to him. From start to finish. Every detail, every nuance, every midget punted off the planet into low-level orbit around Pandora ... all of it. When Randy had finished there was a long silence where the kid said nothing. He just stood there, trembling."

Just hilarious. ha ha.

Myst5352d ago

Bah at work, call off! It's what all my other co-workers do almost every day lol :p.

Yeah I can definitely see this game being great with quite a few people looking past it because of other games that have/had been released prior to it. Such as: Demon's Souls and Uncharted, not to mention those who are playing Halo 3 ODST, and maybe Magna Carta II, or perhaps Forza? In any event it seems like a great game and not only because of all the weapon combinations' which is simply astounding in and of itself.

Also lol, that poor kid is all I can think about right now. I'm definitely glad now that I went back and pre-ordered borderlands just to make sure that I would get it on Day one. Since it falls on a Tuesday I can get it right after class as well which is great :D.

bunbun7775352d ago

on the preorder day 1 on this---but im going to get it---i have a strong feling i am getting this, it just looks too good and as an ex wow player, i am intrigued. I also like 3 million plus gun combos.

maawdawg5352d ago

It is actually estimated at around 17 million now. That is almost 6 times more awesome.

RockmanII75352d ago

I want this but for $20 less I can get Crackdown, Mass Effect, and R6V. Plus add Brutal Legend and I'm getting 4 great games for $100.


DC Heroes United and Borderlands Comes To SDCC

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10 Mediocre Bosses in Great Games

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Chriswheeler22482d ago

The Pursuer from Dark Spuls 2 was great, I think the author just sucks at games.

philm87482d ago

The Godskin Duo is a great fight


Borderlands' Opening Scene Is Still An All-Time Great

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