
Microsoft Remarketing Ninja Gaiden II

This morning, it appears that Microsoft have launched a minor, and rather bizarre, marketing campaign. Directly highlighting the rivalry for those in-the-know and referring to an Xbox 360 release that's now regularly available at a discounted price, it appears Microsoft still have faith in the original release of Ninja Gaiden II.

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sakura20095353d ago

this is great news. microsoft is helping advertise ninja gaiden sigma 2.

vhero5353d ago

Agreed this is a silly idea as people who visit the site are gonna see sigma plastered everywhere.

Gabe EatsWell5353d ago

Yup, they help fund superior version of games for the PS3 and now they're marketing it. I'd give MS a bubble for that. :D

Jamegohanssj55353d ago

Rofl wow this is too funny.


jmd7495353d ago

i was about to type the same thing.:)

Sarcasm5353d ago

Well technically Ninja Gaiden 2 is still exclusive to the 360.

Then again, who is this really targeting? 360 owners? What difference will it make to the PS3 owner's if it's marketed towards 360 owners anyway.

PS3 gamers will buy NGS2 and 360 gamers will buy NG2.

It's not like a PS3 gamer will see NG2 for $20 and decide to buy a 360 just to get it for $20.

Multi-consoles owners, well depending on who you talk to. They might pick NG2 for $20, or the definitive version for $60. Or heck, hardcore NG owners probably are going to have both.

So this is an interesting, but sorta useless marketing for a 2008 game.

Microsoft, how about invest more money into games that matter right now, like... Forza 3. Haven't seen any ads for it yet (excluding the BS PR talk from Turn 10 themselves.

Tarasque5353d ago

Again another 360 article filled with upset PS3 fanboys. I mean if you dont own a 360 and dont care about, then why are you guys in here so much. Actually you dont have to answer that i already know. Usually when people feel threatened they act out in a way to make themselfs feel more secure, i understand and i wont tell anyone.

LazyDevs5353d ago

You know what they say once the garbage gets full it is time to take the trash out.

nix5353d ago

"Again another 360 article filled with upset PS3 fanboys. I mean if you dont own a 360 and dont care about, then why are you guys in here so much."

to begin with.. it's in both the sections - Playstation 3 and 360. and 'we' are here to make sure you get the point that MS is shafting you so that you will learn because we are gamers after all.

Tarasque5353d ago

Really this is PS3 releated considering "Microsoft Remarketing Ninja Gaiden II". Isn't any different then any other article, but hey throwing stones make people feel more secure about themselves.

LazyDevs5353d ago

Really why am i getting agree's? Ok i see i didn't make myself clear enough about the trash thing.

"You know what they say once the garbage gets full it is time to take the trash out. "

And i am talking about the abbundance of fanboys, i don't have to say which ones. I think people know and it's kinda obvious.

5353d ago
jcgamer5353d ago

remember the Mortal Kombat and Mortal Kombat II wars? :)

Old school gamers FTW!

lol :)

Face Palm5353d ago (Edited 5353d ago )

They don't have any holiday exclusives to advertise so they might as well advertise old games.

@ jcgamer above:

Nice avatar :)

5353d ago
JasonPC360PS3Wii5353d ago

^^^ which Ninja Gaiden will gamers choose... The bloody higher rated version thats cheaper (360) or the kiddy table inferior version that scored lower and is more expensive (PS3)???

BrokenAnarchy5353d ago (Edited 5353d ago )

Oh really, I didn't know a meta rating of 85 was lower than 81..



Ninja Gaiden 2 runs at 585p
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 runs at 720p

Keowrath5353d ago

Awwww Jason360, I wondered where you'd got to. Only show up to prove your sad little fanboy point huh? Shame you just got totally owned by BrokenAnarchy.

Best keep to the shadows mate you just made yourself look a right idiot, well done! LOL

Elven65353d ago

The link sends me to a internal Ninja Gaiden II site at the Xbox website, the order links take me to Microsoft's usual "Buy From These Retailers" page.

Am I clicking on the wrong link?

Anyway I bought NG 2 when it was $40, I'm having a ton of fun albeit frustration as well with the game. Since I'm a fan of Ninja Gaiden I'm also getting Sigma 2, either way, you can't go wrong!

The Wood5353d ago (Edited 5353d ago )

showing up to get shut down and smacked is NOT kool.

Its a shame that MS have to get this game noticed again to fill in the gaps i suppose but the bottom line is if you have 1 of the 2 consoles in question you'll get that version. Multi owners would probably get sigma 2 if they hadn't played ng2 already, heck some will buy sigma 2 even thought they've already played ng2

'Again another 360 article filled with upset PS3 fanboys.'

lol....i see that silly statement has already been addressed;)

N4Flamers5353d ago

I think sigma 2 is a rip off for the people that have allready bought NG2. I could see buying this game again if it were 40 bucks. However if i hadn't bought it in the first place I would get it now.

IdleLeeSiuLung5353d ago (Edited 5353d ago )

Ninja Gaiden (Sigma or not) 2 is an amazing game!!! Personally I think this is the best game this generation thus far. I have already spent 250 hours on the original NG2 and I expect to spend plenty of time absorbing NGS2!!!

I own all NG games to date other than the older NES/SNES/Arcade games!

IaMs125353d ago

If you think about it Sony is advertising for the 360 NG2... ALTHOUGH it has Sigma on it, its nearly the same game, soooooo THEREFORE if i see an ad and want to play NG and dont have a PS3 ill buy it for the 360 vice versa... seriously...

INehalemEXI5353d ago (Edited 5353d ago )

Sigma is missing blood squirting from extremities true, but lets not forget it has several pairs of tig ol bitties that you can bounce around with sixaxis ....It also has blood still and it rains blood, and there is a lake of blood in the later Chapters. Not to mention it is graphically superior...oh wait did I just mention that?

IdleLeeSiuLung5353d ago

lol... I will take boobs over blood, but must admit that the lack of blood detracts from the game. As much as the developer wants me to believe NGS2 is the ultimate version, without the blood it is NOT. Not that the 360 is either.

Basically Tecmo screwed me over twice and I'm grinning! WTF!!!

DaTruth5353d ago

Deleted for what? Not being pro-360?

frostypants5353d ago (Edited 5353d ago )

They are only doing this to confuse consumers into thinking that this is a dual-platform title, i.e. that the squeeky old NG2 on the 360 is the same as Sigma 2 on the PS3.

This is a continuing trend with MS. Just this week I caught an MS rep at a Best Buy spreading FUD about the PS3 to a Best Buy salesman. He implied that MW2 was a 360 exclusive, that Fallout 3 on the 360 is better because it has DLC available (which is now available for the PS3, and you KNOW this guy was well aware of that), and some other very misleading statements and outright lies. It was just sad, and I wanted to ask him if he truly believed the crap he was paid to spread.

Microsoft is in full dirtbag mode. They are also telling Best Buy salespeople to help spread lies about Linux (though I, for one, would always choose Windows over Linux, this is just a scum tactic).

slayorofgods5353d ago

Looks like Ninja Gaiden 2 is one of Microsoft's top releases this year.

Sarcasm5352d ago

Post 1.15 shows how Jason 360 really doesn't use his brain.

Kleptic5352d ago

^^the writing for that is all over the wall for all those guys...how else do you get a ridiculous obsession with a public hardware beta?...

potenquatro5352d ago (Edited 5352d ago )

PS3 fanboys are the worst ever, and I mean ever, and I've been gaming a long time. They're worst then any type of fanboy actually. Worst then Mayweather fanboys. Worst then GM fanboys and those are really bad, praising cars for being american that aren't build in america.

It's a bad look for Sony to have so many no lifers across many sites acting like this. Go ahead and report this, it's very obvious some mods are fanboys themselves. At the end of the day, this ARE news EXCLUSIVELY REGARDING to 360.

+ Show (27) more repliesLast reply 5352d ago
Gabe EatsWell5353d ago

Poor M$. The definitive joke this generation.

Tarasque5353d ago

Awwwww whats wrong little baby. You fail in real life so you have to make fun off someone with your name to try to be popular on the internet? Or whats worse that you always have something terrible to say about the 360 or MS, but you always take time to post in the articles or does that make my first point more valid. If you do not understand what i am saying maybe you can ask your Mommy or....wait.....i will ask her when she gets back from getting a towel.

Pirateogta5353d ago

I believe the real "definitive joke" this generation would be the console that is currently in dead, dead, hopelessly DEAD last place in every category (games, sales, online, etc) and is the successor to the console that was way ahead of everyone else last gen.

How can you go from undeniable champ to utterly hopeless failure over the course of one generation? That's another thing to add to the PS3 commercials:

It only does: Inferior Multiplatform Games... Mediocre Online Service... Destroy the PlayStation Brand... EVERYTHING!

napoleon_ist5353d ago

if you want the superior version at 720p buy the ps3 version, as simple as that.

Arnon5353d ago (Edited 5353d ago )





Ninja Gaiden 2 - Based off of 74 review scores
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 - Based off of 26 review scores

Thanks for proving my point, Gabe! Can you imagine how low the score would be if NGS2 had 74 review scores?

Thank god my money is going towards Uncharted 2, Demon's Souls, Katamari Forever and Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack In Time.



Exactly, and that's why it's pretty obvious that having 74 review scores and only being 0.4 points lower proves that it's better. Again, can you imagine how low the score would be if NGS2 had 74 review scores?

Again, I'm happy my money's going towards Uncharted 2, Demon's Souls and Katamari Forever.

Gabe EatsWell5353d ago (Edited 5353d ago )



@above: Reviews = Opinion of other people. We all know Sigma 2 is superior.
See 2.8. Took the words out of my mouth.

sakura20095353d ago (Edited 5353d ago )

New characters


new missions

better graphics


Arnon5353d ago (Edited 5353d ago )


Gabe EatsWell5353d ago (Edited 5353d ago )

Edited. See 2.2

nix5353d ago

every PS3-only owner, like myself, will buy it irrespective of what the outcome of the comparision may be. the original game was only "good" (avg: 80%) to begin with, i am not expecting any improvement over the overall score. even though few new features are there, i guess they can't change the main story and gameplay style.

i only expect it to be 5 percent higher than original... and not 95%.

FiftyFourPointTwo5353d ago (Edited 5353d ago )

You know what's funny? Some reviewers will have or had their bot glasses on when they reviewed NGS2, just like IGNorant.

Bereaver5353d ago

Let's really compare ratings!

But not by an idiot's style, but by a site by site style.

The first score is going to be NG2 the second NG2S.

Let's see.


67 to 91

The onion (whoever that is)

67 to 67

Destructoid -They only complained about not wanting to play threw it again lolol.

80 to 75


70 to 80

Atomic Gamer

89 to 90

And most of the others seem to follow in their footsteps.

A few have major changes acknowledged and give a much higher rating, the others talk about it being more of the same thing and just gives an average or lower score.

Anyway, I don't see why they would give a game a lower score really, unless you liked the blood, I mean, some people do, I prefer it, but I don't care about it enough to degrade it. Unless Rambo4 was re-edited to include carebears.

tojfrd7931z5353d ago

Or you can just buy the PC version if your graphics card can handle it.

Arnon5353d ago

If there was a PC version of Ninja Gaiden 2, I'd be all over it.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 5353d ago
Chicago85065353d ago

they could b trying 2 take away from sigma sales, considering microsoft undoubtedly will have tha xbox logo n the ad...n 2 uninformed gamers, they may look at 360's version as a new release that's cheaper than ps3's (newly released) version. i wonder if microsofts' gaming division is really that sinical?

sakura20095353d ago

or they want gamers to compared the two version to see which is superior

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The Best Hack and Slash Games of All Time on Xbox 360

It's game time!, or is it hacking and slashing time? Doesn't matter! Enjoy the best hack and slash games on the Xbox 360

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darthv72306d ago

....and that's a bad thing how?

343_Guilty_Spark306d ago

If it ain’t on Sony box it’s bad

autobotdan306d ago (Edited 306d ago )

Ninja Gaiden 2 was never multiplat. NG Sigma 2 is a remixed game not the same game at all

darthv72306d ago

Dante's inferno... such a great GoW inspired game. So sad the sequel was canned, it sounded like it was going to be even more epic than the first.

Vits306d ago

Yeap, classic GoW is still better mechanically. But the aesthetics and atmosphere of Dante's Inferno were just top-notch. Shame it never got a PC port, but at the very least is available on modern Xbox.

Juiceid306d ago

This list is ok, but Ninja Gaiden reigns supreme!

GhostScholar306d ago

I just can’t get into the devil may cry series. In my opinion you never feel powerful in those games. The guns are pointless as they only serve to be a flashy part of a combo. DMC was the only one that I could tolerate long enough to beat.

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bunt-custardly504d ago

Nioh games definitely up there at the top alongside Ninja Gaiden BLK.

LoveSpuds503d ago

There is a decent fan base for the Nioh games, but still think they are criminally overlooked and under appreciated.

I just bought the PS5 collection to replay them again with all their DLC, a sweet collection for my games shelf for sure.

deleted503d ago

Yea, those gardens haven't been plowed in over 10 years now though. Imagine if they cultivated it, let it grow again.

Starman69503d ago

Amazing what ya can do with a samurai sword lol 🤣

tehpees3504d ago

The honourable mention though.

TheSenorCheese504d ago

originally it wasn't going to be included because of their take on Samus' character. But the gameplay's actually not bad.

Vits503d ago

Honestly, I don't know if we can even blame them for that take. Nintendo's Sakamoto was credited as the writer and from what we learned later with the Retro Studios interviews for the Prime series, Nintendo apparently never saw Samus as this stoic badass that most of the west imagined her as. Going as far as describing her as "motherly".

shinoff2183504d ago

Ninja Gaiden was dope but I don't really care for alot of their games.

504d ago
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Ninja Gaiden II, Reigns: Game of Thrones now available on Xbox Game Pass

Two new games have been added to Xbox Game Pass: Ninja Gaiden II for Xbox One and Reigns: Game of Thrones for PC. Subscribers can download them now.

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autobotdan1560d ago

Old news now. A few days old

Az1ner1560d ago

Been rocking ng II..such brutality!

Prubar1560d ago

I play a shit tone if action adventure games and NG2 remains one of my favourites. As soon as I’m done DMC5 again ima break this one out.

1560d ago
spicelicka1560d ago

NG2 has the most satisfying combat I've ever experienced in a hack n slash game. I don't know why in the hell they changed it up in the games following.

Z5011560d ago (Edited 1560d ago )

Maybe, because NG has never been about 1 thing cept difficulty. NG always changes since part 2 on NES. (built-in wall climbing & 'shadows')

When NG launched on Xbox. I was like "Why'd they get rid of shadows?"

babadivad1560d ago

Because Team Ninja booted Itigaki from the company. Games have been utter shite ever since.