
Rumor: Sony and Rockstar's Exclusive Grand Theft Auto PSN Deal

PSInsider Writes: We get some clarification on previously reported rumors. Could EVERY Grand Theft Auto game be coming to PSN?

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Blaze9295360d ago (Edited 5360d ago )

I would kill for a blu-ray remake for the GTA titles. "GTA Collection"

LordMarius5360d ago

I know A LOT of people would like that

Omegasyde5360d ago

If they do it, they need to give the games some graphic updates like god of war.

IMHO, GTA on PS2 didn't age well. Granted GTA was all about the drive by's and stealing rides, but now its just bothers me that CJ was wearing mittens that looked like hands.

Totally takes the immersion of pimp smacking away.

OhReginald5360d ago

....maybe if they do a HD remastered edition that would be sweet. Preferably vice city :)

Dragun6195360d ago

If the God of War Collection becomes successful and goes to sell the expected units or beyond it. Then I think we can expect a GTA Collection and Ico & Shadow of Colossus collection. Along with other third parties releasing their own series collection such as Capcom.

Danja5360d ago

Vice City in HD is all I want best GTA game ever , San Andreas would be the icing on the cake .... hope this is true.... come one Sony make it happen :)

mal_tez925360d ago

Ratchet and Clank: Collection and Metal Gear Solid: Collection come to mind first.

WenisWagon5360d ago

I am not seeing how this is exclusive when San Andreas is already on the Xbox Live Marketplace.

vhero5360d ago

Would sell like crack on PSN.

morganfell5360d ago

Here here, agreed. Vice City rules. What a blast that game is to play. I still run it in my 60GB. Those controls though definitely need some tuning :)

Lifendz5360d ago

makes me think the guys in charge at Sony suddenly woke up and realized that they're in a fight with 360. Good stuff. Vice City remastered would be great.

DaTruth5360d ago

If they do this, than there should be a mode where all of the cities are accessible with whatever character you choose, just by flying by plane. And in this mode the latest GTA3 physics will be in effect(cause it would suck for your plane to crash as soon as you reach Liberty and you can't jump out or swim)

Would be awesome if they threw in a story that traversed all cities!

Beast_Master5360d ago

Add trophies like GOW collection and I am down. Also would like to see Jak and Dexter, Sly Cooper, R&C and Ico collections..All remastered with Trophy support.

ThanatosDMC5360d ago

I would want San Andreas remake. Not the whole 720p whatever thing but upgraded to GTA4 graphics and physics. CJ by far was the best character in all of GTA.

Anyway, besides that... i wish we were able to buy psn stuff as "gifts". Those that have steam should understand what i mean. That something we should tell Sony we want on one of the updates.

siyrobbo5360d ago

they could even just use the PC assets, as they are higher quality than the original console versions

rawd5359d ago

Remastered GTA with trophies = jizz

siyrobbo5359d ago (Edited 5359d ago )

having skipped last generation, briefly playing the odd game on my brothers ps2 and xbox, ive missed out on some fantastic games. I would love to play the ratchet series, metal gear solids 2-4, ico jak and daxter. I was going to get a backwards compatible ps3, but if they bring out remastered collections on one BD for a sensible price, well, i'll be in my element! (as long as they come on disc not download)

starcb265359d ago

i just bought the gta trilogy last week

gta_cb5359d ago

obviously buy this! psn or bluray! (obviously because of my name =) hehe)

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 5359d ago
fr0sty5360d ago

One 50GB Blu-Ray probably could hold the entire series.

Minimox165359d ago

yeah even GTA 1 & 2, and vice city story & liberty city

andremasonbaba5360d ago

we freaking want those 2 exclusive download content for gta 1v that gay xbox got.....stop trying to pull a fast one on ps3 fans with this offer to try and let us forget of how u screw us for bill gate blood money...................the playstation made u rockstar remember that!!!!!!!!!!!

El_Colombiano5360d ago

I don't want a group of trashy men staring at another man's shlong being rendered on my PS3 nor do I want Gay Tony.

fr0sty5360d ago

try reading the article, then you'll realize your rant is for nothing.

jdrman20075360d ago

I see what you did there

Here, have a bubble.

mfwahwah5359d ago

DLC to a decent entry in the franchise?

Or the best entries in the franchise, period? I know where my money would be going.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5359d ago
LordMarius5360d ago

Sony + Rockstar = Awesome
MS + Rockstar = Gay Tony

Sigh5360d ago

have you seen the Gay Tony trailer? With that "Hercules" bar? lmaooooo

WenisWagon5360d ago

Nice to see homosexuality is still taboo for some people.

AngryTypingGuy5360d ago

MS+Rockstar = Gay Tony = New and never before published = Xbox 360 exclusive = Sony fanboys pretending they don't want it, yet for some reason are happy at the thought of a bunch of last gen titles coming to PSN.

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Looking Back At 2008, An Unbelievably Incredible Year Of Video Game Releases

Huzaifa from eXputer: "2008 was home to the likes of Call of Duty: World at War, Dead Space, GTA 4, Far Cry 2, Left 4 Dead, and many other hits, which is outright remarkable."

ChasterMies37d ago

Some of these low paid video game “news” writers weren’t born before 2007.

just_looken37d ago

Here here

Those that were around before 2000's i am sure are like me that think we entered a world of non readers or those that follow without question.

I can not wait to see fallout 3 a goty game even though it was about water with non content until you add the dlc/updates then you got the performance/crashing

CrimsonWing6938d ago

I don’t think anything can compare to 2023

lucasnooker38d ago

1998 - the best year in gaming! Metal gear solid, crash bandicoot 3, medievil, half life, ocarina of time, thief, tenchu, resident evil 2, Spyro, tomb raider 3, oddworld abes exodus, banjo kazooie.

It was a different breed of a gaming era. You’ll never understand what it was like back then. The aura of gaming, it was different!

KyRo38d ago (Edited 38d ago )

I second this. Gaming was a lot more varied and fun than it is today. I'm 35 so getting on compared to some here but I got to see all the changes from NES up to now but I've never felt so disappointed in any generation than I have this current gen. I was expecting more from this generation rather than prettier versions of games that came before it. Game mechanics have become so refined that alot of games feel the same and has done for a while now.

Maybe it's time to have a break for a while. I love gaming but I don't feel I get much fun in the traditional sense out of it anymore.

CrimsonWing6938d ago (Edited 38d ago )

Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil 2, Abe’s Exodus, and Ocarina of Time are the only things from that list that I liked.

Here’s the 2023 game releases that I personally liked… and big releases that I didn’t care for:

- Dead Space Remake
- Wo Long Dynatsy
- Resident Evil 4 Remake
- Diablo 4
- Fire Emblem Engage
- Hogwarts Legcay
- Street Fighter 6
- Hi-Fi Rush
- Like a Dragon: Ishin
- Octopath Traveler 2
- Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters
- Final Fanatsy XVI (actually ended up not liking this, but it was still a big deal release)
- Baldur’s Gate 3
- Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon
- Lies of P
- Mortal Kombat 1
- Marvel’s Spider-Man 2
- Starfield (Ended up hating this one, but big release)
- Super Mario Bros. Wonder
- Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (I’m an old-school Zelda fan, but didn’t really enjoy this game)
- Alan Wake 2

I mean, honestly I’ve never seen a year of major IP releases like that, ever.

Profchaos37d ago (Edited 37d ago )

Isn't it just a generational thing realistically.

I've been gaming since way back and I some of my favourite games go as far back as the late 80s for me each generation has a year or two of game changing releases one after another before an inevitable dry spell.

I kind of agree gaming had a different feel games hit different because we didn't have the internet nothing got spoiled and you really had to put in the effort to beat a puzzle which could set entire groups of people looking for a solution. But most importantly games were experimental and not as cookie cutter as today even basics like controls were not universal today r2 is shoot l2 is ads garunteed you can't deviate from that in a shooter back then it could of been square, R1 or R1 and circle nothing was standard.

But as time moves on a new generation picks up their controller they are going to be interested in different things that PS1 demo disc with the t Rex blew our primitive 16 bit brains back on launch but to kids today it's laughable.
The new gen of kids coming into to hobby seem to value different things to us there seems to be a huge focus on online play, streamers, gaming personalities, and social experiences, convience of digital downloads. To me I value none of that but that's ok like my parents not liking the band's I would listen to its just the natural cycle.

Gameseeker_Frampt37d ago

Just about every year in the 7th generation was great and something we most likely won't experience again.

2009 for example had Assassin's Creed 2, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Dragon Age: Origins, Uncharted 2, Halo 3: ODST, Killzone 2, Borderlands, Bayonetta, and Demon's Souls to name a few.

just_looken37d ago

It still amazes me we got over 7 rockstar games ps2/ps3 but 3 for the ps3/ps4/ps5

Dragon age 1-3 and mass effect 1-3 in 7ish years what a generation.


Mainline Grand Theft Auto trailers ranked from best to worst

As we have all been graced by the release of Grand Theft Auto 6's trailer, we're ranking the best and worst GTA trailers to date.

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purple101179d ago

We be getting these posts All week now lads. Someone noticed a number plate ... Someone noticed a billboard... I can see it now

Just go on YouTube and watch one of the many videos dissecting the whole 1minite 30secs worth.

This site supposed to be for news.

roadkillers179d ago

These updates on N4G are going to ruin whats rest of this site. Unfortunate since I was one of the first members.. The site shows unsecure when i login as well.


Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories and Chinatown Wars Added to Games Included With GTA+

Beginning today, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories and Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars are now available for GTA+ Members to play on compatible iOS and Android devices.

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TheColbertinator225d ago

Sweet. I loved Liberty City Stories despite the city being empty. Those main story missions were tough but fun.

Number1TailzFan224d ago

Both Stories games were far better than GTA 3 IMO, VCS being the best and most enjoyable though.