
Splinter Cell "is meant for Xbox and it will show"

CVG: "There's going to be a really strong partnership with Microsoft," producer, Alexandre Parizeau told CVG. "Obviously we'll do everything that we can do to make sure that the experience is indebted with whatever the Xbox has to offer.

"I want to make sure that when the game hits the shelves the disc will 'meld' with your Xbox 360 - it's meant for the Xbox 360 and it will show."

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GWAVE5363d ago (Edited 5363d ago )

I'm eager to see what they do with it.

gaffyh5363d ago

'it's meant for the Xbox 360 and it will show.'

I'm guessing they have an Xbox 360 console in the game, similar to how MGS4 had several references to Playstation and Apple.

SpoonyRedMage5363d ago (Edited 5363d ago )

Yer but that doesn't mean much. Mass Effect was designed for the 360 and run like crap(despite otherwise being awesome) but the PC version runs like a dream.

I really can't wait for Conviction though! Splinter Cell rocks!

Greywulf5363d ago (Edited 5363d ago )

So im guessing Rocksteady could say the same. Or Epic..?

ShabzS5363d ago (Edited 5363d ago )

they are using unreal 2.5 ... its heavily modded though.... they call it the lead engine.. its the same engine from chaos theory from the original xbox now updated for the 360..

but so far the previews have been good... loved the knife through the hand game play


deadreckoning6665363d ago (Edited 5363d ago )

I guess there serious about it being a "true" 360 exclusive. I don't think they'd make themselves look stupid and announce it for PS3 later, oh well. I wanna play it but I ain't buyin a 360 just ta do so.

Shadow Flare5363d ago

"the disc will meld with your xbox 360"

..................that's almost like something i'd write......

5363d ago
mastiffchild5363d ago

Exactly Nycredude! This is the game that has had the advabtages of the kind of time and money spent on development that some PS3 exclusives have had. Gears2 should have been the game that challenged the graphics of the likes of KZ2 but for whatever reason Epic or MS seemed to want it rushed to market-which is why I felt it was neither the graphical leap from the first game nor had an issue free MP.

I never doubted that it wouldt stay 360 exclusive as from all the noises they've made, from canning the first effort to this, it seems like MS have pushed Ubi on this one and that's a great thing-I'd have liked it this year, mind, but if they can polish it up some more and make the best looking 360 game yet it's good for all gamers as it'll force devs on both platforms to keep upping the ante. I just wish more 360 exclusives got this chance to shine-looks excellent already and the extra time could see it even prettier.

This is the way, as Sony have proved this generation, to let your devs make an exclusive.

5363d ago
Greywulf5363d ago (Edited 5363d ago )

I cant even come up with anything that wont get my comment deleted.. so ill just



Ok figured it out. Microsoft/Developers problem is that they have the 360's hardware. Which isn't remarkable when compared to others. Its clear that the best efforts in 4 years haven't come up with a title that can compete with others technical wise. -- Ok follow me here --

The 360 doesn't need to compete with others visually. Sales speak, and the user base doesn't require visuals to enjoy games(HaloODST) or even innovation in that realm.

But there is some perverted notion that all MS's developers have to pretend that their games can compete in the visual realm, which they cant. Time and time again its shown that it isn't happening. Instead of promoting just plain strong gameplay without being combined with the next-gen bar of visuals offered other places, they insist that the console can also provide that facet of gameplay to the user base.

We've all heard the same thing from every single exclusive, then they show up and everyone goes "..." and then spouts out how gameplay is more important than graphics, which it is.. but no one makes the observation that gameplay + graphics is enjoyed elsewhere.

The 360 has XBL, and better versions of multiplats. Anyone is a fool to argue that. But its not capable of besting the efforts of other titles when the topic is visuals.

5363d ago
locos855363d ago

So should I take that as a positive comment?

Insomnia_845363d ago

I noticed the graphics in this trailer look a bit downgraded compared to those of the E3 gameplay. As long as the gameplay stays the same, no problem.

DelbertGrady5363d ago (Edited 5363d ago )

Why do guys always have to whine so much when a dev says something good about the 360 or a 360 related game?

When Naughty Dog says similar things you never question them or accuse them of taking bribes. Even when they contradicted themselves by saying Uncharted 3 will push the PS3 further (after saying Uncharted 2 maxed it out) you just agreed with them like the corporate sheep you are.

pixelsword5363d ago (Edited 5363d ago )

...this will also kill the 4chan thread that some rumor monger posted that stated that he was some ex-worker at UbiSoft and that the game was a timed exclusive (yah, I know it's 4chan, but you know how rumors on the internet spread). If this is as great as the demos I've seen from gaming expos then it should cause some momentum for the 360.

I like this because when developers like Ubisoft and Sucker Punch and others actually put some TLC in their development it makes everyone in the industry step up their game, which in the end the gamers win from the overflow of great games.

SevWolf5363d ago

Just to say something which may sound obvious and logical, but here goes.....I really wish people would just play games and not care what console...what I mean is when I was a ps3-only owner I used to play a game(like uncharted) and think "Wow, this is one of the greatest exclusives ever", now I love uncharted close to my favorite game, but I realized something wrong with my thinking :P, I bought a 360 a couple of months ago, still getting used to it :D, when I played the Gears games(my first two games on the 360) I thought "Wow, this game is good, but I expected better for a 360 exclusive", I got Mass Effect a couple of days ago, and Im loving it, playing it nonstop, I'm thinking "THIS IS AN AMAZING GAME!" I totally forgot what console Im playing....I know that I'm gonna do the same thing with Splinter Cell, I'm gonna love the game no matter what console it's on, and even though it only runs on Unreal Engine 2.5, and it wont win any graphics awards, it looks great, and the gameplay is looking amazing.........sorry for the rant :P, I just tend to get pissed when Devs HAVE to verify what console they're developing on cause "gamers" can't believe it

Greywulf5363d ago

No one needs to question their statements because they don't talk nonsense without showing anything.

coolirisGB5363d ago

Looks like some fanboys actually thought this was coming to PS3. They were being more honest about the game back then, attacking the game now are we?

TheBlackSmoke5363d ago

I dont get why they cant just say MS paid us for exclusivity instead of giving undefinable reasons like "meld with your xbox 360".

Jake11115363d ago

The disc will MELT in your xbox? ? ? I knew my machine ran way too hot.....

thesummerofgeorge5363d ago

I love that after the years of ridiculous PS3 and Sony bashing and carving the PS3 for not having the games, and making fun of what Sony and it's developers say, people like yourself "whine" about how the poor 360 and it's poor titles get criticized. The PS3 is now cleafrly coming out with superior games, it's clearly a higher tech machine, and now that there's clear proof and it's Microsofts turn to take some heat, 360 fans panties get in a bunch... Get over it.

5363d ago
Raf1k15363d ago (Edited 5363d ago )

is this no longer on PC as well?

ZOMBIEMAN15363d ago

i wonder what's with the 360 exclusive reassurance it's not like there were rumors about it being on PS3 it's like there purposely doing this like there actually making a PS3 version but wants ppl to think it ain't happening . guys at Ubi either say it's exclusive once and when there a PS3 version rumors but not willy nilly it makes us suspension about a PS3 version

Bodyboarder_VGamer5363d ago (Edited 5363d ago )

Fanboys man, fanboys... Right now the PS3 has games, the X360 has games and even the Wii has games that some people will find interesting. You just can't go wrong when buying any of the 3... If they can't accept that other consoles have great games too then what can we do? We'll just have to live with it.

It is not that bad. You just need to learn to ignore them, that's all.

evrfighter5363d ago

Probably means it's gonna be heavy on the anti-aliasing. PS3 has shown that it doesn't handle AA well.

FACTUAL evidence5363d ago

aaah, oh well....we all know game of the year 2010 is going to be a ps3 exclusive anyway lmao!

5363d ago
TK4215363d ago

The game looks alright. It looks about on the level of a decent multiplatform game to be honest.

King_many_layers5363d ago

"When Naughty Dog says similar things you never question them or accuse them of taking bribes. Even when they contradicted themselves by saying Uncharted 3 will push the PS3 further (after saying Uncharted 2 maxed it out) you just agreed with them like the corporate sheep you are."

They say they've maxed it out because they most likely have everything working hard most of the time the game is on. So technically they will have maxed out the PS3 in terms of with their engine at this moment, so when a developer says this, you can believe them, but you just need to remember they are talking in terms of their game engine has pushed it this far.

anybody could push the PS3 to its limits, but if the coding gets better, the results will look or run better.

thorstein5362d ago

What the hell does that mean? There is 0 substance in that statement. Tell me what to expect when I get the game. Tout the gfx the gameplay whatever, but don't give me an empty statement that means nada.

+ Show (30) more repliesLast reply 5362d ago
Biggunz5363d ago

I didn't know a disk could RROD.

James Bond5363d ago

They probably got a crayon and drew a red ring on the disc.

nycredude5363d ago

So this should be like one of the best game on the 360 in terms of total package then right? Maybe finally we can see what the 360 is capable of. Should be interesting.

El Botto5363d ago (Edited 5363d ago )

Why does xbots suck so much? Is it because:

A) They play a 54.2% heater
B) They are beta gamers
C) They got suckered into buying a HD DVD add on and now cant buy any new movies on HD DVD format
D) They dont have any exclusive games to play with
E) They have to pay-to-play online
F) They get whored and abused around by MS (ie HDMI not needed, digital downloads lies etc.)
G) All of the above

5363d ago
TheXgamerLive5363d ago

You and other losers like you prove it every Fckin time, so pathetic.

Any and every time there's an Xbox article or peice of news who's the first to comment and try to put it down? .... A sad little sony fan like you.

I know your scared and jealous and so what, give it a rest little girl, sony has games, Xbox has games, STFU!! Damn your all little BTCHES. You give the good sony fans a bad name, cool it already b/c it's getting old.

xcox5363d ago (Edited 5363d ago )

he means "the disc will melt in your 360"


TheBlackSmoke5363d ago

Ubisoft are sort of shooting themselves in the foot by declaring this. If this game is tailored for the 360 then it will show the 360s true potential... if it cant match the likes of KZ2 or UC2, you bots need to STFU about superior graphics from now on.

AngryTypingGuy5363d ago

What predictable losers you are. This game is going to be awesome.

bennyace5363d ago (Edited 5363d ago )

You're absolutely right. PS3 fanboys are always the first to comment and with the same jokes they've been saying for 6 months.(54.2%, burn your house down, RROD well this one they've been saying for 2-3 years, etc...) and then all the other fanboys, that don't seem to have better things to do, all click the agree button. Like a bunch of 12 years old. When you look at the PS3 articles, there are about 50-60 comments and when it s a 360 articles it s like 200 comments!!! but we're the ones doing the damage controle. go figure!

Not only that, when you read their comments they talk like they all have full hd giant screens or super computers that can run the game with all the graphic options to the max. But none of them seem know that most full hd screens don't even keep a full hd resolution when the action on screen is too fast. It usually drops to about 800-900 lines and that's with the higher end models. the ones over $2000. But when a ''AAA'' game comes out that costs $60 they don't seem to have any money to buy it. Because the games don't sell. But they have the money for the full hd screen or the super computer.

Biggunz5363d ago

Sorry kid, you're wrong. Sony has better games and much better hardware and thats a fact!

-MD-5363d ago

That's what we call a worthless bad opinion.

ZipSpeed5363d ago

Of Course. When bad graphics and average story shows up in ratings, you know it's meant for the crapbox 180

AngryTypingGuy5363d ago

@ Bennyace - you're exactly right. We're dealing with little kids here, most of them. You can just tell by their comments.

Everyone was upset when they delayed Splinter Cell, but I wasn't, because I knew that Ubisoft would come out with something kickass like always. Go check out the new trailer and photos on Gamersyde.com. This game looks amazing and looks like a possible GOTY candidate.

Graphically, you can put this up against Uncharted 2. Now before you PS3 fanboys have an aneurysm, I will say that Uncharted 2 looks prettier because it has those jungle levels with the incredible background. Don't worry. Breathe into a paper bag if you need to, it's ok. But go to Gamersyde.com and take a close looks at the scenery texture and the character models.

I'm not saying that Splinter Cell looks better, but certainly comparable.

El Botto5362d ago

360 is more powerfull than the PS3.

Lmao dumb fkers. After 5 years, still no Splinter Cell Convinction. And why is that, you ask? The game sucked so hard, they had to scratch everything they had and go back to the drawing tables.

Thats why.

AngryTypingGuy5362d ago

"After 5 years, still no Splinter Cell Convinction. And why is that, you ask? The game sucked so hard, they had to scratch everything they had and go back to the drawing tables.

Thats why." --

I'm proud of you El Tardo. For the first time in your life, you said something that's partially correct. Go into the kitchen and tell your mommy that you deserve a chocolate chip cookie. The game did in fact not live up to Ubisoft's standards, so instead of releasing a hunk of crap like they could have done, they went back to the drawing board and got it right. Kudos to them for doing right by all of the Splinter Cell fans out there. Well, at least the ones who own an Xbox 360 :-).

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 5362d ago
KILLERAPP5363d ago (Edited 5363d ago )

This game will come to the PS3, within a year. Ubi can't deny that the PS3 is selling like hotcakes now that is 299 and they know in order to make the money for that 3 development they have to make this game for the PS3, in the end is all about the money.

Didn't they say the same about all those games that now come to the PS3 with more content what makes this game so different from all the other games that are so call exclusive.


Like i said is all about the money, like Chubear said tell me what splinter cell have ever been exclusive to any platform? Besides do they hope to make money off this for there 3 years development cycle only be selling it on the 360 and one more important note they could be alienating splinter fans by doing something different and they might not buy it, so this game has a very high chance of coming to the PSE and PC even the wii.

Chubear5363d ago

.. yes really. How many Splinter Cell games do you know are exclusive to one platform?

Pootangpie5363d ago (Edited 5363d ago )

and besides ubisoft won't stoop as low to allow anime loving ***get worshippers to talk about it with imaginary charcters in anime land then ***** and throw hissyfits later and btw since you do fall into that catagory killer app you are not allowed to have that icon

whothedog5363d ago (Edited 5363d ago )

Yeah I think the chances of this going to the PS3 are pretty good, as a timed exclusive if anything.

ME2 anyone? :) anyone read segas note?

beans5363d ago

I'm not going to doubt this game is going to ps3 one day because it really is about the deniro. As much as it would be nice if this were exclusive I could care less just so long as I got the chance to play this game built from the ground up for 360. Really i could careless who plays it as long as the dev don't give the ps3 version only extra goodies over it's already established fanbase.

mastiffchild5363d ago

I don't think SC:C will go to PS3 myself but devs don't give the PS3 versions of former 360 exclusives extras because they like the gamers! Without an extra incentive why would/should PS3 gamers go for a game that a year old?

In the lapsed timed exclusive scenario they NEED the extras and always will-leaving it as it is just won't cut it and devs know this now. It's annoying, I agree , but put yourself in the other camp for a minute-would you then think waiting an extra year for the same game was a fair thing? It's the timed exclusive itself that causes this issue and til they stop being so prevalent this will just go on and on I'm afraid.

StanLee5363d ago (Edited 5363d ago )

Totally agree with you Mastiffchild. The problem is, what's added is never enough to warrant multiplatform owners, of which this generation has many, purchasing the game a second time and a year later, the PS3 usually has great new titles being released so why purchase a year old game for just as much. Why buy Bioshock when LittleBigPlanet, Motorstorm: Pacific Rift and Resistance 2 are being released in weeks time? Why purchase Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 when Uncharted 2 and Ratchet and Clank are being released in the same month? The majority just wont do and haven't as shown by poor sales of timed releases. I don't know if these ports even recoup the cost of development and marketing. Timed exclusives are just ridiculous. If you're going to release a game on both console do it day and date on BOTH consoles so fans can embrace a title without this negativity and speculation.

Odin7775363d ago

Ha ha Pootangpie what the f*ck are you talking about?

Raider695363d ago

Indeed just like MGS4 went from the PS3 to the 360 right.

I have just remainde my self that it never happen that!Just like S.C Conviction will never jump the other way!If you dont have the option of playing on the 360 you can always play on PC!If you are one of does PS3 fanboys you certainly can start playing SPLINTER CELL CONVICTION right now,in your dreams!

Shadowstar5363d ago

@deadlybrand: except that MGS has previously been an actual exclusive, while SC has always been ported everywhere. MGS2 made it to the 360, but MGS3 stayed exclusive, so it was reasonable to believe that MGS4 would end up staying exclusive. Kojima doesn't tend to lie-- misdirect, absolutely, but not lie. The last Splinter Cell "wasn't coming to PS3" so I bought it for PS2... and then it came out. I don't trust Ubisoft when they say exclusive. I'll be waiting for the PS3 port this time.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 5363d ago
The_Nameless_One5363d ago

I wonder how much cash MS crammed down Ubisoft's throat until they had no other choice but to say the word exclusive.

KILLERAPP5363d ago

Splinter cell has always been time exclusive on the xbox first and then revise on the PS2 or PS3 latter, this time around is no different.

otherZinc5363d ago

when they stole FF from Nintendo years ago & kept going with Resident Evil, Tomb Raider & Madden. Now the tables have turned & you people that dont know the history claim M$ started this ****!, they didnt, SONY did & dont you forget it!

Now that others can play the SONY buying game you *****, please, its business.

Also, Splinter Cell:Conviction will sell like crazy on the 360 because it will be high quality, just like the other 360 games that sell in the millions.

Kushan5363d ago

It's not always about cash you know. When you do an exclusive deal with anyone, you get preferential treatment. Most likely, Ubisoft has had MS engineers flown over to work directly with them on several occasions. Microsoft will be marketing SC:C heavily without costing Ubisoft a penny and so on.

whothedog5363d ago (Edited 5363d ago )

Is there any info on multiplayer yet?

I thought the spy's vs mercs was kickass in one of the older splinter cells.

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Watch Ninja Gaiden II, Fable 2, Fable 3, and Splinter Cell Games Enhanced for Xbox One X in Action

Microsoft presented a new batch of Xbox 360 games that received Xbox One X enhancements via Xbox One backward compatibility, and here you can watch how they run.

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RizBiz1873d ago

Nothing wrong with more games. As someone who just fundamentally hates xbox, I am pretty jelly that xbox gamers get real BC.

1872d ago Replies(2)
1872d ago Replies(1)
Gaming4Life19811873d ago (Edited 1873d ago )

Finally ninja gaiden 2 is BC, I've been waiting on this since they announced BC.

Bane351873d ago (Edited 1873d ago )

Yeah i thought ninja gaiden was gonna get remaster because it wasnt announced for backwards compatible til just now tho i would've been up for joy if they announced max payne 3 for backwards compatible today instead

hiawa231873d ago

I am so wanting MP3 on BC and X1X enhanced

Bane351873d ago (Edited 1873d ago )

@hiawa23 i think R* has plans to remaster MP3 at this point

Z5011873d ago

You couldn't play your copy of NG2 before this announcement?

Bane351873d ago (Edited 1873d ago )

No it just became backwards compatible today

Movefasta19931872d ago

not everybody still has their 360, that's why

Z5011872d ago

Kept your game, but no console to play it on?
No one sells 360's anymore?

EddieNX 1873d ago ShowReplies(1)
bluebenjamin1873d ago

Ninja Gaiden 2 is the main game I wanted bcthen alone one x enchanced is this game is more fun than bloodborne

Gwiz1873d ago

No contest,souls games are overhyped for difficulty.

bluebenjamin1873d ago

Very overhyped just because of difficulty not because of fun

1872d ago
Movefasta19931872d ago

facts, once you beat a souls game and do ng plus, you have the game downloaded. Once you return to ng1 and 2 you still can get your ass handed to you lol, the regular enemies are a threat, still attacking even when they are on the ground dismembered.

Gaming4Life19811872d ago

Agreed dark souls, bloodborne, and sekiro are overhyped games and dont compare to ninja gaiden 1 & , ninja gaiden 3 sucks.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1872d ago
Z5011873d ago

What does BB have to do with NG2?
Why not insert Contra Shattered Soldier while you're at it.

bluebenjamin1873d ago

Ninja gaiden was once considered one of the hardest games ninja gaiden 2 has rpg elements so does bloodborn they have similar combat but ninja gaiden 2 just looks better doing it plus its fast pace and flashy combos removing limbs of foes remember 360 put more enemies on screen than ps3 on this game 360 had more dismemberment of limbs than the ps3 vs.360 had a better gpu but ps3 still to this day has an awesome cpu the ps3 had the prettiest ninja gaiden because of native 720 p while 360 pushed 640p now the one X has both higher rez and 360 style dismemberment But Ok for you contra ps2 version and nes

1872d ago
1872d ago
Movefasta19931872d ago

I do think ninja gaiden 1 and 2 are better than souls games, but they aren't even comparable

Z5011872d ago

Again. Why'd you pick BB?
Ninja Gaiden has ninja dog mode = easy
NG2 has a jump and block button
BB has none of those.

You could've picked a Devil May Cry or Bayonetta game. They're more similar to NG2 than BB.

What does PS3 have to do with this announcement? Your insecurities are showing.

Gaming4Life19811872d ago

I think they are being compared because of difficulty but I dont even think that is comparable imo. Ninja gaiden games are better though that's just facts.

Hungryalpaca1872d ago

And Forza is Better than MARIO Kart!!!!!

See how stupid that sounds?

bluebenjamin1872d ago

No Mario Kart is the best racer ever almost anyone can play

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1872d ago
timotim1873d ago (Edited 1873d ago )

Amazing news! NG2!?!? Three Splinter Cell games!!! Fable 2&3 (the first is already enhanced)!!! This is what separates Microsoft's version of BC from others...its that they enhance both the performance and visual quality of these titles to keep them current in a lot of cases, instead of playing them exactly how they played and performed back in the day. Whats even better...I don't need to do ANYTHING but download the new patch...amazing.👏

Keep it coming Xbox!

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Are the free Xbox Games With Gold titles for July 2018 any good?

Neil writes: "Every single month we hear the same old thing about the Xbox Games With Gold titles. "We don't want that rubbish - we want decent games, we want AAA blockbusters, we want something different". Well, the free Xbox 360 and Xbox One titles being given away during the month of July pretty much tick those boxes. What's the chances there will still be complaints?"

Read Full Story >>
AG1002162d ago

Tom clancy and virtua fighter are great death sqaured is pretty cool idk about assualt

lxeasy2162d ago

Splinter cell conviction is great, vf 5 is fun. Haven't played the other two so I'm excited to try them out.

ApexWolf222162d ago

Great month for 360 titles, X1 titles remind me of early days when all they gave away were indies, I hope they dont start doing that again.

AG1002162d ago

at least you can play the 360 games on xb1 too lol

Goldby2162d ago

Now that there's gamepass, expect bugger AAA to have priority in that, more money for both the dev and Ms more likely

yomfweeee2162d ago

I though Plus was lackluster this month. Gold is way worse.

BQ322162d ago

Vf5 fs is the best fighting game of all time abd backwards compatible, so it is a huge win in my book.

annoyedgamer2162d ago

No these are pretty awful. Virtua Fighter is great and so is Splinter Cell but those are 360 titles.

lxeasy2162d ago

so what if there 360 titles it's still awesome

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A new Tom Clancy adventure can be enjoyed on Xbox One due to Back Compat – Is it worth the return?

Carlos writes: "Xbox Backwards Compatibility has shown a strong start to 2018 with a number of top titles being made available to play on Xbox One, but whilst this week doesn’t bring quite as many new arrivals as the past few weeks, there is still one addition for us to get stuck into once more... and it’s one that’s sure to prove a popular addition."

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NotanotherReboot2302d ago

god bless backwards compatability

TheSplooge2302d ago

And thank god we dont have to pay for it.

2302d ago
Gman322302d ago

yeah Microsoft get points for that

TheOttomatic912302d ago

I’m still waiting for Blacklist

PlayStation_52302d ago

Don't confuse the Xbox gamers. They have enough problems to deal with... : P'

Mister_Wolf2302d ago

I AM an Xbox gamer aswell as other systems lol.

TheRealHeisenberg2302d ago

No confusion at all. Just another game added to the list if anyone gets nostalgic.

Vectrexer2302d ago

Are we confused? We get games that we've been enjoyed before at no cost to us!

C-H-E-F2302d ago

"new"? an "old" Tom Clancy Adventure can be enjoyed on xbox one due to back capat is worth the return"


zerocarnage2302d ago

Yes, I loved conviction the co op was ace.

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