
CVG : Halo 3 ODST Review

CVG writes " Halo 3: ODST is epic. Don't be fooled by people saying it's only an expansion. Yes, it has the shortest campaign of any Halo game, but it's marginal. Every second is pure, Halo-flavoured glory and every Halo fan should have ODST in their lives. "

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WildArmed5369d ago

Epic.. i like the sound of that :)
Kinda disappointed that they have no co-op live lobby. friends play only =/

Decerto5369d ago

A Firefight Matchmaking system would be welcome, but all of my friendlist is going to be playing ODST by Tuesday so that won't be a problem for me atleast.

Awesome package for the 40$ pricetag in Denmark. Amazing.

Rhythmattic5369d ago (Edited 5369d ago )

Its seems this review is based solely on the Single player campaign... So this I can make a judgement on...

Did they play the same game i'm playing ???

The single Campaign is average at best ....

I now understand the difference between hype and average.

"""" IMO """"

However, MP is a totally different ball game.... so i'm told.

talltony5368d ago

That this is a excellent game but I am sorry its just not worth 60 bucks. I would buy it for half that. Its still has a short campaign and almost the same multiplayer as halo 3.

YogiBear5368d ago

I agree. I played the single player campaign also and wasn't that impressed. Of course I haven't really cared for Halo since the first game...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5368d ago
Berserk15369d ago (Edited 5369d ago )



YOUR PS3 Tag IS:sltPoison


MerkinMax5369d ago

That same post just keeps getting more and more funny...How about you and Peter play some Killzone with me instead of spending every waking moment on this site. Wait, do you even have PS3's cause from the look of it I don't think you'd even have the time to play since you post every 5 minutes of the day.

topdawg1225369d ago

God so many reviews at one time! God, we get it already MS sucked your guy's d*ck to give a good score to a mediocre game.

saint_john_paul_ii5369d ago (Edited 5369d ago )

Is it because MS payed you to say that, or because you mean it? The Pope Hates it when he's lied to. Halo 3 was underwhelming.

Halo 3 running in Sub-HD resolution was bad. and the graphics were bad. Dont get me wrong, Halo was was awesome. One of the best games of the Decade. after that it all went to hell.

This game is just an expansion. if you pay full $60 for this, then you are a puppet for MS. you just like to get Raped by them.

Decerto5369d ago

It's not all about graphics, and several million Halo-fans would agree with me.

Where did the whole "graphics over gameplay" get Killzone 2? Flopz.

saint_john_paul_ii5369d ago

SO you agree about paying $60 dollars for:

- a campaign that is shorter than Halo 3

-for a multiplayer which is basically the same multiplayer that you played???

ok. BTW, i wasnt just saying about graphics. it was every other spec about this game...

crazyturkey5369d ago (Edited 5369d ago )

The only thing that says is ODST is only good for halo fans, for everybody else who likes good games look somewhere else because you are not finding it here.

Omega45369d ago (Edited 5369d ago )

Seems like the only thing bringing this game down is its fullgame price. After GTAIV:Lost and the Damned MS should have known reviewers would be expecting more, they never should have changed their mind half way through they might have got away with it.

Still this games looks to be the highest rated expansion which was priced as a full game.

mythamp5369d ago

Pretty sane comment from you, didnt expect it.

DAVID BRENT5369d ago (Edited 5369d ago )

because no one else has put out an expansion priced as a full game why?.....because its called RIPPING people off, where is your intelligence,seriously?

Panthers5369d ago

It looks like this game is epic enough to get away with being $60.... not to mention tons of Halo fans that would probably pay more for it.

I will wait. Its not like I can play it now anyways. Gotta get a 360 first, then Halo 3 and Halo Wars. But now there is enough on 360 to justify me getting one. This was a problem before because I will not get XBL since the only online game I play is SOcom.

waitandsee5369d ago (Edited 5369d ago )

At a bargin bin price. A game will shift units if it is sold at the same price a rock revolution. Nothing to be proud about. As soon as sony realises another exclusive is about to bomb, they relaese it as a platinum. With Flopzone2, it was months after release. I would no shout on the roof tops about that.


Flopzone2 can barely sell more that Halo Wars , an RTS (They don't do well on consoles) in the same time frame. LOL 1.90M vs 1.47M. Shows that even PS3rd owners don;t want nothing to do with this so-called flagship FPS. $50M and 5 years on graphics and $5 on whooley, laggy controls.

Ikaika285369d ago

Retarded nerd-rage Microsoft rep? MAYBE

How many of those sales were from repurchases from their own consoles fuking up their first copy 'cause they only wanted to reposition their system to allow better air cooling so it wouldn't red-ring on them and force them to buy ANOTHER Xbox; OH MICROSOFT SALES ARE UP! WE'RE OBVIOUSLY DOING BETTER BECAUSE ARE SALES ARE HIGHER. LOL.

And to the main topic. YES this is a fuking expansion. Give me less of a game with practically the same multiplayer experience, but just throw in a ripped off version of Gears' Horde mode and charge them FULL price. That'll satisfy the Halo fanatics. GASP!

And before you make any assumptions, I too have an xbox...... THAT I BEAT THE $HIT OUT OF WHEN I'M STRESSED. But really I do. ODST: PASS. Reach? We'll see.

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spicelicka687d ago

*cream* specially at that music! we need odst 2!