
PSM3 Magazine UK: Ninja Gaiden Sigma II Review

PSM3 Magazine UK writes: "Sigma 2 is the purest, most hardcore fighting game on PS3 - no doubt. The action betters the likes of Devil May Cry 4, Heavenly Sword, and - from what we've seen - God of War 3. However, if you're looking for a rich game world, or a plot that actually explains how you can be biking down a mountainside one minute and fighting a giant flaming armadillo the next, look elsewhere. If you want to feel like a badass ninja, have a great time slicing stuff up, and don't mind a challenge, this is an essential purchase."

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Peter North5369d ago

The definitive version of Ninja Gaiden 2, confirmed.

swiftshot935369d ago

looks like an awesome brawler for PS3. Ill try the demo myself to see if its worth the purchase.

Dragun6195369d ago

I liked the demo, First thing I notice though was how much the graphics were more defined compared to 360 version and how there's more detail in everything (Ryu,backgrounds,etc).

I didn't really mind the loss of excessive gore in the game, the game still played beautiful in action. Yosuke Hayashi already stated he didn't want this game to be seen as a total blood bath but rather a ninja game that played beautiful in action.

Then there's the Sixaxis controls...I'm pretty sure most of you already know what it does but if you don't here's a hint.


ThanatosDMC5369d ago

The demo is the 360 version. The PS3 version is the real deal.

I spit at them for bashing Devil May Cry... but then again i hate Nero with a passion.

Kamikaze1355369d ago

There's a boss in the PS3 demo that's not in the 360 demo...let alone in the 360 version at all.

5369d ago
Carl14125369d ago

I played the demo through once, without dying so it must have been on an easy setting.

Loved it though, looking forward to the full game

Dragun6195369d ago

"I'm guessing the devs are regretting doing a port for the PS3"

And I'm guessing the Devs are not regretting using Xbox360 as a beta platform.

5369d ago
calis5369d ago

I downloaded the demo from the JPN store, it was quite fun. Lots of actions indeed.

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FiftyFourPointTwo5369d ago (Edited 5369d ago )

Both Uncharted 2 and NGS2 are getting very solid reviews. Both are day one for me.

UnSelf5369d ago

i couldve sworn i read dis somewhere already

Tetsuryu5369d ago (Edited 5369d ago )

Well the magazine review was scanned and posted over a week ago.


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Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 - Team Ninja at its Finest

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MIDGETonSTILTS17457d ago


Black > Sigma1 > Sigma 2


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darthv72588d ago

Dante's inferno... an excellent GoW inspired game. So sad the sequels will never be.

LoveSpuds588d ago (Edited 588d ago )

I recall enjoying it well enough at the time, but it wasn't a patch on God of War 3 which came out around the same time I think.

I own it and fired it up on my PS3 about 6 months ago and time hadn't been particularly kind to it although it still very much nailed the atmosphere and it is a cool as he'll setting and universe.

Inverno588d ago

Dante's Inferno needs the GOW treatment. No cut camera, with a real hellish depiction of the 9 circles and a story as dark and as serious would be amazing.

Yui_Suzumiya588d ago

Still pretty amazing there was a PSP version that was actually pretty good. I remember playing it 10 years ago. I had the PS3 version when it first came out and loved it.

Hellcat2020588d ago

Ahh the memories of playing Heavenly Sword
Such a amazing experience

LoveSpuds588d ago

Yup, I remember being blown away with Heavenly Sword. I remember holding out hope that they would go back and add trophy support as a incentive to go back and replay the game, but I don't think they ever did?

Yui_Suzumiya588d ago

I couldn't beat the final boss though! Spent several days trying but eventually gave up, lol. Still enjoyed it though.

refocusedman588d ago

heavenly sword was such a short, but amazing game. that game should be prime material to be made into a download only remaster.

YoungKingDoran588d ago

I really enjoyed Castlevania, but struggled to get into it again reattempting it a few years back. I still think it does another of things well; story, presentation, level varietily and art style at least. Gameplay maybe has not stood test of time unfortunately which makes it a chore to get through.


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spicelicka1622d ago

They need to make a true sequel to Ninja Gaiden 2, that was the most satisfying combat I've experienced in a hack n slash game.

micdagoat191622d ago

been playing 1&2 on and off since they were released. I usually will play until I get frustrated then take another year off lol. Nver tried 3 or the 4th one even though they are in my backlog.

Domestupidname1622d ago

I tried to go back to Sigma but good god those controls are just insufferable. Couldn't do it.