
Final Fantasy XIII going multiplatform changed nothing

The development of an Xbox 360 version changed nothing about the game, with Final Fantasy XIII's engine able to easily handle multiplatform development.

"Going to multiple platforms didn't necessarily affect [design decisions], we didn't have to compromise anything" explains Kitase. "There's a single engine [Crystal Tools] we're working on that can adapt to both platforms. It covers a lot of the design and visual elements so we don't have to create separate graphics for Xbox 360 and PS3 versions. The engine takes care of it. We're really trying to create the same exact experience for both platforms.

"There's nothing we had to particularly give up or change because of going multiplatform."

It's long been argued by PS3 fans that FF XIII going multiplatform would negatively affect the PS3 version, and it's essentially been a long tug of war with Square Enix saying one thing and the gamers saying another. Of course, we'll never know ourselves whether the PS3 version suffered or not, only Square Enix knows that. Ultimately, the game will probably be great on both systems and nobody will have anything to complain about.

But they'll find something ... oh how they will find something.

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Obama5385d ago

What do you expect SE to say, that FF13 is downgraded. Even if the game is gimped, SE will never admit it. Common sense.

Nitrowolf25385d ago

Yes that is true. Any company that would make there game go Multiplat would never ever admit something like that.

himdeel5385d ago

...the less I want it. They need to just shut the hell up and get the game completed. Sick of them completely and will not comment on this game again until it drops.

UnSelf5385d ago

u kno what, us ps3 fans should do everyone a favor...lets just shut up and patiently wait til Versus drop.

Once that happens, we wont even have to talk and all these non believers would finally get it

Vicodin5385d ago (Edited 5385d ago )

"Even if"

Heh, you said 'even'.

Instead of a 50 gig next gen masterpiece. Final Fantasy XIII has turned into:

> Laughably downgraded graphics from the early footage when it was running on a custom PS3 engine due to them switching to a junk multiplatform PC lowest common denominator engine

> Game design forced to work around the idiotic 360 6.8 gig DVD format so it spread out over 4 discs instead of just 1

> Game designed for the worst case hardware, Xbox 360 with no harddrive

And with almost everything else Square has put out this gen having been technical disasters the chance of FF XIII turning out to be a disaster is essentially certain.

FF XIII? No, FF Fiasco

sunil5385d ago

Versus will look no better than XIII. Dont get your hopes up. SE would not want to make XIII look bad at any cost.

Also I read somewhere that SE changed the engine on XIII after they started work on it - yes nothing was changed

"We're really trying to create the same exact experience for both platforms" - this statement basically tells us something is being compromised be it the ps3 version or the 360 version... something for sure has been compromised

5385d ago
Obama5385d ago

You are right, there's no doubt in my mind that versus will look better.

Chubear5385d ago

Wait a minute, Can't remember the name of the Engine that was supposed to be used to take advantage of the SPUs in the Cell tech when it was initially announced as a PS3 exclusive. Now, to make it multiplat, that Engine was ditched for a multiplat Engine "Crystal Tools"?

... Now how the hell can you bold face look at the community and lie that the game has not been gimped from what it was originally meant to be?

Blaze9295385d ago (Edited 5385d ago )

"you all" act as if the game will be terrible. The demo that came out on the PS3 was what, 50% done visually and that still looked hella amazing. Sure, there will be no dual audio but was there ever dual audio for FF1-12 (dunno about 12...and 11) ? So why is it now everyone wants to whine and cry like it's a big deal when they've been putting up with it since long before. Want Japanese audio, buy the JPN version. Dunno about you guys but I dont buy a game just to spend 100% of the time looking down at subtitles and missing all the action.

Visually the game still looks amazing. The story looks interesting too. I just find it kind of funny seeing all the negative comments when I bet 90% of those people will still go out and buy the game, hell maybe day 1 too. Yeah the 360 probably "changed" a few things, no duh but not like that means it equals automatic fail. I just think "people" are still upset that it was announced for the xbox 360. Now is VS comes out next year (or whenever) and happens to look very similar to FF13, then what are "you all" going to blame that on again? The 360?

Meh, me personally, I'm still hella excited for both FF13 titles and I for one will be buying the game day 1 and that has never changed for me. I can't wait to play the game, the ps3 version for obvious reasons...

EDIT: lol at the disagrees...the users on this site are truly sad.

Chubear5385d ago (Edited 5385d ago )


Dude it's FF and the game will be good but that's not the point. Every time you play FF13 if there isn't a nagging splinter in your mind wondering how much better it should have been or what were the elements initially planned that were removed from it's initial concept b4 going multiplat, then you haven't been paying attention to this game 'till it was announced as a multiplat title.

Vicodin5385d ago

Yes, they were so proud of the custom PS3 engine early on before Wada sold out and forced them to switch to the crap multiplatform engine they are using now.

It is so depressing to think FFXIII could have been running on a Killzone 2, Uncharted 2, God of War 3, Last Guardian level engine where the SPUs were being properly used and putting out mind boggling good graphics.

Instead, Square is giving PS3 owners a downgraded graphics engine that is most likely running entirely on the PPU(in other words, the insanely powerful SPUs of Cell are sitting idle).

SnuggleBandit5385d ago

@ bubbles

no we don't have to wait lets just show them the old demo that looks 100 times better than the game does now. you never know what they might do vs. to make the two games seem equal.

ultimolu5385d ago (Edited 5385d ago )

They must think we're stupid or something...
As long as the game isn't crap, I'll buy it. But I don't trust a damn thing that comes out of Square's mouth.

Keith Olbermann5385d ago

Only the release date and possibly extra features that would have been included in an exclusive, made for one system game..but ...oh well.

soxfan20055385d ago (Edited 5385d ago )

"They must think we're stupid or something...
As long as the game isn't crap, I'll buy it. But I don't trust a damn thing that comes out of Square's mouth.'

Who exactly would you trust??? I mean, this is getting ridiculous. The DEVELOPERS THEMSELVES say the game isn't downgraded, and the general response here is "of course they are going to say that".

Don't you think it's time to put the ridiculous conspiracy theories to rest?

Someone please tell me - Who's word would you trust about this?? Who could make a definitive conclusion about this issue that would satisfy you??

Or, is the fact that the 360 is getting a game that's just as good as the PS3 is getting simply intolerable to you?

Godmars2905385d ago (Edited 5385d ago )

Unless that goes multiplatform as well.

Once you stopped taking Square at their word, you have to accept the possibility.

Thing is there's examples of the game being of better quality. The demo that was out before the multiplatform announcement.

iamtehpwn5385d ago (Edited 5385d ago )

Versus XIII will look better.

This isn't to say which console is stronger.
It's just to say if you focus on one platform, your visuals will be stronger over all, because the time spends 100% of the time optimizing specifically to that hardware.

Not to mention, all focus goes into one project so the team is building one final product.

Why do you think Uncharted 2 is the best looking game on PS3, or Gears of War 2 is best looking game on 360, or Crysis is the best looking game on PC.

RememberThe3575385d ago

Are you thinking of the "White Engine"?

@Blaze929: People not agreeing with you is not sad. When you get you bubbles taken for telling the truth, that is sad. But I agree, the game still looks great. People just have to get over the fact the Square is being run be a complete douche. Most publishers are...

Christopher5385d ago

Okay, what's the point of having an engine that can display the graphics and other visual elements based on the platform without having to individually design for both when your goal is to make them both look the same.

That's completely contradictory to the statement that going multiplatform didn't change the game since you are specifically citing that you want them to look the same, which obviously means doing one thing or another at various stages so they will operate as needed to obtain a standard in graphics rather than utilizing the strengths specific to each system to make them look better than the standard.

ChozenWoan5385d ago

But long gone are the days of SE bragging about how far they are pushing the PS3. Remember when why boasted about using over 50% of the PS3s power, now they are just trying to get it to be the same on both consoles... reminds me of UE3 in 06 all over again. FF13 was supposted to be CGI (FF:TSW) gaming, now it's going to just be FF12HD.

Ohh well, I'm personally going to wait and see the US demo. However, from the limited amount of actual gameplay I've already seen, looks kinda... ehm.

a_cold_soul5385d ago (Edited 5385d ago )

I read a lot of nerds comments on this article that I wanna to say something to.... But I knew I'll just be lowering myself to the nerds level .... but anyway I felt the need to correct you on your statement ... You can save that lie for a blind person ... theres no way in hell GOW2 looked better then DOA 3 which was a launched title for the xbox .... the environments in DOA 3 are still stunning even till this day ... hell I will go as far to say no ps2 game looked as good as DOA 3 did .

*Edit the ps3 web browser is sh*t*
I didn't even try to reply to this

JD_Shadow5385d ago

""They must think we're stupid or something...
As long as the game isn't crap, I'll buy it. But I don't trust a damn thing that comes out of Square's mouth.'

Who exactly would you trust??? I mean, this is getting ridiculous. The DEVELOPERS THEMSELVES say the game isn't downgraded, and the general response here is "of course they are going to say that"."

F*ck me!

So you're saying that developers would gladly admit that they actually gimped one version over another, or both, or that some things were compensated to make it be able to run on another platform? You don't think they would want to maximize sells of the game? You really think that they would just come out and commit developer suicide?

C'mon, man, I know we're smarter than THAT! "Of course they are going to say that", and you KNOW why!

Game13a13y5385d ago

great, more lies and crap from a crap company who only lies and crap, still hate you SE for slapping us PS3 owners in our face. if you want to earn our support again, come clean and admit that you guys took a dump on the PS3 version becoz of M$, say it!!

ultimolu5385d ago (Edited 5385d ago )

Hey soxfan, Square also said that would work on the PS3 version first before they touched the 360 version...but we all know how that turned out right?

Has nothing to do with conspiracies. This company blatantly lied time and time again and yet you're defending them.

Yes, the game is multiplatform now but Square needs to stop f*cking around with people who want this game.

likedamaster5385d ago

FFXIII looks to be great. If it isn't, I'll just send it back to gamefly. Simple as that.

SkyGamer5385d ago

You are insane to think that the graphics card in the ps3 "rsx" is a better than the "Xenos" in the X360. The Xenos runs

1. Unified Shaders
2. 10mb Embedded EDRAM
3. Hybrid DX10

rsx is pretty much a stripped down version of a 7800gtx w/256mb vram

1. NO unified shaders
2. LOW memory bandwith
3. Still uses DX9

Talk about last gen!

Now the cpu.

Xenos - 3 symmetrical cores with dual thread = 6 cores

cell - 1 SINGLE core ppc with 8 spe's w/one disabled for more yield and one reserved for os = 1 SINGLE core cpu with 6 little attachments to them.

Lack of standard HDD sucks and who is stating that the dvd's are 6.8 gb? Someone is clearly smoking some good stuff as regular dual-layer dvd's are 8.5 GB for dvd-9 and 9+ for dvd10.

Yes the X360 owners may have to get up once in 10 hours to change a disc where as ps3 owners, thanks to the blu-whatever will have a 5 gb mandatory install and maybe installs for each chapter, ala mgs4.

They each have their ups and downs. If you want the ultimate gaming experience, just get a gaming pc! Problem solved!

Phenom2 940 BE
8gb OCZ
1.5 TB SATA2 x2
Asus M3N72D-sli
Dual SATA DVD Burners
Dual 19" LCD Monitors w/DVI
Rechargeable Laser Mouse
Logitech 5.1 Surround System

GrandTheftZamboni5385d ago (Edited 5385d ago )

Apparently you missed a PS3 component that's responsible for Killzone 2 graphics. Maybe it's the solder. I heard it's better in PS3.

umair_s515385d ago

SE said FF13 will utilize PS3's power 100%. They then announce 13 on 360, claiming it will look roughly the same on both platform. Now they're saying that the PS3 version hasn't been compromised one bit to accommodate the 360 version. Why didn't SE just announce FF13 as a multi, from the start and say that they'll also make versus exclusively for the PS3, and try to harness PS3's full potential.

AAACE55384d ago (Edited 5384d ago )

I was lucky enough to get the Final Fantasy 7 complete blu-ray when I bought my Ps3. After seeing what Ps3 fans saw, I could see why they believe the game could be downgraded! I don't have HDMI on my TV cause I didn't buy an HDTV yet, so mine just have S-video. But the movie looked great and the trailer for FFXIII looked as if I was watching it on one of those 120 Hz TV's...AMAZING!!!

Most Ps3 owners believe the 360 is just a tad more powerful than a Wii, so I can understand their concern. They feel they the 360 will prevent the game from looking like what I saw.

Hopefully SE will find a way to pull this off so that most gamers are happy with the final product, but we all know they will never please everyone. I haven't made a decision on which version to buy, but I guess i'll do that when the game releases.

@Vlad-Tepes... you might also want to mention that the 360 has more RAM than the Ps3 as well. They both have positives and negatives. As long as you get the games you want to play... does the technical specs really matter that much?

rockleex5384d ago

"Going to multiple platforms didn't necessarily affect [design decisions], we didn't have to compromise anything"

Good, you didn't compromise anything. I was getting worried.

"There's a single engine [Crystal Tools] we're working on that can adapt to both platforms. It covers a lot of the design and visual elements so we don't have to create separate graphics for Xbox 360 and PS3 versions. The engine takes care of it. We're really trying to create the same exact experience for both platforms."

Wait, did I just read that correctly? I'll read that last sentence again.

"We're really trying to create the same exact experience for both platforms."


+ Show (27) more repliesLast reply 5384d ago
lordkemp0075385d ago

Why does this come to mind

Clinton-- 'I did not have sexual relations with that woman'

pure damage control pr bull$H1t

NegativeCreep4275385d ago

Corporate universal dedication (or in the case of Microsoft throwing a bunch of green in the faces of third-party developers in order to secure a piece of software) is nothing but a gesture to make the payee (which in this case is Microsoft) seem like a non-factor in the quality process of a piece of software.

I only hope to God that the FFVII remake will ONLY be on Playstation 3, so that the FFVII remake will be EVERYTHING that it is meant to be!!!

The Xbox 360 is the crutch of software evolution.

kagon015384d ago

*YAWN* too bad I'm educated, I know what's going on already...

Vlad-Tepes-5385d ago

Never see anyone mention this. 360 has a 3 core processor versus the PS3 having a 8 core processor. Interesting, and people still claim that software can run equal on both.

sunil5385d ago (Edited 5385d ago )

As long as the software uses only 3 cores, it can run identical on both.

+ something that nobody might have known. SE had planned to use ONLY 3 cores on the PS3 for FFXIII. Ergo nothing has been changed because of it going multi-platform

Chubear5385d ago

^^^ that's not true at all. They had initially planned to use up to 4 or 5 of the SPUs. I'm not even a FF fan but I remember that from years ago when they announced the game coming to the PS3

5385d ago
INehalemEXI5385d ago (Edited 5385d ago )

A core and an SPE is not one in the same. The cell is 1 multi-thread core/PPE with 8 SPE's/co-processors. Sure Cell > Xenon but they work in different ways, the cell is not an 8 core cpu.

The xenon could potentially run 6 threads of code simultaneously vs the cell running 9 since 1 spe is X'd out redundant. The SPE's are not logic processors they process stupid fast what is fed to them by the PPE. Still the 3 multi thread cores of the xenon could not keep pace with the Cell/PPE and its SPE's.

One big reason I think is that when a core is multi threading its not truely doubling performance.

kalebgray925385d ago (Edited 5385d ago )

your speaking too technical for me all i know is ps3 exclusives push the bar everytime and the 360 has only shocked me 2 times their whole lifespan.... gears 1 when nothing was really out.... and mass effect 2 which looks good but still last year ps3 graphics imo

plus he said "Going to multiple platforms didn't necessarily affect [DESIGN DECISIONS], we didn't have to compromise anything"

meaning the backround or the costumes .... he never said it didnt effect graphics.... lmao he's slick

sunil5385d ago (Edited 5385d ago )

come on guys... cant you tell i was being sarcastic !!!

INehalemEXI5385d ago (Edited 5385d ago )

The cell is One Core that runs 2 threads of code plus 8 SPE's still faster then the 360's Xenon but runs differently.

Cell: http://www.ibm.com/develope... 1 Core PPU/PPE 8 SPE

Xenon: http://www.csh.rit.edu/~ogu... 3 Core

1 Core PPU/PPE 8 SPE > 3 Core , unless the code is traditional then its not so clear cut.

Vicodin5385d ago

The 360's CPU can't run 6 threads simultaneously.

Only 3. 6 logical threads but there are never 6 running physically at the same time. There are only 3 physical cores.

INehalemEXI5385d ago (Edited 5385d ago )

Actually Xenon cores are slightly modified versions of the PPE in the Cell processor which was designed specifically for the PlayStation 3. Each core has two symmetric hardware threads (SMT), for a total of six hardware threads available to games

6 threads , not 3. Though when you have a PPE multi threading its not a true doubling of performance.

source -> http://arstechnica.com/old/...

Vicodin5385d ago

Sorry, no. There are two copies of context so switching between the two virtual threads is fast, but there is only one thread running at a time.

Works best for servers or tasks that are doing a lot of IO and you're threads are mostly idling waiting for data to arrive or be sent.

But take any sort of computation type work and your two virtual threads don't run at twice the speed. Just like computers with hyperthreading.

INehalemEXI5385d ago (Edited 5385d ago )

dude IBM the makers of the cores of both the Cell and Xenon specifically say they run simultaneously, As the article provided states. I know its not a true doubling of processing performance, still the threads run simultaneous.

(SMT) stands for simultaneous multithreading, which gives the Xenon 6 threads dude. I give you fact and source to back it and you disagree me ...harsh dude, harsh. Fine.. Don't take my word for it ...

ars technica- "Each of the cores, which I'm going to call a PowerPC Processing Element (PPE) from here on out, has a 64K split L1 cache (32K instructions/32K data) and can handle up to two simultaneous threads of execution using simultaneous multithreading (SMT). This means that the Xenon can execute up to six threads at once."

Vicodin5385d ago

This is isn't a debate.

The same mistaken claims were made when the first hyperthreading CPUs came out.

There is ONE and only ONE set of execution circuits. All that is duplicated are context registers and other logic to help switch back and forth quickly between logical threads.

But once again, only one thread is every running at a time. There isn't two set of execution hardware.

For compute heavy tasks - AI,physics,or any other type of computation type tasks:

Software multithreading <<< Hyperthreading or 360's CPU type context duplication <<<<<<<&l t;<<<<<<<& lt;<<<<<<< Multi-core

INehalemEXI5385d ago (Edited 5385d ago )

dude here it is in pictures so you can count the threads, SMT not hyperthreading.... there would be no reason to split the L1 cache if they were not running simultaneously.

Your just spreading misinformation...


Rigmaster5385d ago


You are wrong.


"SMT or HT Technology threads share the resources of the CPU core. Because they share the execution units, the maximum speedup from running two threads instead of one is typically 10 to 20 percent, instead of the 100 percent that is possible from two independent hardware threads."

Honestly, not sure why you are trying to claim something so obviously wrong.

The 360 CPU's performance is a bit higher than if it didn't have HT, but it is nowhere near what the performance of an actual 6 core CPU.

INehalemEXI5385d ago (Edited 5385d ago )

Lol I never said that, what I did say was that the xenon runs 6 simultaneous threads and the cell does not have 8 cores , which is true according to the makers of both the cell and the xenon. It's plain as day in the last link provided.

"The configuration of the Xbox 360 is known—three CPU cores each with two hardware threads—and developers assign their software threads to specific CPU threads and can measure to see whether their threading design gives them extra performance."

quote from the article you linked ....

Rigmaster5385d ago

"for a total of six hardware threads available to games"

This is the silly claim you made. There are not 'six hardware' threads. There are three hardware threads with each core having two sets of context to faciliate rapid switching between them. That is where the 10-20 percent boost in performance comes from.

If the 360 CPU actually had '6 hardware threads available to games' you would get close to double the performance for running threads in parallel. You don't.

Each SPE on the PS3's Cell chip is an actual hardware core. Double the number of SPEs working on a task and you get close to double the performance.

You made a silly claim. You were proved wrong. Move on.

INehalemEXI5385d ago (Edited 5385d ago )

"The configuration of the Xbox 360 is known—three CPU cores each with two hardware threads—and developers assign their software threads to specific CPU threads and can measure to see whether their threading design gives them extra performance."

quote from the article you linked ....

simple fact is it can run 6 threads of code simultaneous , however doing so is not always going to be efficient. I know the Cell out performs the Xenon that was never my issue. As I stated before the Cell and the Xenon do not work in the same way..

Rigmaster5385d ago

If what you were trying to claim was true, the 360 CPU would have a much closer benchmarked performance that would be showing results much nearer to the PS3's Broadband Engine Cell chip.

It doesn't.

Not to mention that massive performance gap between PS3 games and 360 games and non-game applications like Folding@Home.

Rigmaster5385d ago

"dude IBM the makers of the cores of both the Cell and Xenon specifically say they run simultaneously,"

"Though when you have a PPE multi threading its not a true doubling of performance."

Just stop!

It's like arguing with a five year old.

Not only are you making inane claims, you are even contradicting yourself.

If the threads on the 360's CPU were actually running 'simultaneously' you would be getting close to double the performance. The two threads share the same execution logic. It is physically impossible for them to run 'simultaneously'. Hence the 10-20 percent boost in performance over software threading.

IT'S NOT THAT DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND. You're basically just trying to save face. Give a rest.

Read that paper and stop posting.

INehalemEXI5385d ago (Edited 5385d ago )

"Each individual thread has a limited amount of ILP and each PPE has a very narrow execution core, but the combined effect of a large number of simultaneously running threads means that more total execution units are put to work at once across all three PPEs.

For example, if at a particular moment each of Xenon's PPEs has two busy execution units (one per thread) for a total of >>>six<<< busy execution units, then Xenon can outperform a single-core processor of similar size that had four execution units active at once."

source-> http://arstechnica.com/old/...

here is the diagram http://media.arstechnica.co... showing you 6 threads executing in parallel I know that 6 cores outperforms 3 cores running 6 threads thats not what I said...

GrandTheftZamboni5385d ago

If you have a PC with a single core CPU and you are playing music and at the same time typing in a word processor, it appears as there are two programs running at the same time, but in reality there is only one running on a CPU at any given moment. It's just that the CPU has processing power higher than needed by those two apps, so they can "share" it, but only one after another, not at the same time. It's a serial execution. If you have a 2 core CPU, then they would be able to execute in parallel.
To my understanding, hyper threading is just a more sophisticated serial execution.

INehalemEXI5385d ago (Edited 5385d ago )

The Xenon CPU can issue two instructions per clock cycle per core. At peak performance, Xenon can issue 21 billion instructions per second. According to multiple sources.

this is what I read thats all I can say , I'm not going to say that it performs exactly as a PC cpu because its a modified pc cpu design.

GrandTheftZamboni5385d ago

OK. So symmetric hardware threads seem to be different than hyper threading. I thought it was you who mentioned hyper threading. Sorry, my bad.

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 5385d ago
hunter215385d ago

yeeahh riight SE.... (sigh)

facelike5385d ago

"Going to multiple platforms didn't necessarily affect" "Didn't Necessarily?"

"There's nothing we had to particularly give up or change because of going multiplatform." "Particularly?"

I don't know, kinda iffy language. Sounds like some things were affected, and until release when the consumer will be looking for differences, they will stick to this gun so they won't miss out on sales.

Or they want to make sure their investment is sound, considering it cost money to go dual platform.

Or one of the versions is significant better than the other and they want to hide that fact so they don't loose consumer confidence.

Or it's nothing, who knows, not sure I'm gonna buy this or Vs.

5385d ago
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The 7 Best Final Fantasy Characters: Unveiling the Legends

While FFVII ranks highly, there's more to the series than one game. Here's Chit Hot's picks for the seven best Final Fantasy characters.


The older it gets, the more I respect Final Fantasy XIII

Alex Donaldson: "Hindsight is a hell of a thing, however, and in the years since Final Fantasy XIII, my respect for the decisions its developers made has skyrocketed. In the two Final Fantasy titles since we see both the brilliance and the folly in alternative approaches - and in Final Fantasy VII Remake, we get a more nuanced understanding of what FF13 was trying to accomplish from many of the same development leads."

Einhander1972162d ago

FFXIII is actually one of the best Final Fantasy games.

I also sort of was disappointed at the time, never as much as the bandwagon. But really all the fantastic 3D rendered cutscenes and I actually liked the characters and the story though convoluted was actually fantastic and the ending was extremely emotional. So much budget and time were put into that game Square had such big plans, I actually have always felt kind of bad for how things played out.

I have been thinking for years how great it would be to get all three games on one disk for PS4 or 5.

Nyxus162d ago

I always liked this game, and I agree, a rerelease for current gen would be nice.

Shane Kim161d ago (Edited 161d ago )

Gotta take off the nostalgia glasses. It's the worst FF. Shiva as a bike, I mean come on.

Elda161d ago

Shiva as a bike is strange but saying FFXIII is the worst FF is not at all a fact, that's simply your opinion.

Terry_B160d ago

*One of the 3 equally bad FF's

DivineHand125161d ago (Edited 161d ago )

When I got my series X a year ago, I bought FF13 for nostalgia reasons but ended up being disappointed. When I first played it around the time it launched, I didn't have a lot of experience with final fantasy games, so I enjoyed it. Fast forward to when I played it again, I found that the game had many unnecessary filler moments instead of just giving us meaningful content.

The game is also very linear and a quote on the article said it best. "It is like a sewage pipe that leads to the ocean until it opens up on Grand Pulse."

The story didn't make much sense either and I believe it is my mistake as I played the FF7 remake on PS5 prior which is a night and day difference in terms of pacing, storytelling and likeable characters even though cloud is aloof.

FinalFantasyFanatic160d ago (Edited 160d ago )

Probably was a mistake to play any of the golden era FFs first (e.g. FF6 through FF10), it makes it harder to enjoy some of the FFs that aren't as good. I think FF12 was where major issues with the series started becoming apparent, and it just got worse from there.

FinalFantasyFanatic160d ago (Edited 160d ago )

I didn't really care for it that much, the only saving grace was that it had a better story than 15 (overall it was better than 15) and possibly 12, and even then, you had to read some of it through primers, like reading a book. Plus the battle system was reasonably fun for what it was, even if it was more the spectacle that was exciting for me (e.g. summoning). And to be fair, the 13 trilogy got better with every games, I still don't like Snow though.

Gamingsince1981160d ago

Ff13 is only good if you haven't played a ff before, or any other games that are decent for that matter.

-Foxtrot160d ago

It is in fact no way the best Final Fantasy game, it's one of the worst

Linear corridors, Cutscene, Fight, Cutscene...rinse and repeat

Dialogue and characters are pretty bad, especially Lightning as the main FF hero, they literally said they tried to make a "Female Cloud" and they failed.

Story was pretty awful

I could go on

I think the only alright thing that came from the game was the music.

Elda160d ago

That's not a fact that's your personal opinion. The game sold 11 million copies between its 2009 release up until 2014 including critically reviewed as an 8 out of 10 or an 80 out of 100. The game does have some issues but it's not at all a fact as one of the worst FF games.

-Foxtrot160d ago


Not just mine mate

A large majority


Traecy160d ago

N4G commenters such as yourself aren't the majority. The game was well received.

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gold_drake162d ago (Edited 162d ago )

i liked the game alot but i didnt like how they handled the terminology.

i dont mind reading data logs but it had soo many.

but i always loved the music and how it looked. the battle system wasnt too bad either.

but i like 13-2 more :)

i still dont understand why we never got a remaster of the trilogy

Eonjay160d ago

Xbox kinda did. Besides the video files of course which are still best on PS3 due to bluray.

Snookies12162d ago

XIII is a pretty solid game, but XIII-2 is WAY better. XIII-2 was one of the few games I decided to go for a Platinum trophy in, early on. Had so much fun the entire way through getting it too!

Eonjay160d ago

Totally agree. FF 13 was okay but 13-2 is my favorite FF game ever.

shinoff2183162d ago (Edited 162d ago )

I hated this to when it released. I haven't much liked a ff game since ff10 as much , aside from ff7remake. I decided to give it another shot on my series x since it's not on a current ps and was liking it quite a bit(just takes me some time to get over things ) until star ocean 2 remake came out I was all over that.

Square should definitely remaster it or something for ps4 ps5

KillerB161d ago

my favorite jrpg trilogy ever

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Interview: Making music with Masashi Hamauzu

Square Enix Blog: "How do you compose iconic songs that help define a legacy? We speak to legendary composer Masashi Hamauzu about his work on Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy XIII, and Final Fantasy VII Remake, and how to make unforgettable music."

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