
Lens of Truth: Batman - Arkham Asylum Comparison (720p)

Lens of Truth writes,"The Lens of Truth is very excited to be able to put Batman to the test with a Head2Head in his new game, Batman: Arkham Asylum. We have to say, Batman surely put up a good fight on both systems, but we are happy to say we believe Batman does better on one console. So watch the video and see for yourself."

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jaidek5395d ago

I am glad to see the PS3 version was so good! Now being able to play as Joker is icing on the cake! I was really worried it would have been a consolation prize. :D

Above Awesome5395d ago

Great devs, barely any differences at all. PS3 version would have gotten a buy from me anyways for the Joker. On the Batman suit there seems to be more shadows on the 360 version but the water in the PS3 version looks a lot better.

I would have called this a tie, but whatever.

morganfell5395d ago (Edited 5395d ago )

I put the demo up on the PS3 and the 360 and then picked static moments in the game - such as right after you defeat the two rounds of thugs at the beginning. Then I would rotate the camera so it was as identical as possible in both versions. Then I just flipped back between the two relevant HDMI channels on my TV - a 52 inch XBR. The winner is pretty clear.

@Above Awesome, the fiber detail in Batman's is just one of the areas where the PS3 version took the nod for me.

evildeli5395d ago

I'm buying this game for the added Joker. Ps3 gets my vote for the exclusive.

Above Awesome5395d ago

The difference in graphics are so small that an argument to get one version over the other for graphics is moot. 360 had occlusion shadows, motion blur which are nice. PS3 had a little more detail and nicer shadows on character models.

It's all about the exclusive content, which means automatic win for PS3.

If this was an online game, I would have bought it on the Xbox for Live, but sadly no online Batman action. :(

Darkeyes5395d ago

Bravo devs... Lol the game was made on Unreal Engine.... Just shows that proper time and you get great results on it as well... Besides I would pick the PS3 version even if it had a few pixels missing... Joker exclusive DLC is obviously my first choice...

Lifendz5395d ago

Just out of curiosity, how do you think they could've done an online mode? Online co-op?

Above Awesome5395d ago (Edited 5395d ago )

I'm not 100% sure how the storyline in Batman works out but this is my idea.

Campaign: Batman & Robin. Playthrough the campaign in co-op. 1-2 players.

VIP: Joker and Batman are the VIPs, everyone else are cops or thugs. I'd imagine it like Counterstrike but I guess TF2 style would work as well. Batman and Joker have abilities to use smoke, grappling hook, set traps, etc. They can only melee though. Kill the VIPs.

Jailbreak: Joker's team attempts to bust into the prison, the goal is to reach the Superintendent's office, Players on Joker's team spawn in cells if they die. Long respawn times for police. Once you reach the office you open all cells, Police officers don't spawn after this.

That's pretty much my idea, stupid I know.

evildeli5395d ago

I didn't think Metal Gear online would work and it does pretty well. I'd play your version of batman online!

morganfell5395d ago

The cool thing is the Free Joker DLC is already on PSN. I downloaded it a few days ago.

Above Awesome5395d ago

Thanks for the heads up, downloading now.

Dread5395d ago (Edited 5395d ago )

So all you sony fans agree that the exclusive content gives the edge to one version?

good to know.

but, I wonder, where were you when we were having this argument when Grand Theft Auto 4, and other games that had exclusive 360 content came out?

it seems that then, all the sony fans thought that exclusive content was not that important, and you were going to buy the sony version anyways.

but what ever, double standard are common in N4G

On point: I also agree that if both versions look and run the same, the one with the exclusive content is the best.



this is what IGN had to say about this:

"If you want to start a flame war, the graphics tend to be sharper on the Xbox 360 when compared to the PS3, which packs a 1.2 GB install that lasts for three minutes. Still, it's not enough to matter in terms of how great this game truly is so don't expect a score difference in terms of reviews. Of course, the PS3 also has the exclusive ability to take on challenges as the Joker, but I'm not including that in this review because the Joker stuff isn't on the game disc -- it's free DLC you get from the PlayStation Store."'

I know... they are biased and hate Sony.

darthv725395d ago

I mean it really has no bearing on the actual game itself. I dont understand why they would go to the trouble just to create some bonus challenge modes for the joker. To me it would have been a better sell if there was a parallel story line written specifically for the game. Moments within the gameplay you could switch out from being the caped crusader to being the maniac himself. Setting up traps to nab batman would have been sweet.

By making it just bonus challenge levels leads me to think this will be available as dlc at some point for the 360 anyway. I like exclusive content provided it has something to actually do with the game itself. this is just pointless if you think it is a reason to get one over the other. To be honest, the challenge modes are a waste of time in themselves. Much like the horde mode in gears 2. Nothing to do with the overall story being played out but more of a time waster.

No offense to those who like that sort of thing but I feel UBI wasted time in making it and should have opted for exclusive joker storylines within the game. Like in halo 2 when you play as MC and other times you play as the Arbiter.

ShabzS5395d ago (Edited 5395d ago )

online co op would have been nice... but a robin and batman duo invovled in this arkham story not so much ... however if they seperated the arkham story and added a special co op mode with a little side story and have joker kill robin in the end like from the books... then that would have been sweet


I_am_rushin5395d ago

the difference is that the exclusive content for this game is unlike gta4

morganfell5395d ago

Just one difference alone is the Batman DLC is Joker DLC. It wasn't DLC with one of the worthless guards. GTA IV DLC featured the group of guys that Niko single handedly stomped on. Real tough lot.

Oh, it's free. Did I mention Joke DLC is free? Yeah, it's like PSN - it's free.

HammockGames5395d ago (Edited 5395d ago )

You bring up a good question. But I think the answer may be more complex than Joker vs. GTA4 DLC.

A lot of people judge a game based on the core game alone if they have no intention (or are unable) to get the DLC anyway.

With Grand Theft Auto I think gamers fall into 2 camps.
1) Those that play it religiously and complete everything (DLC included).
2) Those that never even finish the single player game.

My understanding was that the majority of gamers never finish playing the main campaign with the Grand Theft Auto series. So if they're satisfied with the core game, to them the DLC would be pretty much a neutral factor in deciding which platform is superior. Especially so if you have to pay more money for the DLC. So in the eyes of most gamers, the PS3 and 360 versions could pretty much be considered on equal footing (GTA fanatics could obviously feel quite differently).

The Joker is a great throw-in that introduces some unique gameplay elements that anyone with a PSN account can enjoy at no extra cost. But I don't think 360 owners need to stay up late at night rocking back and forth Rain Man style because they didn't get this.

Should be a great game on either platform. Enjoy!

ShadowCK5395d ago

There is hardly any difference!

7ero H3LL5395d ago (Edited 5395d ago )

lol, they forgot to mention the lack of ani aliasing and the mandatory hdd installation that weighs the ps3 version down.


morganfell5395d ago

Too bad. The PS3 version won. Kick and scream all you want.

7ero H3LL5395d ago (Edited 5395d ago )

IGN "the graphics tend to be sharper on the Xbox 360 when compared to the PS3, which packs a 1.2 GB install that lasts for three minutes."


360 pure 30 fps with practically no torn frames.


if you want to make a decent comparison match EVERYTHING must be shown.

edit, and no one saw the deference in cap, ground textures, and shadows both have on pic number 3.


Socrates5395d ago

The 360 version has anti-aliasing, the PS3 version doesn't. The 360 version also has less screen tearing than the PS3 version. Texture clarity and overall sharpness are also better on the 360 version.

As you pointed out, IGN and Digital Foundry found the same things that I am mentioning.

rubarb235395d ago

but the 360 images look sharper to me. Anyways, as much as it pains me to say this, at the end of the day, the ps3 version is the one to get. joker dlc - sh!t man, even i can't pass that up.

Sarcasm5395d ago

You know, Exclusive DLC really makes a difference when it's FREE.

Honestly, if the GTAIV DLC was Free, I don't think the PS3 version would have sold anywhere close to the 360 version.

But people knowing you still had to cough up another $20 probably held them back.

I hope devs start the habit of releasing exclusive DLC for free instead, like they did with Batman.

As for the topic of discussion, I see very minimal differences. The look equal to me. It's not like either version looks like a PS2 game. The developer should be commended though for making them both look and play great.

morganfell5395d ago

While you are quoting IGN on graphics, you can quote them where they give GTA4 on the PS3 the nod for better graphics.


it's not like this is going to be the last batman comparison match we'll see.

eurogamer's going to make one as well, (in which case they'll be bring up every bit of little detail out in both versions)

is it me or does joker looks lame during actual gamplay.


why did they make him fight like that?

hades075395d ago

Yes, the Joker dlc is free, but some Joker challenge levels is a little bit less substance then the dlc add-on that the Lost and The Damned was and I think took a few less programmers, developers, voice actors, radio djs, musicians, etc. that all need to get paid for making such a large piece of dlc.

DaTruth5395d ago

I'm sorry, but weren't those highly compressed demo comparisons? This is finished product comparisons! The 360 would be better at handling highly compressed code as it has no choice! The Ps3 is designed specifically to need no compression. You might have noticed the ugly macroblocks in the cutscenes in the demo; That is do to high compression!

Finished product and demo, two different things!

Lightsaber5395d ago

I'll be gettin my copy on the ps3 to play as joker. Bet 360 owners get it later as dlc but have to pay for it.

Well it was over nicely write and I think they were unbias. I fond a couple of things odd in this article. They took piont of for the 360 having a slightly more zoomed in cam ? I think that more of an opinion. Some people like there camera like that others dont must games let you change the cam (why doesnt batman)?

Other thing I fond odd is that while taking point of the 360 for the cam. They took nothing off the ps3 for having an install (god I hate those). To me the install be more annoying then the cam issues.

Both the ps3 and 360 looked almost the same even sitting here staring at screenshot you can barely tell a difference. So dont think anyone would notice while they are playing the crap out of the game.

Greywulf5395d ago (Edited 5395d ago )

and less chance of overheating while playing. I mean if you want eyecandy, theres always games that all ultimately look better than the unreal engine on the ps3 too that the 360 simply can't even run. If you want to go that route and pretend pixels = hardware power.

Oh and the PS3 version has the joker & HOME DLC too?


jack_burt0n5395d ago

wow why do u think a 3 minute install is a bad thing!? the ps3 has a hdd devs make use of it, and the xbox only owners wow you guys dont take losing well at all lol the ps3 version is the best.

BasilMarceaux5395d ago

Going back to this GTA4 nonsense.... I got the PS3 version.
However, if I had gone into the purchase knowing that the 360 version would have cool free DLC added on and the PS3 wouldnt, I probably wouldve opted for the 360.
But paying $10 or $20 for more of the same only with motorcycles just didnt interest me enough to pay for it.
And few people really play GTA for the main game. People like to just screw around on all of the islands, which you can do after beating just a fraction of the main game.

And honestly, if you see a difference in the graphics, then buy that version and STFU. There really isnt a difference, its just you subconsciously noticing faults with one and ignoring others. Its not wrong to have a preference in a system. We all prefer one system to the other deep down, and its normal to convince yourself that one is superior to the other to make yourself feel better about your purchasing decision. I imagine its hard to swallow that you paid upwards of $300 for and "inferior" system so people have to constantly try to vindicate their choice.

moparful995395d ago

Here we go again... A review in which the armchair critics come out in force.. Of all the comparisons that I have seen the lens of truth compare was more in the scope of reality.. They pointed out the shortcomings of both games. For instance the odd architecting on the glass for the ps3 ver. They also pointed out in the water scene how the 360 ver, was blured all the way across at the bottom of the screen.. Everyon loves to point out the AA, and shadowing diff. We all know that AA practically doesnt exist in most ps3 multiplats, but rarely is it as bad as people make it seem. Now the shadowing is a thing of opinion for me.. If you look at the shadowing in all of the pics you'll notice a softer look in the ps3 ver as apposed to the juxtapposed sharp look of the shadows in the 360 ver.. This is just attributed to the processing differences between the two consoles.. Its all funny to me because they are present in still photos and you can take time to pick them apart but moving in game these little quirks are near impossible to spot, hardly affecting gameplay at all... So they should not impact a buying decision.... Squabble all you want but the truth is this game is a must buy regardless of your preffered platform.....

morganfell5395d ago

That's right jack, a 3 minute install is evil. You can swap disks until you are blue in the face but installs are the devil's work.

Maddens Raiders5394d ago (Edited 5394d ago )

"darthv72 - 11 hours ago
1.12 - what's the point of the exclusive joker?
I mean it really has no bearing on the actual game itself. I dont understand why they would go to the trouble just to create some bonus challenge modes for the joker. To me it would have been a better sell if there was a parallel story line written specifically for the game. Moments within the gameplay you could switch out from being the caped crusader to being the maniac himself. Setting up traps to nab batman would have been sweet.

By making it just bonus challenge levels leads me to think this will be available as dlc at some point for the 360 anyway. I like exclusive content provided it has something to actually do with the game itself. this is just pointless if you think it is a reason to get one over the other. To be honest, the challenge modes are a waste of time in themselves. Much like the horde mode in gears 2. Nothing to do with the overall story being played out but more of a time waster.

No offense to those who like that sort of thing but I feel UBI wasted time in making it and should have opted for exclusive joker storylines within the game. Like in halo 2 when you play as MC and other times you play as the Arbiter.
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I sense a disturbance in the force.

Greywulf5394d ago

Its just nice to have 500gb for 90 bucks you know, so much spa.. oh wait.

Syronicus5394d ago

Yeah? Tell that to your Xbox fanboy buddies the next time they feel they have the upper hand in a games graphical quality. This has been the case for over a year now. Games might have slight differences but it is a tit for tat thing. Xbox gains in some areas and the PS3 gains in others making the games even in nearly every case. So the next time an Xbox fanboy says anything, I'll expect to see your post on their heels...

Redempteur5394d ago

Nice comparaison .
finaly a game on that damn engine that does things right.

BUt why thehell are the camera 's different ?

Boody-Bandit5394d ago (Edited 5394d ago )

as it is with Batman, the results should be the same. So identical that it takes a magnifying glass to notice any differences because I sure as hell didn't. I played Batman AA side by side for over an hour and it would come down to a flip of a coin. The same holds true for DiRT.

I am going with the PS3 version of Batman AA because of the joker. I really dig the job Mark Hamil does as portraying the Joker. No one will ever top Heather in Dark Knight but MH does it old school and it's more fitting for this particular Batman version.

Trevorthenerd5394d ago

360 and ps3 games look the same T_T nobody can notice the minor differences while playing the dam game.

Arthur_5394d ago

in motion, there really isnt a difference between the two.
in the stills, yes you can see some small differences, but i dont know how many people would sit still and look at a game.

i would choose the ps3 version for the joker.

5394d ago
a_squirrel5394d ago


Here's the difference, Microsoft payed like 50 million just so that Ps3 owners couldn't have it

That's the problem, while I think the ps3 batman was released later so they got extra content for the extra wait

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jack_burt0n5395d ago

uh oh incoming s**t storm. <gets an umbrella>

RudeSole Devil5395d ago

I thought for sure the PS3 was going to lose this Head2Head. But whats up with the PS3 glass effect, looks like crap..

evildeli5395d ago

I'll take weird glass over Xbox's shadow issues.

PlayStation X5395d ago (Edited 5395d ago )

yh you only got 1 bubble now muthafcka

talltony5395d ago

I remember mart saying something like 2 weeks ago about this game performing better on 360 because of that biased comparison from eurogamer. Just goes to show you they really are biased towards the ps3.

saint_john_paul_ii5395d ago

"yh you only got 1 bubble now muthafcka"

LMAO, Best Response Ever. its like a Samuel Jackson type of response.

DonCorneo5395d ago

LMAO!!!! superior graphics + joker exlusive = version to get

Sir Ken_Kutaragi5395d ago

'Why So Serious...ChatBots' ;-D

Samuel Jackson5395d ago

Yo Pope, ya called? Not only do I approve of PlayStation X's comment but I have to add that I'm tired of these Mutha F^%$#@ Bots on this Mutha F^%$#@ site! You can't get rid of 'em, they're like New York C0ckaroaches when the lights come on!

AngryTypingGuy5395d ago (Edited 5395d ago )

Because of the Joker level, I won't argue that the PS3 has the nod here. However, giving the nod to the PS3 for graphics because the camera is zoomed out a little more is crap. In the majority of those screenshots we saw, any objective person would say that the 360 version has more detail. There were a couple pics that favored the PS3 version, such as the shot of the guard with better shadows and the water shot at the bottom, but the 360 clearly won in the rest of them.

http://ps3.ign.com/articles... -- The IGN review says "If you want to start a flame war, the graphics tend to be sharper on the Xbox 360 when compared to the PS3, which packs a 1.2 GB install that lasts for three minutes. Still, it's not enough to matter in terms of how great this game truly is so don't expect a score difference in terms of reviews." And they're right. If I had both I'd get the PS3 version for the Joker level...just don't expect as much detail in the graphics.

Mo0eY5395d ago (Edited 5394d ago )

Denial bot is here. He's so mad, he's trying to look for something that's not there.

The Joker wishes you well.

@Denial Bot
Why would I admit anything on the 360 looks good when I've seen and played games such as Uncharted and Killzone 2? You sound passive aggressive as well. Poor bot. Just accept that we have the superior version, and everything will start to make sense.

AngryTypingGuy5395d ago

Well see Mooey, you say I'm in denial, but I'm not so sure. When other websites back me up, as well as user comments on the lensoftruth website itself under the shots, it's hard to claim denial. I think you're the one denying that for most games, the PS3 isn't as crisp nor does it show more detail.

Now Mooey, if I were in denial, I wouldn't be saying to get the PS3 version. My point is simply that the 360 has more detail in most areas of the game. I'm calling a spade a spade here: I said the PS3 had two shots that looked better, but the 360 looked better in most.

Admitting anything was better on the 360 is something that YOU would never have the character to do, I'm guessing most likely because you are a little kid.

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lloyd_wonder5395d ago (Edited 5395d ago )

I'm buying this tomorrow. Such a pleasant surprise to see an actual great Batman game. The Joker challenge rooms ain't bad either.

morganfell5395d ago

Picking my copy up tomorrow as well. I pre-ordered but I am not going to bother going to the midnight launch.

RudeSole Devil5395d ago

Buying it on the PS3 now. I cant believe the PS3 won this Head2Head. One thing is sure PS3 really needed a victory like Batman because it was getting embarrassed this generation with cross-platform ports..

locos855395d ago

They are having a midnight launch for this?

40cal5395d ago

Along with some other games that are street dated for the 25th, like Dissidia.

I don't know if I'll make the midnight event but I do know that I've got 2 awesome games less than 5 hours away.

Damn, play games all night get no sleep go to work, or sleep go to work then pick up games and play some. For me that's a hard one.

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MichaelKnight83691d ago (Edited 691d ago )

I'm sure R* knows the Nintendo Switch install base and probably dont really care to port over more R* games to the Nintendo Switch tho i gotta say playing GTA4 & RDR1 on the go on the Nintendo Switch would be dope

Knightofelemia691d ago

I would buy Lollipop Chainsaw, Alice Madness Returns, Enslaved, Splatter House, Brutal Legends, Dante's Inferno, and Dead Space for sure if they were ported to the Switch.

Mobis-New-Nest691d ago

Deus Ex Human Revolution would be a great title to The Holy Grail of All Consoles aka The Nintendo Switch*. Also Haze Remastered, Grand Theft Auto 4 and 5 Remastered, Silent Hill HD Collection, Max Payne 3 Remastered, Call of Duty World At War Remastered, The Orange Box Remastered, Halo Master Chief Collection, Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 Remastered, Metal Gear Solid 4 Remastered, Afro Samurai Remastered, Demons Souls Remastered, Xmen Destiny Remastered, Jack and Daxter Collection, Def Jam Icon Remake, Folklore Remastered, Spiderman Edge of Time Remastered, Persona 5 remastered, the list goes on. (*Best Selling Console of All Time)

MontyeKristo691d ago (Edited 691d ago )

Can we just get a Bully 2? 😒

iplay1up2691d ago

Seriously? Isn't it time Nintendo make a Switch successor? I mean they have the sales and money.

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NecrumOddBoy740d ago

COMIX ZONE came to mind before even reading this.

Yui_Suzumiya739d ago

Doki Doki Literature Club 🥰


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Garethvk912d ago

I wonder how many already have them.

gamefreaks365912d ago

Yeah, that's a good point. Still, if anyone missed out on them, this is a great deal.

Jeriphro912d ago

Wow. That is so cheap, but I know I personally already have all the games in the list. haha. I guess I should have waited.