
Full List of Microsoft's Announcements at Gamescom '09

Koku Gamer writes: 'We brought you the full list of Sony's announcements yesterday, and now here's the Microsoft version. Enjoy!'

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A HiFi5401d ago

I want to defend them but...underwhelming. I said it yesterday - showed most of their cards at E3. While Fable III does look wonderful, it was all Lionhead.

WengYong5401d ago

Unfortunate. Fable 3 will appeal to fans of the series, and I think that is news. No price cut announced? That sucks. We know its coming though

A HiFi5401d ago

No price cut was a big bummer. I mean, just that would have been okay. But...not even that. =/

PirateThom5401d ago

I'm not sure what you were expecting, Microsoft already said they weren't having a big conference. The was basically Lionhead showing off their new game.

I'm thrilled at the prospect of Fable III.

A HiFi5401d ago

A price cut or something. Some sort of Microsoft presence other than Lionhead. I don't think that's too much to expect considering Sony's presentation, regardless of how small they say it was going to be.

PirateThom5401d ago

Microsoft just see Gamecom in a different light from Sony. Microsoft were never a big presence at Leipzeig either.

TGS is only a month away.

A HiFi5401d ago

I guess that's true, as they didn't have one last year at Leipzig. But this is Cologne, and they surely would have had wind of Sony's announcements...

Zedux5401d ago

MS please don't fight just keep quiet and go back home! Get your acts together and wait till the next event to try showing a better ground game and form! Sony just won the UFC heavy weight title but you'll have your turn again (or maybe you will)!

phosphor1125401d ago

Thinks he knows everything about RPGs. That's why none of his games are good. He over promises and under delivers. EVERY TIME.

Guido5401d ago

The last conference I saw that was that pathetic was E3 '08 when Nintendo sot us all in the face with their crazy antics on stage. This one, might just be a bit more pathetic.

II Necroplasm II5401d ago (Edited 5401d ago )

Hey Guido, take some more heroin and calm down.

callahan095401d ago (Edited 5401d ago )

Fable 2 episodic is cool, but I already have Fable 2 so I won't be participating. But I like ideas like that. Fable 3 is a great announcement, because I'm always in favor of more Fable. But it wasn't even really a Microsoft press conference. It was more like a Lionhead press conference. I mean, you'd have thought Microsoft would have said something about the Elite replacing the Pro, and show off more Natal, o something. Oh well. I wonder if they'll make more of an appearance at TGS, because we already know that Sony is going to bring the heat to TGS.

AAACE55401d ago

They probably won't do a price drop until they see what kind of impact the Ps3 slim has. If they notice their sales have dropped significantly... they will drop it soon! If not, you can almost guarantee that there will be a price drop for the holiday season.

Rock Bottom5401d ago

That was pathetic, not showing up would probably have been better.

Beast_Master5401d ago

I have yet to meet someone that is waiting for a 360 price cut before they buy one. Most people I know seem to be ok with the 360 price point. Sony needed a price cut badly. even if PS3 doubles 360 sales it will take at least 10 months for Sony to catch up.

I understand everyone would pefer a lower price but I have yet to hear a community out cry for one is all.

randomwiz5401d ago

Fable 3 was a pretty big announcement.

I think they knew Sony was going to make their conference look bad anyway with all they would announce, so they're saving their stuff for TGS. There's a lot of stuff that could've been shown from Microsoft's side.

Guido5401d ago

Heroin and calm down are not good together. Maybe a blunt to keep my edge yet calm my nerves. That's what keeps it poppin'!

beardpapa5401d ago

Maybe that's why they had their conference at a time when the majority of the US viewers would be sleeping.

FamilyGuy5401d ago (Edited 5401d ago )

M$ really did blow their load at E3, premature, just like the launch of their console.

I knew they had a "shorter" conference but DAMN! I expected SOMETHING more. Is this a joke, were they joking on this site and there was more they just didn't mention? M$ could've at least reiterated some things from E3.

Is anyone excited about this fable news, I hear it's a good series and whatnot and the first of these upcoming DLCs is free. I was really interested when the first game was being described (before it's release) during the original xbox days. Growing up and choosing paths that later effect your characters life and how people see you. It was an awesome concept but I never followed up on that as that's around the time i stopped gaming.

I wonder how big these packs will be content wise.

M$ really REALLY wants to get their feet planted in Japan so I expect TGS to be huge for them. Not as big as E3 obviously but still big. I guess sony just care more about each event (saving announcements for each) then having a preference of where to devote all their energy/budget

NickIni5400d ago

Fable 3 is nice, but overall kind of disappointing :(

Now where's that person who was mouthing off about how Microsoft's conference would be shocking and reveal tones of new stuff?

Marquis_de_Sade5400d ago

To be fair to MS, they're in a good position at the moment, their year on year sales are up, Sony on the other hand have ground to make up, so you would expect more announcements and a bigger showing.

Tony P5400d ago

To be fair, even though MS is in a good position, it can always be better especially when your competition is constantly trying so hard to outdo you.

Colour me a bit miffed that this was really all they had to offer their fans. Leipzig may not be E3 or TGS, but Sony sure put a good deal of importance on it and rest assured they will put even more emphasis on TGS since it's in their home territory. I can't play defender to this, it's just sad.

glennc5400d ago

i'm not sure why they have to have a big presence at every event. is it because fanboys will carry on like the babies they are if they don't. N4G is just a pile of fanboy sh!t these days. it's a shame

if it was sony you would be saying the exact same thing i just did. i am not defending anything here, just asking WTF is wrong with people these days? idiots.

+ Show (23) more repliesLast reply 5400d ago
MGOelite5401d ago

somebody please spin this into a positive conference please lol good luck

Kill Crow5401d ago

some droids to spin this one like they spun Sony's E3 when they got completetly trumped by M$ ....

ShadowCK5401d ago (Edited 5401d ago )

Yes, because Sony's Announcements were so much better. *Rolls Eyes*

A worse version of the Playstation 3 which is cheaper, informed people of their stats which no one cares about, playstation home announcements which again no one cares about considering Home is Sims without the fun factor and iplayer which you can easily use on your PC instead.


I'd rather have an exclusive which am I looking forward to thanks.

dustgavin5401d ago (Edited 5401d ago )

I know you are angry that Microsoft had a weak show but try not to take it out on Sony. It is not their fault you own a generic 360 console.

Etseix5401d ago

X what?

...mm.... strange, i dont remember something being called X aside X-men
:/ must be my imagination.

talltony5401d ago

Yes that is absolutley weak compared to sony's conference. Your a fanboy if you cant admit that to ur self.

-MD-5401d ago

New exclusive > Console remodel

Great conference for me as I just finished Fable 2 days ago and I want more.

MorganX5401d ago

Shadow Complex + Netflix + Magic The Gathering > ALL except women

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5401d ago
Microsoft Xbox 3605401d ago

Is this a joke? Underwhelming at best.

sugard05401d ago

Wow! Is that it? I log on this morning all syched up to get updated on the latest confrence which happens to be MICROSOFT, to be so underwhelmed by what I am reading.
I guess it truly is time to buy a PS3.

MorganX5401d ago (Edited 5401d ago )

The only announcement I needed was that Shadow Complex was available today. Went online from work to xbox.com, bought it. Will be there ready to play when I get home.

Edit: And Netflix rocks! Only thing I can't figure out ... who are these people spending money on Avatars? OK, I bought a pair of dumbells to see what it felt like. Who needs an announcement when Avatar gear is selling.

TheTruth895401d ago

hahaha they even wrote ENJOY.


Chubear5401d ago

lol, that's what I thought too XD

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Fable II - A Fantasy Series at Peak Performance

Fable II launched back in 2008 and remains the best the series has offered. Ahead of the series comeback, it's time to look at the classic.

Crows90345d ago

They gotta bring back those gargoyles!

Dudeson345d ago

I'd love to play it again, this time on pc though. Forever waiting on that pc port.

GaboonViper345d ago

Loved this game, oh and i always saved my dog at the end, hope the new Fable has a animal companion.

got_dam345d ago

Fable 2 was the best inthe series. Peter waaaaaaay over promised with fable 1 and it was good but disappointing. He didn't go crazy eith hype for the second game and it was surprisingly awesome. Then he ran his mouth promoting 3 and it was the worst of the 3.

cthulhucultist345d ago

Funny story: Fable 3 had a funny way of keeping the promises you made in the first half of the game and having enough money to defeat the darkness.

You only had to collect enough money to buy 2 stores in a busy market district. You then raise the prices to maximum and you turn xbox 360 internal clock 99 or more years ahead.

The next time you load the game, all the rents from the 99 years are collected immediately.

But yes I agree that 3 was the weakest of the three.

Demetrius344d ago

I only got to play it once 😩 I'm so tempted to buy a Xbox 360 slim but planning on getting the series x soon since I got a PS5 in February Im ready to get saints row 1&2 back, GTA 4, fable 2, but I also want to play infamous 1&2 again Sony screwed us over with the stream only for saints row 2 and other gems smh


Fable: The Greatest Game Concept That Never Was

The Fable series is one of our favorite gaming franchises. Heres what we want from the rumoured sequel

ColdSin1422d ago (Edited 1422d ago )

Microsoft announced Fable Legends at Gamescom 2013, not E3 2013. I'd like for the new Fable to have the same artstyle as Fable Legends.

Zoned1422d ago

Thanks for that. I agree, definitely like the art style, but that's it. Nobody wanted Fable Legends!

moongrim1422d ago

How about Fable II Remastered for the pc please?!

RaveTears1422d ago

I would honestly buy the Xbox series S just for Fable 2 remastered or a remake.

moongrim1422d ago

I've never played it so I'm like dying over here.

Zoned1422d ago

Fable II was probably the best of the series. It had its flaws but overall was definitely a step in the right direction. Fable III was a huge misstep in comparison

RaidenBlack1422d ago

I was disgusted with Fable III

RaidenBlack1422d ago (Edited 1422d ago )

Yeah ... its an odd situation ain't it?
MS released Fable 1, Fable 3 and Fable 1 Remastred for PC.
Skipping the best one in the franchise.
Same goes for Gears: GoW, GoW Remastered, Gears 4 and Gears 5 are on PC.
And Halo: The entire Halo MCC and Halo Infinite will be on PC. But no Halo 5.

Zoned1421d ago

Definitely agree but you lost me with Halo 5. That was my least favourite Halo game (out of the Halo numbered titles)

RaidenBlack1421d ago

Yea, same here. Only liked the visuals of Halo 5 (that too on an One X, it doesn't look that good on the One S)

But what I meant was, MS is releasing every Halo game on PC from 1 to Infinite, except 5. Which is a bit odd.
Coz the free Halo 5-Forge was quite popular in PC community during its release.

porkChop1421d ago

I never got to play it because I sold my 360. It should have been remastered.

The only thing I can think of is if after the release of Fable Anniversary they decided to take the series in a different direction. They might not want the new game to be associated with the older ones.

sushimama1422d ago

Well lets hope Microsoft are going to announce a new Fable. The MS fans deserve a great Fable game. If it is announced and the gameplay looks cool, this might convince me to get, at least a Series S. It would be my very first Xbox console.

Zoned1422d ago

I would definitely buy an Xbox Series X if a 'proper' Fable sequel were to be revealed!

RgR1421d ago

You mean Fable fans.
Don't have to be an MS fan to want Fable but you definitely need to be a Fable fan to want a new Fable game.

RgR1421d ago

Kicking chickens! That was fun....hope modern society doesn't ruin it for a next installment.

chiefJohn1171422d ago (Edited 1422d ago )

Hell no Fable legends is NOT what we wanted.
Fable 2 is what we want outta Fable. Remake Fable 2 please.

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5 Sequels We Would Love To See On Project Scarlett

Sam Smith writes: "While we hope to see lots of fresh and exciting new IPs on Project Scarlett, here are 5 sequels to established Xbox franchises we’d very much like to see."

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gangsta_red1691d ago

This has to be one of the lamest lists I have seen for wishing for sequels.

Perfect Dark should be on the top of this list and it's amazing that MS hasn't even attempted to try and bring this amazing franchise back.

Charlie Murder, MS should pay and get Ska Studios to make a sequel to this excellent beat 'em up game. IMO, they should have been the ones to make Battletoads

Lost Odyssey, another no brainer and should be right up there with the whole Gears/Halo/Forza chant. And while we are talking about JRPGS...

Magna Carta, I loved the art style for this game. MS should definitely try and get a sequel to this for their new syste,

Bomberman Live, really one of the best in the series and I loved how it was simple and just focused on MP. Being able to customize your Bomberman was fun and I would love to see this make a return to Live.

Platformgamer1691d ago (Edited 1691d ago )

sunset overdrive 2... oh wait

EDIT: a trolling once in a while is ok, unlike most of the N4G users tho.

xX-oldboy-Xx1691d ago

Please continue to levitate above us.

1691d ago
Relientk771690d ago

Terrible and unappealing list