
Uncharted vs Uncharted 2 Comparison

User bouc_emissaire at the Neogaf-forums has made an interesting collage comparing Uncharted and Uncharted 2. It shows how the game, as well as the tech behind it, has evolved.

Natsu X FairyTail5405d ago (Edited 5405d ago )

Drake's fortune looked great! Among thieves looks even better These images look like CGI.

This game will rock so much.

Very hyped over this.

riddlesticks5405d ago

I didn't actually realise that there was that much of a difference between the two until I saw these photos side by side. I think it is fair to say, Uncharted 2 will be awesome.

LiquifiedArt5405d ago

...PS3 will continue to grow, while xbox and wii are already tapped out.

Natsu X FairyTail5405d ago (Edited 5405d ago )


The Xbox isnt tapped out yet.

You've seen Lost Planet 2 and SplinterCell conviction? They look good.

And you're not on TOPIC here.

this is about Uncharted 2.. Looking Better than the 1st One.

which is good.

DarkMantrid5405d ago

Thats a HUGE leap! Comparing Nathans face almost makes drakes fortune seem average. -argh- Must...Resist...Hype!

hakis865405d ago

Natsu X FairyTail:
Look at the Lost Planet 2 videos CLOSELY and tell me if the water moves when they run through it - comment back here

No, my dear friend. Uncharted - and now Uncharted 2 is UNMATCHED on console.

raztad5405d ago (Edited 5405d ago )

WTF? why people is hitting Natsu first post with disagrees. Guy is telling the truth.

On topic:

The difference between UC1 and UC2 is almost unbelievable. The graphic leap is just mindblowing.

Megaton5405d ago

Unrivaled 2: Among Thieves.

Grandreaper99995405d ago

I don't know how you earned those disagrees, Natsu. You only said what seems to be true. I guess the people disagreeing haven't checked out the comparison at all. The people on here sometimes, sheesh.

Information Minister5405d ago (Edited 5405d ago )

@ Raztad

People are probably hitting Natsu with disagrees because his previous comments have been quite trollish against the PS3 and this new-found-love towards one of Sony's biggest titles smell a little like hypocrisy. One can't shake the feeling that he's just another MS fanboy hunting for bubbles on the PS3 channel (he's lost a few of them in a couple of days).

Christopher5405d ago

Naughty Dog is quickly being propelled up there as a development company with talent, respect, and a desire to bring us great looking and fun games. Thank you to them for this.

The best thing we can do as gamers to show our support for their hard work is to buy the game. Our comments here are nice, but in the end they won't be able to deliver more quality games like this if we don't show them with our wallets that the extra miles they've gone in just two years has not gone unnoticed. Before you think about buying Generic Game Sequel #6 this winter, really think about who has put the most work into making their game not only visually pleasing but a fun game to play with characters to which you really feel attached.

Tony999Montana5405d ago

Natsu. You're a correct about Microsoft not being tapped out, but as far as I know LP2 is coming to PS3.

Oh and I thought I'd take this chance to say that pretty much everything you've said on the Valve/gabe article is just incorrect. Don't comment on it if you don't even realise that EA made TF2 on PS3 not Valve

GMR_PR5405d ago

WOW. Big jump specially the character models.

shadow27975405d ago

Gadzooks. The leather straps alone look like a generational leap. I was afraid that this comparison might only be cutscenes, thank goodness it's not. Wow, awesome stuff.

I really like Drake's new, darker shirt and stubble beard. It lends more to his character.

vShinobi5405d ago (Edited 5405d ago )

I thought you were a 360 only gamer?

whothedog5405d ago (Edited 5405d ago )

Ah just look at it

SaberEdge5405d ago

There was even a noticeable leap between the early build and the final build of Drake's Fortune. Those Naughty Dogs are so talented. Uncharted DF is my favorite game on PS3 and I'm getting Among Theives on day 1.

DaTruth5405d ago (Edited 5405d ago )

I didn't know LP2 was released yet. Oh ya, that's right, it's not! I guess we will just assume that the 1 video of the clearly PC version, or CGI mock-up of gameplay designed to increase the hype, is the 360 version untapped.

Look how many trailers and vids of Uncharted 2 we have seen. Yet we still have only seen one video of gameplay for LP2. For all we know, they pulled a Killzone 2 CGI video on us; Except with no intention of matching or exceeding it like Killzone 2 did.

Do they even have a release window for that game?

Yes, LP2 has incredible grass; But aside from that, it simply has an extremely shiny blob creature and very blurry mountains in the background.

Sorry, but I'm tired of this one video, being thrown around like it's the be all and end all of console gaming. Especially when it has not been seen running on a console yet!

DaTruth5405d ago

Now compare Gears1 and Gears 2!

Yes, I know that was fanboyish, but I simply could not resist!

jetlian5405d ago

the same! some better on 1 some on 2. look at the ones where they have shotguns on 1 and 2 has the rifle. 1 has greater draw distance than 2. actually thats in all the pics. but 2 has sharper textures. and the 1st few ones with natan in the red and white tee seem to be from an old build. his hair and face look different

beardpapa5404d ago

AFAIK comparing LP2 to UC2, LP2 doesn't really have much going on in a scene. There're a couple explosions here, like 3-4 AI guys going about, and a couple mobs doing the usual mob-attack-player AI routine. All of this with super-blurry-background-becaus e-it's-the-cool-thing-to-do graphics. That scene w/ the big shiny monster boss, heavy windy rain, and lots of grass is spectacular though, however it seems like it's done to cover up on the other details. You see much more details and things going on in UC2. I'm not bashing on a specific console since LP2 is supposedly multiplatform, but I'm just saying LP2 isn't really graphically superior. In fact, LP2 is really just RE5 v1.5 MechaEdition.

KRUSSIDULL5404d ago (Edited 5404d ago )

Uncharted 1 didnt look that bad! Anyway Uncharted 2 will look good maybe the best looking game on consoles to date.

Edit: I have a feeling that Uncharted 1 pics were pre-luanch ones also they look awfull to make it look like bigger leap betwen the games.

randomwiz5404d ago

Thats what I feel too.

Uncharted 1 wasn't that bad looking, but in these pics, it looks terrible, maybe it looks bad because its next to uncharted 2 pics

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 5404d ago
Raf1k15405d ago (Edited 5405d ago )

Didn't realise it even needed a comparison.

edit: Still, it's good to see these images side by side.

Natsu X FairyTail5405d ago

Uncharted 1st Video is Funny compared to the Real deal.

DaTruth5405d ago

How do people drop out of nowhere 11 days ago and have contributor status.

Nitrowolf25405d ago (Edited 5405d ago )

Holy F#ck look at that such a improvemnet omg
just that 1st picture shows what all different.
dam compare them and the first one has a more clay like look but the second dam so much more details
i wonder if uncharted 3 will make 2 look like one

Fishy Fingers5405d ago

Big difference. Not many sequels can offer up such improvements. Especially to what was already a great looking game.

mistajeff5405d ago

Seriously, I wish more sequels offered this much of a technical improvement over their originals.

Noob5405d ago (Edited 5405d ago )

The improvement is huge and a lot of sequels don't receive this type of improvement like you mentioned.

Reminds me of the Killzone 2 comparison.


Darkeyes5405d ago

Can't wait to see what Killzone 3 will look like.... Boy UC2 is a major upgrade from UC1. Those are some really impressive engine Sony first party has.... 3 engines... Killzone 2 engine, Naughty Dog engine and God Of War 3 engine....

mal_tez925405d ago

I think all ps3 games should run on those engines, or the GT5 engine.

Imagine Resistance 3 on the Killzone engine :)
I came thinking of that

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5405d ago
UnblessedSoul5405d ago

I always thought Uncharted 1 was amazing, but wow UC2 is a major upgrade

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Celebrating Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune 15-Year Anniversary

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Nyxus561d ago

I hope they make another Uncharted game some day.

MIDGETonSTILTS17561d ago

I hope they don’t make another until the end of the ps5 lifecycle…. Show us a better jungle

Minute Man 721561d ago

It's 15 years already....time flys


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0hMyGandhi710d ago

I absolutely loved this article! well done.

MadLad709d ago

Nathan Drake is a monster.


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Kyizen1041d ago

UC 2, 4, 3 and 1. Great read and article

ABizzel11040d ago

No Golden Abyss -_-, otherwise I agree with the order.

UC2: Best overall
UC4: Best graphics, best gameplay, best locations, best environements
UC3: Best set pieces IMO (the boat and desert fights will always be amazing)
UC1: A rough Draft of what was to come
UCGA: Basically UC1 on Vita

Levii_921041d ago (Edited 1041d ago )

Great list and great article nicely writen and explained. Although for me personaly i would put Drakes Fortune above Drake’s Deception and Uncharted 4 is absolutely my favourite of the franchise and number 1 for me.

Inverno1041d ago

U2 is the only game playable on crushing without causing a great amount of frustration. Not to mention just how much influence it had that they redid some of U2s set pieces like the caravan twice, and armored truck chase in U4.

DFresh1041d ago (Edited 1041d ago )

I'd rate it as the following.

1.) Uncharted 2
(Close to perfection of any game I've played in years. Single Player/Multiplayer/Co Op all amazing.)

2.) Uncharted 3
(On par with UC2 multiplayer/co op wise minus the kickbacks [aka killstreaks]. I really liked the Lawrence of Arabia story.)

3.) Uncharted 4
(Single player is amazing. Multiplayer was meh. Co Op had potential. Absolutely hated the health revive system it slowed down the game way too much. Always preferred the fast pace action of UC2/UC3. Made it way more fun that way. Recoil was too ridiculous that most people in lobbies would only do hip firing, using power weapons and using that OP grappling hook to melee people after dropping them. Nobody wanted to revive anyone.)

4.) Uncharted
(It's the first in the series so it's hard to judge. Though I loved the story.)

NecrumOddBoy1040d ago

I agree here but it’s also a series you can play from front to back and truly enjoy. Story-wise, they are all great and flow so well. I wish they threw both Golden Abyss and Lost Legacy on this list. Lost Legacy is the best mechanically in my opinion. You can see it’s stepping stone framework for TLOUS2.

Michiel19891040d ago

uncharted 2 is one of the few games that actually surpassed its pre-release hype.

medman1040d ago (Edited 1040d ago )

I am a single player gamer...I barely ever touch a multiplayer component. The only exceptions over the years have been the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer, TLOU factions, and the Uncharted 2 multiplayer. The Uncharted 2 multiplayer saw me spend more time playing it than all my other multiplayer experiences over the years combined. That game really was a masterpiece all around.

brando0081040d ago

I agree completely, those are all stellar MP experiences, coming from another SP gamer who only occasionally gives MP some time.

Gardenia1041d ago

Come to think of it, the step between Uncharted 1 and Uncharted 2 is huge. It goes from the weakest in the series to one of the best games ever made.
I think I'm going to play all of them again soon.

Ninver1040d ago

Yeah all of a sudden I've got that Uncharted itch.

Michiel19891040d ago

is multiplayer still up for the remastered trilogy? or did it never have UC2 mp?

Ninver1040d ago


Not sure

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