
Hackers threaten 1 vs 100 as problems emerge

Console Monster writes: "Hackers have dampened the spirits of gamers playing the new Microsoft game, 1 vs 100 on Xbox Live. Details of the problems emerged after a series of players with 'Defensive' at the beginning of there name began to infiltrate the system including being 'The One' four times over."

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Wriggy5410d ago

I always thought there was something suspicious going on when low GamerScore players were being The One, now I know why...

Blaze9295410d ago

EXACTLY! I messaged one of them to see if I would get a reply. Out of the 10 I messaged who were the one (all with low gamerscores) and who won some MS points, only one replied saying he got the email for his points and it is legit. But it's still funny and weird how total noobs are being picked to be the one instead of Xbox LIVE vets.

I still think something is fishy about this 1 vs 100 stuff. Either hackers or Microsoft fooling everyone by making bots and/or dummy accounts so they really arent loosing any money giving away points and prizes.

Hoolock5410d ago

that there are hackers in 1vs100 but the video is proof neither way. Ive had plenty of messgaes from people who say they are hackers and i know people who pretend to work for Infinityward and other companies online just to mess with the other people playing and threaten them with bans for trivial things just to play with thier heads. In the uk ive seen people with as low as 100GS playing and some with 50,000GS+ playing the one or the Mob. Time will tell if people are hacking this.

WenisWagon5410d ago

I'm pretty sure you are chosen to be 'The One' based on how well you do in Extended Play, therefore gamerscore doesn't matter a single bit.

JaggedSac5410d ago

I would like to clear up the misinformation here. Gamerscore means jack crap when it comes to choosing The One or The Mob. It all depends on how you do during the Extended Play sessions.

As for hackers, it is still in Beta, better to find them now then later.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5410d ago
Ninji5410d ago

First hacking achievements and now this. The 360 is just full of fail.

Chubear5410d ago

You get what you pay for ONLY on the Beta-box-please-fix-me: PAY BEYOND!

Arsenic135410d ago

I have both PS3 and 360 and i can say this. PSN Sucks.

ThatCanadianGuy5410d ago

I have both 360 & PS3.And *I* can say this.

XBL is a plagued with Lag, immature children, pedophiles, hackers, pre-teens that overly use the term "F*gget" and most of all.Has no good games.

Worst of all is, you PAY for all that!


Mo0eY5410d ago (Edited 5410d ago )

I can say this:
I have both the PS3 and Xbox 360... well, I did... the 360 died on me so he just sits there wishing he could eat my $50 bills.

Arsenic135410d ago

And PSN doesnt? Oh nvm, I forgot. You all stay on N4G praising your console instead of actually playing it. Oops.

ThatCanadianGuy5410d ago

Hahaha! Can't even deny what XBL is hm? LOL!
And no, PSN is not even close to what XBL has become.A cesspool of ignorance.

"You all stay on N4G praising your console instead of actually playing it. Oops."

Kinda like you right now?
It's understandable tho.Since 360 has no games in 09..

king dong35410d ago (Edited 5410d ago )

it's truely pathetic reading the comments from, you sony-i-want-it-in-my-arse turds. seriously, the stuff you pathetic cunts write.

if there was ever another holocaust, the sad fancunts on here should be the first to have a zyklon-b shower.....truely, ive never seen such a collection of immature and pathetic virgin no life cunts in my life sad beyond compare you lot

cuntnadian guy: tel me, apart from mag uncharted and demons souls, what else is there to buy for the ps3?? thats a serious question, because they are the only games worth buying from now until 2010!

Tinted Eyes5410d ago

too bad he doesnt do a very good job
anyway you can add ratchet to that list
and thats a crapload better than the 360's entire 09

Mo0eY5410d ago (Edited 5410d ago )

Lulzies at king_dong3 raging like he lost his Preparation H.

king dong35410d ago

because they are even more pathetic than the xbox ones....

and please, although mag and uncharted look great, they in no way slaughter the 360 games this year....both consoles have good games. get both consoles and stop being fanboys

ThatCanadianGuy5410d ago (Edited 5410d ago )

Killzone 2 - Need i say more?
Infamous - Fantastic game
Demons souls - Best RPG i ever played
MLB:09 the show. Best Baseball game you can get
Fat Princess - Your mother is too much fun
MAG - 256 players, constant evolving war, chains of command.Huuurah!
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 - More bosses, weapons, characters & Online coop.
Ratchet & Clank: ACIT - Instant classic & must have for any fan
Katamari forever - The ultimate Katamari game
Uncharted 2 - Game Critics "Best of E3" And winner of dozens of awards.

And to top it all off..The Big daddy of Racing sim's is guaranteed to launch in late 09.

As if PS3's lineup wasn't already incredible, GT5 elevates it to an un-rivaled status.

You were saying Dong3? And please, for the love of f*ck.Try to form a coherent sentence that doesn't sound like it was written by a twelve year old RROD victim.

Stryfeno25410d ago (Edited 5410d ago )

If PSN didn't suck, you wouldn't have to defend it so hard with your wall of text.


ThatCanadianGuy5410d ago (Edited 5410d ago )


The troll telling another troll to be gone..


Edit: Wall of text? You mean my above comment? That's a reply to dong3 about games in 09.Nothing to do about PSN vs XBL.I'm sorry pure fact and actual reality elude your idea of what XBL really is.

Can't even comprehend what you read or something? The hell is wrong with you?

Stryfeno25410d ago (Edited 5410d ago )

Why do you bother replying if you think PSN is better...Lol, if something is that great you don't really need to defend it. This is why you don't see XBL gamers defending the service. They just laugh and go game on XBL.

I didn't bother reading your comment because you already know XBL is the better/superior service.

ThatCanadianGuy5410d ago

I replied for the same reason you replied to me.
We're both stubborn bastards

And no, my silly misguided friend.If XBL was better, i wouldn't be playing on PSN.

pure pwnage245410d ago

bu, bu,bu but I thought the 360 didn't have hacking :P

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 5410d ago
Arsenic135410d ago

Hmm. There is no solid proof the game is being hacked. It could be some loser whos just making sh*t up. Iv had ppl try and tell me their parents are with MS or they are part of a banning mafia type crap.

If 1 vs 100 is truly hacked im sure MS will catch them. The games just in beta.

usern4g5410d ago

Xbox 360 and Xbox LIVE use encrypted VPN tunnels between the Xbox and LIVE.

I'd be *very* curious how they could "hack" *any* game.

DoS is possible perhaps on PvP -- as *anything with an IP can be DoSsed -- but being selected as 1vs100 would require you to manipulate your scoring, as that is what enables you to be selected.

Some fcuking jackass with a video camera on youtube doesnt mean shiat.

What would such nonsense be approved?

KaibaChaos5408d ago


Well, when I made that video it was in a single take for about 30 seconds. Regardless of whether or not you think that they are hacking, they are using multiple accounts which is also against the rules.

5410d ago Replies(4)
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Could Xbox Live’s 1 vs. 100 Really Make a Comeback?

It's been a little bit since we last heard about a possible 1 vs. 100 revival on Xbox Series X|S, but Xbox still hasn't done anything to discourage the rumors. If it does come back though, will it actually be able to outlast the original?

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darthv72420d ago

That would be awesome. It was fun to play. Perfect live service game.


Xbox Boss Phil Spencer Hints a Possible Return of The Iconic 1 vs 100 Game

During Fanfest, Spencer said that that they were planning a fan fest trivia, and the entire team was working on the project. However, it didn't turn out the way they wanted. He continued saying we are still planning to do something... "maybe we should even be building our own trivia game like from our past and allow people to play a trivia game more often. Maybe that could happen."

1315d ago
gamer78041314d ago (Edited 1314d ago )

Yes 100%. Loved even the possibility of rewards and playing with friends online is so important during these times , 1vs100 was great.

SmokinAces1314d ago

Sounds cool, definitely like the fun and challenge of a good trivia game.


Fall Guys Warmed the Seat, Now 1 vs 100 Should Reclaim its Throne

Chris writes: "With the release of Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout this week, it's time for the return of the Battle Royale MVP. It's time for 1 vs 100 to make its return."

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1392d ago Replies(2)
MadLad1392d ago

Had a lot of fun with it, back in the day.
Wouldn't mind seeing it return.

gamer78041392d ago

this 100%!!!! they could put it on gamespass even if that would be what they have to do.

PrinceAli1392d ago

Why.. so it could be ignored..? It'S GOT to be on GWG FIRST then later be put on Gamepass

gamer78041392d ago

I'm just saying if they need to recoup costs, I'd rather it be for gold subscribers of course so more people could enjoy it.

Godmars2901392d ago

What's the difference between GWG and Gamepass? Aren't both on PC?

gamer78041392d ago

@godmars. Games with gold is the free games you get with your gold subscription, gamespass is a separate service where you get access to lots of games and all of the Microsoft owned games

RebelWAC1392d ago

Man, this was that type of quality app that made the 360 shine back in the day. This was crazy fun

crazyCoconuts1392d ago

Oh, that's right...Fall Guys isn't on Xbox... Warming the seat, got it....

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