
Gamespot: Borderlands lands Oct. 20

At last month's Electronic Entertainment Expo, Gearbox Software revealed that its eagerly anticipated "role-playing shooter" Borderlands would ship in October. Now, with retail lines being drawn in the holiday-quarter sand, 2K Games has locked down the PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 title's exact launch date: October 20 in North America and October 23 in the UK, mainland Europe, Australia, and other territories.

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gamesR4fun5428d ago

lets hope they manage to outshine the hype

anyone know what the onlines gonna b like yet?

leila015428d ago

Notice how games like Killzone, Uncharted have a bunch of videos, betas before they release but this one doesn't have any?

Hellsvacancy5428d ago (Edited 5428d ago )

Can i assume that itll hav a single-player campaign?

Serjikal_Strike5428d ago

until it took the cell-shadad look...well not anymore!

Especially if it's out only 7 days after Uncharted 2


DC Heroes United and Borderlands Comes To SDCC

This sounds awesome. This afternoon, Genvid Entertainment announced two, all-new interactive streaming series at San Diego-Comic Con: DC Heroes United and Borderlands EchoVision Live.


10 Mediocre Bosses in Great Games

GF365: "Most games are not perfect and that may be because of a character or an enemy. Here are 10 mediocre bosses in great games."

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Chriswheeler22481d ago

The Pursuer from Dark Spuls 2 was great, I think the author just sucks at games.

philm87480d ago

The Godskin Duo is a great fight


Borderlands' Opening Scene Is Still An All-Time Great

TheGamer Writes "I don't think my most controversial video game take should be that controversial, but it is. I'm a video game journalist, so you know I have some bad takes in this broken down serotonin factory I call a brain, but here's one opinion that receives universal pushback: I don't like video game music."

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