
Do or Die for id Software

"The time has come for id Software to deliver. Don't get us wrong, there is no risk of this legendary developer ever being forgotten for the brilliant gameplay it has delivered upon the world, nor how revolutionary its titles have been in shaping the gaming landscape we enjoy today. But where it would have been contender in anyone's Top Developers of the Nineties list, in the naughties id Software has lived off little more than reputation. It has gone from sitting on the FPS throne, to being juggled between distributors and finally acquired by Zenimax, a company that was formed in the same year Quake III: Arena was released." - from gameplayer

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RememberThe3575431d ago

is going to own. I can't wait for it.

JsonHenry5430d ago

And in the unlikely event that it doesn't pwn, then we can all just blame Bethesda now! :)

ironwolf7775431d ago

Fully agree. But that could be a long fkn wait.

Sucks2BU5431d ago

from the word choice in that interview at the end of the article it certainly seems like it is still a long way off. I wonder if it will even be this generation?

Polluted5431d ago

Yeah, it'll be out this gen. They've been pretty open about the dev process so far and it's definitely being made for PC, 360 and PS3. I'd bet it's not as far off as we might think. They're going to want to get it out the door quick so they can start focusing on licensing tech 5 out to other devs.

Sucks2BU5431d ago

How little id has achieved this decade. They really have lived off an awesome reputation rather than stacks of good games

SinnedNogara5431d ago

Well, now and in the next decade id will have access to ZeniMax programmers. Eventually they will grow and end up the size of Treyarch.

solar5431d ago

i have a bad feeling this title is gonna disappoint the PC crowd....id never has....but i have a gut feeling...

Sucks2BU5431d ago

Some gut feeling I had with Far Cry 2. It was still a good game, but you know it was being held back by the fact it had to function on consoles as well as PC

Xi5431d ago (Edited 5431d ago )

Then I doubt they will ever die.

When Gabe newell left iD and started up valve it was thanks to the quake engine which spawned source-gold and even the current sorce engine, as well as all the great games those engines had created.

Without quake 3, cod4 would look like a completely different game from the way it does today considering it's based of the engine.

without the quake engine, technology like relief mapping ( http://fabio.policarpo.nom.... ) and raytracing ( http://www.idfun.de/temp/q4... ) wouldn't be where they are today.

And now id tech 5 brings megatextures.

I think iD will always live on with their tech, regardless of how good their games are.

Sucks2BU5431d ago

They make a good point though that if you started gaming for the first time during this decade, and especially the last half of it, you would be wondering what all the fuss is about id.

There are a hell of a lot of good engines out there now that weren't in existence when id was in a world of its own. id tech 5 will have to be something very special indeed to knock off the likes of CryEngine and RAGE

NoiseBringer5431d ago

The rage is just a demonstration, they are making engine that u can use for anything,rpg,fps,driving ect...
Thats why its taking too long, just imagine fps on oblivions engine, that would be a crap game :)

Xi5431d ago

That's understandable, but my point is that even if they don't develop a good game, they can still develop great technology that will keep their name on the books.

And lets not forget they have developed some decent games in the last decade, like doom 3.

I mean, look at criteron, before burnout did you know who they were? Did you know they developed the most widely used videgame engine last generation. The engine which powered games like GTA3/VC/SA?

N4g_null5430d ago

SUCK2BU id is sort of the driving force in open GL and with out GL quake it really would not be here. Another thing is they got BSP culling right when every one needed it. If you look at epics games before UT3 or the UTe engine you will see that they where not doing half the things id's engine did with no problem simply because it was put together in such a smart manner.

Doom3 was their down fall and quake 4 was merely them living off past creative work. The tech was very very good yet poorly optimized for normal PCs back then. This is where the quake stuff comes in and really shines. id simply lost too much talent and john doesn't actually make the game play a lot of times yet has a huge input.

Yet for some one to say they have not made a great game in a long time has not played the PC version of ET:Quake wars a game using their tech that blows many many FPS squad games out of the water. It is seriously better than crysis.

I expect to see direct x 11 pushed the most buy these guys simply because they started supporting texture of an almost infinite size a long time ago.

Most gamers rag on them because they simply don't know the tech behind the games they play or the people.

What is even sadder is all the guys from a dev studio could get fired and the gamers would still buy their games just because of the name of the company. Gamers pay for brand names it seems yet when publisher can get away with that idea along gaming will truly die off for a while once more.

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New footage revealed for the cancelled COD-like version of Doom 4

Today, some new in-game footage from the prototype versions of the cancelled COD-like Doom 4 surfaced online.

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Feralkitsune1258d ago

What's cool is you can see some of the animations they kept and revised for 2016.

nirwanda1258d ago

When you strip everything back you can really see how great the animation is.
It's amazing how far games have come.

glenn19791258d ago

For me its always interesting to see some prototype of a game of something else and see the final product on why they go another direction in the end

RaidenBlack1258d ago

My favorite is the MGS:Rising vs MGR:Revengeance.(I preferred the Kojima's one)
Another interesting one is Splinter Cell Conviction Concept vs Retail

spicelicka1258d ago

I don't see what is "COD-like" here? Just because there's 2 seconds footage with ironsight?

Concertoine1258d ago

The devs were openly going for the cinematic shooter style that was popular in the years this was developed. COD-like Doom was pretty much the pitch.

Fluke_Skywalker1258d ago

Looks pish, no wonder it got canned.


Xbox Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale Discounts – 4th-10th Aug 2020

Neil writes: "Just been paid? Fancy getting a new game added to that backlog of shame? The Xbox Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale is back with even more discounts on a variety of great Xbox titles. If you've got time in your life for a new gaming experience, the following bargain basement titles are available for your cut-price purchasing between 4th-10th August 2020."

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Every Doom Game Ever

Whilst the FPS genre has since had a tonne of fantastic franchises, such as Quake, Unreal and Serious Sam, Doom remains at the top of the pile, and has one of the best comeback stories in video game history. Doom is almost 30 years running, and has even bled into other mediums such as feature films and novels. As it has been going for so long, there have been a large number of entries in the series, and there are probably a few you never played. This is every Doom game ever.

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