
Wii's Lineup For 2009: Return of the Hardcore?

Roger @ Gamingvice.net writes:

"Let's be honest, if you are a Nintendo-exclusive "hardcore" gamer, 2008 probably wasn't the best year for you. Yes, Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Mario Kart Wii, arguably two of the best, must-have Wii games currently on the market were both released early in the year but the latter half of the year was, to be blunt, severely lacking in "hardcore" content; gamers got Wii Music, Wario Land: Shake It, and Animal Crossing: City Folk as their big holiday titles. Here's the good news though: after playing many of the Wii's upcoming 2009 and early 2010 games at this year's E3, it looks like the "hardcore" audience will finally be given a feast of games to savor."

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SpoonyRedMage5458d ago (Edited 5458d ago )

No, the "hardcore" are still b*tching for some retareded reason.

The Crystal Bearers looks awesome, don't get why it's getting no hype yet Versus is.

@V: An Open World Final Fantasy as well!

You Already Know5458d ago

I've only seen the trailer for Versus....I didn't know a FF game was even releasing on the Wii...

I'll definitely check out the trailer...but the Versus trailer is what everyone is drooling over even though it has no gameplay in it at all..

Smacktard5458d ago

Spoony, there's two different hardcore.

There's the hardcore this article is talking about... the people that like to play many different genres and styles of games, and genuinely enjoy most great games.

And then there's the type that claim to be hardcore gamers and don't really touch anything besides games with guns and violence, and who claim that Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Little King's Story are baby games.

2009 for the Wii is looking really great to the first group, but you're never gonna sway the second group's opinion unless Tits of Destruction 12 gets a Wii release.

DragonWarrior_45458d ago

I totally agree with you. Most of my friends swear they are hardcore, and they only play shooters. Most have never heard of tenchu, ace combat, shadow of collusus, Orphen, Summoner, and yet they think the only games worth having is Cod4 and WAW. Mario Galaxy is one of the most hardcore games of all time. Most marios are in fact hardcore if you think about it. Im glad that its not just me that realizes there are more to games then just shooting people.

SpoonyRedMage5458d ago

We're really preaching to the choir though aren't we? We're not actually going to sway anyone.

ChickeyCantor5458d ago

" Mario Galaxy is one of the most hardcore games of all time."

Actually its been casual since the beginning, of course if we go by the definition of today.

Hardcore vs Casual is just a load of crap, and people need to stop and think for a second that it doesn't make them freaking special or anything.

A game does not make you hardcore, your time and effort spent on a game defines wether you are being " hardcore " or not.
Imagine a "casual" gamer playing tetris and reaches 900 lines...THAT IS HARDCORE...not a match of gears of war( i said a match )

phantomexe5458d ago

Spoony,I think i know why.I'm a big FF nut and i'm sure i'll be picking this up for the wii as well.The ff games that SE makes for nintendo are very....Not FF if you know what i mean.There still good its just sometimes they come off as being kiddie.I know this one's a more muture take on the CC series which seems preety good.IMO thats why it may be getting no hype.

n4f5458d ago

wow its nice to see that there's still people with maturity here.
what more surprising is people with maturity on n4g

SpoonyRedMage5458d ago (Edited 5458d ago )

I do see what you mean there but it's slightly different now that I think about it. Crystal Chronicles is in the same style as FFIX and the older FFs, it is more light hearted, more "heroic" and stuff whilst Versus is very much the Playstation "dark and moody" style. I like both but personally prefer the lightheartedness. I really enjoy the Crystal Chronicles series as well, Echoes of Time is one of my favourite games.

@V: It's definately worth getting on the DS(for the Wii version they should have got Ninty to bend the rules and make it Wiiware) and I may be able to join you online if I'm not busy.

phantomexe5458d ago

I haven't got echoes of time yet but i will.Most of the time if it has Finel Fantsy on the box i'm all about buying it.

Cheeseknight285458d ago

I'm surprised nobody brought up Chocobo's Dungeon that came out last year on the Wii. It really was an underrated game, I saw next to no coverage or reviews for it after it was released.

Crystal Bearers has potential, but I haven't really seen anything too exciting yet. I suppose time will tell though.

SpoonyRedMage5458d ago

Yer, it's a pity Cheeseknight. Square Enix needs to push their smaller profile games a lot more; people tend to ignore them for the main FFs. There is a Chocobo Dungeon port for the DS in Japan, I'd happily pick up the port as well for portability.

qface645458d ago

OMG there are people here looking forward to wii games

the apocalypse has arrived repent REPENT dooooooooooooom Dx lol

personally for me its a good time for the wii and games ^_^

N4g_null5458d ago

Oh yeah spoony square has another gaming coming to the Wii also here it is.


More are coming. Wouldn't it be sweet if the Wii got a einhander sequel ?

And conduit is coming in a few days! I don't think I'll be here after Wednesday for a while, well maybe I'll be on but every one who buys it put your code up in your profile ok! See you then. Oh yeah don't worry about swaying people that's nintendo job really and they are doing a fine job. Come 2010 the PC player will be going back to their own platform. The huge crumbling of 3rd parties and the activision thing along with other threats before are doing a number on the HD guys.

I think the main thing that is happening is the same thing that happened on the PC. High end High priced development. On top of this the customers will not settle for any thing but a PC caliber game yet this is even hard to do on the currnet HD systems. Hey but thats their problem. Mean while we are going to have some fun!

Tarasque5458d ago

Well if you bought a Wii for hardcore games then.....*snickers*

Mini Mario5457d ago

"No, the "hardcore" are still b*tching for some retareded reason. "

If they complain its because they arent "true" gamers. True gamers are open to all games across the board on all consoles without alienating themselves to just one system.

Mini Mario5457d ago (Edited 5457d ago )

"Imagine a "casual" gamer playing tetris and reaches 900 lines...THAT IS HARDCORE...not a match of gears of war( i said a match )"

Agreed 110%

These so called "hardcore" have no idea the time it takes to master a game like tetris, or pac man even. Look at that guy recently at e3 who was going to get 10grand for beating the high score in donkey kong. Forget his name but im sure its around here somewhere.

Mini Mario5457d ago (Edited 5457d ago )

"wow its nice to see that there's still people with maturity here.
what more surprising is people with maturity on n4g "

That's because there is no way you could disagree with the article. Even an biassed fanboy idiot couldnt. Hense the reason there isnt as much "spam" on this article.

But give em time.

kesvalk5457d ago

2009 and 2010 seems to be a good year for wii and DS owners...

and my brother would die if the wii get a einhander sequel... the annoucement would be a 1hit-KO

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 5457d ago
Smacktard5458d ago

I can't wait for Muramasa, Little King's Story, Tatsunoko, Spyborgs, NSMBWii, and Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. Sin and Punishment 2, Monster Hunter 3, Tales of Graces, No More Heroes 2, Fragile, along with many others, are gonna be great too. 2010 looks like it just may be even better than 2009.

TriforceLightning5458d ago

Wii has the most balanced videogame library I've ever seen in any gen yet has the gamers who swear up and down that their gamers aren't playing it. Why is that?

TheColbertinator5458d ago

Hardcore games are ones who require game length,skill,new gameplay mechanics,good soundtrack,deep and well designed characters or customization.They can choose to have violence but that alone does not make games hardcore or good.Red Steel 2,Tatsunoko vs Capcom and Super Mario Galaxy 2 has some of the elements along with other upcoming titles.Seeing as how Nintendo is helping support 3rd party games,2009 will continue to be a fantastic year for the Wii,

2FootYard5458d ago

If too many hardcore games come to the Wii, I swear I'm going to sell mine.

SpoonyRedMage5458d ago

Hahahaha! I'm giving you a bubble for that, especially if you're being serious!:P

user39158005458d ago

Wii just sucks, its reliable, but has no appealing games at all, Nintendo its broken on every level, it stayed like the dinosaur in the past. What a waste of a gamecube, although I considered them better than the LAST PLACED PS3 over-hyped/ over-priced/ unreliable/ and most off all its not a gaming machine its a blu ray player .

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Barlos81d ago (Edited 81d ago )

My top 3 are Mario 3, Mario World and Mario 64. Mario Odyssey is also excellent, and I enjoyed Sunshine but didn't care for the Galaxy series.


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misterandy341d ago

Am I missing something? It looks exactly the same, just higher resolution… Is this sarcasm?

specialguest341d ago

Yes, you're not observant if you think it looks exactly the same. It immediately appeared different to me from the start. Mario's 3D model will always be the same, so not much difference there. However, the animation they've given the Super Mario Wonder makes it look more like a CGI Mario animation where as the New Mario Bros game looks more like typical video game animation movements


__SteakDeck__341d ago

@specialguest Yeah those animations are insane.

FinalFantasyFanatic341d ago

You really didn't notice the difference? It's really obvious, I was surprised when I first saw the trailer.

Asplundh341d ago

"Am I missing something?"

Your glasses maybe?

Juancho51341d ago

This Mario game looks great, getting a switch for this and Mario RPG. CANT WAIT, TITS JACKED.

Profchaos341d ago

Yeah I liked how much more emotion could be conveyed through the new style at first glance I didn't see much difference but then rewatching the trailer I'm seeing more and more animations that remind me of the Mario artwork from the manual of smb3

Outlawzz341d ago

I hated the new super Mario bros Style. This new one seems a lot more expressive and less generic. I hope it's a good game

shinoff2183341d ago

I prefer the 2d Mario's. Me and my girl have played them all together and mario galaxy , Mario odyssey. The 2nd player option is extremely eh

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