
Editorial: Note to Sony - End the Stupidity

Jordan Lund lays into Sony for the Activision fiasco, and offers advice on how to repair the rift before it becomes irreparable.

Excerpt: "So here's what you do: you need to send out representatives RIGHT NOW to every major developer - Activision, Electronic Arts, Ubisoft - developers without whom your console cannot survive. You need to clue them in, IN PERSON, to what is going on with your plans for the Playstation 3:

"Yes, the PS3 slim is real, yes, it's coming in October with the PSP Go! (or whenever), yes it will have a price cut."

We know you can't tell the public this, but there is absolutely no reason to keep this information from developers, you know, the people who help keep you in business; remember Steve Ballmer: "Developers! Developers! Developers!" Based on Kotick's threats, this is exactly what you are doing - keeping vital information out of the hands of the people who can help you capitalize on it."

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saint_john_paul_ii5461d ago

heres one way to end the stupidity, stop creating articles about giving advice to a company that already has employees that give advice.

This is just another Fail Article.

Tony P5461d ago

We really need to stop pretending the general public knows what's going on with either of them.

Tempist5461d ago

Developers do not live in a bubble. There's a relationship between both parties and together they work together to make monies. If Activision decides to cut out 1/4- 1/3 of their revenue by not supporting the PS3 / PS2 then investors are not going to be happy with the management in the company.

cayal5461d ago

lol does this idiot think Sony and 3rd party companies ignore each other? Just because the public doesn't know anything doesn't mean 3rd party companies don't.

I have no doubt Sony reps and Activision Reps have spoken already. We won't ever know what was said.

eagle215461d ago (Edited 5461d ago )

Ignore the bullcrap articles. :)

morganfell5461d ago (Edited 5461d ago )

Stooge? What an appropriate name.

Editorial note to Gamestooge: End the Stupidity. Close your site.

Amazing how all of this is the fault of Sony. They offer a superior piece of hardware, plenty of publishers demonstrate they make more money from Sony, they bury the competition with games at E3 (I was there, where was Gamestooge? Yet that isn't enough.

Where is the Gamestooge article called Note to (insert Publisher name here) End the Stupidity of Trash Games. Hint: You can start with Activision and the crap they have produced.

Where is the Gamestooge article called Note to Microsoft: End the Stupidity. And then Gamestooge details the overpriced, faulty hardware fiasco.

Where is the Gamestooge article called Note to Nintendo: End the Stupidity. And then Gamestooge goes on to detail the Nintendo shovelware fiasco.

Cheap site, laughable writing, useless conjecture, soapbox antics, moronic conclusions, sophomoric whining, and no reason to have this inflicted on any individual with an IQ over 5.

Two parties need to apologize. One is Gamestooge and the other isn't Sony.

Headshot815461d ago

If you go to best buy or any electronics store that has a local competitor, they will pricematch the same product, if you find it cheaper,that way they keep your business. So i kept looking around and finally saw the 80gb $399.99 ps3 for 349.99(Hint:the store has a blue uniform, but barely sales any electronics,alot of software though). I went to Circuitcity(when it was still open,could go to bestbuy too)I got it pricedmatched with an additional 10%off the diff, so I payed $345.50, now people say"only $55bucks ?", but if you think about it, I only paid $45 more than a Xbox360 pro model thats $300, and i got a bigger harddrive and bluray player, intergrated wifi, for only $45. If something looks out of reach, don't be so quick to give up, there's always a way to get it!!!!!

Boody-Bandit5461d ago (Edited 5461d ago )

Go to usenet group alt.games.video.xbox (or a google search) and you will learn who Jordan Lund and Jonah Falcon really are. They are the biggest Sony bashers I have ever seen on the internet. They despise anything Sony and have a fair amount of hatred for EA as well.

I see people here questioning bias all the time. Rest assured it's an open and shut case with these two. Anything posted or written by these guys is fueled by their hatred towards Sony.

BiggCMan5461d ago

headshot81: you dont even need to do that. you could just go on amazon or tiger direct and fine a brand new ps3 anywhere between 300 and 400. some even cheaper if u can tolerate used items.

chaosatom5461d ago

They should be banned on N4G.

SRU96005461d ago

I realize that Sony fanboys are loyal to the very end (gotta love 'em) but stop and think about what is happening here.

Activision is openly threatening to stop offering games on Sony's consoles. That is VERY SERIOUS and is a sign of how dark the days ahead are for Sony if they don't make some changes soon.

Boody-Bandit5461d ago (Edited 5461d ago )

I can't believe you actually think, or anyone for that matter, that Activision is going to p!ss away all the revenue they make from Sony hardware. Tell me you can't look in a mirror and keep a straight face when you say that.

Look at the numbers for COD:MW and WAW. Regardless of what they sold on other consoles is irrelevant. I am talking about the numbers on the PS3. Anything over a million copies is considered a success and they crushed that mark with both versions. The PS3's userbase is even bigger now.

So they are going to stick out their chest and act like terrorist trying to hold Sony hostage with empty threats and you believe it? Yeah go ahead Activision. P!ss away the potential of selling 3,4,5 (or who knows how many) million copies of MW2 because Sony wont cower to your demands. I'm sure Activision stock holders would just love that.

morganfell5461d ago

Over 30% of all revenue generated last year was by Sony platforms. This includes EVERY platform. Anyone that thinks Activision could afford to toss that away on a boast needs to get a refund on their G.E.D.

UnwanteDreamz5461d ago

I hope anyone with a critical mind and an ounce of intelligence would stop and think what this would mean for Activision.

I see alot of people commenting on how this would affect Sony but no metion of the other guys. Activision would half to go to their stockholders and explain a 50% decrease in revenue. People here commenting dont seem to realize that they will not stop support untill it is no longer profitable.

This guy who is threatining Sony dumped 60 mil worth of Activision stock last month. This was partly due to the fact that the stock for Activision was up 30%. Now he is going to cut revenue?

In a business sense what he and some of the less educated here propose is they say goodbye to that groth and take a step backward. Go get an education or stick to what games have better graphics because businee is not your thing.

The Lazy One5461d ago

you pretend like if they stopped developing for sony platforms they wouldn't put the costs used on sony platforms towards something else to make up the revenue.

Boody-Bandit5461d ago (Edited 5461d ago )

If it were just that easy for a company to make money the world would not be in the position it is in today. You think Activision can just throw their resources anywhere and strike oil?

Good luck with that.

If it was that easy Sony would have dropped the price by now and recoup the loses later. But unlike you Sony knows that in this economy now is not the time to take chances. Trust me. Activision knows this too.

GarandShooter5461d ago


Imagine yourself a shareholder. You want to KNOW, without a doubt, where the lost revenue stream is going to be made up. Not a generic, 'uh we'll just make more 360 games', but a concrete, researched plan with risk/reward analysis.

Boody-Bandit5461d ago (Edited 5461d ago )

Jonah Falcon and Jordan Lund.
I checked usenet and Jonah already took pride in posting this article written by this moron. http://groups.google.com/gr...
Need I say more about these two?

While you are there click on alt.games.video.xbox and watch these two in action. It's so sad their lives are consumed by such nonsense. The most sad part is they are both chronologically (<-- I typed that word with tongue in cheek) adults.

FamilyGuy5461d ago

The developers knowing what's coming is the entire reason why sonys E3 announcements were all spoiled, Sony should tell them sh!t unless they want to.
As far as the threat goes, it's a give and take relationship, they'd both loose out on it and if sony were to simply bow down to their will Sony would be the one taking the ENTIRE hit.

cayal5461d ago

ahh Jonah Falcon, I remember completely owning him.

JL5461d ago

Thought that crossed my mind: What if Sony and Activision ARE talking. And Activision knows full well what Sony has in store. And knows that Sony are bringing a slim ps3 with a price cut this fall or holiday (not saying it's happening, just talking hypothetically here). And what if Activision and Sony have talked and Activision believe Sony is going to shoot off with the cut and slim and whatever they're planning. And as a result Sony and Activision have decided to play nice and set this all up. Just a PR stunt really. Starting a quarrel between the two to really get attention on both Activision and Sony (think Jerry Lawler and Andy Kaufman). Afterall, no publicity is bad publicity. And both these companies are DEFINITELY getting publicity right now cause of this.

Anyways, yea I know that's some lofty thinking there. Not true I'm sure, just some wild thoughts going through my head that I thought were funny.

cayal5461d ago

I don't see it to be honest.

Syronicus5460d ago

Pathetic. Yeah Sony, run out and divulge all of your corporate plans an see where that gets you...

Fail of an article.

DelbertGrady5460d ago

How dare anyone criticize Sony!? Blasphemy!

The Lazy One5460d ago

I know it's more complicated than that, but if they did support the PS3 less, they aren't going to sit on their hands and not invest anywhere else.

They might increase PC support or put some more money into Wii/DS development. idk what they'd do. I definitely know they wouldn't shrink one investment without investing the money somewhere else.

N4realGMRZ5460d ago

"Over 30% of all revenue generated last year was by Sony platforms. This includes EVERY platform. Anyone that thinks Activision could afford to toss that away on a boast needs to get a refund on their G.E.D.

really you present great arguments sometime but in other cases u seem silly.30% of all revenues is correct we all saw the statistics.....But this is also across three platforms.....do you know what that also means? more production cost....more marketing cost aswell....please think aout the things u say when it comes to making money and business....separate ur love for game from what these companies is all really about.....30% of all revenues does not equal more money....just simply silly...

masterg5460d ago

If Sony told developers when the price-cut is coming it would take under 5 minutes before it was all over the net.

+ Show (23) more repliesLast reply 5460d ago
rucky5461d ago (Edited 5461d ago )

So all retards are hopping on the Activision bandwagon now? This is like last years PS3 sinking ship version. Just let the two multimillion dollar companies handle their business.

happyface5461d ago (Edited 5461d ago )

This is a good article.

To think, sony has gone from the incredible ps2 to the sad state of the ps3 now, the worlds biggest devs talking trash about them and giving threats and acting like sony is weak

they would never dare say this in the ps2 days.............. sad

Party Boy5461d ago

Yeah... because industry secrets can be kept now?

Everytime Sony gets negative attention, some knob thinks it's his job to step in and mediate. Boring....

commodore645460d ago (Edited 5460d ago )


Negative PS3 news... mediate... damage control... spin....
Just another day at work for the SDF.

cheques are in the mail, guys.


JonahFalcon5461d ago

Great advice. How much has Sony lost last year? $1B? $2B?

Sony and GM - both companies with great management.

cayal5461d ago

lol Sony's new angle

'Hey, let's not pay guys who have a clue about running a business. Instead let's listen to guys who write blogs.'

mastiffchild5461d ago

And they already saved three billion stremlining because of it-is that not good management. How you respond to a kick in the guts is what usually seperates the winners from the losers in the world of high end business, isn't it?

Oh, that and the decade of profit leading up to said kick in the guts. One bad year taken as a sign to slim down and all this during the biggest recession in recent times is obviously catastrophic management isn't it? Sony are already turning things around and are much bigger than just a gaming company-IDK but I'd guess a much, much bigger company than even Activision.

Activision are the ones looking like fools here because of their gobby exec mouthing off at Sony's pricing when they only have two franchises that PS3 owners care about anyway(and the obvious desire for MW2 to break the GTA4 records is as plain as the crap on his tongue too)-franchises that they milk on a yearly basis (esp bloody GH) and in the case of CoD even have a B team dev to make sure it does! Do we have to pay less cash for the always inferior Treyarch CoD games? Do Sony come out in public and say we should?

That'll be a pair of "no's" won't it? Because Sony have more respect for other companies than the lawyer happy, money grasping, non envelope pushing, fanchise milking chaops at Activision Blizzard. I find it incredible that they pushed EA off the "most hated dev/pub" throne even before their ludicrous lawsuit over Brutal Legend became public knowledge-and what an ass that makes them look, and directly in competition with EA who managed to recognise talent where the franchise hungry AB couldn't. I can't believe they think they have a leg to stand on tbh.

They don't with Sony either and really should have behaved with the same dignity Sony have over this and kept any details totally private and professional. That articles are now blaming Sony for a part of this when they're trying to resource every part of the PS3 to cut costs is so tight it's untrue. Learn to do business in private Activision.

GarandShooter5461d ago

@ Jonah

By your logic, or lack thereof, MS should have quit the console business with the $1B+ RRoD debacle right? Try again.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5461d ago
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All Call of Duty Black Ops Games Ranked

The Nerd Stash: "Developed by Treyarch Studios, Call of Duty: Black Ops games are some of the best in the series in terms of gameplay, story, and -- of course -- Zombies."

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Rynxie19h ago(Edited 19h ago)

Black ops 4, because it was the last cod of duty I was able to dominate with a +2 k/d ratio. Before all the freaking cheating started to happen. It was nice catching people off guard and shooting at them first and getting the kill. Unlike now, where I shoot people first, but they gun me down with less hits, less time, literally feels like they can kill me in a split second. At times, they are able to run away after me shooting them way more than necessary, yet, the second I'm spotted, I'm dead, there's no me running away to cover. They can do cartwheels, summersaults, backflips and gun you down perfectly. They can shoot you across the map with perfect accuracy. They can jump around like morons and gun you down without even having to correct their aim. They have superman split second perfect reactions. That's the best way to describe it, everything they do is spot on perfect. They can spam and spray (no praying) their gun from far away, because they have no recoil or bullet spread. It always feels like I have to aim and also correct my aim when moving around, while these pricks don't have to do the same.

And yes, I know how to play fps games. I dominated many fps games like: Resistance 1&2, kz 2&3, Socom, MAG, Crysis, Gotham City Impostors, blitz brigade etc. all with 2-4 k/d ratio. Kz2 (lag input controls) and resistance (no aim assist in resistance) being the hardest and were the games I reached either close to a 3 k/d ratio or above.

I truly got to enjoy blacks ops 4 and got my money's worth out of it. Afterwords, I would either stop playing cod games after a while, because of the cheating, or would skip buying cod games for a year or two before buying another.


10 Underrated PS3 Games That Are Hidden Gems

With these hidden gems to add to your backlog, it’s time to give some bangers the shine they deserve.

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DarXyde2d ago

Numbers 6-9 were some of my absolute favorite early gen PS3 games. I'm still bitter about Incognito and Japan Studio.

Goodguy011d 17h ago

The white knight chronicles and infamous games really need to come to modern platforms. MAG I really miss...poor zipper. The ps3 was definitely a unique console despite it being the worst home console of PlayStation.


Here's a closer look at the new ASUS ROG Ally X as early renders are leaked online

It's almost time for the ASUS ROG Ally X to be revealed, and these leaked renders already provide a look at the device and its specs.

UltimateOwnage1d 7h ago

Is it running the same Windows OS? Because that is the biggest issue with the current Ally.