
G4TV: Miyamoto On Mario Galaxy 2, Zelda and More

X-Play's Blair Herter had the honor of sitting down and chatting with Nintendo's legendary Shigeru Miyamoto during E3 2009. Among the topics discussed were:

* Going four players with New Super Mario Bros.
* Super Mario Galaxy 2
* Integrating ideas from 2D development into a 3D game and vice versa
* Introducing fresh ideas after decades of game development
* The new Zelda game
* Metroid: The Other M
* His thoughts on Microsoft's and Sony's respective forays into motion controls

xabmol5465d ago

Even though I hate the Wii with a passion. I still love Miyamoto and his games. Well most of them... (Wii Music)

pxpxp5464d ago

mario and zelda are awesome franchises

50CALheadshot5464d ago

miyamotos pictures scare me, he looks like a critters(from the movie of the same name), mixed in with a lil bit of jackie chan.

hide the children, thats one ugly mofo. WELL at least he doesnt like to play with children like michelle(michael) jackson.


life doomer5465d ago

Miyamoto is my idol. He seems like a cool guy to hang out with.

5464d ago Replies(3)
Gr815464d ago (Edited 5464d ago )

This guy has his finger on the pulse of gaming. Everyone brings up Mario and Zelda and maybe DK, which is understandable because these now franchises have become pillars for gaming greatness. But what is lesser known is his involvement in projects like Wave Race 64 and 1080 Snowboarding which to me are still the greatest jet ski and snowboarding games ever.

Then things like Wii Sports which is as groundbreaking as Super Mario Brothers was back in the 80's. Nothing but the utmost respect for dude, as he is responsible or partly responsible for many of my greatest gaming memories and experiences.

50CALheadshot5464d ago (Edited 5464d ago )

dUDe you are forgetting metroid.

donkey kong country for snes, pokemon

i like how you brought up the snowboarding and jetskiing games, those were the sh1t

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