
Will Metal Gear Rising live up to expectations?

South Side Gamer writes: "Kojima announced Metal Gear Rising for the xbox 360 and playstation3 at E3. This is a great news especially for the gamers who don't own a ps3 to play the exclusive metal gear solid 4. This spin off will feature Raiden as the main character for this game, any other details about this game haven't been shared with the public at this moment. But one main thing Kojima made clear that he will not have any involvement in this game unlike his next game metal gear peace walker for the psp. A sequel to Metal gear portable ops and Metal gear solid 3. Here's the announcement that every xbox 360 owner has been waiting for but not quite the surprise they thought it was."

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GWAVE5469d ago (Edited 5469d ago )

If the expectations are "It's a multiplatform spin-off not directed by Kojima that is optimized to use only the space provided by a DVD9", then YES, of course it will meet expectations.

But if the expectations are "It's going to be just as good as MGS4"...well....don't get your hopes up.

phosphor1125469d ago

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Rock Bottom5469d ago

Fanboys who are trying to convince them selves that this game will be as good as any other Kojima games, think about when was the last time Konami made an awesome 3D action game that Kojima had nothing to do with...

Yep that's right, the answer is NEVER.

OC_MurphysLaw5469d ago

And its that attitude and level of scrutiny from the MGS loyalists that will ensure the game doesn't meet expectations. It will be held up and compared to MGS4 which more than likely is completely unfair as from all reports its going to be a different type of game altogether. Add to that the simple fact that it will ship on DVD9 and Sony loyalists will instantly call it inferior based on the disc alone.

This game will sell well, but amongst its fan base I am sure it is going to be met with harsh criticism regardless of whether its warranted.

ChampIDC5469d ago

Well, if Kojima has any say in things, I can't imagine it'll be a bad game at all. I don't think he'd let anyone disgrace his baby. Certainly won't be as good as anything directed by him, though.

phosphor1125469d ago

It will be bad.

( http://www.ps3center.net/ne... )

He also kept on saying "true sequel", "not a spin off", MGS 4 team was working on it, etc etc. He doesn't want to deal with MGSR. The only reason why its coming out is because MS paid for it. They HAD to have. Konami doesn't tell Kojima what he has to do unless money is involved.

Megaton5469d ago

That's about where my expectations are. Kojima basically shat all over this thing in favor of Peace Walker at E3.

darthv725469d ago (Edited 5469d ago )

You say MS paid for it but it is also coming to ps3. Last I thought, Konami is the primary company. Kojima may not be doing any direct work but it is his production team who will take heat for it if it fails.

Anyway, on topic, I think it could do well if people just see it as a different direction with a different main charecter. No need to compare (yet they will). There have been spin offs in almost every entertainment genre that have gone on to be equally as popular as the main source.

edit: i can see where konami has had a good relationship with sony. They have a good one with nin and ms as well. The game being more action based could be a sign of it being tailored for the western world.
Konami is all about making $$ just like the next company. This game having the name of MGS could be like you say....capitalizing on the brand name. Yet, we really know nothing about the game itself and it could really turn out to be a great action game with some stealth elements.

phosphor1125469d ago

Konami and Sony have had a relatively tight relationship. So if MS wanted this game. Konami probably would have said that it couldn't be exclusive unless they wanted to dish out more money. Sony wouldn't have let an exclusive 360 MGS game to happen, and it probably would have made them mad as well. For MS, any MGS game coming to 360 is a win for them. Even though it more than likely wont be a "MGS experience", the name alone will create sales for them, more than what they paid for.

RememberThe3575469d ago

lol no sh*t. That's why we're talking about "expectations".

On topic: I really don't have any expectations yet. But concerning it's coming from Kojima Productions, I have high hopes.

@GWAVE: I don't think that's fair. There are plenty of multi-platform games that are massively impressive. For instance Splinter Cell: Conviction, Assassin's Creed 2, and even that new Castlevania. It may be true that in some instances DVD is not ideal, but I would count out the ingenuity of the programmers and designers working on this game.

rockleex5469d ago (Edited 5469d ago )

Anyone who plays Zone of the Enders 1 and Zone of the Enders 2 can tell ZOE2 is the better game... without even knowing which one Kojima was involved with.

Metal Gear Ac!d is another game without Kojima's involvement, and yes these games are good... but just can't compare to Kojima games.

Yes, Kojima has THAT much impact on their games. We have learned from history that a Kojima Productions game just isn't as good without Kojima.

Its not unwarranted scrutiny, its the truth.

Will MGSR still be a good game? Most likely. Would it be better with Kojima? Yes. Will we buy it either way? Yes.

So yea, no one's bashing. No one has unwarranted expectations for MGSR... except for certain 360 fanboys who are expecting something rivaling MGS4 for purely fanboy wars sakes.

If MGS Ac!d and Portable Ops meet your expectations, then Rising will meet your expectations.

Tony P5469d ago

I dunno. It's not even being worked on apparently. Ask me again in 2010.

mistajeff5469d ago

I find it really hard to believe that Kojima wants ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with Rising, he's said in numerous interviews that Raiden is his favorite MGS character and that he was really upset over the MGS fan reaction to him in Sons of Liberty.

I think he just realizes how much more important Snake(s) is/are.

phosphor1125469d ago

Sadly Splinter Cell: Conviction is 360 exclusive. I was really wanting to play that game.

Buttons5469d ago

If the standards are for people that have never played a REAL MGS, then yes; if they've actually played one (as in one directed by Kojima), then no.

AssassinHD5469d ago

Splinter Cell: Conviction is not exclusive to the 360. If you have a decent PC you can still play it.

phosphor1125469d ago

Yeah, I knew it was coming to PC, but I thought we were only talkin about consoles only, in which PS3 won't have it. I think I have to upgrade my PC to play conviction they way id like (high graphics).

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CaseyRyback_CPO5469d ago (Edited 5469d ago )

- Kojima not directing/writing it.
- MGS4 team working fully on PSP game
- PSP game is the 'true sequel' to the Metal gear Sequel - Kojima

so .. i mean after that..

I guess you can expect it will be a game with metal gear characters? as long as it does that.. it should meet them?

RememberThe3575469d ago

When did he say the MGS4 team would be working entirely on the PSP game? I heard him say that the MGS4 team would be working on the PSP game as well, but I don't remember him say specifically that the MGS4 team was only working on the PSP game.

mistajeff5469d ago

The MGS4 team is HUGE, I highly doubt every single one is working on Peace Walker, and I think in the Sony conference he just said "majority." He's still taking on an important enough role with Rising that he can ensure that it won't turn out to be a bad game.

Frankly, I'm AMPED for both.. though as a hopeless MGS fanboy I'll always say it, ANY of the 4 Snakes > Raiden. That doesn't mean I didn't REALLY want a playable Raiden as DLC.. and this could be arguably better. I'm confident that he wouldn't allow his team to make this game if he didn't see potential, and he's in an important enough role to steer them down the right track and (most importantly) keep everything canon.

rockleex5469d ago

However, Kojima will ONLY be working on Peace Walker.

mistajeff5469d ago

Yeah, they are working on Rising too. Kojima's role with Rising is basically just to b!tchslap them if they get out of hand, but I have a lot of faith in his team because Kojima himself obviously does too. Also I loved Portable Ops.

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Sharingan_no_Kakashi5469d ago

Did you get that avatar from that ad on the side screen?

ultimolu5469d ago

Yes. ^^
I liked the picture so I saved it and made an avatar.

chaosatom5469d ago

lol, so off topic and random.

BLuKhaos5469d ago

Your avatar reminds me of woman from Ghost in the Shell.

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Sharingan_no_Kakashi5469d ago

I suppose that depends on what the expectations are. If you're expecting 'Raiden' to be as awesome as Snake then come time the game releases you will be disappointed. Snake is a human and he's faced impossible odds and survived them all. It makes him seem invincible. Raiden on the other hand is a cyborg ninja who for the love of him can't keep his limbs attached to his body.

It's the same reason everyone likes batman more than superman. It's easy for superman to beat ppl. But Batman gets by with stealth a few gadgets and wit.

But i guess if you're looking for an epic game that's sure to please you will be in for a good treat. It won't be as good as a Solid Snake/Kojima title. But the simple fact that it's Metal Gear means that it should still be good. I'm buying it.

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