
Microsoft Disappoints At E3 Press Conference

From XE:

"When coming to E3, my expectations for the Microsoft showing were above average. I knew Mass Effect 2, Bioshock 2, and hidden first party exclusives were being kept under wraps and were going to be shown at their press conference. Unfortunately none of this happened, and it left my jaw dropping at how disappointing this press conference was. "

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Spike475473d ago (Edited 5473d ago )

I think it is a matter of opinion. Some fanboys here are saying that most sites and most of the gaming community think that MS won E3, and obviously, this is BS. A few sites and polls don't speak for millions of gamers. Obviously polls will show that MS wins because the xbox360 has had time to build a very large install base.

Seriously, I find it ironic that this is coming from "xboxevolved" when a few days earlier fanboys were laughing at PSextreme for saying that Sony had the best conference.

DaPS3Duke5473d ago (Edited 5473d ago )

So are we still soo quick to pass the opinions of a few sites as fact or do we agree that the winners of E3 are only gamers.

Strikepackage Bravo5473d ago

this is not unusual at all, most Xbox only sites are very willing to criticize Microsoft and the 360.

PS sites however will never say anything mean about the PS3, and in some cases they even foolishly put out articles like the psxtreme one we all saw the other day.

Bottom line is MOST sites agree that MS "won" E3, now obviously not all sites and not everyone agrees, but the overwhelming consensus is MS took the show, and I think its pretty clear that, that is probably closer to truth than this hissy fit of an article.

caladbolg7775473d ago (Edited 5473d ago )

Microsoft's conference was a lot flashier and ran a hell of a lot smoother. The marketing and smoke-and-mirrors FORCE was STRONG with that one. They played it almost flawlessly for their primarily American audience.


Sony's conference blew the competition away where it matters most to me and that's the GAMES!

Incognegro5473d ago

how in the world can that be closer to truth (e.g. a fact) when opinions are never factual based unless they're speaking for that individual and that individual only? If you tell me that microsoft's conference appealed to a majority of the people who watched, that's probably a different story; especially when I'm willing to bet that a majority of the people who watched the conferences were probably more on the xbox's side.

but with that being said, how can that still be claimed that microsoft's conference was really that much better than sony or nintendo's? in all honesty you can't. if that was the case then there would be no way people could debate over it... period. you can't debate a fact. if you try to, then the side that's trying to refute is just ignorant, or in worse cases stupid.

ChozenWoan5473d ago (Edited 5473d ago )

The only reason some people say MS stole E3 is due to Milo and his Sith Lord master, Peter Molyster. Natal's demo showed lots of flaws right off the bat, but it was the finely crafted commercials that sent it over the top for the casual market. Yes, MS shocked and Awed the crowd much like the US did Iraq, but in the end both are leaving a bad taste in peoples mouths.

Sony's greatest weakness this year was spending time on stats and charts. Otherwise, they showed game after game with 90% being exclusives. They "officially introduced" the PSPGo and TLG but both of those wear leaked just weeks/days before E3, yet both still made a lasting impression. Then they showed a rushed demo of the PSLightsticks, which even in their prototype state out performed Natal in both accuracy and direct gaming implementation potential. Considering the deck was stacked against them, Sony still delivered the most value and entertainment.

I do want to thank MS for starting the trend of having no sales chart info at E3. This will make future events even more entertaining and keeps the focus on presenting gamers with reasons to part with that cold hard cash for the next year.

Defectiv3_Detectiv35473d ago

But I just can't bring myself to believe that MS won the show. Now I have no problem admitting that MS won the past 2 e3s, but this one I felt was their weakest showing if you want to talk software.

From what I gather, alot of people feel Splinter Cell is their strongest game. As great as I think it is that they are focusing on an interesting storyline for a change, they still didn't get down to showing us how the new gameplay mechanics work. They only showed us a small portion of the game, and from what I saw, it wasn't a whole lot different from what we've played in the past. The story progression still seems linear.

And that whole spot and mark skill where you pop out from behind a door and kill people automatically - doesn't that seem just a little cheap?

Not to mention, the mission they showed us from Assassin's Creed was basically they same thing. Break into the enemy hideout, take out the bad guy.

Then you have Halo ODST, which, to be honest, isn't all that different from Halo's 1-3 in terms of gameplay. I was dissapointed because I thought they were going to use ODST as sort of a way to experiment for the next true Halo Incarnation. I still don't think they justified the 60$ price tag they want to tack on to it.

And speaking of Halo Reach, I really thought that Sony's announcement w/ R* new exclusive was more groundbreaking. I mean, who isn't getting burnt out on Halo already? What we found out from R* was that their biggest new IP is going to be a Sony exclusive, and it wasn't going to be another GTA(thank god).

As much as I like Forza 3, it will never be GT5. The biggest new feature in that game is a movie editor. This year will be oversaturated w/ racing sims, Forza 3 is the 3rd or 4th one coming out now. I'm almost glad GT5 isn't dropping til next year. I wont even get into the controversy around whether or not it actually runs at 60fps at 1080p(like GT5) or that it will take 2 discs(supporting the theory that DVD9 is inadequate)

At the end of the day, MS was left w/o a GOTY contender. While Sony's lineup was chalk full of them in the years to come(Uncharted2, FF14, The Last Gaurdian, Agent, GT5, GoW3, Heavy Rain).

beans5473d ago (Edited 5473d ago )

Wait a sec...MS showed the games. they announced Two freaking halo games for crying out loud. Alan Wake, conviction, ME2, and Forza 3 all looked crazy pretty graphically and gameplay wise. Sony didn't show anything new. The only thing we got to see for the 1st time was mag gameplay and that was it. Now I'm not saying there show was bad, but what i am saying is Sony is getting to much praise for nothing. Heck, even Nintendo had more new games to show than Sony. Some of you people are just to easy to impress, and tell yourself things until you think your opinion is the truth when it's far from it.

Edit above Tony: "And that whole spot and mark skill where you pop out from behind a door and kill people automatically - doesn't that seem just a little cheap?"

No it doesn't, and worked out well in Rainbow six. the new Sam is much more fluid and realistic than the old one.

"Then you have Halo ODST, which, to be honest, isn't all that different from Halo's 1-3 in terms of gameplay"

And what's wrong with that? Halo fans buy halo for it's story and gameplay. I don't want the gameplay to change which is has buy the way when it comes to jumping, night, and day vision.

"And speaking of Halo Reach, I really thought that Sony's announcement w/ R* new exclusive was more ground breaking."

Now that's your opinion and I respect it. Halo Reach to me was the biggest news for 360 this E3, and much more impacting then the Agent in my opinion.

"I mean, who isn't getting burnt out on Halo already?"

I'm still waiting for a Halo game to out do part one, so no I'm not burnt.

"As much as I like Forza 3, it will never be GT5."

What? Forza is doing or has done so many things Gt has yet to do. It's made it's name for customization, much better physics, and damage. If anything it's gone beyond Gt and hopefully Gt goes beyond Forza once released.

"At the end of the day, MS was left w/o a GOTY contender. While Sony's lineup was chalk full of them in the years to come(Uncharted2, FF14, The Last Gaurdian, Agent, GT5, GoW3, Heavy Rain)."

That's all opinion. MS had the games this year along with Natal and all new NXe services. The illusion of Sony's games looking better and having more is just crazy out of hand and laughable. Both consoles have great titles for there fans so let's just leave it at that.

Incognegro5473d ago

the assassin's creed 2 demo was shown at sony's conference. not microsofts.

50CALheadshot5473d ago (Edited 5473d ago )

i guess, it depends if you like playing next gen games, or if you enjoy buying more M$ hardware.

The way i see it, in a year where the 360 has had no games that can go up against the ps3 exclusives....ms should have shown more games showcasing what the 360 can do. I mean seriously, till this day nothing on 360 can touch uncharted 1. what do you guys think uncharted 2 is gonna further prove? Now the next big "war" is gonna come down to the 8cars on a track versus 16 cars on a track........clearly 1 game can push more polygons on the dedicated hardware. BUT DOES ANYONE acknowledge that? No, it gets brushed aside because its a sony exclusive.

clearly, if all sony had shown was "the wand" at e3, then there would be millions of stories online on how sony fails and has no games. LOL, really funny stuff.

suddenly gamers dont play games, they play sales and hw that hasnt even been released. funny, because last year it was all about microsfts games and not the ps eye and its games.

Sarcasm5473d ago

"This site is just a bunch of PS3 fanboys..."


There goes that theory

beans5473d ago (Edited 5473d ago )

"The way i see it, in a year where the 360 has had no games that can go up against the ps3 exclusives....ms should have shown more games showcasing what the 360 can do."

Every game shown at the conference for 360 was huge, and easily goes toe to toe with Sony's offerings. Really I'm just confused with this whole Sony's amazing lineup speech going around. Sure GOW3, Last guardian, and UC2 looks good, but So does Aw, conviction, and ME2. Heck you guys just keep announcing everything PS3 regardless of quality or gameplay just because it's exclusive.

kevoncox5473d ago

Most of sony's best showing were PSP games.
Unchrated looked great (we already knew that)
GOW3 looks good ( we already knew that)

Outside of that we saw? An Emo trailer for Last Guardien, GT5 and a screen saying Rockstar.

xabmol5473d ago

Bad mouth Team ICO and I take a bub, Bub.

mastiffchild5473d ago

So all of a sudden it's about opinions and not empirical fact that MS "won" something that CANNOT be won? Look, I've been saying all week that everyone loses because of E3-it's a huge waste f cash designed purely to suck up to the media with a big, free junket for them to bget schmoozed atin the hope of favourable press in the coming year-which it doesn't do as people always stick to what they thought before they went.

Besides XE are right and PSXextreme are wrong n this one and so are those sites giving us all the MS won E3 BS. MS show was all fur coat and no knickers-but so was Sony's and Nintendo's(though they did have most surprises and fewest games!). Thing is MS and Sony had a mere two hours to wow the media and it isn't enough which left them having to push games closest to release, i.e those games we know about already or those we damn well knew would be announced. Even MGS:R was something we could have predicted and the only surprise about L4D was how soon it's coming. Same goes for Sony who we know purely from the sheeer number of Sony devs must have much more to tll us-but they didn't.

Get over it people E3 is NOT about gamers and it isn't a place where "we" win, also it does not effect console sales as outside of the kind of people on N4G how many do you think really pay any attention? All it does it steal cash and time from game development and shows us sruff they could easily do in other ways for less money. It's the very last time I pretend that E3 is gonna be any good.

All-35472d ago (Edited 5472d ago )

The articler already has his spin...

--> When coming to E3, my expectations for the Microsoft showing were above average. I knew Mass Effect 2, Bioshock 2, and hidden first party exclusives were being kept under wraps and were going to be shown at their press conference. Unfortunately none of this happened, and it left my jaw dropping at how disappointing this press conference was.

* We all knew about these PS3 games beforehand too:

Uncharted 2

Grand Turismo 5

Fat Princess

God Of War 3

Heavy Rain


Ratchet And Clank: Future A Crack In Time

White Knight Chronicles

* Etc...

--> We saw Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, and Yoko Ono, which is all great but whatever happened to the people who actually care about playing these games?

* Watch the sales of the game - and then ask that question... besides, people like to complain about Microsoft execs talking, so why not have former members of the Beatles make the announcement?

--> It's bad enough that we got Paul McCartney doing improv on stage but then you have Steven Spielberg letting us known how insignificant our industry is compared to the movie industry when Halo 3 broke all major entertainment sales records... What point is this snob trying to make?

* Halo 3 broke all major entertainment sales records? You don't say. What about those AAA PS3 games? I guess the articler couldn't comprehend what Spielberg was actually saying at the Microsoft conference. Wasn't it all about introducing Project Natal? LOL...

--> To top it off you have Kojima b slapping the audience by saying where not going to get MGS4, no Solid Snake, and Kojima isn't even working on the title being released on the 360. The game is a spinoff and is totally different gameplay wise then Metal Gear Solid 4.

* Wahhhh... it isn't a real MGS game, but the MMO - FF XIV is and FF XI didn't ever count! Gsus... complain if the game bombs.

--> This has the exact opposite effect the Final Fantasy 13 announcement had at last year's E3.

* Haha... last year the FF XIII Xbox 360 announcement didn't matter either - according to a whole bunch of people - remember?

--> Afterward you had multiplatform titles and a few actual exclusives with any AAA value.

* Right... and nobody buys, or even cares about multiplatform titles... and only PS3 games have any actual 'value' - LOL.

--> Alan Wake's writing has to the dumbest crap ever. "He has my writings so I had to go after him" .... Are you serious?

* But Heavy Rain is so fantastically original and smart? You go after a serial killer... while clicking QT events? The exceptional dialogue was killer too - "Go bleep yourself in the bleep"

--> Halo ODST looks outdated and everyone in the crowd was holding their breath for Halo 4. I think the place would have exploded if it was Halo 4 or Gears of War 3.

* We'll see how the 'outdated' expansion sells. Sales help indicate popularity - YES?

* Duhhh - Halo: Reach is the next full game (Halo 4) in the Halo franchise. Someone wake this guy up.

--> Speaking of Gears of War 3, what was up with Cliffy b hyping up a new Epic game to be let down by a Contra clone?

* More like a Metroid and Castlevania clone as described by Cliffy... wake up.

* What was up with The Fat Princess announcement at E3 - a class-based capture-the-flag multiplayer clone? Wasn't it revealed a long time ago?

--> The more you break down this conference the more you will see how bad of a conference it was. Microsoft's biggest announcement was Project Natal, and you had to have the worst hype machine ever, Peter Moleyneux, spouting on about how great it was.

* The general game industry was impressed, so how bad was the hype?

--> Peter is definitely strong with the force because he call pull Jedi mind tricks with the wave of his hands (You are seeing someone interacting with a little boy on screen. This is not being faked...). There is a noticeable delay among the person and camera. It could be the camera is just retarded and cant capture your movements properly yet but the response time was not as fast as it should be. I do think the tech can be improved on before launch but having Project Natal be your main act shows how little Microsoft has to offer. Then there's the reports of Peter's Milo demo being faked...

* http://www.edge-online.com/...

Question: What are the main tricks that you’re using?

Molyneux: There are hundreds of little tiny tricks. How he looks at the camera, whether he looks directly at the camera or slightly off. The amount of twitches in his face. The interesting thing is this uncanny valley and how we’re breaking through it. People who experience Milo really go away believing they can talk to him. It was really funny when we were showing the journalists at the show – a lot of them try to engage Milo in a proper conversation, partly because they thought ‘My God, this is it – we’ve got something we can really talk to,’ and partly because the tricks we were using pulled them into the conversation. We’re building up a profile of the emotion in your voice so we know when your voice is strained or excited or calm or passive. That coupled with Milo’s vocabulary of words he understands and what he’s doing on screen creates this illusion – and I’m not pulling any wool over people’s eyes – the illusion that Milo understands and is sentient. And couple that with really cheeky tricks that we’re using. For example, Milo will download dialogue very regularly behind the scenes which updates his database with current events. So, if Britain’s Got Talent is on, he’ll comment on certain acts, so that makes him feel so relevant and real that you start believing it, even if you’re a skeptic.

Question: Some accounts on the internet have claimed there were people with controllers around the back of the demonstrations. Have the people that have played over the last day or so purely been interfacing with the machine?

Molyneux: You’ve got to remember that this is very, very new tech, and quite often we need to reboot the machine, so there’s someone in the back in case something goes wrong. There’s no cheating, absolutely not. I thought actually, when they were there, ‘Oh my God, it’s going to look like there’s a puppeteer in the background,’ but there’s not, absolutely not.

--> The whole Xbox Evolved group at E3 came out there wanting something better, but Microsoft could not deliver. I think by far this was the most disappointing press conference, but not the worst (Nintendo). I hope next year Microsoft can at least show off a trailer of their most anticipated games, like Mass Effect 2, instead of leaving everyone disappointed at the end of it.

* Did the articler sleep through all of E3? Mass Effect 2 trailers and gameplay were shown at E3 2009. LOL...

* How many of the PS3 games announced at E3 are going to be released this year?

* Lots of 360 people will be playing...

Halo 3: ODST

Left 4 Dead 2

Forza Motorsport 3

Shadow Complex

Splinter Cell: Conviction

... before 2009 ends.

* Posters here always comment about the source of an article when it concerns bad PS3 or Sony comments... so who is this xboxevolved.e-mpire.com? Who is Jason Solorzano? He's not very informed about 360 stuff.

* PS3bloggen.se and TheSixthAxis gave InFAMOUS a 7/10 and Playstation: The Official Magazine (US) gave the game an 8/10... they are absolutely bang on too - right?

xwabbit5472d ago (Edited 5472d ago )

People r ps3 fanboys when they say the truth i guess

dxbstars5472d ago

xboxevolved said that "MS" E3 was disappointing because its true.


PSextreme said that "Sony" had best conference in E3 because its true.

Jecht5472d ago

Well put my man, and a bubble for you.

It all comes down to what is most important to the individual. If it's all about flash, peripherals and the like, then MS won E3 for you. If it's about games, then Sony won for you. One thing is for sure though, and I think most would agree (except sidar) Nintendo's conference underwhelmed again.

Is it me though, or is E3 becoming less relevant every year? I find myself more excited for TGS, GDC, and Leipzig than E3.

d--keller5472d ago

If you're talking about cool gadgets, then maybe MS won. If you're talking about games, it seems pretty clear to me that Sony won.

Project Natal, Sony's Motion Controller, Wii Motion Plus... the average consumer doesn't care which one is the best, they care who has the best commercials. By most accounts no one even plays their Wii because there are few compelling games. Why would Wii owners then go running out to buy Project Natal enhanced 360s? If motion controlls are your big announcement, then I say FAIL!

I've got a 360 and a PS3, and most of the games I'm looking forward to are on the PS3.

UltimaEnder5472d ago

This guy is just trying to get traffic, if he was there (which I know for a fact he wasn't) he would have seen that Microsoft easily had the most-impressive press conference of them all; what a joke!

solidt125472d ago

Yeah the PS3 has a browser and can already use twitter, Facebook, and Myspace. I wonder why no one is getting on Microsoft for not having a browser, but want to integrate stuff in the dashboard like it is a big deal. I stream movies off my PS3 Browser all the time.

LynyrdSkynyrd5472d ago (Edited 5472d ago )

Crackdown 2? Left4Dead 2? Halo: Reach? Shadow Complex? Project Natal? Metal Gear Solid? That racing game...

Those were all great announcements, not to mention those awesome upgrades to the dashboard (Radio, etc)

This guy whines over not seeing Bioshock 2 and Mass Effect 2 at Microsoft's conference... yet a day later Mass Effect 2 had a developer walkthrough at the booths and Bioshock 2 has shown enough gameplay and they announced plans for multiplayer.
Much better that Nintendo's.. but Sony's? Thats debatable

Aquanox5472d ago

This contrats the vast majority of articles that agree on that MS had the best show, this year or any other they've had so far.

You can't please all the fan(boys) but still I'm shocked on that any Xbox fan (which I honestly doubt this guy is) could've been dissapointed with such a strong show.

silenius5472d ago

I won't even bother try to comment on this crap... get a life...

NickIni5472d ago (Edited 5472d ago )

"this is not unusual at all, most Xbox only sites are very willing to criticize Microsoft and the 360.

PS sites however will never say anything mean about the PS3, and in some cases they even foolishly put out articles like the psxtreme one we all saw the other day."

Do yourself a favour and shut the fudge up.

I was disappointed with everyone's showing this year. No one had any new exclusives that had my mouth watering. Nintendo came the closest with SMG2, but still no Zelda.

AKNAA5472d ago

When you get a site thats dedicated to xbox 360 like this one(xbox evolved) saying how MS e3 conference was nothing but bullsh1t, its telling us one thing..... They're actually being honest and not letting blind fanboyism block the obvious truth.
Everything they said was exactly what I felt, so much respect to this site for speaking the truth!

+ Show (24) more repliesLast reply 5472d ago
KingKionic 5473d ago

Again no one mentions the other games....

ShabzS5473d ago (Edited 5473d ago )

look at the guys above... man i guess all that 'winning is only an opinion' thing doesnt apply here.... it only applied onn all the other 50 microsoft won article... and the guy wanted gers of war 3 in e3? .. thats crazy talk.

KingKionic 5473d ago (Edited 5473d ago )

lol imagine if gears 3 was anounced ..

and you only could use it with natal...

lol everyone would go nuts

lol imagine if gears 3 was anounced ..

and you only could use it with natal...

lol everyone would go nuts


lol i would love to punch baird. Even when he`s trying ro act like he knows everything .

ShabzS5473d ago

totally ... i'd be chainsawing the wind for hours on end ... and finally maybe punch baird right in his face

GiantEnemyCrab5472d ago

Remember guys this is the same "xbox site" that said "Don't Buy a 360".

Also this is the same site RARE had to actually take public action against because they were spreading false information.

MundoRare Shreads XboxEvolved and Surfer Girl

These guys have a history of shoddy Xbox coverage and doing more harm than good.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5472d ago
MGOelite5473d ago

in no way microsofts e3 was disapointing...

lloyd_wonder5473d ago

Yeah it was. No MGS4 360 as rumored.................

jdktech20105473d ago

last time I checked MGS Rising will be on the 360. It's not exclusive yes but MGS is still on 360

poopsack5473d ago

he didnt say MGS4, which was rumored.

Strikepackage Bravo5473d ago

is not needed on 360, I certainly was not looking forward to it.

To most non MGS fanboys, MGS4 was garbage, you just couldn't get into it, too slow too boring, the pacing was all screwed up, it was more weird movie than game, not a game for folks new to the series. Not at all open to bringing in new fans, thus I think the game was severely over rated.

If you never played MGS you wouldn't know what was going on in the game, and it was designed as such that you wouldn't care to find out.

Incognegro5473d ago

man I can smell the bs from you a mile away. how can you make opinionated statements on a factual basis? So many of my friends who never played the mgs series, or never got into the other installments for that matter, loved 4. so what are they? exceptions way outside of your curve? whatever dude. keep spouting your nonsense.

ShabzS5473d ago

some of us even expected mgs 4 or a new mgs altogether to come to 360 this e3... that much faith u guys had in microsoft .... u just new they'd bring you new games... and sure enough

HDgamer5473d ago

It's not Metal gear solid. It's Metal Gear Rising or Raiden. Either way it has Raiden in it.

evrfighter5473d ago

why would they announce an old game @ e3?


where were the games....Killer Instinct would have stoled the show

Arnon5472d ago

Crackdown 2
Left 4 Dead 2
Shadow Complex
Alan Wake
Splinter Cell: Conviction
Forza Motorsport 3
Halo 3: ODST
Halo: Reach
Gears of War 2 Expansion
Mass Effect 2

Where were all those games? :/

Not to mention all of the non-existant features that will enhance the online service:

Last.FM Radio
Retail Games on Demand
Zune Video
Instant 1080p streaming

Where were those too? :(

Not to mention the innovative technology that will be used alongside the Xbox 360 controller for a better experience in gaming:



pippoppow5472d ago

$50 dollars for what? A rip off. Wow MS allows 360 users to access a few web sites while Sony allows it's PS3 users to access the whole web. Oh and nice list of multiplatform games. Another thing , now motion sensing technology is new now huh. Maybe 360 fans are closet Wii fans. Nothing wrong with that as I think motion sensing controls are nice but..

Arnon5472d ago (Edited 5472d ago )

$50 for what? An endless amount of features where the PSN pales in comparison? Yeah... pretty sure $50 a year is a blessing for the amount of features Xbox LIVE offers.

But you keep telling yourself that. "Multiplatform games" and "ripoff features". Lolz.

MRMagoo1235472d ago

they are multi plats and the so called "new" innovative tech has all been done along time before hand wow MS did sooooooo great this year they showed everyone all they can do is copy other companies funny how loast year ms won because they had all the games but this year they win because they had near to no games.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 5472d ago
qface645473d ago

lol for some reason i thought this was about EA
i must need glasses

i3eyond the Circle5473d ago

Your site needs hits eh?


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All Call of Duty Black Ops Games Ranked

The Nerd Stash: "Developed by Treyarch Studios, Call of Duty: Black Ops games are some of the best in the series in terms of gameplay, story, and -- of course -- Zombies."

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Rynxie17h ago(Edited 17h ago)

Black ops 4, because it was the last cod of duty I was able to dominate with a +2 k/d ratio. Before all the freaking cheating started to happen. It was nice catching people off guard and shooting at them first and getting the kill. Unlike now, where I shoot people first, but they gun me down with less hits, less time, literally feels like they can kill me in a split second. At times, they are able to run away after me shooting them way more than necessary, yet, the second I'm spotted, I'm dead, there's no me running away to cover. They can do cartwheels, summersaults, backflips and gun you down perfectly. They can shoot you across the map with perfect accuracy. They can jump around like morons and gun you down without even having to correct their aim. They have superman split second perfect reactions. That's the best way to describe it, everything they do is spot on perfect. They can spam and spray (no praying) their gun from far away, because they have no recoil or bullet spread. It always feels like I have to aim and also correct my aim when moving around, while these pricks don't have to do the same.

And yes, I know how to play fps games. I dominated many fps games like: Resistance 1&2, kz 2&3, Socom, MAG, Crysis, Gotham City Impostors, blitz brigade etc. all with 2-4 k/d ratio. Kz2 (lag input controls) and resistance (no aim assist in resistance) being the hardest and were the games I reached either close to a 3 k/d ratio or above.

I truly got to enjoy blacks ops 4 and got my money's worth out of it. Afterwords, I would either stop playing cod games after a while, because of the cheating, or would skip buying cod games for a year or two before buying another.


Here's a closer look at the new ASUS ROG Ally X as early renders are leaked online

It's almost time for the ASUS ROG Ally X to be revealed, and these leaked renders already provide a look at the device and its specs.

UltimateOwnage1d 5h ago

Is it running the same Windows OS? Because that is the biggest issue with the current Ally.


25 Games We Want To See Get A Sequel

BLG writes, "Do you ever get that feeling after you’ve finished a game that you just wish there was more? Or do you spend years hoping and praying for a sequel that never comes?

This list compiles some of the top games we desperately want to get a sequel. Please give us more of our favorite games!"

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DefenderOfDoom22d ago

Would love to see a sequel to the 7th gen FPS campaign SINGULARITY from RAVEN Software..