
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow coming to PS3 and Xbox 360; see first screenshots - E3 2009

Konami today announced a new Castlevania game, and this time it's not for the DS. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow is an open world game and it's coming to the PLAYSTATION 3 and Xbox 360 in 2010.

See the first screenshots and artwork from Castlevania: Lords of Shadow here.

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s8anicslayer5477d ago (Edited 5477d ago )

As superb as those screens look, Konami needs to bring this franchise back to 2D

Evildoomnerd5477d ago

but I'll take any Castlevania I can get my hands on. There's never enough whip & undead slaying these days. Plus having Kojima Productions working on it is just icing on the cake!

50CALheadshot5477d ago

hopefully they can add some interesting gameplay elements

pain777pas5477d ago

I agree I would have preferred a 2.5d or 2d game but still looks very good.

PataponKnight5477d ago (Edited 5477d ago )

Lets hope there are no whips this time, I need swords, and lots of them, like in SOTN. I wish they would just redo SOTN in HD, such a great game.

SolidAhmed5477d ago (Edited 5477d ago )

i would like the franchise to move forward to 3D since every great game done that before and they been successful:

Metal Gear
street fighter 2.5

not to mention that some of the games have failed to achieve a successful state in 3rd cough "bionic commandos" cough.

but still i believe in Castle Vania and believe it or not i was wondering why not having MGS 4 engine to run into the upcoming castle vania..

thanks god that at least kojima will lead it to the right track

ps: i am a very big fan of castle vania since vampire killer that was on 1987.


Nah, 2D times were great but today they are pretty cansaive games. The only 2D/2.5D games I still play today are portable games or LBP (cause there is always new stages if you want).

The fact is 2D now is just too previsible and repetitive for most people, and we expect this being ok for short time sessions like on portables (were 2D still dominate).

The thing is Castlevania need to make a GOOD move for 3D. Most 3D Castlevanias aren't that great, I would say Curse of Darkness is the only 3D Castlevania I enjoy, but it feels almost like a spin-off playing as Hector and summoning demons.

For me, the more hack and slash the better anyway. This one looks great from this trailer (although I don't think this is gameplay) and after Prince of Persia, good news are welcomed. Next on, I expect Square/Eidos to announce some Legacy of Kain so I can go through spectral and material realms slashing and hacking!

I love video games5477d ago

id prefer hed redo the old metal gear the ones on nintendo or whatever system it was

AKNAA5477d ago


BAYONETTA, GOD OF WAR 3, NINJA GAIDEN SIGMA 2 and now THIS! I'm Luvin' it all!

Syronicus5476d ago

Was undoubtedly Castlevania: SOTN. It was 2D. It was what works in the series best. I wish they would make a next gen version of the best Castlevania rather than make a new one using a different perspective.

Saint Sony5476d ago

BUT, this 3D version... wow, looks really good. Definitely a must have title. If the original mood is there this will be pure win!

solidt125476d ago

I just watched the trailer and I am excited to see the first real next gen Castlevania game. This game has just moved up into my top 10 games for 2010.


Montrealien5476d ago (Edited 5476d ago )

(As superb as those screens look, Konami needs to bring this franchise back to 2D)

Are you kidding? Get a DS. I would love to see a fully next gen 2D Castlevania, but as long as we have some great Castlvania games on the DS in true pixel goodness, I give Konami the benefit of the doubt to get 3D castlevania right.

btw, I am a little late here, but it the the (mask) announcement from the kojima teaser site?

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 5476d ago
Qbanj695477d ago

Where is Zone of Enders 3?


This game is not made by Kojima. It's made by Mercurysteam in association with Kojima Productions.

Kojima itself won't put a finger in it I believe, probably Konami decided to put it in hand of Mercurysteam and borrow some dev power from Kojima's studio to help this game meeting the quality and date.

There is no ZoE without Kojima, and he will be working and MGS main story game for PSP (don't remember the name, Peace something).

tha_meat_beater5477d ago

even with the obsolete-ring-box holding it back, castlevania should be a good game

StrboyM5477d ago

this looks done right, i was very very nervous when i heard it was 3d, but after watching the character animations and seeing the enemies, im im.....im going to pass out. whew.

this guy is not of the belmont bloodline it seems like a side story type, i wonder how they will tie it in with castlevania.

omg it looks sweet
I think the next belmont/alucard game should be in 2d with incredible special effects ....but this one is good like this..

i need to smoke a cig...

Flipgeneral5477d ago (Edited 5477d ago )

That was probably the best trailer EVER for a video game imo... Done very well with the writing, casting, music, and the game looks FANTASTIC! My new most anticipated game has just been declared

fishyjoes5477d ago

Wow, just wow. Havn't played a castlevania since sotn and dracula x

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Looking Back to 2010 and the Gothic Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

Edgar writes: "To celebrate the game's 10th anniversary, let's take a look at the gothic world of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow."

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NecrumOddBoy1335d ago

Although being linear, which I wish it wasn't, the first game was absolutely incredible. A mix of old school God of War meets Date's Inferno; I was highly impressed by this title. I heard the sequel was trash so I ever played it but I think LoS was a good example of how a 3D CV game could be.

rgraf771335d ago (Edited 1335d ago )

I was very happy the game was Linear as I hate exploring. The first game was one of my all time favorites and the 2nd game was a total letdown with the lame hub system and stealth sections. Playing in current times sucked too. I wish they would make a remaster of part 1.

magdiellima1335d ago

Good as a game but terrible as a Castlevania. The sequence was even worse.

Terry_B1335d ago

It is a great game, but just like DMC is not a Devil May Cry..this one was not a Castlevania :-)

FreeckyCake1334d ago

Give Castlevania to Igarashi team, and they will nail it as they did with Lament of Innocence and Curse of Darkness.


Terrifyingly Bad: A Look Back At the 3D Castlevania Games

If you decide to play a Castlevania game, make sure it's in 2D. Unfortunately, the series has never been able to make the jump from 2D to 3D successfully. Publisher Konami has tried. Six times in fact, but whether trying to build it in-house or with a third party developer, they never captured the essence of the series or make a good game for that matter. So just to be sure you know what to look out for, here are the six 3D Castlevania games that have been made.

isarai1692d ago

I loved the hell out of lords of shadow, lords if shadow 2 had its moments but just didnt leave as much of an impact on me as the first did, still loved it though. They are both great games IMO, maybe not the best "Castlevania" games but great games in their own right.

RememberThe3571691d ago

Yeah that first game was legit good. Really wish they hadn't taken a step back for the second, this series really looked great in 3D.

AK911690d ago (Edited 1690d ago )

According to one of the former devs of Mercury Steam the higher ups kept interfering with the sequel to the point where the game was nothing like what the dev team had envisioned for the sequel so we got the mess that was Lords of Shadows 2.

PhoenixUp1692d ago

I enjoyed Lament of Innocence and Lords of Shadow. They were entertaining titles and I wouldn’t mind trying Lords of Shadow 2 on PS Now.

Just because a game isn’t GOTY worthy does not mean it’s not worth playing. You could do a lot worse than those exceptional titles.

Abcdefeg1691d ago

Curse of darkness was ahead of its time

Hedstrom1691d ago

I really liked lament of innocence and Lords of shadow! Havent tried the other 3d games. But ive played most of the 2d games!

gangsta_red1691d ago (Edited 1691d ago )

I don't know why Castlevania: Lament of Innocence gets a bad rap. It was one of the best in the series at that time and really was a compliment to the Devil May Cry 3rd person style of action that was getting popular at that time.

I rented it on a fluke and was seriously surprised on how good it was. So much so I went out and bought a used copy of Curse of Darkness and instantly returned that trash.

The problem with Nintendo 64 games is they all tried to mimic the Mario/Zelda 64 style of gameplay and how could they not with that whacky ass N64 controller. Almost every game outside of Nintendo's own felt horrible and incomplete.

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