
IGN: Alan Wake Full Demo Preview

IGN: By now, you've likely seen the live demo of Alan Wake from Microsoft's E3 press conference. And you may have read IGN's hands-on impressions of that section. Guess what? There's more to the E3 demo than you've seen or read. In fact, there's a short section that precedes the press conference demo and an extra 10 minutes or so that comes after. And those extra 10 minutes? They're far crazier than anything that preceded it.

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Nelson M5477d ago

On the Playstation Looked Better

Almost Fell Asleep
Good job it's called Alak Wake

Gamertags5477d ago

I can't wait to get my hands on this game!

StanLee5477d ago

Just reading that got me excited. I'm really looking forward to this game.

Defectiv3_Detectiv35477d ago

When it was the movie 'In The Mouth Of Madness'. Honestly though, for a game that prides itself on its writing team, they couldn't of ripped off this movie anymore.

narked5477d ago

1st time i actually showed interest in clicking an Alan Wake heading in a while because of the delays and I am truly impressed :O. please tell me this is coming to PC.

The_Zeitgeist5477d ago

"When it was the movie 'In The Mouth Of Madness'. Honestly though, for a game that prides itself on its writing team, they couldn't of ripped off this movie anymore."

Good movie!!! But I have to say Alan Wake sounds way different than In The Mouth of Madness. I think you need to go back and watch that movie again. Just because a book prophesies what will happen next does not make it a rip off. They never release the full plot stories of games anyways.

Defectiv3_Detectiv35477d ago

In The Mouth Of Madness is all about a writers works of fiction coming to life. It is even set in some backwoods town. I would have to say, even with the little we know about this game, the similarities are still kind of obvious. Alan Wake has definetly been influenced by this stephen king adaptation.

ShabzS5477d ago

... when he walks into the shed with the flare lit... that still looks fudging brilliant ...the way the shadows dance on the wall .... this is Actually running on 360 ... and it really looks beautiful

shawnsl655477d ago

nice, was hoping we'd get some gameplay footage. I'm a huge fan of the Supernatural series on the CW. This game reminds me of it. First day buy for sure.

V ii T aL5477d ago

This game looks and seems to play good. It's gonna be great whenever it damn comes out!

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i3eyond the Circle5477d ago

Hilary Goldstein sounding impressed.

Never thought it would happen.

Sonyslave35477d ago

HAAA HAAA you bought a POS3.

I did same thing but i fell asleep at sony press conference.

Unicron5477d ago

Bring it on! Can't wait.

Still, I'm upset this game has spooky monsters. I kept expecting a true "adult" storyline with no SH style ghosts n goblins. Oh well, as long as the flashlight mechanic is great fun, I'll deal!

KingKionic 5477d ago

yeah but remedy did say it will be a realistic experience. maybe when we find out more about the story we can understand about these monster ( or people ) who are filled with darkness.

Troll-Killer5477d ago

Apparently you haven't been following this game the past few years. These are dream sequences....though they're very real to Alan. It's kind of got a Nightmare on Elmstreet meets Silent Hill thing going....which is a freaking awesome combo, in my book.

Just give this game time...let Remedy do their thing; I'm confident you won't be disappointed. ;)

really duh5477d ago (Edited 5477d ago )

Thats the the most retarded thing I have ever heard. The supernatural world is for kids and not an concept adults can appreciate? lol

Your so called true "adult" experience will happen during the day in this game.

Unicron5477d ago (Edited 5477d ago )

I didn't know about the dream sequences. If they try to blur his POV with reality/dreams, that could be awesome. And I will definitely give it time. I'm still picking it up, I was just excited about the prospect of a "true cerebral" adventure that didn't rely on monsters, that's all.

And really duh, stop crying and please shut your mouth. Yes, that's why I said "adult" and not adult. I didn't want a goblin hiding in Alan's closet, from all I read I was expecting a storyline that was more focused on the mental, the demons in us all METAPHORICALLY. If it has monsters, so be it, it will still be an awesome game. I just don't want to see Silent Hill Redux after 5 years of waiting. Excuse me for not fellating the damn game at every turn like some fanboys are.

really duh5477d ago

The Sixth Sense
Stir of Echoes
Dead End
The Exorcist
Angels and Demons

are all rated *tween*

Unicron5477d ago

*sigh* Because ratings have everything to do with maturity! I'm not saying supernatural games cannot be mature, I'm saying I was expecting a more "adult" adventure with a bigger focus on mental anguish. Once again, "adult," not adult. "Adult." Stay with me here boy, c'mon, you can do it!

Also, you've clearly never read Angels & Demons. That book actually serves MY point, as there is NOTHING supernatural about it. That would be "adult" in the context I was using it.

Good day fanboy.

themyk5477d ago

@ really duh

Dang dude even the xbox guys hate you. It's just like I Said the other day. Must be a sad little world u live in.

really duh5477d ago (Edited 5477d ago )

Not surprised to hear that from a PS3 fanboy. He is a pro Sony fanboy that happens to own the 360. I own the PS3 does that mean I don't have preference? no.

Just admit You and Araceae, Unicron are trolling talking about stupid sh*t trying to bash this game because of the threat it posses. I'm not talking about multu platform articles you disagree with but seeking out anything good on the 360 to bash.

The_Zeitgeist5477d ago

Oh my god you guys need to get out more. "the threat it possesses" why do you all care so much about which system wins? PS3 is doing its thing. I love mine!!! 360 is doing its thing. And after seeing the Alan Wake demo I now want one.

Unicron5477d ago

"Just admit You and Araceae, Unicron are trolling talking about stupid sh*t trying to bash this game because of the threat it posses. I'm not talking about multu platform articles you disagree with but seeking out anything good on the 360 to bash."

Wow, really? Really? It's children like YOU who act the victim in every goddamn thread, that are SO utterly insecure when discussing games, SO butthurt over every little thing, that you feel the need to lash out or defend anything Xbox related, when no one is bashing anything! Get a freaking life child, seriously. Try actually reading my posts. Yup, I'm SUCH a PS3 fanboy. Please.

And threat? WHAT THREAT?! I'm buying the goddamn game. I like how when someone is all excited about ANY title, they are labeled a fanboy. Conversely, when they don't suck every games proverbial genitalia, they are ALSO labeled a fanboy. You make me sick.

THIS is bashing? Really? REALLY? Pathetic. Disgustingly pathetic. So I guess having an opinion that I'm not certain an MGS action game would work, that Alan Wake shouldn't have monsters, that NGS2 should have full blood, that Splinter Cell and AC2 look great, that Last Guardian looks amazing, that Crackdown 2 is going to be awesome... all those opinions make ME a fanboy.

It's children like you that not only ruin this site really duh, they ruin gaming and what it's supposed to be, a fun hobby.

CR7JUVE18975477d ago

You are a fanboy. For you see, nobody knows you better than "really duh".

The sooner you can admit this, the sooner you enjoy games on both systems you own........................... ....oh wait, you do that already.

Unicron5477d ago

Dammit Luv, you might be right. Here, take a bubble while I accept these fakts.

Araceae5477d ago

“Just admit You and Araceae, Unicron are trolling talking about stupid sh*t trying to bash this game because of the threat it posses. I'm not talking about multu platform articles you disagree with but seeking out anything good on the 360 to bash.”

Wow. You are way too defensive and hostile. It is just a freaking game, nothing threatening about. I simply compared it to another game with similar elements, said I was expecting more due to the hype (which is probably my own fault for buying into it to some degree), that I think it looks really polished and better then the game I compared it to, and that I think it will probably do well in reviews… so yeah, I was totally bashing the game. Sorry to disappoint you but I am not a blind fanboy like yourself. In MY opinion I think it looks very good, just not as good as I thought it would. Sorry that bothers you so much. Hell, more footage could come out which could wow me. It isn’t coming out till early 2010 so I’m sure it will look even better by then.

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Gamer buys 4,000 copies of Alan Wake, none of them work

Alan Wake, from Max Payne and Control creator Remedy, is a horror classic, prompting one player to buy 4,000 copies that don’t even work.

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roadkillers47d ago

Kind of a goody story...

On a serious note, that is why I try activating gift cards asap. It's happened to me where the store didnt scan it right where the card was unusuable. Happened at Wally World.

gigoran847d ago

wait, that place is real? national lampoon wasn't kidding?

Tacoboto46d ago

I just bought two of the MonsterVerse Godzilla movies on 4K - both had digital copies expiring in 2023. Both were actually expired.

I'd be surprised but it's WB, of course they'd actually expire them

Knightofelemia47d ago

Usually most of those redemption card have an expiry date on them. If they expired all buyer did was buy recycled paper. And some of those codes are country locked to certain countries. I buy a card from the States I can't use it in Canada.

Chocoburger47d ago

Dumb and silly story. She wasted her money for no reason.

Is it really that hard to go to Steam or GOG. She spent $240, when its currently 70% off on GOG, and only costs $4.49.

Gee, I wonder, should I spend $240 on eBay, or $4.49 on GOG? 🙄

Rynxie46d ago

Most likely she wanted to resell a few or most of them. However, it was a too good to be true situation.

46d ago
Profchaos46d ago

So in short she paid $240.00 assuming usd for a bunch on unactivated game codes.

I still don't understand why I guess cause there's not a physical version and she wanted something for a collection or art project.

Rynxie46d ago

No, most likely to resell. However, she ended up getting screwed.

Asplundh46d ago

This is Alan Wake 1, it had physical copies.

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Previously On... Alan Wake

Alan Wake 2 continues the writer's story, 13 years later.


A thermos is upending the Alan Wake community

Remedy has Alan Wake merch on sale, including a pretty blue thermos. Unfortunately, things haven’t gone according to plan, and many players who want a thermos find themselves without one, though it does appear that Remedy is attempting to fix things. Nevertheless, it has resulted in a lot of upset, illustrating just how much the thermos means to Alan Wake fans.

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