
First Colin McRae: Dirt 2 Gameplay Trailer Released

Codemasters has released the first gameplay footage for the sequel of the hit 2007 game Colin McRae Dirt. It is set to be released some time in 2009.

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ShinFuYux5483d ago

I feel this game is stepping away from what the original DiRT was all about.

skwidd5483d ago

Looks like a Colin McRae meets Motorstorm. Still doesnt mean it cant be good. After the floaty controls from the last iteration I hope they've tightened them. From what I heard, they actually have tightened them but from the look on how they're appraoching the game, seems theyre going into a more arcadey, general audience market which makes me doubtful about more realistic controls.

Dpa5483d ago

Yeah it looks to have dropped the whole realistic competitive off road motorsport thing and gone with the motorstorm festival anything goes style instead.

creeping judas5483d ago

Codemaster's admitted they are going after the motorstorm style of game. So don't hold out for tighter controls. It's going to be even more arcady then the 1st iteration was.

Daves5483d ago

It's not going more arcady, nor did they 'admit' there were going motorstorm stylee.

TheAntiFanboy5482d ago (Edited 5482d ago )

Well they're certainly licensing a lot more. They have celebrity drivers and licensed music. And the presentation reminds me of Skate.

I don't like it.

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Revvin5483d ago

It looks like a mix of Motorstorm and Need For Speed. Its far removed from the original games and I think they should drop the Colin McRae title now because its not what he was about and is not fit to carry his name. It looks a lot of fun to play but I feel we're losing a good rally game and having it replaced with a mish mash of other games that are all starting to look the same.

Fatmanp5483d ago

Why are Codemasters still calling it Colin Mcrae and disrespecting his memory. Do they know that he is dead?

Sarcasm5483d ago

Aren't you a backwards one.

It's more of a honor to name the series based off HIS influence on the series, and keeping it to the core which is Colin McRae.

housegroove765483d ago (Edited 5483d ago )

i have to disagree and say its disrespecting his memory cause the only thing this game has to do with Rally are the cars and its not on roads. Its not even close to the true spirit of Rally from what Ive gathered. They should just be calling this Dirt and Dirt only.

It does look amazing though.

W S K5483d ago

they still calling it Colin McRae because they hold the rights for it and they know that it is a established franchise! (what a question)

back to topic:
someone mentioned Need for Speed
and it was also somehow the first thing that came to my mind when i watched the trailer

i liked the first one ... though the career was a little bit repetitive (like in GRID) and the steering was somehow very unresponse

the trailer though got my hopes high for the sequel (im in for almost every racing game)

so...im squeezing both thumbs right now that this wont dissapoint me

GMR_PR5483d ago

i know i will get a lot of disagrees, but this game look like it can compete with Motor Storm. Looking good.

DelbertGrady5483d ago

Yep. Never mention PS3 exclusives in a way that isn't extremely positive. If this is ingame it obviously looks better than Motorstorm. Let's hope it plays as well as it looks.

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The best rally games of all time

What were the genre’s greatest entries ever?

Yi-Long3125d ago

For me, Rallisport Challenge 2 (Xbox) without a doubt. Amazing gameplay, and fantastic track-design and visuals.

3125d ago
Ashistheking3125d ago

the first dirt game was such a surprise :)

waltyftm3125d ago

Sega rally 2 on the Dreamcast was my favourite, still is the greatest imo.

Der_Kommandant3125d ago (Edited 3125d ago )

Sega Rally on Saturn
Dirt 1 and 2


Top 10 Racing Games For PS3

A breakdown of the best PS3 racing games according to Rantgaming.com. Games are rated based on replay value, graphics, gameplay, and controls

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INC NATE21314245d ago ShowReplies(1)
Larry L4244d ago

I'm not impressed with much in terms of racing this gen. Graphics have been really raised racently, and it wasn't by the "two kings" (GT and Forza) in racing. Shift 2 and the upcoming Project Cars are now DOMINATING racing games graphically, GT5 and Forza 4/H do not even compare. But physics and gameplay-wise, most everything's been "off" aside from a select few. My short list would be.

#1 GT5. It's still rocking everybody in terms of gameplay and variety. It's got every kind of 4 wheeled racing almost from Karts to F1 and everything in between. GT needs to step it up graphically now though. Forza is the LEAST of their worries there.

#2 Motorstorm Pacific Rift. Just the #1 most fun and intense arcade/off-road racer ever made or ever will be made. SOOOOOO much variety compared to the bare bones (but great) first game, and a way better racing game than the 3rd game which was more like Split-Second than MotorStorm in THIS Motorstorm Fan's opinion.

#3 F1 Championship Edition. This PS3 exclusive launch game is imho still the best F1 game this gen in terms of the racing.

#4 FerrariChallenge/SuperCar Challenge. Alot of people havn't heard about these, they got VERY little attention. They sucked because not alot of cars, but it's a fact that System 3 put into these PS3 exclusives (they were on Wii too, but they weren't as advanced) the most advanced, realistic physics to ever be in a console racer. The same physics they put into their PC sim. Good graphics for the time too. Very under-rated.

#5 Shift 2. This is only here because I think graphically, it's a sneak peek at the next level in racing sim graphics. Project Cars is improving on that. But Shift 2 has HORRIBLE physics and I disliked playing it. If Project Cars can get the physics more in line than Shift 2, and have enough of a garage to have the variety in the racing while keeping the online field fairly even like GT5 does, it will truly be the next level of racing sims, and something may actually pull me away from GT5, which nothing has based on gameplay.

Also: WipeOut HD- awesome game, awesome value, it's expansion makes it an even better value, top notch quality.


Colin McRae: DiRT 2 Hits MAC

A surprisingly late release for this one, even for Apple Macintosh (MAC) gamers, the critically acclaimed Colin McRae: DiRT 2 is now available for Apple’s home computer and laptop systems. With fantastic locations, a wide array of events and superb car handling, Colin McRae: DiRT 2 is promising to set a new standard for racing games on the MAC.

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BlmThug4648d ago

Haha. Dirt 3 is already out and they now get Dirt 2