Insanium5503d ago

The best generation of Pokemon, being remade with beautiful color and 3D... I'm crying tears of joy.

OmarJA5503d ago

Yeah me too... :D

Finally i can reunite with my best six friends. :D

PinkUni5503d ago

...thats not really 3d

and beautiful color?
theres practically no technological difference between the gameboy color and ds...

i mean the pokemon series pretty much proves that...

they all look the same, and they all have the same gameplay

Mindboggle5503d ago

I loved pokemon gold and silver when i was a kid. For me it was the best era of pokemon and had just enough pokemon. When they started adding more pokemon it got stupid and alot of people grew up and lost interest.

Kushan5503d ago

The picture associated with this news post is NOT the new version. Watch the video to see what it's supposed to be like - yes it's 3D.

Bubble Buddy5503d ago

*sniff, I've been waiting for this for so long :'). Best generation for games right here (Y).

phosphor1125502d ago

I wanted to see the game, not them jizzing over the fact that the person took a few steps left and a few right. RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE.

Show me more of the game not pictures of pokemon! >=/

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5502d ago
OmarJA5503d ago

Damn! she got big ears... :D

qface645503d ago

but shes cute if you ask me >.>

Sonyslave35503d ago

damn i would love a pokemon rpg game.

jivah5503d ago

dude pokemon is an rpg game..

Ashriel5503d ago

XD very funny, Nelson guy.

iceman28855503d ago

Those Japanese TV shows are nucking futs!

Erotic Sheep5503d ago

I agree, wtf is wrong with Japanese people? lmao

J@D5503d ago

You know, this kind of show aren't focus on grow up/kind of mature person... kid on Japan love this kind of TV show, every kid does.

mt5502d ago

i hope you are from those people who has culture , my friend .

jivah5503d ago

umm i wud definitely get dis game if it doesnt take advantage of da dual screen on a ds...
i realli hate da whole dual screen thing..i prefer 1 screen like psp or gameboy adv.

soo if it does use 1 screen den ill play it..2 screens den pass for me..ill stick wit classic gold n silver

Cheeseknight285503d ago

Bottom screen will likely be the handheld PDA you had in the last game, that gave you various info.

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Erasing Another Player’s Pokémon File: An Issue I Didn’t Expect

Brandon of Mammoth Gamers recently purchased a used copy of Pokémon SoulSilver. Before he started his journey through the second generation, he came across another player's file and had an unexpected problem hit him.

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PiNkFaIrYbOi2126d ago

Sometimes you just need to move ahead and erase old game saves.

Lon3wolf2125d ago

Indeed especially when it is someone else's save files on a cartridge that they have sold on.

PhoenixUp2126d ago

This won’t be an issue on Switch when you can have one save file per account, meaning players can finally abuse the trading system

WeedyOne2125d ago

You really shouldn't give a shit about another gamer's save file on a used game you purchased... While its fun to walk in another's shoes for a bit you shouldn't feel guilty about erasing the save file. I mean if they cared about the time invested and keeping the save file i'm sure they would not have sold the game for pennies on the dollar to a used game store. Please wipe the save and start your own adventure. Game on!

franwex2125d ago (Edited 2125d ago )

I bought a used Final Fantasy Tactics for the Gameboy Advance and it has a save file of about 300 hours in it.
I feel guilty about deleting that file, luckily I can start my own separate one. I am hoping once I do and beat the game and compare my party to the previous player's and see what we did differently.


Game Freak's Choices Make Us Feel Things | Drunken Pokemon Chat

"Andrew and I finally shed our thoughts on the Pokemon Let’s Go reveal. From the game’s new features to what we want to see the Pokemon title. Will motion controls be forced? How will battles work? So many questions! Let’s jump into this drunken Pokemon discussion." -- Nintendo Enthusiast

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Why We're Still Playing Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver

With each new generation of Pokémon, the overall number of Pokémon in the National Dex has climbed far beyond the original 151. Obviously, Pokémon has been spread over multiple generations of hardware, and this has further made it more difficult to "catch 'em all". On the Game Boy Advance, Game Freak began a method of alleviating this somewhat with remakes of the first generation games, giving gamers a more streamlined method of collecting the original Pokémon. This was continued on the DS with remakes of the second generation of games, Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver.

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Castlevania3017d ago

Best games in the series to be honest.

Flare1493017d ago

Because if you play it like I do and are constantly adding newly caught Pokemon to your lineup it takes an eternity? Thank goodness for EXP share in the later games haha