
Lens of Truth: X-Men Origins - Wolverine Comparison (720p)

Lens of Truth writes," This week the Lens of Truth had a chance to compare the much anticipated X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and to us it wasn't a disappointment but we had to declare a winner. Stick around to see which version of the game is crowned, the most blood-soaked superhero game ever!"

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evildeli5505d ago

I don't care who won this head2head. This was a fun game. I'm definitely getting this one for the collection.

Sea_Man5505d ago

Yeah I'm loving it! I bought it last week and i can't put it down.

iHEARTboobs5505d ago

My GF's brother told me he liked it so i'll have to check out the demo.

Sea_Man5505d ago

If your a Wolverine fan your gonna love it. The only thing I didn't like was the fact they say Wolverine's first appearance is in Incredible hulk 180, when in fact it's Incredible Hulk 181. They state this during random load times.

DelbertGrady5505d ago

It's extremely immersive. The fights are so intense and over the top that you easily find yourself gripping the controller tightly. Even though I'm pretty far into the game I constantly find new moves to try out, and each enemy has Wolverine doing lots of different finishers.

Nineball21125505d ago

fiore3dartist - "If your a Wolverine fan your gonna love it. The only thing I didn't like was the fact they say Wolverine's first appearance is in Incredible hulk 180, when in fact it's Incredible Hulk 181. They state this during random load times."

Really, they say that! Wow!! That ruins it for me. It's a rental now. /sarc

Hahah... just playing with you. You've got to be a huge fan to know that.

I might have to try out the demo myself when I get a chance.

Sea_Man5505d ago

I am man, I love Wolverine and this game is by far the best Wolverine game i ever played! I constantly do the finishing moves and cut people up!!

SupaPlaya5505d ago

finally a non-flamebait first post in a graphics comparison thread!

From the praise here I'll go check out the demo. Gosh too many games I haven't got a chance to play.

Myth5505d ago

And the PS3 version is better in this case. The 360 has way more texture pop in. Once the textures pop in they are pretty equal, but i hate texture pop in so i have to give it to the PS3 this time.

5505d ago
ultimolu5505d ago

I agree. The demo was cool.

All-35505d ago

Actually - Wolverine's FIRST appearance is in fact in Hulk #180... on the last page. The character made a one-panel cameo appearance in that issue... it was the very LAST panel.

He THEN makes a FULL appearance in the next Incredible Hulk issue... #181... also appearing on the cover.

Wolverine also made a brief appearance in The Incredible Hulk - issue #182. His whole reason for coming into existence was to bring down The Hulk.

The next time Wolverine appeared was in 1975... in the Giant-Size X-Men #1 issue.

TruthbeTold5505d ago (Edited 5505d ago )

Wolverine's first appearance was on the last panel of Incredible Hulk # 180. His first full appearance, and cover appearance was on the famous #181. So the game isn't wrong.

Edit: Oops my bad. All-3 I didn't see that you'd already posted that info.

Tempjf5505d ago

Well hulk 181 is recognized by collectors as his first appearance. Hench the huge price differences. but yes, they showed 1 picture of him in 181. I consider his first appearance 181. They should have mentioned that his full first appearance was 181. It's kinda miss leading.

Traveler5505d ago

Hey guys I have played both versions of the demo and the 360 version does edge out the PS3 version. In either case it is a great game. I really was quite impressed.

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RudeSole Devil5505d ago (Edited 5505d ago )

Just normal now that Xbox360 wins these Head2Head. What I want to know is what happened to that almighty Cell chip Sony braged about? Before you PS3 fanboys start bashing me think about it for a minute. I understand that PS3 exclusives look great but that's 30% of the battle to winning a console war. If the Cell and Blu-Ray are so great and powerful all these cross platform games should automatically be superior on PS3. But looks whats happening people the Xbox360 has been embarrassing the PS3 with almost every single cross platform game to date. Why? Because Sony is full of SH_@#IT.

iHEARTboobs5505d ago (Edited 5505d ago )

lol, clown.

Edit: I don't really get into the whole, this system is more powerful that that system bs. Yeah yeah, this system can do this and that system can't do that. Whatever, talk is cheap. I only care about what's out and what's coming out. So go on thinking your system of choice actually won something when the majority of people wont see any difference. But why am I even talking to you, you're too busy thinking you're in some kind of war. lol

evildeli5505d ago

I can't think of an exclusive title that Xbox 360 has that PS3 couldn't do. On the other hand there's not a lot of games the Xbox 360 could do that are exclusive to the PS3. I just think the PS3 is a late bloomer. PS3 needs to do something about that.

5505d ago
Mike Wallace5505d ago

Damn, man, c'mon. Just learn to read. Learn to read. Start with Reading Rainbow books, just please for the love of god learn to read!

"Also please note that the screen grab captured the Xbox360 version having the texture pop-in slower, but this is almost a random occurrence and both games suffer the same fate."

Gue15505d ago (Edited 5505d ago )

Why is that everybody's saying that the X360 version is better?

What about this screens then?



I am confused...

Strikepackage Bravo5505d ago

Not sure I buy the "console is so powerful developers don't know how to use it" theory.

When something is more powerful, it does what it is made to do with less effort not more. You wouldn't say a Honda accord is more powerful than a Lamborghini, its just that people don't know how to drive it so thats why it doesn't go as fast?!?

If the PS3 is more powerful it should do everything better, not just exclusives.

5505d ago
Eiffel5505d ago

Those images are clearly photoshoped. I can't see how they could have two versions of the same game on different consoles and get the camera angles exactly right. Plus the second image is a simple use of the blur tool, nothing else.

Tempjf5505d ago

Dude I was there when they played this game live and if they photoshoped it in real time then those are gods! I was there where you when they actually played the game live and spoke about the differences?? Idiot!

Eiffel5505d ago

Okay first fix your grammar, because its pretty hilarious of you to call me an idiot when you type like you're still in third grade, don't self-own yourself. No you were not there when they played this live. You clearly don't know what sites will do to get hits. Photoshop on those examples is very obvious to point out. A suggestion for the future. If you don't know anything about it, just shut up.

Tempjf5505d ago

Sorry for the grammar I didn't know I was in 3rd grade English class! Ask your mom if I'm in 3rd grade.

1st off I was there.

2nd it's not their fault that your PS3 sucks.

3rd next time try researching a product before you buy it rather then fixing people's grammar.

lastly you don't even know how to use photoshop Trust me it's noting like MS paint. If your so confident they photoshoped it then please tell me where the increase normal map texture filter is?


MUNKYPOO5505d ago

eiffel is a 360 fanboy. lol. the pictures that wiimaniac was reffering to looked better on the ps3.

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jBat175505d ago

after the GT mess-up, we now know that it's all about the tv settings.. how else can you explain 2 xbox shots with one darker than the other?!.. man, the media is deliberately sabotaging the ps3 - it's pathetic

Sea_Man5505d ago (Edited 5505d ago )

Nothing is captured from the tv it's from the consoles to the capture device, never touching the tv. They are both set at 720p, because the PS3 don't upscale. As for the difference in darkness is all due to different graphics cards. Furthermore, if you read the article the guy who wrote it says he

"As a matter of fact I bought this game on Saturday and guess which system I bought it for? That’s right you heard it here, on the PS3"

how is that bashing the PS3?? please enlighten me!

U Have The Swine FLu5505d ago (Edited 5505d ago )

Do you even own a T.V? Yea the media is sabotaging PS3. Yea Lens of Truth actually added higher res textures to the Xbox360 feed while they recorded the video and graded the images. Hey stupid think about this, they did this Head2Head live on justin.tv so people like you could ask questions and participate in the Head2Head. How is that sabotaging the ps3? Next time join the show and try to prove them wrong. What other website does that?

Sir Ken_Kutaragi5505d ago (Edited 5505d ago )


The Demo was ok(gameplay) But it looked like a CR*P 'ChatBox 360' (Unreal Engine) game???
So i put on 'Uncharted 1' after i played the Demo and LAUGHED SO HARD because 'Uncharted 1' LOOKS 1 TRILLION times better than 'X-Men Origins:Wolverine'!!! ;-D

+ Only idiots believe these sites + it looks like the ChatBots are losing it??? ;-D

lociefer5505d ago

lol any idiot could easily declare the ps3 winner by looking at the pics, only those in denial still stick to the other console, on another note LOLZ UNREAL ENGINE LOOKS BETTER ON ZEH PS3 LOLCRACKERZ ROFLCOPTER, GOOD TEXTURE LOADING SPEED 360 , NOT

JasonPC360PS3Wii5505d ago

I'm not sure if anyone has heard of Killzone 2, like 5 people... maybe.

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Socomer 19795505d ago

I think he really believes that. i would categorize rudesole devil as finacially destitute. that would explain his need to believe that his system is the best.

where did lens of truth come from anyway? its been a good couple of months where this is all they do and make pointless comparisons of the game. i would assume the only people who pay any attention to this are multi console owners but that would be too logical so i beleive the only people who pay attention to this are those that need some reassurance to keep paying for thier gold xboxlive subcription.

hee hee.

U Have The Swine FLu5505d ago

That's right, people who can afford multiple systems have the right to know which version is better. I don't care if one pixel is different between the two I want to know. That's my right. Also you people are making out that is so difficult to actually choose the superior version. It takes so much effort to lift you arm up and pick the Xbox version over the PS3. Wow very tiring to do that dumb asses, especially when you know the Xbox360 version is the better one. One more thing smarty pants were does one go to find you which version is actually better. Ask the guy at GameStop? Yea right GameStop employees barely now there ass from there elbows. Sites like the Lens of Truth provide a service to you by informing us differences between version. And if you to dumb to see that enjoy you inferior game while I'll keep playing the superoiur version.

HDgamer5505d ago

"That's right, people who can afford multiple systems have the right to know which version is better."

Oh right that's a fanboy excuse. No real gamer will choose it for graphical reasons. One would be better than the other if it has dlc or special items that aren't included on the other platform. Mostly as a multiplatform owner I choose the one I prefer to play on, many real gamers do this unless there is something special. The funny thing is only fanboys can see these "screen tearing", no Anti-Alias, which many of them don't even know what that is.

Traveler5505d ago

Well, I think graphics are definitely one consideration and as a multi-console owner I too like to have that information. However, when the differences is as small as it is here other considerations are likely to be far more important.

U Have The Swine FLu5505d ago

He makes some good points deal with it. @iHEARTboobs you dumb ass I'll just post it LOL "Just normal now that Xbox360 wins these Head2Head. What I want to know is what happened to that almighty Cell chip Sony braged about? Before you PS3 fanboys start bashing me think about it for a minute. I understand that PS3 exclusives look great but that's 30% of the battle to winning a console war. If the Cell and Blu-Ray are so great and powerful all these cross platform games should automatically be superior on PS3. But looks whats happening people the Xbox360 has been embarrassing the PS3 with almost every single cross platform game to date. Why? Because Sony is full of SH_@#IT."

iHEARTboobs5505d ago (Edited 5505d ago )

lol you two should join the circus.

edit: oh, I get it. You ran out of bubbles and created another account so that you can agree with yourself and disagree with me. lol

U Have The Swine FLu5505d ago (Edited 5505d ago )

You should have been a detective, instead you work at KFC. BTW the free meal your giving out today sucks. And please give me a straw for my drink next time I come through the drive through. Is that so hard to remember? You have one job to do right in your life and you can't even do that.

Sea_Man5505d ago

I work at KFC and I never forget to hand out straws!! God I love my job!

Milky Joe5505d ago

At least my PS3 isn't off at a repair centre...

...Is what I would say if I was going to get involved in this stupid fanboy argument. But luckily I'm not so I'll save you all from that one.

madkrazygames5505d ago (Edited 5505d ago )


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