
The Conduit: Technically marvellous but underneath it's not really much fun

Lot of people are getting very excited over The Conduit, and on paper it's easy to see why. The Wii isn't exactly rolling in first-person shooters, and this one's technically much more impressive than most. It's got great controls, detailed environments and some interesting weaponry. But fire up the disc and compared to even the most bog-standard FPS on Xbox 360, PS3 or PC, it seems fairly clichéd, uninspired and quite forgettable.

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Gam715529d ago (Edited 5529d ago )

So like Killzone 2 then?

/runs away ;)

PirateThom5529d ago

You jest!

Seriously though, I know people who dismiss Killzone 2, Call of Duty whatever as being generic who are looking forward to this simply because it's on Wii.

They seem to think the controls will make it alright for a game that many people who game mostly on PS3/360/PC called generic.

mastiffchild5529d ago (Edited 5529d ago )

I've worried that level design and repetition would be The Conduits achilles heel for ages now. I was hoping for big scenes in the White Hoise and on Capitol Hill-any DC landmarks but they may be holding them back I guess. they'd be cool MP maps as well.

Your KZ2 joke does bring out a point though. Killzone2, as a PS3 shooter was accused of not doing anything massively new gamelay wise(though it's avowed inrent was to do what it did better than ever before and, for me(controls esp) it succeeded mostly in doing so)but when did Halo? Not for ages I'd say-it's just hard to do so in FPS games.

Thing is these aren't yet cliches on Wii as nobody yet nailed the core experience(MP3 being more than a shooter)of a FPS let alone enough games to make groundbreaking a must have fopr The Conduits first outing-I'm just hoping he mechanics are great and the online MP works. "TAT" is prolly going to be a bit strong as well and you just can't compare this to KZ2, COD4 or Halo3 as it's more comparable to the first Halo given the relative state of the FPS genre now on the Wii(on and offline) and the origibal Xbox at the Halo CE release.

Still feel it's got a big chance as even when Halo was first shown similar worries were spouted from some quarters. Not writing this one off yet.

Every FPS these days will be considered generic to a point but if you only have a Wii to game on just how generic will this be in any case? As I say about as generic as Halo was on it's first day of release(compared to PC shooters it was nothing really new, was it?)and the platform is everything here.

Gam715529d ago

"Seriously though, I know people who dismiss Killzone 2, Call of Duty whatever as being generic who are looking forward to this simply because it's on Wii."

That happens a lot now.
Put "exclusive" or "only possible on" in front of the game title and all of a sudden that userbase wants it and its teh best thing eva!

It doesn't matter what genre of game it is and what they've said to the other rival userbases when they've bought games of that exact genre in the past.

there is a name for those people but I can't quite remember it...
Anyway I'll be looking at this when it comes out but I haven't bought any FPS on my wii as I don't see how the controls can work intuitively enough.

Maybe Red Steel just spoiled that for me.
(still interested in Red Steel 2, I'm a glutton for punishment)

PirateThom5529d ago

I didn't actually mind Red Steel... it wasn't the shooting, it was the sword fighting that didn't work very well.

Gam715529d ago (Edited 5529d ago )

They both seemed broken to me.
I think I played cod on my brothers wii and the controls on that didn't seem very good either.

Maybe a rental for conduit and see what the control scheme is like and if it works for me.

raztad5529d ago

KZ2 is a LOT of fun. Its so satisfying, controls feel just natural, not a COD guy here, and the game is rentless and adrenaline pumping. I hope The Conduit delivers, Wii real gamers could use a good FPS.

ChickeyCantor5529d ago

" They seem to think the controls will make it alright for a game that many people who game mostly on PS3/360/PC called generic."

It may look generic, but does it play "generic"?
The gfx are just a plus, it still comes down to how well it plays with the Wii-mote.

ZuperAmazingCooKie5529d ago (Edited 5529d ago )

The graphics may be good (by Wii standards), but it's another FPS with aliens on it. It's gonna be pretty hard to innovate and/or differentiate itself from other games in the same genre, considering how many similar games already exist and/or are, or may be, in development.


@sidar, evidently they're not trying with the story, and they're not trying with the genre. As far as how the game plays, it seems to play like every other FPS (or every other FPS on Wii), basically point and click, nothing new here.

For example, even if Bioshock hadn't innovated in terms of storyline, it would have still been graced by the critics because of the way it plays. It didn't need a Wiimote for point and click, but it certainly needed processing power to simulate all of the things that happen in the background, such as dynamic A.I. among other things.

ChickeyCantor5529d ago (Edited 5529d ago )

" t's gonna be pretty hard to innovate and/or differentiate itself from other games in the same genre, considering how many similar games already exist and/or are, or may be, in development."

But what are they trying to innovate? The alien story or the controls?
On top of that we have no idea how the story ends.

"sidar, evidently they're not trying with the story, and they're not trying with the genre. As far as how the game plays, it seems to play like every other FPS (or every other FPS on Wii), basically point and click, nothing new here. "

Then you have missed the point that some weapons would not work with mouse or gamepad.

Going with your statement, no FPS to date tried something new.

" For example, even if Bioshock hadn't innovated in terms of storyline, it would have still been graced by the critics because of the way it plays. It didn't need a Wiimote for point and click, but it certainly needed processing power to simulate all of the things that happen in the background, such as dynamic A.I. among other things."

So only that can innovate in this gerne?
Sorry but you are just completely off.

Innovation can come in the most smallest details.
Just by looking at it may come of as "generic" or nothing new, but you guys are pretty much way to judgemental before you even played the damn game.

N4g_null5529d ago

I don't know what is so hard for you guys? Most people wanting to play it have been playing FPS since say quake 3 or doom. Long story short is we all want a FPS with Metroid 3 controls and some effort behind the graphics. It's going to be just like golden eye for me. Good controls or better than what is available for console ok graphics and console online.

I don't know many FPS players that only play games for the graphics or hype. I mean if this was the case doom4 would have sold way better when it came out and UT3 would have crushed every thing when it came out.

The funny thing about the conduit is for FPS player that wanted a console game with controls that rivals the PC. That's all. If you are an HD gamer that only wants proof that HD gaming is good or a PC gamer that doesn't want to learn a new control system then fine.

Quake 3 had no story at all and I will be playing that game tonight. I mean there isn't a story out their that can replace a good FPS match.

The pr0blem with HD FPS on the HD consoles are the controls or controllers. So far the N64 controller was pretty good, PC controls are the best right now and the Wii is some where between that.

You don't have to agree though. I did not expect many to like mario kart on the Wii but to my surprise they did and many play with the wheel also crazy huh? Now if some how people look like they are having fun playing this game at E3 thing you will have a winner no matter how or what the story is. When I watched people playing killzone 2 they where there to judge the graphics rather than play the game.

This happens with many high end games yet if people love the controls more people are drawn into the game. I'm not sure why more developers and gamers don't understand this in the HD realm.

ChickeyCantor5529d ago (Edited 5529d ago )


Funny thing is that zuper says they aren't trying with the story.
Yet non has even heard the whole story to pass actuall judgement.
I mean Killzone 2 looks like a typical RFOM...comparing both trailers and little bits of gameplay video's, sounds biased doesn't it?

N4g_null5529d ago

sidar you are right and really a conspiracy story is always better than a generic evil. I just want a console shooter with Wii controls, it's coming and we can settle this all in a grand match ok!

Hey but he has been bias for a long time now... it's his lost i guess?

Mini Mario5529d ago (Edited 5529d ago )

Its funny how ppl rate a system these days based upon how many FPS's there are on the console.

I miss the days when FPS's were more of a PC thing. I swear the ppl that care so much about them are PC gamers that cant afford the high end PC.

Ppl that like the keyboard and mouse set up should prefer games like this on the wii anyway, it flows much better. Metroid prime 3 was perfect and when done properly any other game can be just as good. Ppl just gotta give it a chance.

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ChickeyCantor5529d ago (Edited 5529d ago )

He didn't say much about gameplay....almost its non existing in his article.

Well doesn't matter what he says, I'm supporting this game.
HVS deserves it.

Anyone taking this article as fact needs to GTFO as many others actually did like it allot.

mastiffchild5529d ago

Noones gonna take it as fact when we know many games writers do have it in for the Wii in general.

Fact is many of us immediately thought how cool FPS could be when we first saw the Revolutions motion controls way back when anmd we just haven't had the full package yet.

Level design is tough to make fresh on any platform in this genre and, to be fair, it's been the one recurring moan i've heard from previewers but, hopefully they've been holding back the iconic locations for nearer launch-to single it out when there's few that actually do anything new with this seems harsh anyway. All HVS can do s make it the best they can, it's their first big solo project and with the tech side they also took on a lot.

Personally, if they nail the controls and the basic merchanics while getting a relatively lag free MP on the go then they've done as well as they could expect and the real test should be the second game when innovation within the genre is a more realistic expectation as games on more powerful systems have failed massively at that with devs far more experienced at this genre too.

Really, the main fun should be the satisfaction of more realistic shooting if this is done well and the wider innovations should take a back seat til that's done and even then with ASE they're trying to mix things up and we've not seen much of what that could do yet.

My Halo comparison is mainly due to the similarly infantile state of FPS on Wii Connect now anmd Live back then and the hope it could do a similar job for Wii owners. we should still be hopeful for this game and not set an unrealistically high bar.

ZuperAmazingCooKie5529d ago

It's understandable that this game is falling in a sea of games in an overused Sci-Fi FPS genre. This generation alone we've had these:

Quake 4, Timeshift, Prey, Darkness, FEAR, FEAR 2, BlackSite: Area 51, Jericho, Halo 3, Haze, Shadowrun, Resistance 1 & 2, Killzone 2, Unreal Tournament 3, The Orange Box, Bioshock, Crysis, Crysis: Warhead, and we will have Halo:ODST and probably Resistance 3, Killzone 3, Bioshock 2, Duke Nukem Forever, Huxley and maybe even some sequels to the rest of the games mentioned above. (I've excluded Gears of War because it's third person).

All of these had or will have naturally and expectedly better technology than the Conduit because of the hardware involved, and I probably forgot many others (I'm not even including Fantasy FPS games like Legendary and project offset or Zombie games like Left 4 Dead and Dead Island).

If "The Conduit" wishes to separate itself from other shooters then it better do it on fronts that aren't tech related. But honestly, it looks a lot like Blacksite: Area 51. I liked that game but it was generic. Hardly a GOTY contender like "The Conduit" devs want to claim.

ChickeyCantor5529d ago (Edited 5529d ago )

" If "The Conduit" wishes to separate itself from other shooters then it better do it on fronts that aren't tech related"

Yeah like the way you play a FPS, thats what this whole game is about.
People like you keep saying its " GENERIC ", why don't you PLAY it first untill you say it does nothing new.

" I liked that game but it was generic. Hardly a GOTY contender like "The Conduit" devs want to claim."
Like so many said Mario galaxy was nothing new...

SinnedNogara5529d ago

He said that the environments were bland. Well that is retarded, because it is real-world Washington D.C in a acopalyptic alien setting. Duh, nothing spectacular. Besides, these are the beginning levels, you never know if the final level would take place on a Drudge Mothership or something.

The Conduit is going to get at least a 8.0, it is obvious.

ZuperAmazingCooKie5529d ago

Sidar, I never said the game will suck or that it can't be really good. I simply have lots of doubts that it will be a GOTY contender or even a Shooter of the year contender among all platforms. And I also said that it seems generic but that I could be wrong, implying that it may play differently. Oh, and for your comment related with the aspects that Bioshock innovated on, I never said that's the only way to innovate, I said it is one possible way to innovate. You can innovate on tech, on ways to play, on storyline, etcetera. I simply said that I highly doubt that anyone can innovate much with the Wiimote as far as FPS go, and the Wiimote is NOT a mouse. Point and click has been done for years on the arcade.

ChickeyCantor5529d ago

" and the Wiimote is NOT a mouse. Point and click has been done for years on the arcade."

Exactly its not a mouse, you can do more with it.
If you are saying point and click has been done for years, where does that leave analog stick or mouse?

ZuperAmazingCooKie5529d ago

The difference is that whoever promotes the Wiimote sells it as if it was some sort of new feature. Games that use the Mouse or the analogue sticks don't use them as selling points, as they're usually a given. On the other hand, the Wiimote isn't supposed to be considered a given in your usual games (though it is on Wii), it's the Wii's selling point; cancel that and what are you left with? The worst part for the Wii is that its selling point is nothing new, it's just a rehash of something that's been done for ages. And that's assuming that the Wiimote actually improves the experience, but in the best case for the Wii, it's subjective, and in the worst case you just need to look at the reviews (not necessarily the scores, but the actual content of the reviews).

Mini Mario5529d ago (Edited 5529d ago )

"The difference is that whoever promotes the Wiimote sells it as if it was some sort of new feature."

Well it is a new way of playing FPS's >>? Its better and more accurate than analog sticks, and i like it better than keyboard and mouse too (play resident evil 4 on the wii then go an play resident evil 5..then tell me what is more fluent).

Instead of bagging something u obviously know very little about, how about trying a game all the way thru first (or in this case play it WHEN it comes out..instead of b4 it's actual release date)

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phantomexe5529d ago

Killzone 2 does look great but theres no other consul FPS that gives you Custom controls like the conduit does.For me that's a big deal because computer FPS are unmathed in controls.The Wii in the closest thing to that.The game looks better then any other wii game on top of that, it has close to pc like controls which can be customized.I'd love to see RTS games start showing up on the wii like C&C.There no way to really get the drag and click right on a standrd controler.IMO

jay25529d ago

Oh dear, I was hoping for better than this guys making it sound..... Then again, it is one person only.

Xander-RKoS5529d ago

The one thing about the actual game he said was that enemies drop health. And that's a bad thing? Seriously, anything to get past that annoying auto health thing that almost every FPS game sport now adays.

He also said the story was generic but really told us nothing aside from what we already knew about the story, so I'm still not convinced.

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