
Resident Evil 5 - Xbox 360 vs. PS3 comparison screenshots

A huge gallery with lots of comparison screenshots between the Xbox 360 and the PS3 version of Resident Evil 5 has been put up on Cynamite.de. Can you tell the difference?

hippo245564d ago

Not to be bothersome but aren't there more ps3's in Japan?
So wouldn't proportionally there be more games sold for it, then its competitor?

Just throwing that out there

360 man5564d ago

goodness sake

wat is it with that ridiculous blur all over the ps3 version

cereal_killa5564d ago

360man can you see little pink fairy's and sock goblins with those fanboy goggles you wear as well.

pumpkinpunker5564d ago (Edited 5564d ago )

Yeah, the lighting is also worse quality in the PS3 with less subtlety. The textures on the monster thingy are worse on the PS3 version. Also, notice how the two characters look like they're standing in front of a blue-screen or something in the PS3 version of the last picture on the first page.

All in all, the PS3 version looks like it's missing one last stage of polish compared to the 360 version. It appears some shaders and post processing effects are non-existent in the PS3 version to keep it running at a stable framerate.

360 version is hands down better looking- on this game it's not even a question.

360 man5564d ago

ign confirmed that during game play ps3 struggles with the frame rate whilst the 360 is consistant through out

Ghoul5564d ago

goodness sake

wat is it with that ridiculous fanboyism all over n4g

myothercar5564d ago (Edited 5564d ago )

Both versions look nearly identical. The only difference I see is in the intensity of the lighting- sometimes it looks more vibrant and intense on the PS3, and sometimes it's in favor of the 360. It doesn't seem to be technical limitations, but rather differences in artistic intent between the two platforms' lighting artists or whoever.

All this "360 version looks undeniably better" is just xbots getting caught with their pants down because they think they can say it about every multiplatform comparison.

P.S. @ 360 Man (nice name, hides your bias) that "ridiculous" blur in the PS3 version looks to be motion blur, a post-processing effect that takes more horsepower to render.

Ghoul5564d ago

that "blur" is motionblur wich we allready saw in some multiplats to be only on the ps3 version because of the lacking horsepower of the 360 on that kinda postproscess effekt.

i wouldnt be suprised if re5 has a ps3 optimised motionblur too.

Blaze9295564d ago

why all you all disagreeing with comment 1.5 by 360 man? Thats the truth, IGN already confirmed that the 360 version is the superior version the the one they recommend.


360 MAN 25564d ago

actually hor ur information blur doesnt require much hard ware power

it is mostly used to hide jaggies

now multi sampling anti aliasing on the other hand requires more hardware power and keeps the game crisp and good to look at

pumpkinpunker5564d ago

good call on the IGN comparison. you can tell the analyst is kind of a sony fanboy (he prefers dual analog for FPS shooters?!?) and it pains him to recommend the the 360 version.

Graphics Whore5564d ago

The exact comment is "the framerate dips for the trained eye"

Lol what? How about a benchmark test?

Anyway, the Xbox 360 version has some nasty screen tearing.

The game look exactly the same, no matter how stupid you are.

HighDefinition5564d ago (Edited 5564d ago )

The people who are able to notice a missing pixel in a game are the same people who can`t see a difference between DVD and BluRay.

Think about it.

Ghoul5564d ago

"1.13 - Food 4 Thought......
The people who are able to notice a missing pixel in a game are the same people who can`t see a difference between DVD and BluRay.

Think about it. "

+bubble hi def very nicely said

Mindboggle5564d ago (Edited 5564d ago )

WTF is this trash ! There is hardly any difference at all except in the lighting image. Both versions are visually identical and only fanboys would care about this crappy comparison.

Just buy the game for whatever system you have, and be happy. Noones going to go out and buy the other console due to small differences such as a supposed low res texture. Its pathetic and all you people fussing about this are even more pathetic.

eagle215564d ago

Gamespot said halo wars looks "unfinished and bland" 6.5.

SO4 looks like crap compared with the bullshots that got released.

MGS4 and LBP stole all the graphics awards from AIAS and Spike. Gears and fable won zero, cause 360 releases bullshots and the games look worse.

PS3 has better graphics, we know it. :)

Blaze9295564d ago

the people on this website are ridiculous

Aquanox5564d ago

IGN HEad to Head:

"Still, there are some small differences worth noting. The PS3 presents more brightly, and this helps to bring out more visual detail in dark areas. In comparison, the blacks in the 360 version tend to wash out some of the finer details. In brightly lit areas, however, the PS3's brightness adds a slight haziness to the image that makes brighter colors look a touch washed out. The PS3 takes a hit in the framerate department, with noticeable dips into the low 20's in some especially hectic scenes. It's also worth noting the PS3 version appears slightly more aliased than the 360 version. You won't see this without looking closely because environments generally have so much polygonal detail that straight lines never stand out. Still, you'll notice a slight jagginess on gun models and some simpler environmental objects in the PS3 version.

The PS3 version requires a hefty 4.8GB installation that took me upwards of fifteen minutes. Once the game is running, the PS3 version loaded into levels just a second or two more quickly than the 360. The PS3 will have you loaded in from the level select menu in 10-11 seconds while this takes 12-13 seconds on the 360. It's a small difference and shouldn't be an issue either way. "

Winner (Overall, page 4)
Xbox 360


TheBand1t5564d ago (Edited 5564d ago )

Which version looks better? Couldn't say. Though from what I've read both have pros and cons. That you couldn't notice without putting them under extreme scrutiny while the menu is paused, but then, you're not playing that 60 buck game for enjoyment anymore, are ya?

SiLeNt KNighT5564d ago

i dont understand how ign can claim some small improvements when it comes to the 360's 2 extra polygons but downplays small improvements to load times and contrast on the ps3?

ill never know for myself because ive never been into the RE series very much and after playing the RE5 demo i will not be picking up this game. i understand you cant compare different genres but to me i would rather spend my time playing Kz2 because its superior to RE in every way. not the same type of game, just my preference which really is all that matters to me.

CobraKai5564d ago

When playing the demo, I really can't tell the difference in lighting, textures, frame rate, etc. But the one thing I do notice, which doesn't require stills and a microscope, is that the 360 has screen tear and the PS3, at least in the demo, does not.

Timesplitter145564d ago

They all look better on PS3 except for that cutscene shot where you see Chris's pistol up close.

likedamaster5564d ago

They look almost identical. I'm sure the framerate drops on the PS3 version shouldn't be gamebreaking, besides it's only when it gets "hectic". Any have a PS3 only or 360 only should still drop dollars on this title.

gaffyh5564d ago

Very minor difference, you can only tell by using a side by side comparison. Personally the PS3 version looks like it has better lighting (i.e. more realistic), but is slightly blurry in some of the pics (I'm guessing that's cos they took the screenshot during motion). 360 verion looks just as good, but the whole screen looks slightly over-brightened.

But either way, whatever version you play, it looks just as good on either to be honest.

facepalm5564d ago


kwicksandz5564d ago

From the comparisons, the gfx are basically the same. But no one can argue that a locked Framerate is worse than one that dips into the low 20s on occasion. Seems like 360 is the way to go for multi console owners.

ikaris5564d ago

Stop being fanboys guys.
The 360 version looks better because its easier to code for, and the PS3 Suffers in multiplatform games because parallel coding is more difficult to do.
This just shows you how capcom has abandoned the PS3 or they just aren't good enough coders for it, or they just didn't put enough time into it.

It looks worse for reasons, but the 360 being a better system is not one of those reasons.

Multiplatform games means the ps3 version is going to be worse (usually, not always)

ActionBastard5564d ago

Time and time again, I see the comparison videos or read how awful the framerate is for the PS3 version of "game-x", yet once played, it isn't even an issue. Orange Box is a perfect example, imo. "Oh the framerate is a slideshow!"...then you play it...and it's not. Bandwagoners and gaming posers will try to convince you otherwise. Many, many people will buy the PS3 version and not think about how it plays on the 360. Which will be exactly the same.

Also, enough with the message board game programming gurus. The difference are so noticeable, Capcom had both version of RE5 side by side at CES. You see what you want to see.

Spydiggity5564d ago

i was going to say, who cares, both will look good (and that's still true). but then i got to the image of him holding the key. look at this face in that picture. in the ps3 version his little blue tooth thing and his piece of hair that are hanging down don't cast a shadow. they do on 360. not a big deal, both versions have some of the best graphics on console this generation. but look at the picture. this can't be disputed (though i'm sure i'll still get a ton of disagrees).

Sephiroushin5564d ago

to pumpkinpunker 1.4
are u crazy or blind XBOX360 cant handle The Last Remnant it lagg like it have 15 frame per second and now he cant handle Star Ocean
XBOX 360 = Red Ring Of Death
PS3 = like 4 ever
Wii = same as ps3 (dont like it) but system is very good but need more graphics xd

+ Show (28) more repliesLast reply 5564d ago
UnwanteDreamz5565d ago

If it were only that easy. I have enjoyed tons "inferior" multiplats so far on my PS3. Go figure....

commodore645565d ago

@ ^^^

Funnily enough, I have enjoyed the "superior" 360 multiplats just as much, if not more.


pumpkinpunker5564d ago

wonder why Capcom skimped on the PS3 version.

Sarcasm5564d ago

I've enjoyed the "SUPERIOR" PS3 exclusives. Fancy that.

commodore645564d ago (Edited 5564d ago )

I have enjoyed the superior 360 exclusives as much as, if not more than you have enjoyed the superior ps3 exclusives.

Fancy that.
This is too easy.

Anyway, let's stick to the topic, which was a RE5 comparison between ps3 and 360.

This nice article sums it up for all of us:

looks like yet another superior 360 multiplat!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5564d ago
Xbots5565d ago

Interesting indeed, the ps3 version got much better color contrast & shadow effect...

N4PS3G5565d ago

360 versions looks better...hands down

Major_Tom5564d ago

I'm surprised your still around N4PS3G you say alot of controversial that almost everyone disagrees with you on.

If you take your xbox fanboy microsoft-edition goggles off you could see, they look exactly the same.

edhe5564d ago

He's not controversial, just this place is fully of hyperdefensive ps3 fans.

Extremists. Terrorising this poor fansite shouting down your point of view and opinion.

Be a jihad next.

solidjun55564d ago

...since we all know you own those special edition xbox fanboy microsoft-edition goggles.

be a jihad? you are an oddball sometimes man.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5564d ago
Xbots5565d ago

Hahaha blind x-fart, the ps3 version got much better color contrast & shadowing ROFL!

hippo245564d ago

you both can suck your respected companies proverbial pricks...ROFL

360 man5564d ago

wat is it with that ridiculous blur all over the ps3 version

Montreafart5564d ago

Only the PS3 with its enormous and untapped power can run something as flashy and technically complex as Killzone 2. Only the PS3 has the raw power to support the total package that is Killzone 2 from running flawlessly.

With this background, it is natural for a game like RE5 which is not complex at all, to run so smoothly on the PS3. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about the "wait till E3" delay60 console, where it is pushed to the limits by RE5 (and by Gears of war 2).

The developer of RE5 has already spoken about how his team has absolutely pushed the last drops of the delay60 to its limits. Do not be surprised if a spike of overheating occurs in March, people.

Do not be surprised at all.

360 man5564d ago

ign has confirmed that 360 has a much better and consistent frame rate than the ps3

cereal_killa5564d ago

360man is this the only way you Muppet's can maintain your erections because a multi-plat game that looks the same but your secret M$ decoder goggles shows you the real game that no one else can see.

ZuperAmazingCooKie5564d ago

ign has confirmed that 360 has a much better and consistent frame rate than the ps3 "

IGN can't confirm anything, retard. They can only give their opinion unless they actually did a benchmark. Even if they did, you are still a retard.

360 MAN 25564d ago (Edited 5564d ago )

ps3 version has quite alot of jaggies

i expect thier using 4xAA on the 360 version



Gun_Senshi5564d ago

IGN Video Co-Op Reviewd said that X360 version has screen tearing.

SWANN5564d ago

Jack Shyt, your still poppin your gums?

Graphics Whore5564d ago

Haha yes they did say that. These fearless Xbox fanboys just can't grasp that there console isn't the graphics king.

Both consoles are great, both have great games, but to say that PS3 doesn't have a lead on graphics is living in never land.

TreborRversed5564d ago

I honestly cannot see the difference at all, so it leads me to believe in motion it really won't matter to me if I do indeed buy this game.

theKiller5564d ago

if u look at the first picture and the second u will see that the second have very white/yellow color of the left side of the man face where u wont see that in the ps3 picture!!

ps3 wins this game!! but by a little so nothing to get worked out for!! both versions r great!!


+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 5564d ago
The Judderman5565d ago

The 360 always wins i don't know why they bother comparing them anymore. Its just becoming embarrasing.

360 MAN 25564d ago

the 360 version has already been confirmed by ign as the version to get

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Resident Evil 5 - 15 Years of Being the Most Misunderstood Resident Evil

Resident Evil 5 launched 15 years ago today - and it continues to stand as a stepping stone from the good to the bad.

TheBrainZ86d ago

One of my favourites because of the co-op. Then Resi 6 arrived and the series nosedived further.

Knightofelemia86d ago

I enjoyed the game co-oping with a friend I know the game in solo the AI can be an idiot but RE5 is way better then RE6. I played RE6 with a friend if it wasn't cheap when I got I would have avoided RE6.

thesoftware73086d ago (Edited 86d ago )

5 was excellent, still play Mercs with my brother.
I would love a fully remastered RE:5, with some added, reworked content. The DLC for 5 was also excellent.

6 was awful.

CrimsonWing6986d ago

I never understood why the game was misunderstood. It was a fantastic game at launch and is still fun today to play. It’s as action packed as Resident Evil 4 was, yet that’s regarded a masterpiece 🤷‍♂️

chobit_A5HL3Y86d ago

it was "misunderstood" because they introduced co-op into the franchise at a time when people loved to have fake rage about co-op. like, you could play the game as a solo experience, but people chose to have their bandwagon rage because it was cool at the time lol

-Foxtrot86d ago (Edited 86d ago )

What the hell are you talking about? Fake Rage? Bandwagon? Come on.

You can play it solo but you are forced to carry around a shitty AI partner you have to micro manage. It wasn't as fun solo.

Co-op sucked all the horror, tension and suspense from the game because having a partner covering you was like a safety net. Enemy trying to sneak up on you? No sweat the AI will just automatically lock on, alert you while they shoot first telling you where they are basically.

It was the start of Capcoms fall with the Resident Evil series where it basically become an over the top generic action game which betrayed it's own survival horror roots. Least RE4 had a good blend of both but Capcom just went the wrong way with RE5, especially going off what they were going to do during the RE4.5 beta phase before co-op was added.

franwex86d ago

At least the game was a ton of fun tho. If the game was bad, the outrage would’ve been justified. They simply pivoted for a couple of games. At this point it’s bad because it’s called Resident evil 5? But if was called something else it would’ve been good? Please.

chobit_A5HL3Y85d ago

like i said: fake baby rage and bandwagon hate. res4 wasn't really that scary, either, and was already taking the series into more of an action-oriented direction at the time. 5 was a good game that people fake-hated because of co-op that you didn't even have to play lol hence the fake rage and bandwagon hate. i mean, it obviously did well enough for capcom to go ahead and make 6 the way they did, right? if 5 was so bad, they would have changed what 6 was during development. the difference is that 6 was actually just bad.

people "hate" 5 because res4 was so good, and 5 was just unfortunate enough to be its successor. like i said, 4 wasn't scary, either, and relied more on tension than horror, but it was already more of an action game. if you don't wanna like 5 because it's not scary or whatever- that's fine, but it wasn't meant to be strictly a horror game anymore at that point anyways. the gameplay was a lot faster-paced than 4, so saying that the ai helping you by potentially shooting someone that was sneaking up behind you is a moot point. there were more enemies that were more aggressive, along with newer threats.

5 isn't as good as 4, but it's not a bad game by any stretch.

RNTody60d ago (Edited 60d ago )

What? I always thought RE5 had fake controversy because it was set in South Africa and you shot a bunch of black zombies. I live in South Africa and thought the game was absolutely awesome, played the whole thing co-op with my brother.

@Foxtrot I think you're confusing the garbage Dead Space 3 with Resident Evil 5. Resident Evil 4 was already a hyper action game and had zero fear factor other than the grotesque appearance of some enemies.

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The Best Co-Op Horror Games You've Missed in Halloween

Try to cope with your friend through terror with this list featuring the best horror Co-Op games you can play today.

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Complete Global Saturation! Is Resident Evil 5 Really the Best Choice for the Next Remake?

An exploration of whether RE5 is truly the most logical next step for a remake, or whether there are others in line who deserve their day in the sun.

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ocelot07245d ago

Remake of Resident evil outbreak as well as file 2. Same gameplay as the recent remakes. Choose what ever character you want to play as. With online co op.

DarXyde245d ago

I've been dying to see Outbreak come back for years.

Even RE Zero and Code Veronica would be excellent.

But for the love of God, not RE5 or RE6.

One they get around to the aforementioned games, why not remake the original Devil May Cry trilogy? That would be a much better use of time. At the very least, the first two games.

justsomeoffdude245d ago (Edited 245d ago )

code veronica should be the nest remake

neutralgamer1992245d ago

CV is good candidate for a remake but requires way more work for today’s standard. People look at CV through their tinted glasses. I think capcom wants to remake every game up till 6 and fix the plot holes so they can continue the series in one straight story path

Also not sure why only RE have to get remade when there are other capcom games that would be better suited for remakes like oninusha

DVAcme245d ago

That's PRECISELY the reason Code Veronica needs a remake. All the other RE games aged pretty well, considering the limitations of the time, but Code Veronica is the game that would be served the best bybremaking it because it feels so archaic these days.

neutralgamer1992245d ago


But it depends if capcom wants a big project or a quick remake. CV will require a lot more work than RE5

IMO they should remake other games before doing RE5

TheEnigma313245d ago

how many times do we have to say CV is the next best one?

CrimsonWing69245d ago

Nooooo! Why the hell can’t they do Code Veronica? I just don’t understand.

1Victor245d ago

RE5 is the closest to the bottom of the pot(a little smoky flavor but passable in a emergency) before we get to the burned crust that is 6 that not even the pigs would eat

CrimsonWing69245d ago (Edited 245d ago )

Unpopular opinion here, but I enjoyed 5 and 6. I just think, in terms of Remakes, the classics are the one that should get the treatment above the modern takes of the franchise.

Don’t get wrong, RE4 definitely was an outstanding Remake, but RE5… I just get less excited about a Remake for that over something like Code Veronica.

RaidenBlack245d ago

Rather remake other past Capcom & non-mainline RE games ... IF they have to continue churning out Remakes.
I'd rather want a new 3rd person RE spin-off
Dino Crisis and Onimusha Reboot
New IPs after Pragmata ships

jeromeface245d ago

show this man the door... he overserved himself.

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