
Exclusive high-res 2 Days to Vegas screens and interview

German website PC Games had an interview with the game director of 2 Days to Vegas and published seven high resolution images.

From the interview:

"The game has been in development for more than 3 years now, the amount of art we are putting into the game is insane. We were playing with the idea of dynamic realistic world drawing in the player, making the player to buy into the characters, their feelings and motivations. We understood, that the best way to keep the player's attention is to introduce the travel element into the game. In such way the idea of having the main character to zip across US to turn the tables in the conflict between powerful forces was born. 2 Days to Vegas is not just the name, that is the goal."

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Jamegohanssj55599d ago

I hope it's released on all platforms at the same time as I heard it would be timed exclusive for PC and 360. That makes no sense as they talked about it being a PS3 exclusive at first.


Daz5599d ago

The screens have been played with. but it does look good.

Helghast Slayer5599d ago

Hmm looks very promising. Looks like it could be a sleeper hit. Must keep an eye out on this one. Hopefully it corrects what GTA4 did wrong.


Whatever happened to 2 Days to Vegas?

2 Days to Vegas was at one time pitched as a GTA killer, however 9 years later the title is still not out, Lazygamer decided to do a check up on the title

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kraideral4039d ago

The same thing that happened to the game The Heist.

GavinMannion4039d ago

Yeah this is true.. but I think that was officially cancelled wasn't it?

kraideral4039d ago

Don't know for sure, also there are many "GTA killer" games that never saw the light.

L6RD7BLU34038d ago

Hopefully The Getaway will see the light of day again


IGN: Life Support - Games in Danger

Video games are often delayed, crippled or outright killed. This is their story.

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Top 14: Games Missing In Action

GOONL!NE writes: "Wallet stretched? Money getting tight? Is it hard to keep up with all the amazing games coming out over the next few months, let alone year? If the answer is yes, then look away now.

We've scoured every inch of the 'Game Achives' (A small building in East Slough) for these titles that have been rather quiet for a while…Too quiet. Clean your rose-tinted glasses and practice your 'Ohh, I remember that one!' voice, because some of these are very good at staying unnoticed…"

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