
Best Online Co-Op Games On PS Plus (May 2024)

Looking for an online co-op game to play with a few friends? Then these are the best games on PS Plus.

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PS Plus Users Are Getting An Essential DLC For Free This Month

This isn't an expansion to skip out on.

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Dirty_Lemons15d ago

It's Sims 4: City Living. May be in the minority but this seems like fucking clickbait yet again. Could give the title of the game in the headlines but choose not to.

hombreacabado15d ago

i clicked it like a dumb ass not knowing it was a sims 4 dlc. not my cup of tea.

OtterX15d ago

Next time check out the tag underneath. ;)

Skuletor15d ago

It's not really free either, since it's provided as part of a paid service.

Luc2015d ago

Thank you for your sacrifice.

mastershredder15d ago

The Sims? This is actually a title for people that just started dating a gamer or befriended a gamer or group of gamers, bought a console or PC and want to look like they enjoy playing video games by leaving this crap running in the background. Look, not one buys or plays this Sims crap (except for the console-store newb and clueless demographic). They try to sell discount it ALL the time. No wonder it's free. Essential? About as essential as stepping in dog dookie.

gold_drake15d ago

there are quite a few people who play and enjoy these games.
its not for you to dictate what people enjoy or not.

dont like it, dont download it.

MestreRothN4G15d ago

You’re so absolutely clueless, even in the subject you think you understand. Such amazing ignorance

BrettAwesome15d ago

It plays like sh1t on consoles too

Nacho_Z15d ago

Loved Sims 3, couldn't stand Sims 4. Seems like the next game is closer to 3 than 4 thankfully.


PlayStation Plus Hidden Gem: Tinykin

“After digging through the PlayStation Plus library, I discovered a genuine treat with the adorable and super-fun Tinykin so let's get small.” - A.J. Maciejewski from Video Chums.

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The 5 best games on PlayStation Plus Premium that make subscribing worth it

The PS5 is an incredible console, and if you're lucky enough to have one, or have just received one for Christmas then you'll already know there is a host of great games out there.

What you may not be aware of is that if you subscribe to PlayStation Plus Extra or Premium, you'll actually get access to a huge catalogue of titles to play at any time. Many of which you can stream without having to do any downloads. If you have a PlayStation Portal you could even play these titles from your bed.

Abnor_Mal146d ago

Damn the only one I’ve played so far is Miles Morales, although I do own Control and Rift Apart.

ChasterMies146d ago

Odd list. Where is Horizon Forbidden West? Ghost of Tsushima? Demon’s Souls? Returnal? And fun indie games like Superliminal? Where’s “A Plage Tale Requiem” and “Evil West”, the current PS+ Essential offerings?

Exvalos134d ago

Evil west is underrated I'm having a really good time playing it.

juniorpop146d ago

Like seriously? Those are games Extra Tier can get - so not worth upgrading to Premium