
Sony Commits to PS5 and PC FPS Concord Coming Out in 2024

While Sony has said there are no plans to release sequels in its major franchises this financial year, ruling out new games in the Spider-Man and God of War series until at least April 2025, we do know of one new first-party PlayStation game coming out this year: Concord.

Sonic188127d ago (Edited 27d ago )

Is this a live service multiplayer game like Helldivers 2? Never heard of this game

romulus2327d ago

Multiplayer, pvp, fps. As far as live service I can't confirm but it most likely is just based on the type of game it is.


I do believe it's a live service game. Sony doesn't release day and date on PC if it's not.

XiNatsuDragnel27d ago

Very interesting I hope we learn about concord

Kurisu26d ago

Yeah I'm intrigued by it. We keep hearing about the game, but we've seen very little so I can't work out what it actually is.

jznrpg27d ago

This is good for PS as a whole but I have been done with PVP shooters for about a decade now.

phoenixwing26d ago

They died for me when the ps3 was phased out.

MrBaskerville26d ago

I would be so hyped if it was some kind of singleplayer title. But it's not. Still curious, that image is very cool.


Concord's Trailer Makes Me Miss Single-Player Campaigns In Multiplayer Games

Shaz from GL: "There was a time where every great multiplayer shooter came with a memorable single-player campaign; such a thing, unfortunately, no longer exists."

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YourMommySpoils2d ago

Concord's Trailer makes me worried, what were Sony thinking. Single player for all the glory. This screams profit loss.

Michiel19891d ago

multiplayer games are the highest grosing ones, I don't think this one will make the list though.
Sony almost exclusively has single player games, nothing wrong to get some mp games in there, although I wished the gameplay looked more appealing

YourMommySpoils36m ago

The characters and story look like a Suicide Squad clone, from Haley Quinn to King Shark to Boomerang, all I see is copy and paste stereotypes.

purple1012d ago

At least its live service Done right: Charge for the game, then provide regular free updates

compared to: Make game free, then gouge micro transactions that are basically a necessity to win because al the best stuff has a small cost, then its basically who ever pays most, wins, at least with this everyones on the same playbook.

Einhander19722d ago

The game is story based though, it's going to have free story updates many will probably coincide with new character additions.

Noskypeno1d ago (Edited 1d ago )

While I do love when devs make a complete experience with a sp and mp like Gears, Halo and cod, that wasn't always the case. There were mp only games like quake and unreal. But I do really hate when these devs blueball us with cool characters and lore only to limit them to a 2 minute cutscene every 3 months if we're lucky. Apex and overwatch would make for an interesting campaign.

fan_of_gaming1d ago

at least with Quake & Unreal, the games that started those franchises included a campaign (Quake & Unreal + Return to Na Pali). Then some later installments would be multi-player only (and some others would still include campaigns). But with games like Overwatch or Concord where the franchise starts as multi-player only, for those players that think the setting/characters/etc are interesting but don't play multi-player, there is no content available to get them invested in the franchise.

Noskypeno1d ago

I didn't know that about unreal and quake, thanks for letting me know. But yeah I hope if the devs find that people love these universes that maybe in the next installment that they include a story mode for those not interested in grinding hours a day to "get good"


Info on Concord’s 6 game modes emerges after PlayStation Store slip-up

Concord will launch on PS5 with half a dozen game modes, and a PS Store description suggests that they've got big Call of Duty energy.

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just_looken3d ago

Sounds like alot of work done on a title with way to many games in the same pond.

These companies keep forgetting there is a limit on how many hero shooters players/fans same with whales/krakens.

Though with how much overwatch 2 has failed there might be a chance that playerbase might leak into this game

DarXyde3d ago

While I do agree that the market feels saturated, the point is to compete for consumer time and market share.

Stating the obvious here, but if the game really takes off, people play those games less and this one more.

Unfortunately, that often comes with the consequence of other titles in the space suffering. It's not a good move when you're competing with a partner's products.

just_looken3d ago

and there own products remember at one time sony had 12 live service games being made at one point.


Yes they have cancelled some of them wasting money/time and laid of alot of people but who knows maybe they will have 3 hero shooters on the ps5 all by sony a huge but why moment.

StoneTitan3d ago

They also cancel singleplayer games. Its just how it is. There is a certain bar they want to hit, sometimes they miss, sometimes they hit.
As long as Inget my singleplayer injection they can try whatever they want

DarXyde3d ago


Yes, we're all aware of what they were planning. Fortunately, they came to the correct conclusion that they shouldn't by cancelling them. I don't know what went into that decision and there's plenty of room for speculation. Ultimately, I'm glad the outcome was a reduction in the number of these titles being made. Their workforce suffered for that, which I'm quite unhappy about. One can only hope their recalibration will be more profitable for them, beneficial to devs, and keep consumers happy (I don't care so much about their profit itself, but if it's great, it will ideally push them to do more of that so it's a win for everyone).

I guess we'll see.

Cacabunga2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Hulst doesnt want Days Gone 2 because he doesnt want another zombie game other than TLOU but at the same time signs on a gaas FPS like so many others.. i will never support this model. Rocksteady destroyed their image with Justice League. There goes yet another bad decision from Sony management

JackBNimble2d ago

I would never touch this game, because when it fails Sony's expectations, they will shut down the server's and probably with in the first year.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2d ago
RhinoGamer883d ago

"Consumer choice is certainly a major factor – a recent Newzoo report revealed that over 60% of playtime in 2023 was spent on games six years old or older. Factor in annual releases and other factors, and the vast majority of new games are vying for just 8% of people's playtime. For context, Baldur's Gate 3 got 0.6% of the total playtime in 2023, while Starfield got 0.3% — that's the challenge developers face."

ravens523d ago

The more I watch the gameplay trailer the more I think it's not as bad as my initial reaction. I hope they put it on PS+ so I can try it, if I like it I'll buy it. I don't play any hero shooter at the moment. Just Siege and that was in the 1st 2 years it was out, hero shooters weren't really established

RhinoGamer883d ago

My crusade is this: executive teams at WB, Sony, Ubisoft, XBOX, etc...are placing bets with risky AAA releases.
If these bets fail, the executives need to be accountable (i.e. FIRED) not the developers they directed.

I am not seeing this accountability at all over the last five years.

X-232d ago

I think this could catch on with the crowd who wanted more from OW2 but where left disappointed, I'm speaking from a personal space here since I consider myself one of those people was really looking forward to returning, but when I saw what they decided to deliver I opted out.
The gameplay trailer of the game isn't really that bad.


Concord is now available to pre-order; Early Access and beta detailed

Learn how you and your friends can be among the first to play Concord as part of our upcoming beta and how to receive early access at launch.

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Ironmike4d ago

I liked the look of trailer need to see gameplay now

romulus234d ago

There's gameplay shown in this trailer.


It's basically Overwatch.

Eonjay3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Yeah I never played Overwatch... even though I own it. Which is irrelevant now as they shut it down. ..inhave a seal special edition....but I am willing to give this a try though as the developer pedigree is sky high.

KEEP IN MIND: if you read between the lines there is a free open Bata after the early access beta for preorders... so there is NO NEED to pre-order this till after you try.

Michiel19893d ago

the trailer looked alright but the gameplay looked so bland, definitely way worse than ow/tf2

RpgSama4d ago

Yeah, looks VERY generic, also $40, I guess it could have been more expensive but for the type of game they are selling and the oversaturated market we have, Free to play should have been the only way to release this for it to have any kind of chance.

DaCajun3d ago

They figured that some free to play games like this are killing it with all those micro transactions, let's just see if those same suckers will go for the same type of game but with a lower upfront price point also.

It worked for them with Helldivers, so why not try it again.

StormSnooper3d ago

They are also not charging for roster updates from what I read. They are free.

Flewid6383d ago

Most likely kids in junior high school.

repsahj3d ago

If this game become successful, gonna laugh real hard. XD

StormSnooper3d ago

Same here. A lot of people talk as if their opinion is shared with every gamer. I’m pretty sure there are people who play this type of game. I know at least one who is hyped for this.

just_looken3d ago

The new sony leadership wants these games

Still no info on what there new mobile game lineup will have

You watch a killzone mobile game monitized like monoply go

StormSnooper3d ago

No, please stop pretending like anything has changed. Gotta clip your new narrative now before you get ahead of yourself.

StormSnooper3d ago

My brother does. He is into games like these.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3d ago
CrimsonWing694d ago

Had this been like the Guardians of the Galaxy game, I’d have been all over it Day 1. Seeing that it’s just another hero shooter, no thanks!

ChasterMies3d ago

There was already a great Guardians of the Galaxy game and people weren’t all over it on day one. There’s also Marvel Rivals with the Guardian of the Galaxy as cast members. Why won’t you be all over that game on day one?

IAMRealHooman3d ago

guardians game was actually pretty good

Psychonaut853d ago

Playing GotG right now, so sad, shit was massively underrated z.

CrimsonWing692d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Because maybe, just maybe I want another great game like the Guardians of the Galaxy narrative driven game and couldn’t care less about another drop in the bucket Hero Shooter even with the Guardians of the Galaxy since it’s a genre I have no interest in? 🤷‍♂️

Crazy… I know.

DazaMc4d ago

It will be on PS+ a couple of months after release.

RhinoGamer884d ago

I sense another studio will be announcing layoffs in Q1 2025. The real villains here are the anonymous Playstation studio team who oversaw this debacle.

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