
Marvel Rivals closed alpha contract stops from criticizing the game

The Marvel Rivals closed alpha test has begun. On the surface, things seem to be fine, but creators who are joined into their creator program are signing a contract that forbids them from saying negative things about the game.

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-Foxtrot22d ago

How can you trust people when you have shit like this going on

Honestly I think the game looks average first impressions wise and will probably die off within a year or so.

senorfartcushion21d ago

As a former Overwatch player, I know first hand where games like this lead. I'll not be wasting my time with it.

XiNatsuDragnel22d ago

Jeez man we want games to grow and develop and if we're prevented from that this is how games dying amidst other complications.

Kaii22d ago

Strike one: Netease
Strike two: Not allowing criticism


anast21d ago

This means the game sucks. Now we can move on ahead of time and look forward to something else.

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"Marvel Rivals" is kicking-off its closed beta for PC and consoles this July (2024)

"NetEase Games & Marvel Games are today very glad to announce that they are soon going to kick-off a closed beta for their Team-Based PVP Shooter Marvel Rivals. (the said closed beta starts this July for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S)" - NetEase Games & Marvel Games.

jwillj2k49h ago

Is this a mobile game being ported to consoles?

Leeroyw7h ago

The long development cycle means these are no longer even flavour of the month. Xdefiant, concord, marathon. Oof. All vying for that small hero shooter pool.

Christopher15m ago(Edited 14m ago)

I really hate what Jim Ryan did to PlayStation while he was there. They should have stopped entirely at Bungie and kept everything else as it was.

Michiel19895h ago

will we be able to play the beta without signing an nda not to talk anything negative about the game?


Marvel Rivals is coming to PS5: Venom and Adam Warlock revealed, Closed Beta test announced for July

The ultimate 6v6 Super Hero team-based PVP shooter comes to PS5.

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phoenixwing3d ago

It's basically an overwatch clone

DFresh10h ago

How is that a bad thing?
Many games copy each other.
XDefiant is a COD clone.

DFresh10h ago

I'm looking forward to this game on PS5.


Report: Marvel Rivals Console Playtests Was Conducted in California

NetEase Games seems to have just conducted a Marvel Rivals console playtest in California for a total of six hours this May.