
It's good SLI is dead and buried - and my wallet agrees

Kevin writes: "Multi-GPU gaming was one of those things that seemed like a good idea for as long as it lasted. I mean honestly, the idea of a modular approach to graphics upgrades – be that SLI or CrossFire – was brilliant. I repeat, the idea was brilliant."

darthv7230d ago

Im old school... when i hear the term SLI, I immediately think of 3dfx. I still have a pair of 12mb Monster V2's in an old rig. I never tried out the more modern take on SLI or Crossfire for that matter.

Vits30d ago

I mean, it was mostly for bragging rights. It was a very temperamental tech that improved with newer iterations, for sure. But folks like myself, who have used it, probably recall that troubleshooting was an integral part of the experience and the value that you got out of the setup was really low.

However, none of that mattered because it looked sick as hell on a well-built PC.

Wretchedstain30d ago

I remember doing my research at the time 😂 I got 2 GTX 460's, as they in SLI were meant to be better than the 480 at the time. Not all games were optimised at the time, which meant some games meant setting them up for 1 card alone. Never forget the time I came home from night shift, turned on my computer like normal, went and made a cuppa, come back and it was still off. Tried to turn on again, and one of the 460's caught fire... good times.

shaenoide30d ago

Why ? For the price of two SLI cards you only get one RqtX card now...

OpenGL30d ago

Exactly what I was thinking. When SLI was around an Nvidia flagship card was $700, less than half the price of their current flagship.


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