
Todd Howard says Starfield's Shattered Space DLC launches this fall.

"Big update coming really soon" has city maps and shipbuilding improvements

The update "should be" properly revealed this week

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InUrFoxHole21d ago

Oh stop ✋️. Starfield is a good game. But definitely could be better. Would like some quality of life changes. Although if past games are anything to go by. Bethesda is gonna rely on the community to update the game :(

Gaming4Life198121d ago

Exactly Starfield is a good game and I can't wait until we get mod support. I'm looking forward to the new update and dlc.

Crows9021d ago

Its not though. If it was more people would be playing it but its long forgotten. Its average at best.

Armaggedon21d ago

@Crows90 You are looking at numbers, numbers dont tell the whole story. What about Palworlds 90+ percent drop off, or other games like that dropped lst year? People that think starfield is bad will find “evidence “ that it is, but its just confirmation bias my friend.

notachance21d ago

eh, bethesda completely killed the sense of exploration in starfield. In fallout and elder scrolls I could walk to a mission objective only to get knee deep on a random vault/cave 3 hours later because I randomly encounter other missions on the way, in starfield it's just travelling from city to objective to city to objective again...

would've been way better if they just make 3-4 planets but with big open area each full of contents.

Crows9021d ago (Edited 21d ago )


There's no bias. I played the game. Beat it. There's nothing interesting throughout the entire game...half baked systems galore. Just boring content...tons of boring content.

I have more fun throwing bread and chairs at players in chivalry 2 than in the entire Starfield experience. That's not bias...I don't care about numbers. Nobody cares about Starfield. It was a failed attempt ..maybe they'll do better with the next one.

Maybe if they give it to obsidian we'll get something awesome like fallout New Vegas. Hopefully with less bugs.

1Victor21d ago

So does this confirm a PS5 release by winter? 🤣

Christopher18d ago

It's mediocre. Let's be honest. It's coasting on the coattails of Skyrim and Fallout, IMHO.

Armaggedon3d ago


Nobody cares about Starfield, yet it is still the talk of the town. Make it make sense mate. And yes, there objectively is biased. Had countless people in videos and comments sections talking about how Starfield lost a large number of its player base, and when I stated that people just moved on, I was accused of huffing copium. Then Palworld dropped its player base, and everyone just kind of got amnesia about calling out starfield for the same thing.

Im sorry that there are people that find it boring, but almost every game has people that find it boring. Skyrim, BG3, The Witcher, etc.

I actually didnt like New Vegas. Tried playing it twice soon after playing fallout 3, and it just didn’t hook me in.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3d ago
Becuzisaid21d ago ShowReplies(1)
Armaggedon21d ago

My my, look at all these downvotes to people that actually like the game. Time to get a mind of your own people.

shinoff218321d ago

How is it not having a mind of your own to not like the game. I bought a whole series x for this and was pretty disappointed. No lore, exploration(half baked unlike their other games, and it felt like a step back), lack of lore, etc. As it stands I don't really like the game. I think it's a bad game and a huge step back. Step back is the problem as well. With that said I'll try it again after some of my complaints are fixed. Sadly though I doubt my lore issue(no books or pc's to actually read like their other games) will be fixed. Trust me I didn't spend series x money to say I didn't like the game.

Lightning7721d ago

I highly doubt you got a X to play it. Or played it at all. The games in the future you're not gonna find booke and their are PC's to get back story.

You're lying.

Wretchedstain21d ago

This happens far too often on here.

"Whats that?!?, you like something that I don't? Here's a down-vote to you good sir for liking something..."

(Down-votes inbound)

Extermin8or3_21d ago

Literally the point of down voting is to down vote takes you don't agree with. So if most people think the game is mediocre at best then yeah praising it will get down voted.

Eonjay21d ago

I think that's the point. I get down votes all the time because I say stuff some people don't like or don't agree with. I didn't agree or disagree because I never played the game.

Crows9021d ago

Down votes mean people disagree with the statement.

For instance. You said it happens too often and assume it's simply because people don't like what you like...that's not it...that's not the reason.

And that is why you're getting down votes.

Hofstaderman21d ago (Edited 21d ago )

Have you seen the Steam engagement numbers? I mean don't you guys gauage a games sucess on engagement these days? This game was slated as THE game to be played for months and years.... Allow me to save you the click its low.

dumahim21d ago

If I wasn't at work, I'd create a K2SO meme, "It's low. It's very low."

Armaggedon3d ago

And it will be played for months and years, people just took liberties with what that means. It doesn’t really matter if people stop playing though, because its not a live service or a game that depends on player engagement . Todd and crew just wanted another game to keep people busy because we are probably not seeing TES 6 until 2050

Barlos21d ago

What if, and hear me out here, but what if... these people actually don't like the game? I know, I know, pretty profound.

CrimsonWing6921d ago

My, my, look all the upvotes to people actually not liking the game. Seems like they have a mind different than yours… maybe one that we can say is their own.

Nobody’s taking away your right to freely enjoy the game. I personally, enjoy some dumpster fire trash games. This particular one just helps cure insomnia… hell, just discussing this game is making me yawn.

Lightning7721d ago

Lol no. Notice how it's only known Sony fanboys that have a extreme negative reaction to this game on here. Y'all Have had this reaction since the game released. I've never seen such hate and emotional reaction over a single game in my life yet leave it to Sony fanboys like yourself to set a unwritten record of most hate for a game. Clearly just look around in this comment section.

CrimsonWing6921d ago


I can only speak for myself, but I bought this game, yes bought, so I’m not sure where in the hell that makes me a Sony fanboy. I own all the f*cking consoles, so quit b*thing about fanboys just because people didn’t like this game. I think it’s completely underwhelming and quite frankly one of the most boring experiences I’ve ever had the displeasure of experiencing.

You go ahead and like the game, bub. Nobody says you can’t, but don’t get your panties in a bunch when people voice their opinion on the game and don’t go trying to make claims it’s only fanboys that hate it.

People just don’t like it, it’s just one of those things you’ll have to learn to deal with.

Lightning7721d ago (Edited 21d ago )

"so quit b*thing about fanboys just because people didn’t like this game."

The ones who are genuinely underwhelmed at SF are hardcore Bethesda fans. What's the only fanbase or fanbases that takes a game that's only on one console dials up the hate to a maximum? Half these ppl here are lying about playing it they don't have Xbox. It's fanboys don't cover up their behavior. I see the same ones here, hell even on twitter the same culprits every time. They all have extreme fanboy track record I see a recognize and I can easily point them out. It's not hard.

If I enjoyed the game or not doesn't matter it's the terrible, toxic fanboys over this game is the issue.

There very fact you say "ppl voicing their opinions" is beyond hilarious. These aren't ppl they're fanboys. I recognize most of these ppl here all over Xbox news and games in general through out the years. Nice excuse.

You're not gonna win at this. You can keep deflecting and making excuses for them for their behavior. The fact that it's "oh it's just honest gamers voicing their opinions'" makes you very, very sus none logical person.

Or one of them.

CrimsonWing6921d ago (Edited 21d ago )

@Lightning 77

I can’t tell if you’re trolling or not.

Do you realize your comments are probably the most fanboy responses in this entire comment section?

If anyone’s “sus” it’s you and your paranoia perspective on everyone who doesn’t agree with your fanboy stance on the game.

You’ve definitely demonstrated how impossible it is to have a discussion about anything with a fanboy.

Lightning7721d ago

"I can’t tell if you’re trolling or not.

Do you realize your comments are probably the most fanboy responses in this entire comment section?"

So you clearly have no logical response so your retort is "no you're the fanboy!" You gotta come stronger than that Crimson. I know you got something.

But sure entertain me how am I the fan boy lol. I want full details on this.

CrimsonWing6920d ago


“So you clearly have no logical response so your retort is "no you're the fanboy!" You gotta come stronger than that Crimson. I know you got something.”

Isn’t that what you’re doing? No, seriously let’s have a real discussion here, if possible. What is your response to literally almost every comment here? Are you not LITERALLY calling every single person who says they’d don’t like this game a fanboy because that’s all you got?

The irony is so ironic it almost makes me want to vomit from how pathetic it is.

Yea, you’re right about one thing, I do have something more to say. I’ve honestly not seen a more. Your comments are steeped so deeply in fanboyism that it’s impossible to have any form of discourse with you. You’re actually delusional and it’s pretty disturbing in a way. Like, it borders on unhinged behavior and the delusion you have is on a whole other level.

So, what’s there to discuss further? I think Starfield is one of the most boring games I’ve ever played. There’s tons of YouTube videos of people criticizing the game with a plethora of examples that I agree with. Boring gameplay loop, boring environments and level design, boring story, boring characters, like Wirral nothing about this game has entertained me.

What’s your “retort” going to be? Probably, “Oh you’re a Sony fanboy just hating on a Xbox game and blah blah blah fanboy this and fanboy that blah blah blah,” like what discourse can we get going taking to a fanboy like you?

That’s literally your response to everyone on here and when you get called out as a fanboy your only response to that is saying “you don’t have logic so you retort to calling me a fanboy.”

Please tell me you see the irony in this. I mean, we could make a drinking game that’d put someone in the hospital with taking a shot every time you mention someone’s a fanboy for not liking the game in here. How’s that for entertaining you?

So yea, unhinged fanboy, what do you want to discuss further? I’d like to say “I know you got more,” but I know it’s just going to be fanboy this and fanboy that and we’ll be stuck in some endless waltz where it feels like discussing things further with you is the equivalent of putting my brain in a microwave and nuking it.

It’s just one of those things…

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 20d ago
Becuzisaid21d ago

No one is downvoting you because you like a game that they don't. They downvote you because you're a smug, contrarian, ignorant person that seemingly exists just to tell people they're wrong for thinking differently than you do.

Lightning7720d ago

Not my fault I'm right compared to all of you.

Thinking differently? Tell me why I see the same exact fanboys here that I see in, not only in other SF articles, but across Xbox related news in general then?

Maybe be smarter in your comments and don't be a fanboy. Then you'll witness the wonders of having a brain for once.

Crows9021d ago

Follow your own advice and stop worrying about what other think...

Lightning7720d ago (Edited 20d ago )

Let you get away with trolling and ignorant fanboy comments thats has to do with Xbox and PC. How would you like it if a bunch of Xbox fanboys tore down a PS article and game?

What's funny is I hardly see any Excited Xbox fans in here for shattered space it's all been taken over with fanboys like you so what's wrong with that picture?

Armaggedon18d ago

Because people are downvoting mindlessly. Imagine getting a storm of downvotes from people that dont like the game, but run to poke at it anyway.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3d ago
Barlos21d ago (Edited 21d ago )

Thank you Todd! Thank you Phil! Thank you team Xbox!! Thank you Bethesda! Thank you to my mom for giving birth to me so I could experience this masterpiece of a game!! This is the most amazing news I've ever heard!!! DLC to the best game ever made!!!

Let's gooooo!


Eonjay21d ago

I'm half expecting them to announce it for PlayStation next week.

Barlos21d ago

You never know. I'd still not buy it.

Lightning7721d ago

I wouldn't hold your breath.

Armaggedon17d ago

Get downvoted for liking the game. Get downvoted for existing. 😂

Extermin8or3_21d ago

Cool so I bet the PS5 version with all the updates and the expansion etc releases early next year then. I'm not particularly fussed or looking to buy it given my time with the game on pc was very "meh" but importantly it will help prove a point to all those in denial claiming the reports about a starfield port were wrong.

CobraKai21d ago

I enjoyed the game. I wasnt into Skyrim that much but using a sci fi setting got me into this one

Crows9021d ago

I was honestly super excited for it. Just found it too shallow and uninteresting. Rather play mass effect.

CobraKai21d ago

Mass Effect is one of my favorite games of all time. I like em both tho. Maybe ill try Skyrim again

Show all comments (63)

Why Starfield's Colony War Setting Would Be a Great Opportunity For a Prequel

While its campaign may have failed to impress some players, Starfield's Colony War setting offers fertile ground for Bethesda to explore in a prequel.

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19h ago

Insider claims Starfield could come to PS5 in 2025 after more Xbox games 'this holiday season'

Well regarded insider, NateTheHate, has said that more Xbox games could be coming to PS5 'this holiday season' followed by Starfield in 2025.

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ThinkThink5d ago

The latest rumor is flight simulator 2024 is heading to PS5 this year.

romulus234d ago

That would be a great game to go multiplat. I would definitely pick that one up on PS5.

OtterX4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

That would be an absolutely fantastic score for PSVR2 if they have any VR support plans! MS Flight Simulator (2020) is one of my favorite VR experiences over on PC. Not so much a game, but one hell of a VR experience!

M3talDiamond4d ago

Where is this guy I havent seen him on N4G much lately?

OtterX4d ago

@M3talDiamond - I've been around, just not as much. Fam visiting, and been helping an indie team release a game, so that took a lot of focus. Thanks for noticing! haha

Skate-AK4d ago

I think they were talking about fr0sty's link.

OtterX4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

@Skate-AK ah ok, I was confused as heck, didn't even know if I should respond bc I legit just came off of an N4G hiatus. XD

So he just responded to the wrong person, gotcha. I hadn't even seen or clicked on Obscure's link til now!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4d ago
Ethereal4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

I'd be all over this.

Knightofelemia5d ago

Even if the rumor was true and if that did happen. I still wouldn't play or own a game that is classified as open world just to run into invisible force fields.

Rebel_Scum4d ago

Then what is your solution to open worlds that obviously have to have a point where they must end?

Knightofelemia4d ago (Edited 4d ago )


Really? Do you even need an answer to your question? The point to open world games is not to run into invisible force fields but to explore ever nook and cranny of the game hence the term open world.

Barlos4d ago

Same here. I won't be buying any Microsoft Games game

Notellin4d ago

Wow you're such a tough and smart guy taking that stance! You're really changing the world Barlos.

helicoptergirl4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

I hope you don't mean any and all Xbox games.

If you do mean all of their games, then why not buy a game you're interested in? MS are a 3 Trillion dollar company. People with your stance are not going to make a dent, so you might as well take advantage and enjoy playing on Playstation (the best place to play) with their games AND Xbox games. Who cares about giving them money? It's killing the hardcore Xbox fan that you even have the opportunity to play Xbox games on playstation. So why not indulge. The more games they sell on Playstation then the more games they will port over in the near future. Certain obscure people will die inside along with many others. I'm laughing all the way to the "Games Bank" and I hope you do too.

4d ago
DaCajun4d ago

Every open world games have invisible walls. So i guess you never play any open world games. If you don't believe me then you've either never played any Open World game or you never explored every corner of an open world game because there is no such thing as a true open world go anywhere game.

Gotta love a troll, just be honest you're a Microsoft hater. It's ok I dislike Microsoft also but at least be honest why you commented.

Neonridr4d ago

remind me of an open world game that went on forever.. I'll wait.

Rebel_Scum2d ago

ok, so what is your solution then?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2d ago
isarai5d ago

If it came to ps+ ill try it, but im certainly not spending my money on it. I wanted this game to be awesome and it just seems so incomplete

Barlos4d ago

Exactly. It's fine to rent it on Xbox so why should they expect people to actually buy it on PlayStation? They don't deserve your money.

4d ago
Neonridr4d ago

kinda like No Man's Sky when it first released.. amazing how updates can change a game, huh? Zero reason why this game couldn't be more fleshed out with updates and add-ons.

mkis0074d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Bethesda doesnt have a history of supporting their games after paid dlc ends for very long...certainly not in the realm of no mans sky's free ( all of them) updates and additions.

Destiny10805d ago

send phil, some more dev kits

we need all xbox exclusives games ported before phil shuts them down

neutralgamer19924d ago (Edited 4d ago )

We were often ridiculed by Xbox enthusiasts, but it’s essential to understand that Microsoft's $100 billion investment was aimed at generating profit, not merely pleasing fans with Day 1 Game Pass releases.

Microsoft should consider releasing all its games, including flagship titles like Halo and Gears of War, on PlayStation. This strategy would maximize revenue while still releasing games day one on GP, money which could then be reinvested into the future of Xbox. While a few loyal fans might be upset, this approach makes the most business sense in the long run. Even put forza on PS5 get the sales. On Xbox gamers get these games day on GP while other platforms pay full price. Win win

nzjono4d ago

Huh? "We were often ridiculed by Xbox enthusiasts" Its the other way around, their ship is sinking, and they have known this for some time.

neutralgamer19924d ago

Once these acquisitions were announced, many Xbox fans felt that the primary aim was to take games away from PlayStation. Any suggestion that Microsoft wanted to maximize its return on their $100 billion investment was often dismissed with claims that Microsoft doesn’t need PlayStation or Nintendo to profit from these acquisitions.

Historically, Xbox operated independently within Microsoft, for better or worse. However, with such a significant financial commitment, Microsoft's goal is clearly to maximize revenue. They can still release these games on Game Pass at launch and also sell them at full price on other platforms. While some Xbox fans might react negatively if Xbox games appear on PlayStation, from a business perspective, it makes sense to leverage a platform with a much larger install base.

Phil Spencer and his team are under pressure to grow revenue and profit. It is becoming increasingly clear that achieving this growth solely within the Xbox ecosystem is challenging. Many Xbox gamers now expect Microsoft to cover the costs of games through Game Pass, rather than purchasing them outright. Considering that Xbox, now in its fourth generation, accounts for only 15-20% of overall software sales while its competitors are setting sales records, it is crucial for Microsoft to explore broader strategies to ensure profitability.

neutralgamer19922d ago

It’s the dumbest you have heard because changing of goalposts have been a thing Xbox fans have been doing for decades now. Yea a company that just bought out 2 giant gaming publishers along with many other studios will never be an underdog. Them being in 3rd place is their own fault so now you can consider them a. Underdog Allan’s want while rest of us still see right through another goal post being moved

And maybe you didn’t read but when a console has 70 million sold and another 30 million so why is it surprising to you or anyone else that each gaming site has more PlayStation accounts. Keep punching air since you don’t have any valid argument to stand on

Notellin4d ago

You clowns were never ridiculed by Xbox enthusiasts. They are the underdogs and a massive minority and that statement is made up nonsense.

You guys need to quit playing victim in the fake war of console wars. The loudest fans are PlayStation fans and it's not even close.

neutralgamer19924d ago

The celebration of Activision's acquisition was met with enthusiasm, and any concerns about recouping that investment were dismissed with immature remarks. It's clear that PlayStation has a significantly larger fan base, a fact underscored by the fact that all their home consoles, except for the PS3, have sold over 100 million units. A larger fan base naturally leads to a more substantial online presence.

It’s absurd to label a company that has just spent $100 billion as an underdog.

I don't have a preference for any particular platform (I use a PC), but calling out issues shouldn't label someone a hater or a fanboy. If we can't discuss matters affecting all gamers maturely, we're missing the point.

Publishers are motivated by profit and see us all simply as gamers, regardless of platform. Their goal is to divide us and exploit us, but we often do a better job of dividing ourselves.

In 2024, we should be united to stand against unfair policies from publishers. Instead, we're arguing and failing to acknowledge when our preferred platforms make mistakes. We need to come together for the betterment of the entire gaming community.

Notellin3d ago


"It’s absurd to label a company that has just spent $100 billion as an underdog."

They're in last place they're the underdog. No way to debate that unless you move the goal posts.

In the case of your example the team that spends the most money always wins and is favored. The dumbest shit I've ever read on this website now by a mile.

Notellin3d ago

Man this is still the dumbest shit I've ever read that has received up votes on this website. But the community here is absolute garbage so I'm not surprised.

Show all comments (66)

Starfield's new Xbox performance modes are thoughtful and comprehensive

Digital Foundry : Bethesda's Starfield was generally a well-regarded RPG, but the game's 30fps target on consoles was the subject of some controversy. The game's massive scope arguably justified that 30fps refresh rate, with only high-end PCs capable of hitting 60fps and higher, but now Bethesda has changed course and opened the floodgates on Xbox Series X consoles following significant optimisation work. Players can now independently select performance and visuals modes at arbitrary frame-rates. How exactly do these new combinations fare, and is 60fps really a possibility after it was explicitly ruled out before?

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darthv725d ago

900p in performance mode for SX.... I'd assume a 5pro would at least hit 1080p if not more.

jwillj2k45d ago

It’s a point, click and load game. Stop with all the massive scale bullshit. Only thing massive is the number of junk items they decided to throw in the game.

Armaggedon5d ago

Its not BS. This games running more systems than virtually any AAA game. Why else do you think it has loading screens? Besides, the clutter has been apart of their DNA for decades at this point. There are other games out there for people that dont care about that kind of stuff.

Mr_cheese5d ago

Probably because it's been created on a very outdated engine that isn't designed to fully utilise current gen abilities.

You've only got to look at what rockstar games achieve with their releases.

Armaggedon5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

@Mr_Cheese People keep saying the engine is outdated, even though other engines have built upon past iterations. I think it would be more accurate to say that the engine does not do what you expect to see from a “current gen” game. Red Dead 2 was cool, but its not packing as many systems and permutations as Starfield. People make flimsy comparisons too often: “Look what this open world game can do with its visuals and presentation. Whats Bethesdas excuse?”

Yes, look at what this open world game can do that has no skills or attributes, no building potential and minimal crafting potential, coupled with all of the other variables packed in a Bethesda game. Not mentioning all of the other systems in place, you already have an unbelievable amount of potential variables to calculate. No wonder starfield has loading screens.lol
Heck, I would say that even Fallout 4 in 2015 had more systemic depth than Red Dead 2. It amazes me how much people underestimate Bethesda. Keep sleeping on them.

Mr_cheese5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

RDR2 is a living, breathing world with dynamic weather, full interiors, changing landscape with unscripted encounters, multiple onscreen npcs, wildlife, all with their own functions, animations, skins.

I wouldn't disregard one for the other.

Bethesda is notorious for operating on an outdated engine.

We could even use cyberpunk as an example of a fully open world game with multiple levels of variants.


Played the majority of Bethesda titles, not sleeping on them, just noticing a pattern

Armaggedon4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

@Mr Cheese

Rant inbound. Dont blame you for not reading.

I honestly think their notoriety with the engine is here-say sprinkled with a bit of confirmation bias over the years. For example from a typical naysayer: “Bethesda games have lousy performance and their gameplay is outdated, therefore their engine must be outdated.”

There was one journalist/Youtuber that mentioned something interesting. He was breaking down the negativity behind Bethesda, and mentioned that if there is an issue, its not Bethesda’s engine….its Bethesda.

If there is an issue, it is that Bethesda are very ambitious and seek to prioritize testing themselves to see how much stuff they can put into a game and still have it function without crashing. This ambition can cause them to forget their core audience, and pay attention specifically to what they want. I think thats one of the key reasons why BG3 is so beloved by people, its because the game was in a form of early access for years, and is literally built on the feedback of those that were able to access it. People who play Bethesda games are looking mostly for “meaningful” exploration, cool loot, and environmental storytelling, but Bethesda has honestly been shifting gears recently. It seems they want to focus on terraforming the open world rpg further via building and crafting.

I think Starfield is an example of a solid game, alienating the expectations of the core audience. Bethesda wanted to make this game for years, and they sought out to achieve their ambitions, rather than service their audience. The “problem “ with Starfield is that it is a clash of design philosophy, ery similar to Fallout 76. You just dont try to fit a Bethesda game with all of its variables into a multi world, multi landing zone game space. But they tried it anyway, hence the loading screens and othe supposed issues. I admire their ambition, and I love Starfield, ut I can understand where people that dont like the game are coming from. I just wish naysayers understood the true nature of this game.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4d ago