
Xbox Console Sales Are Tanking

No wonder Microsoft is exploring bringing its games to PlayStation 5

Lightning7738d ago

Play Xbox games here play them there. It's what they've been conditioning ppl for years now.

There own fault but I doubt they really care at this point.

Cacabunga37d ago

I will never support the idea of not owning my own games.. NEVER

Couldn’t be happier that HW sales are bombing..

Reaper22_37d ago

Dude, just because you buy a game doesn't mean you own it. That's not how software works.

JackBNimble37d ago

I don't think xbox problems have anything to do with subscription services anymore and everything to do with putting their exclusives on the other console.
At one time I was considering buying an xbox as my second console, but after learning their exclusives are slowly going to ps5 why would I ever pay MS for their console?

darthv7237d ago

@Jack... you can still get one for all the games that aren't coming to other consoles. And you don't have to pay MS... just get one 2nd hand. Nothing wrong with that.

blacktiger37d ago

wrong, owning physical means you own the game and console. If the Internet shutdown you still get to play, anyway you like. So yes It's yours. Online multiplayer that requires Playstation does n ot include physical or digital copy.

shinoff218337d ago (Edited 37d ago )

What's HW?

Reaper22 that's exactly what it means. Atleast physically. Doesitplay.org

Nifty little site that kinda just gives you a heads up if such and such game is worth buying because it's all on disc. Despite the rumors. Most are.

JackBNimble37d ago (Edited 37d ago )

Black tiger
You can play any digital game offline just like physical as long as there isn't an online requirement...
So you're feeding a bunch of bs .
And if you paid for the license, then you can download that game as often as you need even after games have been delisted.

The only advantage physical has is the opportunity for reselling your games, or physical license which it actually is.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 37d ago
crazyCoconuts37d ago

I'm sure they care but unless they're willing to take increasingly large losses, they're out of options.

GamerRN37d ago

I'm hoping the next Gen Xbox is a PC hybrid that is significantly more powerful that PS5 Pro, otherwise, it's game over for Xbox.

crazyCoconuts37d ago

I think it's likely going to be an Xbox branded PC, but if you think about it, that essentially means game over for Xbox as well

Rhythmattic37d ago (Edited 37d ago )

MS changed the narrative by being slapped with PS sales..
XBOX , is no longer a "Console".... Only the "Xbox Console"
A Gateway that need not a Xbox "Console" ..
Yes , PS Games are becoming available to Win users after a timed release....... But they never changed the definition of what a Playstation is.

Zeref37d ago

Let's see what happens when the new CoD goes into gamepass. And all the old ones.

crazyCoconuts37d ago

Gamepass is the other shoe that has yet to drop.
Do you think they'll put the upcoming COD on GamePass without raising prices by at least $4/month?
Old ones sure, but old ones get given away on PS+ and such all the time already - that's not where the $ is at.

CrashMania37d ago

Even on xbox consoles CoD still sells millions, it gets players regardless, so I'm not so sure about any big impact it'd have by being on gamepass. Unless it drives subs numbers up in the millions, that's a lot of revenue lost from the amount of people who'd just play the new CoD on gamepass instead as opposed to the millions that'd buy it anyway, you might say it'd get more players and spend more on MTs to make up for it, but players who want to play CoD would get it regardless of paying full price or grabbing it from gamepass.

I'd be shocked if there weren't at least a bit of movement numbers wise, but a lot of people thought the same about the hugely hyped Starfield.

Aloymetal37d ago

Ah...Yes....Gamepass, the EIGHT yr old service also known as ''the best deal in gaming''
that hasn't done s*** for the green brand in all these years....Ok;)

romulus2337d ago

Not much as it relates to console sales. Those people who are waiting for this most likely already own an xbox.

shinoff218337d ago

Idk I've seen alot alot of people drop cod lately. Sure the sales are high but I doubt it's enough to pull xbox back up.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 37d ago
Zeref37d ago

Let's see what happens when they announce the new CoD goes into gamepass. And all the old ones.

shinoff218337d ago

Did you just post it again. We got your point. Even though not a good one. We seen. You even got some replies.

ChasterMies37d ago

“It's what they've been conditioning ppl for years now.”

They really haven’t. Almost a year ago, Phil brought up the specter of going third party in an interview with the Kinds Funny podcast. Definitely not heard and people are definitely not conditioned to see the Xbox logo on a PlayStation game.

Lightning7737d ago

"Almost a year ago, Phil brought up the specter of going third party in an interview with the Kinds Funny podcast."

Lmao no he didn't. He mentioned third party this year and bringing those games over to PS a few months ago. First time he's ever talked about PS.

Tablets, phones, TV, handhelds, that's what ppl are talking about when conditioning Xbox as platform for years. Starting in 2016 Quantum Break so that was 8 years of conditioning it's customers to play on every other device. How you manage to confuse yourself is beyond me, that or your trying to change history. It's ok that's what I'm here for.

WelkinCole37d ago

Oh they do care. Why they still support the xbox

DarXyde37d ago

Microsoft has always been notoriously bad at selling their consoles. The OG Xbox was too damn big and not enough exclusives, the Xbox 360 had exclusives but the hardware was likely to fail (especially in the early days—they of course properly addressed it with a redesign, but then the games stopped coming), the Xbox One took a step back with exclusives and was marketed as an all-in-one entertainment box, and the Series consoles are kind of a headache for developers so some games come late (or not at all) and you're going to be able to get those games elsewhere.

But this is Microsoft. Software is their bread and butter and to that, fair enough.

But they don't seem to understand how to move hardware at all. At this point, the best selling point would be telling people that all of their games are on other platforms, but you can only get the game pass experience on PC and Xbox.

In which case, that benefits Windows but not Xbox hardware.

They'll make a lot more money though and that's always been the big thing for them, so I guess it works out of they don't have to keep making hardware...?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 37d ago
banger8838d ago

Turns out when you put ALL of your exclusives on another platform (PC), people don't have a reason to buy your f***ing console. MS should just go 3rd party.

SpacedDuck37d ago

PC that even on a 7 year old PC runs games better than PS5 or Series X.

The 30 fps machines.

notachance37d ago

yeah 7-year old PC which costed $2000 at the time it was bought..

Deeeeznuuuts37d ago (Edited 37d ago )

I'm yet to play a Playstation 5 native game in 30fps 😂

I know they exist but yet to play one, waiting for Dragons dogma to go down on price and hopefully a 60fps mode

KyRo37d ago (Edited 37d ago )

What Devs are able to achieve with a set spec sheet is way more impressive than a £3000 computer using brute force to run a game at high frames and are only getting them super high frames thanks to frame generation because it's easier than optimising and still there's PC ports which are inferior to the co sole counterpart.... Elitist PC snobbery never fails to make anyone not look like a tw*t. Do better.

Crows9037d ago (Edited 37d ago )


Up until very recently a GTX 970 was able to play games at mid to low setting at 30fps or higher.

That machine cost me less than 1k to build. Held its own for 2+ generations I think.

That thing released in 2014 or so. Considering so many gamers bought vanilla ps4 and ps4 pro...that's a wash for that generation.

And if you take into account that many gamers continue to just play older titles cuz most new ones are crap...that old machine continues to be able to play many new titles and all the old ones...indies are where it's at...thankfully you don't need a powerhouse for most of those.

andy8537d ago (Edited 37d ago )

30 fps machines? I've played a grand total of 1 game at 30 fps on my PS5 out of about 100. Also I'd be interested to know the PC that beats it in 2017 considering the 20 series wasn't even out then. I've recently bought a laptop that vastly outperforms my PS5 and I'm disheartened by it. Side by side on ultra with the same game running the differences are minimal. And I've already had issues and had to do a full reformat as there was something wrong with my graphics. It looked that low poly i thought i was on a PS3. Ain't all it's cracked up to be.

shinoff218337d ago

Spaced duck. Not everyone wants to go through the hassle of dealing with pcs. They can be a fking headache

Mr Logic35d ago

Lol. Top of the line 7 years ago is 8700k and 1080ti. Sub 60fps on GOW, Dead Space Remake, Forza Horizon 5, Fortnite, Remnant II, and I'm sure many more.

DustMan30d ago

You can't mention superior pc performance on 7 year old hardware here. Apparently its unfathomable to believe that my i7-8700, 32gb ram, with a 3080 can run anything at high/ultra settings. I upgraded from a 1080ti which played most things just fine at plus 60fps. The card came to me in a part swap, it wasn't really a necessity, but why not upgrade if it's relatively free.

Seems like most people don't realize is that with consoles everything is produced to be as cheap as possible.

Yes the pc I built 7 or 8 years ago, and was relatively expensive, but do you honestly look back 7 or 8 years and go..."man, I can't believe I spent money on something I love."

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 30d ago
Number1TailzFan37d ago

Not many people have decent computers though, look at Steam charts, many own junk (by today's mid-high end standard) GPUs and probably CPUs too, so depending on the game many of them aren't going to run too good.

CantThinkOfAUsername37d ago

The ones with low end hardware don't buy or play the latest AAA games. Don't let Steam Hardware Survey (which isn't verifiable data to begin with) convince you otherwise. It'd be relevant if Steam associated which hardware is playing which games or even genres.

blackblades38d ago (Edited 38d ago )

There fanboy brains are tanking as well same for media well there brains been gone

JackBNimble37d ago

Whose fanboy brains are you even talking about? There are loyal fanboys everywhere with their hardware brand stuck in their shorts.

Lightning7738d ago (Edited 38d ago )

Saw a video of MS financial break down on YT. Basically MS has growth in services and usage is up while consoles are way down. The thing is, if it wasn't for ABK they would be flat, meaning no growth. Revenue was up 62%, good right? Yes again that 62% growth was bought by ABK. They bought that growth. As I said earlier with ABK they would have no growth just flat. Once again it's the acquisitions that's keeping MS a float this whole time. With out that, yeah they would be in trouble, which is just sad.

With loads of game announcements backed up going back as July 2020. Will their growth ever be from those many studios and games? I feel like MS is just getting lucky at this point. No big releases since October yet still seemingly doing well or staying more or less the same really, minus console sales falling. They buy their growth but I suppose that's the point of acquiring studios.

anast38d ago

It's not luck. They purposely became a service provider.

purple10137d ago

Worse than that, they were forced into it, if people were buying their box full price and full priced games by the million, they would love to sell you them

But they don’t

So a series s and game pass is what we have, bottom of the barrel gaming

Jingsing37d ago

The basically bought software growth so it would look good on their end of year paperwork for investors.. sad.

crazyCoconuts37d ago

Cash rich companies have to do something with their cash, so acquisitions make sense.
Problem is MS tends to run them into the ground because they suck at managing companies.

PhillyDonJawn37d ago

No such thing as keep getting lucky. Clearly they know what they're doing and it's working as planned

fr0sty37d ago

With "as planned" being getting out of consoles and becoming a third party software and services provider.

shinoff218337d ago

It is not planned for people to stop buying games. Trust me

Tedakin37d ago

Everyone company buys stuff to increase revenue. Sony bought Insomniac, Bungie and Naughty Dog. Imagine Sony without those Spider-Man games provided by Marvel and Insomniac.

shinoff218337d ago

They'd be alright. I'm not really even into them personally. Sony would've managed.

Ps5conehead37d ago

I don’t own stock in ms I could care less about there sales. What happened to talking about games

NotoriousWhiz37d ago

I have stock in MS but not because of Xbox.

shinoff218337d ago

I swore I seen a thing that with Activision ms was actually negative. Not even.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 37d ago
Vits37d ago

Sort of inevitable, they are becoming a service provider first and foremost. So the reasons to get their hardware are becoming less and less.

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