
As Dusk Falls (PS5) Review – A Masterclass In Narrative Excellence | PSU

PSU writes: "As players, we are not just observers; we are active participants in a rich and emotionally-charged narrative that will leave a lasting impact on the way we perceive storytelling in video games."

Deathdeliverer83d ago

I watched my wife play through this on Xbox when it first hit gamespass. I knew it would be a hit with her because ANY game that allows you to make your own decisions turns out to be hilarious when she plays. The stop motion was off-putting for her at first, for me too to a degree. Once the story gets going though, you could swear it was moving like a movie. I don’t know if you get that engaged, but until something takes you out the moment you forget that it’s not fluid movement. I never played it myself, her play through stands as canon as far as I’m concerned. Depending on the price, which I have no need to look up, I think it would be worth trying it out. Honestly don’t see anyone going through more than once. The differences don’t seem like they’d be that polarizing. Game is really cool to see the first time through though.


As Dusk Falls Director Dissects The Interactive Drama [EXCLUSIVE]

Filled with a wonderful assortment of characters, each with their own distinct personality and goals, As Dusk Falls is a game you get sucked into.

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As Dusk Falls Review - Jump Dash Roll

As Dusk Falls is an interactive narrative which comes from ex-Quantic Dream developers. Now hitting PS5 - how does it compare to the likes of Telltale's games? JDR makes decisions in this review.

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Review - As Dusk Falls (PS5) | WayTooManyGames

WTMG's Heidi Hawes: "Interactive narrative games might not be for everyone, but As Dusk Falls is still one that I’ll recommend to just about everyone. It keeps you constantly engaged, with high stakes and choices that actually matter, no matter how seemingly insignificant they might seem. This is one of the first interactive dramas that’s managed no not only hold my attention, but kept me so captivated that I finished my first playthrough in one sitting. Then I went back for more. If you’re on the fence about checking it out, I implore you to not let the curtain fall on As Dusk Falls."

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mastershredder76d ago

"interactive dramas" Ah got it, so not a game. I totally agree. These very simple 'click the drama' interactive titles are fast becoming a new norm.