
REmake vs. Resident Evil 2: Which Remake Template is Better?

REmake kept the original style adding new flavour and graphics, Resident Evil 2 is a complete modernisation. Which remake style is superior?

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Community102d ago
TheBrainZ102d ago

The GameCube remake was stunning for its time but the new modernisation efforts are breathing some much-needed life into the older games.

kevco33102d ago

I loved the GC remake back in 2000-whatever. But I tried replaying it recently and just couldn't deal with the door loading sequences.

Have I been spoilt by modern games? Probably.

Neonridr102d ago

tank controls just don't work in this day and age.

Babadook7102d ago

I think Tomb Raider still works but RE I'm not sure.

Neonridr101d ago

@Babadook7 - imagine an updated Resident Evil or Tomb Raider with tank controls? you can't walk and turn at the same time. It would be ridiculous to play.

__y2jb102d ago

Both are fantastic but the old style controls and the half way house attempt to modernize them in remake both feel extremely dated now. Taking away your preference for the various settings and characters, the recent remakes are objectively better games.

rippermcrip102d ago

I think anyone voting for REmake is simply doing it out of nostalgia. No way a new young gamer is going to pick that over the new ones. I couldn't even get my son to play the game for more than an hour.

KyRo102d ago

Nope. REmake has a totally different vibe, feel and tension that the newer remakes can't replicate due to the camera angle. Yes the original fixed camera was used for technical reason but at the same time, they created a feeling of dread not knowing what was around the corner. You simply don't get that with a third person camera as great as the third person RE games are.

FYouDad102d ago

Depends what sort of experience you're looking for. If you enjoy the old fixed camera OG style then REmake is to me the pinnacle of the form. Incredible atmosphere, visual style and a fantastic revision of Resident Evil 1 with additions that feel completely seamless. Resident Evil 2 Remake in an excellent update (especially running with the IMO vastly superior original RE2 soundtrack) with the benefits of modern design but I still prefer the original game.. it didn't "overwrite" that experience in my mind the way REmake felt like it became the definitive RE1 experience.


The prevalence of parrying: Why is it so popular?

Parrying has been creeping into more games, with almost every high-profile title of the last few years featuring it in some way.  Why?

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Community71d ago
phoenixwing71d ago (Edited 71d ago )

i understand the authors frustration i'm not the best at parrying in games. not that i can't complete a game that requires it but it is a definite harder thing for me than other kinds of techniques in games. which might be the main reason it's so heavily added in games nowadays. want to make your game challenging without having to do a lot of work? just add a parry boss. (what i mean by parry boss is a boss you have to beat by parrying such that their attacks will kill you otherwise)

Dudeson71d ago (Edited 71d ago )

I always think it's fine as long as such games also have the roll/dodge panic button. But I understand the will to parry, it seems so cinematic in a fight when you pull it off.

2d ago

New Resident Evil 2 Remake Fixed Camera Mod Adds A Nostalgic Twist

A new mod brings the highly nostalgic fixed angles to the Resident Evil 2 remake, bringing the game closer to the original 1998 experience.

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Community80d ago

PlayStation Plus Game Catalog for January: Resident Evil 2, Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands and more

PS Blog: "Following on from 2024’s inaugural PlayStation Plus Monthly Games lineup, today we can announce the first additions to the PlayStation Plus Game Catalog*. Enjoy a survival horror masterclass in the shape of Resident Evil 2, fuse D&D with guns via Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, experience the daily life of a blue-collar spaceship salvager in Hardspace: Shipbreaker and get destructive in paradise with Just Cause 3. These and many more titles are playable from January 16."

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Community143d ago
Einhander1972143d ago

Wow, that's a hot start on 2024!

OtterX142d ago

I had wanted to try Tiny Tina's Wonderlands for quite a while now, but couldn't quite get myself to throw the money down on it yet before other games. I'm happy to see this one hit particularly.

andy85143d ago

It's a good overall collection but I can't help but be disappointed in the classics again. 3 of those are on PS4. There's thousands of PS1/PS2 classics to tap into that havent seen the light of day since then but they keep putting games that are already on PS4. Ones even a remake.

JEECE143d ago

Yep. They have been extremely lazy with the PS1 games, and even more so with PS2. I haven't followed as closely recently but for a long time they didn't add any PS2 games that weren't either available as part of those 50ish PS2 games that they previously put on PSN for PS4. As you note, they also play the game where they will put some collection of old games that released in a remastered/remade form on PS4 and use that as a "classic" game for the month.

Einhander1972143d ago (Edited 143d ago )

Rally Cross is a PS1 game as is Star Wars: Episode 1 The Phantom Menace.

Street Fighter: 30th Anniversary Collection is honestly an incredible grab, this is a solid addition no matter where you get it.

And Legend and Secret of Mana are the best things on the list for me personally, I have been waiting for those to come to PS+ for a while.

I think this month is solid all around, keep in mind this is a subscription, new classics will be added next month and the month after that for years to come.


And I bet when Sony looks at the numbers for Premium, the truth is that PS4 remakes of old games get played a lot more than the older games. Like for you and me those games have appeal, but for the average normie gamer they are almost certainly going to gravitate towards the remakes over actual retro games.

JEECE142d ago

You are definitely right on the last piece. The problem people overlook when talking about PS1/PS2 games (same thing would apply for N64) is that early 3D games stand the test of time worse that basically any other era of games. Putting everything else aside, it took until the early PS3/360 before you could reliably assume that 3D games were going to have reasonable controls (though some PS2/Xbox/GC games did). So unless you are prepared for that and have pretty specific nostalgia, going back and playing a classic 3D PS1 game isn't at all what going back and playing a classic 2D game on the SNES is like.

shadowknight203143d ago

I'm starting to realize buying games on sale is worthless. I just bought tiny tina lol. Damn it.

BeHunted143d ago

Why? At least you own the games. Paying an higher subscription price isn't worth it imo.

Eonjay143d ago

You shouldn't feel bad because next year the game could be pulled from Plus but its yours forever.
For example, they added ever freaking Star Ocean game and even though I own them all, I not made because if they ever leave the collection I still want to be able to play them. I think it works the other way too. If you play a game on Plus that you like, you might be willing to buy it on sale if it leaves Plus.

Petebloodyonion143d ago

If you use the service then there’s value in it.
It’s basically as simple as that!

Personally I don’t see value in a digital game that I will keep forever but will never replay them.
But I will happily pay for a game that I know I will come back from time to time.

Einhander1972143d ago

I'm not going to tell you what to do, but this is the most dangerous statement. The Game Pass/subscription era is going to destroy the profitability of game development.

This was such a predictable outcome.

At least PlayStation is resisting day one. But I feel like in 10 more years the age of big budget games will be over.

Astrokis143d ago

I feel the same! Finally pulled the trigger and bought Session during the end of year sale. Sadly, even on sale I wish I hadn’t

ChasterMies142d ago

I just bought Resident Evil 2. Well, at least I “own” so I can replay it when I stop subscribing to PS+ which will be never.

MrNinosan142d ago

RE2 won't be on PS+/GamePass forver. Probably a 3 months deal or so.

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